Eternity PMS Command

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PMS Interface

What’s this?
• The PMS is an application software used in hotels for better hotel administration and efficient customer care. In most
of the cases, it is required to integrate PBX with the PMS. However, to integrate PBX and PMS, a protocol needs to
be defined for exchange of information between the PBX and the PMS.
• The Eternity supports following types of PMS protocols viz. None, Matrix Type 1, Matrix Type 2 and Micro Fidelio
PMS. The SE needs to program the system for compatibility with either one. The Eternity provides a well-defined
protocol to communicate with any PMS. This protocol is known as PMS Interface. The PMS Interface supports full
duplex communication over RS232. The PMS can communicate with the PBX by sending and receiving information,
any information that is exchanged between the PMS and the PBX is known as a message.
Micros Fidelio PMS:
• The Eternity-ME and Eternity-GE can also be integrated with the Fidelio PMS by using the Matrix Fidelio PMS
integration protocol called 'Micros Fidelio PMS'. The Eternity supports following Micros Fidelio PMS:
• Micros Fidelio PMS over RS232 (Communication Port)
• Micros Fidelio PMS over TCP/IP (Ethernet Port)
• For Micros Fidelio PMS over TCP/IP, SE should configure the PMS server IP Address and Port on which the
messages will be sent.
• There are certain features which are defined in different way in Fidelio PMS as compared to other PMS used in
'Eternity-ME/Eternity-GE' Matrix Type1 and 2.

For example:
• The Fidelio PMS discards the received Check-In request for the room which has Room Clean status - "Dirty" and
allows check-in only if the room status is 'inspected' and 'clean'. Whereas for Matrix Type1 and Matrix Type2, it is
possible to check-in a guest which has Room clean status - 'Not clean' and subsequently, the room status will be
changed as 'Guest In-Occupied'.
• The GI and GO referred in the Fidelio PMS is, Guest Check-In (GI) and Guest Check-Out (GO), instead of usual
meaning as Guest-in and Guest-out.
• The Micros Fidelio Protocol supports the 'Date' field in the 'YYDDMM' format. Hence, whenever communicating 'Date'
to the PMS, the PBX will send the dates in the 'YYDDMM' format to the Fidelio PMS. (YY = Year, DD = Date, MM =
• 'Data Base Synchronization' is supported for Micros PMS Interface on RS232 and TCP/IP.
• Storing the 'Posting messages' rejected by PMS in Fault Log, is supported by Micros Fidelio over RS232 and TCP/IP.
Refer chapter System Fault Log for more information.
Setup for PMS Interface:
• Following functional components are needed to make this interface work:
• A computer with a spare serial port (not supplied by Matrix).
• The PMS (not supplied by Matrix).
• The Eternity (supplied by Matrix).
• Locate a spare communication port on the PC.
• Switch off the Eternity and the PC.
• Connect the Eternity and the computer using the Matrix.
• communication cable. This cable is supplied by Matrix as an optional item.
• Switch on the Eternity and the PC.
• Enter SE mode from any station.
• Program the communication port of the Eternity for PMS interface using command 3602. For more details, please
refer “How to program?”.
• Also program the communication port of the Eternity for other parameters like Baud rate, Start bit, Stop bit, etc. For
more details, please refer Communication Ports.
• Exit SE mode.
• The setup required from the Eternity side for the PMS is complete.
• The MICROS-Fidelio PMS Interface hardware uses either DB-9 or DB-25 interfaces. DB-9 is the standard connector
interface. Micros Fidelio operates as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). If during communication through the COM
port, DSR and CTS signals go 'high', Micros Fidelio PMS will consider that, the Fidelio PMS user is connected for
communication. If these signals go 'low', Micros Fidelio PMS will consider that the Fidelio PMS user is connected.

Eternity V7 System Manual 513


How it works?
Matrix Type1 Protocol
Following table summarizes the flow of messages between the Eternity and PMS.
PMS to Eternity Eternity to PMS
PMS-Eternity synchronization SMDR OG Call Details
Check-In Mini Bar Details
Check-Out House Keeper ID Information
Guest In (Guest Present) DND
Guest Out (Guest Absent) Data Transfer (in fixed format)
Set/Cancel Alarms Room Status
Set/Cancel Message Wait Alarm Status
Set/Cancel DND Online OG SMDR Report
Alarm Status
Room Occupancy Display
Room Shift
Room Clean Display
Guest Name
Dynamic Lock Level
Guest Group Assignment
Data Transfer Request
SMDR OG Detail Request
Update Room Clean Status
Update Room Occupancy Status

How the PMS interface works?

The PMS must be capable of interacting with the PBX. For e.g. when the receptionist checks in the guest from the
computer (the PMS), the PMS will send this information to the PBX. Likewise, when the receptionist checks out a guest,
the PMS will send this information to the PBX and wait for check out details like SMDR OG details, Mini bar details, etc.
from the PBX.
• All the communication between the PBX and the PMS follow a fixed protocol.
• The messages exchanged follow a fixed format known as the message format.
• The length of the message can vary between 7 to 128 bytes.
• The message text contains only ASCII characters (0x00 to 0xff).
• Original Message-It is sent by the PMS or PBX to initiate the communication (Check-In (PMS PBX), Mini Bar
details (PBX PMS)).
• Error Message-It is sent by the PBX to notify that an error while execution of the original message due to wrong code
or wrong parameters.
• Response message-It is sent by the PBX to the original message like alarm status of the room, cleanliness status of
the room etc.
• The protocol also uses two ASCII encoded characters:
• ACK for message acknowledgment.
• NAK for message Negative acknowledgment.
• The ACK signal is identified by character 0x06 (i.e. Hex 06). It is sent by the receiver as an acknowledgment of
receiving a message in the proper format and with correct code and parameters.
• To elaborate: Consider a case wherein the receptionist Checks-In a guest. When the receptionist checks in the guest
from the computer the PMS sends a message in a defined format (as explained below) to the PBX. On Receiving the
message the PBX checks the message format, code and parameters. If all of them are correct, it accepts the
message and executes it and sends an ACK signal to the PMS. ACK signal is not sent if response message is sent.
• The NAK signal is sent by the receiver as a negative acknowledgment of received message, due to improper format
or data error. NAK is identified by character 0x15.
• The Hex 06, Hex 15 does not appear in the message except in BCC.
The Message Format
The format of the exchanged message is as given below:
STX-Feature Code-Message Count-Process Code-Message Data-ETX-BCC

514 Eternity V7 System Manual


• STX stands for start text. It marks the beginning of the message. It is a field of 1 byte identified by character 0X02 (i.e.
Hex 02). Due to this reason, Hex 2 will not be used in any other field except BCC (byte check code).

Feature Code
• Feature Code follows the STX. Feature code is a field of 2 bytes. The feature code is a predefined code and unique
for each of the feature like Check-In, Check-Out, Guest In, Guest Out, etc. distinctly. For e.g. the feature code for
Check-In is 10, for Check-out is 11, etc. The length of the message depends on the feature Code. If the receptionist
wants to Check- In a guest, he/she needs to key in the station number as the parameter along with the message to
the PBX, but in case he/she wants to set an alarm at a station they need to pass the station number, the alarm type
and the date/time as the parameters to the PBX. The number of parameters is different in each case, and they
depend on the feature. As the number of parameters vary feature wise, the length of the message varies.

Message Count
• Message count follows the feature code. Message Count field is one byte in length. This field is used to eliminate the
chances of execution of duplicate messages. Most of the PMS vendors use message count for the above purpose.
Message Count is incremented on delivery/receipt of ACK/error message/response message. The Eternity also
supports Message Count. The range of message count is 0-9 (mode 10). The message count is kept programmable
match it with that of PMS. In case the PMS does not support the message count, the message count at the PBX can
be also set to zero. However message count =0 might lead to duplication of messages. Consider following cases to
understand the significance of Message Count.

