Assignment #93

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Piracy Prevention – Elibrary Research

Week 9 Assignment on Safety Familiarization Activity

1. With reference on the subject what measures shall be done or the BMP ( Best Management
Practice ) that maybe applied to minimize risks of Pirates Attack in the High Risks Area?
a. Before Entering or Arriving High Risks Area
b. While ship is in the High Risks Area
c. After transiting out of High Risks area
2. What are the common Non-Lethal Weapons being used in high risk area and its advantages
/disadvantages. (Give at least three)
3. All Cadets to answer No.2 above.
4. On the part Gulf Of Aden citizens / people, what could be your recommended long-term solutions
that IMO Countries could offer to address PIRACY in the region, instead of spending millions of
USD to combat PIRACY?

a. Explain/answer each topic with no less than 300 words for the 3 above items using blackpen on 1
piece of yellowpad.
b. Hand-write clearly and label each answers by numbers and/or letters for easy identification.
c. Copying exactly the same answers from one or more cadets will render deduction of 5pts.

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