MGT162 - Group Report Guideline - Sept 19

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MGT162_ Semester September 2019- Jan 2020

Fundamentals of Management (MGT162)

Guideline of Group Assignment

(Written Report: 20%; Oral Presentation: 10%)

1. This group assignment is divided into 2 parts, i. Part A: doing 5 latest semester final
examination questions, ii. Part 2: case studies.
2. Part A: Copy the questions and marks according to Chapters, then answer them
3. Part B: Students need to conduct case studies on specific topics by following the below

 With reference to a business organization, show the example/s of the following

management functions and practices:

a. Planning (e.g mission statement,single-use plan and standing plan)

b. Organizing (e.g organizing process, organizational structure)

c. Decision making (e.g types of decision-making and/or 3 types of condition

under decision-making and/or decision-making process)

d. Leading (e.g providing example/s on the leadership theory/theories that

apply in the organization)

e. Controlling (e.g 4 controlling process and/or 3 types of control)

f. Communication (e.g barriers and ways to overcome, and the common

categories of interpersonal communication take place in the organization-

Submission on Written Report:

A. Cover/Title Page: Information on institution, course and students (e.g UiTM, Faculty,
Course/Code, Lecturer, Group members/ID, Date of submision, Semester September
2019_January 2020, TITLE, etc)

B. Main Contents:
1. Table of Contents
2. Acknowledgement
3. Executive Summary/Abstract
4. Introduction (this section discusses on the latest 5 semester pyqs)
 Part 1: The latest 5 semester PYQs
 Part 2: Case study/examples of certain topics

MGT162_ Semester September 2019- Jan 2020

5. References/Bibliography
6. Appendices

Format of written report:

1. Font : Arial
2. Font Size : 11
3. Spacing : 1.5
4. Referencing Style : APA style

Oral Presentation (10%): print handout (4 slides/page), power point slides, 15


MGT162_ Semester September 2019- Jan 2020

*Example of the content written report

5 Latest Semester Final Examination Questions

1.0 Introduction
This part discusses on 5 latest semester final exam questions....

1.1 5 Latest Semester Final Examination Questions

1.1.1. June 2019

Question 1
a. Explain managerial levels (5 marks).


b. Explain managerial skills (10 marks).


1.1.2. December 2018

1.1.3 June 2018

1.1.4 December 2017

1.1.5 June 2017

MGT162_ Semester September 2019- Jan 2020

Case Studies

2.0 Introduction

2.1 Case studies (* attahced relevant documents/photos, etc)

2.1.1. Planning

2.1.2. Organizing

2.1.3. Decision making

2.1.4. Leading

2.1.5. Controlling

2.1.6. Communication

3.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on the above discussion, we found that.....

-Conclusion and recommendation on final examination questions (can also use

table/histogram, pie chart..whichever relevant)

Table 1: Summary of 5 semester Past Year Questions

Chapter Topic Semester Recommendation

1 Managerial levels Dec 2018, Jan 16

Managerial Skills Dec 2018, June

Jan 15

Managerial performance

-Conclusion on Case studies

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