Case 1:
• Initially, the Message count in PMS and in PBX is 0.
• PMS sends a Check–In message to the PBX with message count 0. PBX receives the message with message count
0. The received message is found to be of the proper format so the PBX executes it and sends an ACK signal to the
PMS and increments its own message count to 1. On receiving ACK, PMS increments its the count to1.
• Now the message count in the PMS and the PBX is 1. The next message to be transferred will have the message
count 1.

Case 2:
• Assume that Message count in PMS and in PBX is 0.
• PMS sends a Check-In message along with a station number to the PBX with message count 0. PBX receives the
message with message count 0. The message is found to be of improper format by the PBX. It sends NAK signal to
the PMS. The PBX does not increment its the message count to 1. The message count at the PBX is still 0 and
awaiting the message with message count 0 from the PMS. On receiving NAK from PBX, PMS resends the message
with message count 0.

Case 3:
• Assume that Message count in PMS and in PBX is 0.
• PMS sends a Check-In message along with a station number to the PBX with message count 0. The message is of
proper format. The PBX executes it. PBX sends an ACK signal to the PMS and increments its own message count to
1. But the ACK signal is converted to NAK during transmission. On receiving NAK, PMS resends the message with
message count 0 (normal response to NAK). But the PBX is expecting a message with message count 1, so when it
receives a message with message count 0, it sends an ACK in response but does not go ahead with execution of the
current message since it is a duplicate message. Also it does not increment its message count. On acceptance of
ACK the PMS increments the message count to 1 and the next message to be transferred will be with the message
count 1.

Case 4:
• Assume that Message count in PMS and in PBX is 0.
• PMS sends a Check-In message along with a station number to the PBX with message count 0. The PBX identifies
message is of proper format and begins execution. During Execution the PBX realizes that the invalid station number
is keyed in. PBX sends an error message to the PMS and increments its own message count to 1. On receiving the
error message the PMS increments the message count to 1. It has to resend the previous message with a valid
station number. However the message count of that message will be 1.

Case 5:
• Assume that Message count in PMS and in PBX is 0.
• PMS sends an alarm status enquiry for a station to the PBX with message count 0. The PBX identifies message is of
proper format and begins execution. The execution at the PBX is complete. PBX sends a response message to the
PMS with the message count 0 and then increments its own message count to 1. The response message contains all

Eternity V7 System Manual 515


details about the alarm setting of the station. On receiving the response message the PMS increments the message
count to 1.

Process Code:
• Process code follows the message count. Process code is a one byte field in length.
Type of Message Process Code
Original Message 1
Response Message 2
Error Message 0 or 3

• When error message with process code ‘0’ indicates there is a wrong parameter in the original message. Consider
messages like Check-In, which requires station number as a parameter. If the received value is not a station number,
the response is an error message with process code ‘0’.
• An error message with process code ‘3’ indicates there is an execution error In the original message. Consider
messages like Room Shift which requires a source station number and destination station number. If the source
station is empty or the destination is already occupied, the original message cannot be executed and the error
message will bear the process code ‘3’. Also when a request for alarm is being processed, if the alarm count is
already maximum then the response message is an error message with process code 3.

Message Data:
• It is an optional field. The length of this field can vary from 0 to 121 bytes. All the features do not require this field.
Consider the three cases listed below:
• If the PMS wants to synchronize itself with PBX, it only requests for synchronization. No additional parameters are
• In case of Check-in, the station to be checked-in is the message data.
• In case of setting an Alarm at a station, the station number, the alarm type and the alarm day/time are in the
message data.
• The number of additional parameters is different for different features. If the feature code requires one or more
parameters they are passed as message data in the message. Since the number of parameters is not fixed the length
of the message data field is also not fixed.
• Parameters in the message data are of fixed length. However these parameters may not actually have the value with
the fixed length. In such cases null characters are padded to the values to make them full length fixed.
• For e.g. The field length for a station no is 4 characters. Now in case the station number is 101 that is Checked In then
the PMS will pad NULL characters to 101 and send it in message data.

• ETX stands for end of text. It marks the end of the data. It is a field of 1 byte identified by character 0X03 (i.e. Hex 03).
Due to this reason, Hex 3 will not be used in any other field except BCC. (byte check code).

BCC: Byte Check Code

• It is a field of one byte in length. It always follows an ETX. The BCC is an Exclusive OR of all the field except STX i.e
Feature Code-Message Count-Process Code-Message Data-ETX. It is used for checking the validity of the data
transferred. BCC is calculated and appended to the message while sending the original message and also calculated
while the message is received If the BCC received in original message does not match with the calculated BCC, it is
treated as an invalid message and a NAK is sent in response.

Messaging Protocols
All the communication between the PBX and the PMS follows a fixed protocol. The exchanged messages follow a fixed
format. The communication between the PMS and the PBX could be originated from either side. In either case one end is
the sending end and the other end is the receiving end. Both the ends are governed by a set of rules called messaging
protocols. The administration parameters like Acknowledge ment timer, Message Count, Retransmission count,
Retransmission request count are taken care by both the ends.

If the length of the data parameters (e.g. station number) is less than the size specified it must be appended with ‘~’ to
match the size. For example, When a request for Check-In is sent the station number is expected as a data parameter.
The size specified for the station number is 4 bytes. If the station number happens to be 3 digits (300), then the PMS will
append a ‘~’ along with the station number to match the specified size.

516 Eternity V7 System Manual


Rules for sending a message.

• All the messages strictly follow the message format.
• The feature code is prefixed with STX and message data is suffixed with ETX. The Byte Check Code is calculated
and appended to the ETX.
• The ACK and NAK signals are not integrated in the message.
• When an ACK/error message/response message is received the message count of the sender is incremented by one
and new value becomes the message count for the next message. In the process if the message count value has
reached the maximum limit it is set to zero.
• When a NAK is received from the receiver the re-transmission counter is decremented by one and the previous
message is resent with the same message count. This process goes on till the re-transmission counter value is not
zero or ACK/error message/response message is received for that particular message.
• If the re-transmission counter value reaches zero, before ACK/error message/response message is received, PBX
assumes that the PMS is down and starts sending enquiry (ENQ) message at every 3 secs.
• This continues till ACK is received from the PMS. Once the ACK is received for ENQ PBX resumes its sending
process from the last message.
Rules for receiving a message.
• Verify whether the received message (STX to BCC) is valid in length and format. If not send a NAK-a request for re-
transmission after decrementing re-transmission request count.
• If the format and length of the received message are valid, calculate the BCC. Compare the calculated BCC with the
received BCC. If they are not equal, send a NAK-a request for re-transmission after decrementing its re-transmission
request counter.
• If the message format and the BCC are valid in the message and the message could be executed success fully the
ACK/response message which ever is relevant is sent to the sender and the message count is incremented.
• The error message sent back to the sender has the same feature code, message count but different process code.
• The response message sent back to the sender has the same feature code, message count but different process
code and the relevant message data.
The Message Exchange
The set of actual messages that can be exchanged between the PMS and the PBX may vary from PMS to PMS.
However, all the messages strictly follow the message format. The message format is:
STX-Feature Code-Message Count- Process Code-Parameter1 ….Parameter n-ETX-BCC
Field Value
STX Hex 2 (Fixed)
Feature Code Depends on the feature (variable)
Message Count Depends on the message flow (variable)
Process Code Depends on the message type and feature (variable)
Parameter 1 Depends on the feature (Optional)
Parameter 2 Depends on the feature (Optional)
: :
Parameter n Depends on the feature (Optional)
ETX Hex 3 (fixed) 1 byte
BCC Executive or of all the bytes from feature code to ETX

Following two encoded Signals are used for efficient message exchange.
Encoded Signal Value
ACK Hex 6 (fixed)
NAK Hex 15 (fixed)
Null Hex 00

Message Format
• The station number is expected to be of 5 digits. If it is less than 5, pad it with ‘Space’ (ASCII 32).
• Message Count is of range 0 to 9.

Eternity V7 System Manual 517


PMS Link Synchronization:

A request for synchronization from the PMS to PBX.
PMS to PBX • STX-01-Message Count-1-ETX-BCC
• ACK or

A request by the receptionist for checking in a guest at a particular station.
• STX-10-Message Count-1-Station
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-10-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-10-Message Count-3-ETX-BCC

A request for checking out a guest from a particular station.
PMS to PBX • STX-11-Message Count-1-Station Number-ETX-BCC
• Please ensure the COM port is assigned for Hotel Report generation before
issuing this command.
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-11-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-11-Message Count-3-ETX-BCC

A request for ‘Guest-In’ at a particular station by the receptionist.
PMS to PBX • STX-12-Message Count-1-Station Number-ETX-BCC
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-12-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-12-Message Count-3-ETX-BCC

A request for checking out a guest temporarily from a particular station by the receptionist.
PMS to PBX • STX-13-Message Count-1-Station Number-ETX-BCC
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-13-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-13-Message Count-3-ETX-BCC

Set/Cancel Message Wait:

A request by the receptionist for setting or canceling the message wait feature at a station.
PMS to PBX • STX-14-Message Count-1-Station Number-Flag-ETX-BCC
Flag 0 = Cancel, 1 = Set.
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-14-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC

Change Room Clean Status:

A request for updating the room clean status by the PMS.
PMS to PBX • STX-15-Message Count-1-Station Number-Flag-ETX-BCC
Flag 1 = Clean, 2 = Unclean, 3 = Clean but inspection pending

518 Eternity V7 System Manual


PBX to PMS • ACK or

NAK or
STX-15-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC

Set/Cancel Alarm:
A request for set/cancel an alarm at a station by the receptionist.
PMS to PBX • STX-16-Message Count-1-Station Number-Alarm Type-Alarm Parameter-ETX-BCC
Alarm Type (Alarm Parameter)
0 = Cancel all Alarm (--)
1 = Time Alarm (HHMM)
2 = Daily Alarm (HHMM)
3 = Date and Time Alarm (DDMMYYYYHHMM)
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-16-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-16-Message Count-3-ETX-BCC

Guest Name:
A request for associating a guest name at a station by the receptionist.
PMS to PBX • STX-17-Message Count-1-Station Number-Guest Name-ETX-BCC
Guest Name is of max. 12 character, if lessthan 12 terminate with Null.
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-17-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC

Set/Cancel DND:
A request by the receptionist to set or cancel the DND at a station.
PMS to PBX • STX-18-Message Count-1-Station Number-Flag-ETX-BCC
Flag 0 = Cancel, 1 = Set.
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-18-Message Count-0-Station Number-Flag-ETX-BCC

Room Shift:
A request by the receptionist to shift a guest from a source station to a destination station.
PMS to PBX • STX-19-Message Count-1-Station Number-Destination Station Number-ETX-BCC
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-19-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-19-Message Count-3-ETX-BCC*
* means destination station is occupied or source station is not occupied.

Alarm Status:
A request by the receptionist to know the alarm status of a particular alarm type at a station.
PMS to PBX • STX-20-Message Count-1-Station Number-Alarm Type-ETX-BCC
Alarm Type is of the range 1 to 3.
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-20-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC
(Invalid Parameter or command error)
STX-20-Message Count-2-Station Number-0-ETX-BCC (No alarm is set on the station)
STX-20-Message Count-2-Station Number-Alarm Type-Alarm Parameters-ETX-BCC
(First alarm set on the station is retrieved)

Eternity V7 System Manual 519


Room Occupancy Status:

A request by the receptionist to know the room occupancy status.
PMS to PBX • STX-21-Message Count-1-Station Number-ETX-BCC
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-21-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC
(Invalid Parameter or command error)
STX-21-Message Count-2-Station Number-Room Status-ETX-BCC.
Room Status 1=Vacant, 2=Guest-In, 3=Guest-Out, 4=Reserved, 5=Guaranteed

Room Clean Status:

A request by the receptionist to know the room clean status. This is only a quarry and doesn’t alter the room status.
PMS to PBX • STX-22-Message Count-1-Station Number-ETX-BCC
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-22-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-22-Message Count-2-Station Number-Status-ETX-BCC
Status 1 = Clean, 2 = Unclean, 3 = Cleaned by inspection pending

Change Dynamic Lock Level:

A request by the receptionist to change the dynamic lock level of a station.
PMS to PBX • STX-23-Message Count-1-Station Number-Dy.Lock Level-ETX-BCC
Dy.Lock Level is from 0 to 3.
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-23-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC

Assign Guest Group:

A request by the receptionist to assign a guest group for a particular station.
PMS to PBX • STX-24-Message Count-1-Station Number-Guest Group-ETX-BCC
Guest Group is from 00 to 99.
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-24-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC

Data Update Station Wise:

A request by the receptionist to update the data of a station (The PBX would send all the related parameters of receipt of
this command).
PMS to PBX • STX-25-Message Count-1-Station Number-ETX-BCC
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-25-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-25-Message Count-2-Parameter1.......Parameter11-ETX-BCC**

Data Update for all Stations:

A request by the receptionist to send SMDR OG reports of all the stations.
PMS to PBX • STX-26-Message Count-1--ETX-BCC
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-26-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-26-Message Count-2-Parameter1.......Parameter11-ETX-BCC**

520 Eternity V7 System Manual


Request for SMDR OG details of all stations:

A request by the receptionist to send SMDR OG reports of all the stations.
PMS to PBX • STX-27-Message Count-1-ETX-BCC
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-27-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC or
STX-27-Message Count-2-Parameter1.......Parameter16-ETX-BCC**
(Use the same format that is programmed for SMDR-OG while transferring the SMDR OG details
of all stations on request from PMS. Please note that format is programmable by the SE) ##

Parameter No. Description Size in Byte/s
01 Flexible number of the extension 5
02 Guest Name 12
03 Room Occupancy Status 1
04 Room Clean Status 1
05 Alarm-Time 5
06 Alarm-Daily 5
07 alarm-Date and Time 15
08 Dynamic Lock Level 1
09 Message Wait 1
10 Guest Group 2
11 DND Status 1
Parameter No. Description Size in Byte/s
01 OG String 2
02 Check-In Call Status 1
03 Check-Out Call Status 1
Space 4
04 Flexible Number 4
Space 1
05 Trunk Number (Software Port) 3
Space 1
06 Telephone Number 16
Space 1
07 Date 10
Space 1
08 Time 5
Space 1
09 Duration 8
Space 1
10 Pulse Rate (Optional) 6
Space 1
11 Units 4
Space 1
12 Cost 7
Space 1
13 Calls 1
14 Call Type 1
15 Maturity 1
16 Line Feed 1

Eternity V7 System Manual 521


Change Room Occupancy Status:

A request by the receptionist to change the Room Occupancy status of the station.
PMS to PBX • STX-28-Message Count-1-Station Number-Flag-ETX-BCC
Flag 1 = Vacant, 2 = Occupied, Guest-In,
3 = Occupied, Guest-Out, 4 = Reserved,
5 = Guaranteed
PBX to PMS • ACK or
NAK or
STX-28-Message Count-0-ETX-BCC

Mini Bar:
The maid transfers the details of the Mini Bar then the PBX to the PMS by issuing the command 1158-Item Number-Item
Quantity for the station.
PBX to PMS • STX-51-Message Count-1-Station Number-Item Number-Item Quantity-ETX-BCC
Item Number is from 00 to 99.
Item Quantity is from 00 to 99.
PMS to PBX • ACK or
NAK or
If none of them is received before the acknowledgement timer decreases to zero
the next operation begins.

A maid at the station issues Maid-In command when she enters a room and issues Maid-Out command when she exits
the room. (Maid-In: 1054-Flexible Number-Maid ID, Maid-Out: 1055-Flexible Number-Maid Out).
PBX to PMS • STX-52-Message Count-1-Station Number-Maid ID-Flag-ETX-BCC
Maid ID is from 00 to 99.
Flag 0 = Maid-Out, 1 = Maid-In
PMS to PBX • ACK or

Message Wait:
Message wait can be set by the VMS or a station of the PBX. This should be informed to the VMS.
PBX to PMS • STX-53-Message Count-1-Station Number-Flag-ETX-BCC
Flag 0 = Message Wait Cancel,
1 = Message Wait Set,
2 = Message Wait to served.
PMS to PBX • ACK or

Alarm can be set/cancel by the guest. This should be informed to the PMS.
PBX to PMS • STX-54-Message Count-1-Station Number-Flag-ETX-BCC
Flag 0 = Alarm Cancel, 1 = Alarm Set, 2 = Alarm Served,
3 = Alarm Acknowledgement, 4 = Alarm not Answer
PMS to PBX • ACK or

Change Room Clean Status:

Room clean status can be updated by the SA. This should be informed to the PMS.
PBX to PMS • STX-55-Message Count-1-Station Number-Flag-ETX-BCC
Flag 0 = Not Clean, 1 = Clean, but inspection pending, 2 = Clean.

522 Eternity V7 System Manual


PMS to PBX • ACK or


Matrix Type2 Protocol

Following table summarizes the flow of messages between Eternity and the Matrix Type2 Protocol.

PMS to System System to PMS

Communication Messages
Are you there Request to Initialize
General Reset
General Reset End
Feature Messages
Check-In/Check-Out Message Message Waiting
Message Waiting
Guest Name
Wake Up Messages

How the PMS Interface Works?

• The PMS must be capable of interacting with the PBX.
• All the communication between the PBX and the PMS follow a fixed protocol.
• The messages exchanged follow a fixed format known as message format.
• The protocol uses.
• ACK for Message Acknowledgment.
• NAK for Negative Acknowledgment.
• ENQ for enquiring whether the receiving end is up.
• The ACK signal is identified by character 0x06. It is sent by the receiver as an acknowledgment of receiving a
message in the proper format and with correct code and parameters.
• The NAK signal is identified by character 0x15. This signal is sent by the receiver as a negative acknowledgment of
received messages.
• The ENQ signal is identified by character 0x05. This message is sent by the PMS before any message transmission.

Message Format
The format of the exchanged message is as given below.
STX-Function Code-Status Code-Message Parameters-ETX
STX stands for Start of Text. It marks the Start of data. It is identified by the character 0x02.

Function Code
• It always follows the STX. This field is of 3 bytes. The Function Code is a predefined code and unique for each of the
feature. It is combination of alphabets and numbers. If the function code is less than 3 bytes it is padded with ASCII
blank character.

Status Code
• This code carries additional information of the message. For e.g. Messages like Check-In and Check Out have the
same function code. The value in the status code field are important to identify whether the message is a check-in
message or checkout message.

Message Parameters
• These are additional values required to resolve the message and dependent on the messages. For messages like
Check In/Check Out only the flexible number of the room is sent as the parameter. For messages like guest name
programming the name of the guest and the extension number are sent as parameters.

• ETX stands for End of Text. It marks the end of data. It is identified by the character 0x03.

Messaging Protocols
• All the communication between the PBX and the PMS follows a fixed protocol. The communication between the PMS
could be originated from either side. In either case one end is the Sender and the other end is the Receiver. Both the
ends are governed by a set of rules called messaging protocols.

Eternity V7 System Manual 523


The parameters used in the messages have a definite length. If the length of any parameter is less than the default size
specified then it must be padded with ASCII blank char.
Parameter Length Expected
Extension Number 5 Digits
Name 20 Characters
Status Code 2
Function Code 3

System To PMS Transmission

• The system sends an ENQ signal to the PMS and awaits a reply.
• If No response is received within the time-out period (3 secs), the system retries sending ENQ signal (19 times)
before dropping the message.
• The system attempts re-establishing communication by sending an ENQ signal.
• On receiving a NAK the system retries sending ENQ signal (19 times) before dropping the message.
• The system attempts re-establishing communication by sending an ENQ signal.
• On receiving the ACK signal, the system sends the message and awaits response.
• If ACK is received as response for the message, the transmission is successful.
• If no response is received within 3 secs after message transmission, the system retries (sends ENQ) 4 more times
before dropping the message.
• If NAK is received, the system retries (sends ENQ) 4 more times before dropping the message.

PMS to System Transmission

• After receiving an ENQ character from the PMS, the system responds with a ACK or NAK.
• The transmission of ACK indicates the transmission was successful.
• The transmission of NAK indicates there was a transmission error.
• After sending the ACK, the system is immediately ready to receive the message.
• On receiving the message from the PMS it responds with either ACK, indicating successful transmission.
• NAK, indicating an error in transmission or syntax of message or error in the data field of message.
Message Format (PMS to PBX):
• The response of the receive is either ACK or NAK.
• SP is ASCII characters for Space.

Feature Message
• Check-In: A request for checking in a guest.
STX-CHK-1-SP-Extension Number-ETX

• Check-Out: A request for checking out a guest.

STX-CHK-0-SP-Extension Number-ETX

• Message Wait: To set/cancel message wait for a station.

STX-MW SP-X SP-Extension Number-ETX
Where, X = 0 means Cancel Message Wait, 1 means Set Message Wait.

• Wake Up Message: To set a time alarm for a station.

STX-WKP-HHMM-Extension Number-ETX

• Guest Name: To program a guest name for a station.

STX-NAM-1 SP Name-Extension Number-ETX

Communication Messages
• Are You There?

• General Reset

• End (Message used to indicate the end of the general reset process).

524 Eternity V7 System Manual


Message Format (PBX to PMS):

Feature Message
• Message Wait: To set/cancel message wait for a station.
STX-MW SP-X SP-Extension Number-ETX
X = 0 means Cancel Message Wait, 1 means Set Message Wait.

Communication Messages
• Request to initialize

Micros Fidelio PMS Over RS232:

• Following table summarizes the flow of the messages between the Eternity and PMS:
'Micros Fidelio PMS' to PBX PBX to 'Micros Fidelio PMS'
Guest Check In Call Cost Posting
Guest Check Out Call Duration, Metering pulses Posting
Room shift Room clean and occupancy status
Set Alarm Set Alarm
Cancel Alarm Cancel Alarm
Set Message Wait Alarm Call status
Cancel Message Wait Mini bar
Dynamic Lock Level
Room Clean Display
Guest Name
Toll Control

The Message Format

The messages exchanged between the PBX and Micros PMS follow a fixed protocol and message format as shown


• STX (Hex 02) stands for Start of Text. It marks the beginning of the message. It is a field of one byte. It is immediately
followed by the data portion of the record. Due to this reason, Hex 02 will not be used in any other field except
Longitudinal Redundancy Character.
• ETX (Hex 03) stands for End of Text. It marks the end of the data portion; however it is not the part of the data. It is a
field of 1 byte. Due to this reason, Hex 03 will not be used in any other field except LRC.
• LRC (single ASCII character) stands for Longitudinal Redundancy Character (or Vertical Parity) It is a field of one byte
in length. It always follows an ETX. The LRC is calculated using a seed value of 0, and bitwise XORing each byte,
following the <STX>, including the <ETX>. The LRC is transmitted as a single ASCII character immediately following
the <ETX> as the final character of the message record. It is used for checking the validity of the data transferred.
The receiver end calculates the LRC for the messages and matches it with the received LRC, if both matches the
receiver replies with <ACK> and processes the record; otherwise the receiver replies with <NAK> and discards the
last received record. The LRC may be any of the 256 characters in the ASCII character set, so receiving routines
should be able to distinguish by the LRC's position in a record that it is not a link control byte if the LRC is an <STX>,
<ETX>, etc.
• ACK (Hex 06), it is sent by receiver for positive acknowledgement of receipt of a valid transmission.
• NAK (Hex 15), sent by the receiver for Negative Acknowledgment. It requests the sender to retransmit the last record
because the receiver detected a transmission error. The records which are responded with <NAK>, are not
processed by the receiver end at higher level.
• ENQ (Hex 05) is used to re-inquire for logical layer response when an incorrect [Not <ACK> or <NAK>] or no
response was received. After transmitting a record, the sender should receive a response within 3 seconds. If no
response is received by the end of the timeout, or an unexpected character is received, the sender should transmit an
<ENQ>. The Micros Fidelio PMS retries up to 3 times. If an <ACK>/<NAK> response is never received, the record is
discarded and error is logged.

Eternity V7 System Manual 525


Messaging Protocols
• All the communication between the PBX and the PMS follows a fixed protocol. The exchanged messages follow a
fixed format. Both the ends are governed by a set of rules called 'Messaging Protocols'.
• The administration parameters like Acknowledgement timer, Retransmission count, Retransmission request count
shall be programmed in the PBX by considering the settings of the Micros Fidelio PMS.
• The communication between the PMS and the PBX could be started once the PMS link is configured successfully
between the PMS and PBX.
• Refer topic 'Inform Call Cost to PMS' in this chapter for information regarding Posting Simple and Posting Answer
• Following scenarios (A to D) explain how the PMS link can be activated or ended:
Scenario : A PMS and PBX are started
Scenario : B PBX is restarted and can not know whether the PMS has received 'LR' before.
Scenario : C Link End
Scenario : D Alive Check

Scenario : A PMS and PBX are started

Fidelio PMS to PBX PBX to Fidelio PMS
PMS Sends 'Link Start (LS)' record with Date and Time
field. This indicates that the PMS software has been
restarted and the PBX must send any configuration
records (LD/LR/LA) before sending any buffered records:
in this example, Date is 15-Oct-2000 and Time is 12:30:45
PM, the message would be:

On receipt of LS message from PMS, the PBX shall
respond with 'Link Description (LD)' message

DA = Date
TI = Time
V# = Vendor's version no. (We shall send Master's
firmware Version No.)
IF = Interface Type

526 Eternity V7 System Manual


Scenario : A PMS and PBX are started

Fidelio PMS to PBX PBX to Fidelio PMS
The PMS will send ACK/NAK for each LR records sent by After sending LD record, the PBX shall send the multiple
the PBX. 'Link Record (LR)',
It specifies to PMS that PBX has sent description of the link
and all the records types [e.g., Guest Check-In(GI), Guest-
Change(GC), Guest-Check Out (GO)] that it wants to
receive or sent.


Simple- CCC by PBX)
(Posting Simple- CCC by PMS)
Simple- Minibar details)

Where, RI = Record Indicator and FL = Field list used in

the record indicator to convey the information.
After sending all the required LR records, the PBX shall
send the 'Link Active' message to indicate that the link is
now active and PMS may start sending buffered or real
time data.

The PMS verifies the LR records received and responds
the LA message with LA message.
Messages can be exchanged between PMS and PBX now…..

Scenario : B PBX is restarted and can not know whether the PMS has received 'LR' before
Fidelio PMS to PBX PBX to Fidelio PMS
PBX shall send the LS message to signal restart:
In this example, Date is 15-Oct-2000 and Time is 12:30:45
PM, the message would be:
Case - (I) PMS interface will send LS now, in case it has
not received any Link Record (LR) since it was last
In this case the PBX has to send the LD and LR records
messages (same as described in scenario A)

Eternity V7 System Manual 527


Scenario : B PBX is restarted and can not know whether the PMS has received 'LR' before
Fidelio PMS to PBX PBX to Fidelio PMS
After sending all the required LR records, the PBX shall
send the 'Link Active' message to indicate that the link is
now active and PMS may start sending buffered or real
time data.
The PMS verifies the LR records received and responds
the LA message with LA message.
Messages can be exchanged between PMS and PBX now…..

Case - (II) PMS interface responds with LA signal that valid

LD and LR Link records have been received
On receiving LA from the PMS the PBX shall consider that
Link is active and shall respond the LA message with LA
Messages can be exchanged between PMS and PBX now…..

Scenario : C Link End

Fidelio PMS to PBX PBX to Fidelio PMS
Any time the PMS interface shuts down, it must send LE
before closing the communication channel.

The PMS will respond LE message with LE

Further data record can be exchanged now from either side until Link Active status has been reached again (see
Scenario A and B)

Scenario: D Alive Check

Fidelio PMS to PBX PBX to Fidelio PMS
LS message can be used to check the activity of the link to
the Micros-Fidelio PMS interface.

(note: Micros Fidelio recommends NOT to send an LS as

alive check more then once every 5 minutes)

The PMS will respond LS message with LA because link is
already established


528 Eternity V7 System Manual


Scenario: D Alive Check

Fidelio PMS to PBX PBX to Fidelio PMS
Note: The Micros Fidelio interface will not respond with an LA to and LA if the Link Active status has been reached.

Rules for sending a message

• All the messages strictly follow the message format. The PBX will inform the format of the message, which it will send
(required Field ID in the Record ID) to the PMS, during the link configuration.
• The message is prefixed with STX and message data is suffixed with ETX.
• The LRC is calculated and appended to the ETX. Use of LRC is not compulsory, but while sending the message from
the PBX side, the LRC will always be calculated and sent.
• The ACK and NAK signals will not be integrated in the message.
• After sending the message to the PMS, the PBX will wait for the acknowledgement timer (programmable) and wait for
a response. If ACK is received as response for the message, the transmission is successful.
• If the PBX doesn't receive the ACK/NAK before acknowledgment timeout, it will transmit ENQ. OR If the PBX
receives any other character while waiting for ACK/NAK, the PBX will send the ENQ within 3 seconds of receipt of
other character.
• After sending the ENQ the PBX will wait for the acknowledgement timer. The PBX will send the ENQ, 3 times only. If
response is not received for the 3rd ENQ also, the PBX will consider the link between the PBX and PMS is not active
and will reconfigure the link.
• If ACK is received for the ENQ, the PBX will consider that the last application level message sent by it, is received
successfully by the PMS.
• When a NAK is received from the receiver, the re-transmission counter is decremented by one and the previous
message is resent. This process goes on till the re-transmission counter value is not zero or ACK/error message/
response message is received for that particular message. The PBX will log this message in the System Fault Log.

Rules for receiving message

• If LRC is received, verify whether the received message (STX to LRC) is valid in length and format.
• If not, send a NAK-a request for re-transmission after decrementing re-transmission request count.
• If the format and length of the received message are valid, calculate the LRC. Compare the calculated LRC, with
the received LRC. If they are not equal, send a NAK-a request for re-transmission after decrementing re-
transmission request counter.
• If the message format and the LRC are valid, ACK message will be sent to the PMS.
• If LRC is not present in the received message, the PBX will send ACK to the PMS if the message is in the correct
format (correct format means the message contains the Record ID and Field ID of the message as decided in the LR
records during Link configuration). Send NAK (decrement retransmission request count) if the received message is
not in correct format.
• The PBX will inform the format of the message (Required Field IDs for every Record ID) to the PMS during the link

1. Normal transmission:
Sender Receiver

• For normal transmission, the receiver should respond with an <ACK> within 3 seconds.

2. Message received with incorrect LRC:

Sender Receiver

Sender Receiver

Eternity V7 System Manual 529


• If the receiver does not receive a valid LRC, it should respond with a <NAK> within 3 seconds. The sender then
retransmits the original message. If the message cannot be successfully transmitted after three retries (total of 4
transmission attempts), the message is discarded, and both systems should log a transmission error.

3. Low level response not recognized or not received within timeout:

Sender Receiver
// <ACK>
or <???>

<previous response>

• If the sender receives an invalid response (not <ACK> or <NAK>), or does not receive any response within '3' second
timeout, it should send an <ENQ> within 3 seconds. The receiver then retransmits the original response.

Feature Message

• Alarm (Wakeup)
• 'Alarm' is referred as 'Wake Up call' in the Micros Fidelio PMS.

• Following messages are supported in the Fidelio PMS for the Alarms.
WR - Wakeup request, to set Alarm
WA - Wakeup answer, to notify the Alarm call status to PMS
WC - Wakeup clear, to cancel Alarm

• PMS can send the WR and WC record ID with appropriate fields to request or clear the alarm to PBX. Similarly, if
the Alarm is set from the PBX, the PBX will inform the same to PMS.

Message Format
• Set Alarm (Wakeup Request)
• Following table contains mandatory fields for the Wakeup Request (WR):
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
(Wakeup RN Room Number Alpha Numeric, max 8 Both

• Request from the PMS to set a wakeup request (WR) for Room Number (RN) 2781 at 7 AM (TI) on 31 October
2000 (DA):
Alarm is set using the PMS Interface

Alarm is set from the PBX


• Alarm call status (Wakeup Answer)

• When the PBX places the Alarm call on station, one of the following possibilities applies to it:
• The alarm call is answered by the station.

530 Eternity V7 System Manual


• The alarm call results in no-reply condition.

• The alarm call couldn't be placed because the station was busy.
• The PBX will inform the PMS about the status of call.
• If the alarm call is answered by the station, the PBX will send AS filed value as OK.
• If the alarm call remains un-answered at the station, the PBX will send AS filed value as NR.
• If the alarm call could not be placed on the station, the PBX will send AS filed value as BY. And once the station
becomes free the PMS will update the status of the Wake call as No-Reply or Answered to the PMS.
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
WA AS Answer Status Alpha Numeric, max. 2 chars To PMS
(Wakeup NR = No Response
Answer) BY = Busy
OK = Served
RN Room Number Alpha Numeric, max. 8 To PMS

The PBX will response (WA) that the above wakeup call was unsuccessful (AS) because the telephone was busy.
The Time (TI) is the requested wakeup time (NEVER the system time):
Status of alarm call is reported by PBX to PMS
(in case alarm call failed because of station busy condition)
(in case alarm call remain unanswered)

Wakeup Response to Micros Fidelio PMS:

• When Snooze is disabled:
• If the station user goes off hook while alarm call is ringing, the system will send Answer status = ASOK to PMS.
• If the station user doesn't reply alarm call, the system will send Answer Status = ASNR (No Reply) to PMS.
• If the system can not place the call, on the station because that station is busy, the system will send Answer Status
= ASBY (Busy) to PMS.
• Refer chapter 'Alarms' and ‘Reminder’ for details about Snooze.

• When Snooze is enabled:

• If station user goes off hook, while alarm call is ringing, but doesn't 'Acknowledge' the alarm call (by dialing '0'), the
system will not send any message to PMS. In this case, the system will place alarm call again on station after
snooze timer if the snooze count are still pending.
• If station user acknowledges the alarm call by dialing '0', the system will send Answer status = ASOK to PMS.
• If station user doesn't acknowledge alarm calls given for the programmed snooze count, the system will send
Answer Status = ASNR and place alarm call to Operator.
• If the system can not place the alarm call, on station because that station is busy, the system will send Answer
Status = ASBY (Busy) to PMS.
• Refer chapter 'Alarms' and ‘Reminder’ for details about Snooze.

• Cancel Alarm
• This is referred as Clear Wakeup call in Micros Fidelio PMS.
• The Alarm can be cleared by PBX or PMS.
• Following are the mandatory fields to convey the clear wakeup call information.

Message Format
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
(Wakeup RN Room Number Alpha Numeric, max 8 Both

Eternity V7 System Manual 531


• The PMS will send following message to PBX, in case the alarm is to be cleared.
Alarm request is cancelled using the PMS Interface

Alarm request is cancelled from the PBX


• Structure of the TI field is HHMMSS. However, the system will send 'seconds' as they were received in the WR.
This will properly link a wakeup result to the respective wakeup request.

• Guest Check-In (GI)

• This message is from the PMS to PBX only.
• PMS informs about the Guest check-in to PBX, using Guest Check-in 'GI', Record ID with Guest Name (GN) and
Room Number (RN) field IDs.

Message Format
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
GI GN Guest Name Alpha Numeric (40 chars, max) From PMS
(Guest Check-In) RN Room Number Alpha Numeric, max 8 From PMS
SF Swap Flag No data to be sent with this field, This field will be From PMS
included only while sending GI record for DB swap

• Fidelio PMS supports 40 characters for the guest name, while the PBX supports only 12 characters for the Guest
Name. So, in case the Guest Name string received from PMS is longer than 20 characters, only first 12 characters
will be stored as guest name, while the others will get ignored.

• Guest (Mr. Vivek) checks in room number 2001. The PMS will send following message to give information to PBX.

• Guest Check-Out (GO)

• PMS informs about the Guest check-out to PBX, using Guest Check-out 'GO' and Room Number (RN) field IDs.
This message flows from the PMS to PBX only.

Message Format
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
Guest Check Out (GO) RN Room Number Alpha Numeric, max 8 From PMS
SF Swap Flag No data to be sent with this field, This field will be From PMS
included only while sending GO record for DB swap

• Guest checks out from room number 2001. The PMS will send following message to give information to PBX.

532 Eternity V7 System Manual


Room Shift (Guest Change-GC)

• The PMS gives information to PBX in case when Guest is shifted from one room to another.
• Fidelio PMS sends this information in the "Guest Change (GC)" record. Following are the required field ID for the
Guest Change information.

Message Format
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
Guest Change (GC) RN Room Number (Destination Room) Alpha Numeric, max 8 From PMS
RO Old Room Number (Source Room) Alpha Numeric, max 8 From PMS

• Guest has been moved from room number 2001 to room number 3001.
• The PMS will send following message to give information to PBX.

• Message Wait
• The message wait indication can be set from the PMS.
• Fidelio PMS sends message wait indication under "Room Equipment" (RE) record. Following are the required field
ID for the Message wait information.

Message Format
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
Room Equipment RN Room Number Alpha Numeric, max 8 From PMS
(RE) ML Message Lamp Status Y/N From PMS

• Message wait indication for room no. 3001 is set/cancel by PMS.
• The PMS will send following message to give information to PBX.


STXRE|RN3001|MLY|ETX (to set message wait)
STXRE|RN3001|MLN|ETX (to cancel message wait)

• Do Not Disturb
• Do Not Disturb (DND) feature can be set from the PMS.
• Fidelio PMS sends DND information using "Room Equipment" Record ID (RE). Following are the required field ID
for the Message wait information.

Message Format
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
Room Equipment RN Room Number Alpha Numeric, max 8 From PMS
(RE) DN Message Lamp Status Y/N From PMS

• PMS requests PBX to Set/Cancel the DND for Room no. 3001.
• The PMS will send following message to give information to PBX.
STXRE|RN3001|DNY|ETX (to set DND)
STXRE|RN3001|DYN|ETX (to cancel DND)

Eternity V7 System Manual 533


• Room Status and Room Clean Status (Room Maid Statuses)

• Refer chapter Hotel Application. What we are referring in the PBX by "Clean" status is referred in the Fidelio PMS
as "Inspected" status. Thus some features are interpreted differently in PMS.
• The PBX will inform the Room Occupancy and Room Clean Status to the PMS.
• As per the protocol, the PBX will send this information in the 'Room Equipment' record using the Fields listed

Message Format
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
RE (Room RN Room Number 8 digits max Both
Equipment Status) RS Room Status 1 digit (1 to 6) To PMS

• Based on the codes received from the PBX in the RS field, the PMS interprets the room status as shown below:
Code sent Room Maid Status Meaning
by PBX (interpretation of
in RS field PMS)
1 Dirty/Vacant Room is vacant and dirty, so should be cleaned first, and hence can not be
2 Dirty/Occupied Room is occupied but dirty and hence requires cleaning.
3 Clean/Vacant Room is Vacant and cleaned but not inspected yet and without inspection can
not be allotted.
4 Clean/Occupied Occupied room has been cleaned and inspection is pending. Without
inspection can not be allotted.
5 Inspected/Vacant Vacant room is cleaned and inspected and hence can be allotted.
6 Inspected/Occupied Occupied room is cleaned and inspected.

• The types of Room Clean and Room Occupancy Statuses maintained by the PBX are shown below:
Room Clean Status
• Clean
• Room is not clean
• Clean but inspection pending

Room Occupancy Status

• Vacant
• Occupied, Guest In
• Occupied, Guest Out
• Reserved
• Guaranteed

• Following table shows the mapping of the room statuses between PBX and Fidelio PMS:
Room Status in the PBX referred as, Equivalent Status in the Fidelio PMS is referred as,
Clean Inspected
Room is not clean Dirty
Clean but Inspection Pending Clean
Vacant Vacant
Occupied Guest-In/Guest Out Occupied

PBX will check the 'Room Occupancy' status plus the 'Room Clean' status of the room and will inform to PMS
based on that. Following table explains how the PBX will take the decision about the code to be sent in 'RS' field.
(room clean status) and (Occupancy status) of a room in the Room Status to be sent to PMS in the
PBX 'RS' field
(Room is not clean) and (Vacant) 1
(Room is not clean) and (Occupied Guest in/Guest out) 2
(Clean but inspection pending) and (Vacant) 3
(Clean but inspection pending) and (Occupied Guest in/Guest out) 4

534 Eternity V7 System Manual


(room clean status) and (Occupancy status) of a room in the Room Status to be sent to PMS in the
PBX 'RS' field
(Clean) and (Vacant) 5
(Clean) and (Occupied Guest in / Guest out) 6

When the above specified combination of status arises for the room, the PBX will inform the PMS by sending the
RE message record.

In the PBX, the room occupancy status of the room no. 2001 is 'vacant' and room clean status is 'clean'.
The PBX will send following message to notify the PMS.

• Call Cost and Call Details Posting

Fidelio PMS supports following options for call cost calculation:
• Pre-calculated: The PBX will calculate the cost of the call and inform to PMS. The PMS doesn't calculate the cost
of the call. This is referred as posting type "T" in the Fidelio PMS.
• Self calculation of cost: The PBX will send the call duration, Metering Pulses (Number of units observed for a
call) and other required fields. Based on this, the PMS calculates the cost of the call. This is referred as Posting
Type "C" in the Fidelio PMS.
How to program?
Use following command to select the type of posting to be made for a call details:
3611-Type of Posting
Type of posting Meaning
Inform the call cost to PMS (refer 'Table A' below for list of fields to be sent for this
type of posting)
Inform the call duration metering pulses of a call to PMS (refer 'Table B' below for list
of fields to be sent for this type of posting)
By default, Type of Posting is 2.

Notes for using above command:

• This command is of significance only if the Fidelio PMS protocol is used.
• For Call Cost Calculation

Inform Call Cost to PMS

When, this posting type is selected, the PBX will calculate the cost of the call and send it to PMS, using the Posting
Simple (PS) record ID for this posting. For this posting type, the PBX will set the Posting Type Field ID (PT) to 'C'. The
PMS interprets 'C' value in the PT Field as the call cost calculation, done by the PBX.
The list of Field IDs to be sent by the PBX in the PS message is listed in the following table (Table A).

Message Format
Table A
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
PS RN Room Number Alphanumeric (8 char. max) To PMS
(Posting Simple) DA Date (when call is made) YYMMDD To PMS
TI Time of call HHMMSS To PMS
PT Posting Type "C" (Direct charge) To PMS
TA Total Amount 15 Chars max. To PMS
DD Dialed Number Numeric (max 22 digits) To PMS
P# Sequence Number (SMDR OG Sr. No) Numeric (max 4 digits) To PMS
SC Service Charge (as programmed) 15 chars max To PMS

Eternity V7 System Manual 535


The PMS responds this PS message by Posting Answer message with following fields:
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
PA (Posting Answer) RN Room Number Alphanumeric (8 char. max) From PMS
AS Answer Status OK (command completed successfully) or NG From PMS
(guest not found, i.e. error)
P# Sequence Number Numeric (max 4 digits) To PMS

Guest of room No. (RN) 2781 made a call to the number (DD) 004989920920, for which call cost calculated by the
PBX is 10.50, Service charge is 2.00 and the call is stored in the SMDR OG at serial no. 1729. To give this information
to PMS the PBX will send Posting Simple (PS) record and give this information in the relevant fields. (call on 15th
Sept, 2000 at 12:35:45 hours).

When the Posting is accepted by the PMS, PMS replies with PA (Posting Answer) message.

• For Call Duration Control

Inform Call Duration, Metering Pulse to PMS
When, this posting type is selected, the PBX will set the Posting Type Field ID (PT) to 'T'. On receiving the 'T' value in
the PT Field, the PMS understands that it will calculate the cost of the call based on the received Fields in the

The PBX will use the Posting Simple (PS) record ID for this posting. The list of Field IDs to be sent by the PBX in the
PS message, is listed in the following table (Table B).

Message Format
Table B
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
PS (Posting RN Room Number Alphanumeric (8 char. max) To PMS
Simple) DA Date (when call is made) YYMMDD To PMS
TI Time (when call started) HHMMSS To PMS
PT Posting Type "T" (Telephone charge, to be calculated by PMS) To PMS
DU Duration of call HHMMSS To PMS
DD Dialed Number Numeric (max 23 digits) To PMS
P# Sequence Number Numeric (max 4 digits) To PMS
(Sr. No. of SMDR OG)
MP Metering Pulse (no. of units) Numeric (max 10 digits)

536 Eternity V7 System Manual


The PMS will send application level response using PA record ID.
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
PA (Posting RN Room Number Alphanumeric (8 char. max) From PMS
Answer) DA Date YYMMDD From PMS
AS Answer Status OK (command completed successfully) From PMS
/ NG (no guest found, i.e. error)
P# Sequence Number Numeric (max 4 digits) To PMS

Important Point:
• The call duration is stored in the PBX in seconds, while the PMS wants it in the HHMMSS format. So while
sending the duration to PMS, the PBX will convert the duration in to HHMMSS format and send it to PMS.

• Telephone posting (PTT, i.e. call to be costed by PMS by duration and dialed digits) to Room (RN) 2781, duration
(DU) 3 minutes, 45 seconds, Metering Pulse (MP) 4, on 15 September 2000 (DA) at 12:42:54 (TI), SMDR OG
sequence number (P#) 1731, dialed digits (DD) 5106850320, the PBX will send following message.



• The PMS responds with the PA (Posting Answer as shown below).


• Posting (both T and C types) of the call charges can be made by the PBX to PMS on call by call basis or at
checkout as programmed in the PBX.

Storing the Posting messages rejected by PMS in fault Log:

• When the Eternity sends call record using Posting Simple (PS) message, the PMS will give the response by Posting
Answer (PA).
• Posting Answer gives AS (Answer Status), which can be as mentioned below:
• ASOK = Command accepted successfully or ASNG = Guest Not Found or ASRY = Retry or ASUR = Un-process
able request, no retry.
• When ASUR is received in Posting Answer, the Eternity will consider that this SMDR record (of sequence no. P#)
can not be posted to PMS.
• The Eternity will log this received PA message in System Fault Log. Refer chapter System Fault Log for more
information about the fault ID (Event Index).

• Fidelio PMS for Minibar

• The maid transfers the details of the Mini Bar to PBX using specific command for the Station. The PBX will inform
the same to the PMS/POS.

Data Base Synchronization

• Database(DB) Synchronization Records, are used to request an initialization or refresh of the PBX database, and to
indicate the start or end of that Resync as mentioned below:
• DR - Database Resync request
• DS - Database Resync start
• DE - Database Resync end
• These records are used to request an initialization or refresh of the PBX database, and to indicate the start or end of
that Resync. With few exceptions, the PMS considers its databases as the 'master copy'. As the PMS can intermix
database records with real-time records, the DS and DE records ensure that the PBX identifies its request correctly
and that all database resync information has been sent.

Eternity V7 System Manual 537


• 'Database swap' (DB-swap) is used to synchronize the current status of guest rooms between the two systems.
• The 'database swap' includes only check-in and checkout information.
• The records sent as part of the database resync are the same as sent during real-time situations with the addition of
the swap flag field (SF). This allows the PBX to determine the difference between the resync records and real-time
• Resync records will contain the swap flag field (SF), while real-time records will not contain the SF field.
How to Start Database Synchronization?
• The database synchronization is initiated from PMS interface. Hence the Eternity does not support DS, DR and DE
messages in the LR records.
• However the Eternity supports these database synchronization messages and maintains the Room Status informed
by PMS during database swap process.
• Please note that during DB-Swap records should not be sent to the Fidelio interface, as a possible response (e.g. a
PA towards a received PS) may not be returned as next record but only after some further DB-Swap records.

Message Example:
• The PMS initiates Database synchronization.
• In following example, ACK/NAK is applicable only for serial communication (on TCP/ IP, ACK / NAK is not required).

PMS initiates database synchronization

STXGI|RN1003|ETX (refer Note below the table)

• In the record (STXGI|RN1003|ETX), the message doesn't contain the SF flag. This means that it is a real time
message received from the PMS and not a part of the database synchronization.
• The GI and GO messages contain the SF field. It indicates that the message is part of database synchronization.
How to program?
Use command '1056' to transfer the details of the Mini Bar to PBX. Refer chapter 'Hotel Application'.

Message Format
The Minibar articles consumed information will be sent using the PS record ID with the following fields.
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
PS (Posting Simple) RN Room Number Alphanumeric (8 char. max) To PMS
PT Posting Type "M" (Minibar charge) To PMS
MA Minibar Article Numeric (max 4 digits) To PMS
M# Number of Articles Numeric (max 2 digits) To PMS

538 Eternity V7 System Manual


The PMS responds the PBX by Posting Answer message (PA) with following Field IDs.
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
PA (Posting RN Room Number Alphanumeric (8 char. max) From PMS
Answer) DA Date YYMMDD From PMS
AS Answer Status OK (command completed successfully) or NG (no guest, From PMS
i.e. error)

• Minibar posting (PTM) to Room (RN) 2781, guest consumption: article (MA) 1450 2 (M#) times and 1501 3 times,
on 15 September 2000 (DA) at 12:42:54 (TI).

• The PMS responds with the PA (Posting Answer as shown below):


• Posting Type (PT) is sent as M to indicate that the PMS should calculate the charges itself based on article
number (MA)/articles consumed (M#). This will be done even if a pre-calculated charge is sent. If MA is sent but
no M#, the PMS considers the article count (default) to 1. If these fields occur more than once in a record, they
must occur in matched pairs.
• MA MUST always be sent right before M#, regardless if one or several pairs are sent, to clearly identify which
count belongs to which article number. The value in M# must be greater than '0'.

• Fidelo PMS for Toll Control

• The Fidelio PMS informs PBX to set different types of toll controls for the room using the CS field ID in the RE
record ID. This is referred as Class of Service (COS) by PMS.
• This message direction is from PMS to PBX only. This means if the toll control level is changed in the PBX (using
SA mode, or by station), the PBX will not inform the PMS for this change.

• The SA and SE will take care of this.

Message Format
The PMS sends the information in the 'RE' record ID. Following field IDs are used to convey the information.
Record ID Field ID Description Format Direction
RE (Room RN Room Number Alphanumeric 8 digits max. Both
Equipment Status) CS Class of Service 1 digit (0 to 3) From PMS

• The PMS refers this facility as 'Class of Service', using which it can ask PBX to make any of the following setting
for particular room's station by sending single digit code (from 0 to 3).
Code sent by PMS in CS field Meaning
0 Barred/hotel internal only
1 Local
2 National
3 No Restriction

• In PBX, this requirement can be achieved by using the Dynamic Lock levels and allowed denied lists smartly.

Eternity V7 System Manual 539


• Toll control can be achieved in the PBX by using the allowed-denied number list. The PBX supports 4 different
types of the dynamic toll control lock levels, and each lock level is assigned allowed denied list. You can program
the table as shown below for the lock levels.
Toll Control (Level - 0) Dy. TC Level-1 Dy. TC Level-2 Dy. TC Level-3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 2
Allow all calls Allow Local only Allow Local + STD calls Deny all calls

• PBX will associate the codes received from PMS in CS field with the appropriate toll control lock levels as shown
Code sent by PMS Corresponding 'Dynamic Toll Control Lock Level' to
in CS field be set by the PBX for the received CS - Code
0 3
1 1
2 2
3 0

• This means, if the PMS sends the CS value '0', the PBX will set dynamic toll control level 3 for that room, and
accordingly for other CS values as shown in above table.

• If SE changes any of default configuration related to number lists assigned in the dynamic toll control levels, he will
do it very carefully by keeping the above mapping (of CS field ID and Toll control level) in mind.

• The PMS informs the PBX to bar all OG calls for Room No.2001.
• The PMS sends following message to PBX.

On receiving this message, the dynamic toll control lock level 3 will be set for the Room no. 2001.

How to program?
Please note Step 4 to Step 10 are required only if the PMS protocol chosen is Matrix Type1.

Step 1
Use following command to program PMS protocol type:
3604-PMS Protocol Type
PMS Protocol Type Meaning
0 None
1 Matrix Type 1
2 Matrix Type 2
3 Micros Fidelio

By default, PMS Protocol Type is type 1.

When 'Micros Fidelio' protocol is used, following configuration parameters are not significant:
• Send message count
• Receive message count

540 Eternity V7 System Manual


Step 2
Use the following command to set the communication port for a PMS process:
3602-Communication Port
Communication Port Meaning
0 None
1 COM Port 1
2 COM Port 2
3 Ethernet Port
By default, Communication Port is 0.

Step 3
Refer chapter Message Wait to assign a message wait group.
This is useful in features like message-wait. The message wait request from the PMS sets a message wait at the guest’s
station. For the effectiveness of execution of this feature there needs a station that will attend the guest and pass on the
messages when he returns. Generally this station is the receptionist’s station.

Step 4
Use the following command to program OG SMDR mode:
Mode Value Meaning
1 Don’t send SMDR data with PMS
2 Send SMDR data on call by call basis
3 Send SMDR data of all the calls done by a guest at the time of checkout

By default, Mode is 1.

Step 5
Use the following command to set the Acknowledgment timer:
3606-Acknowledgment Timer
Acknowledgment Timer is from 001 to 255 seconds.
By default, Acknowledgment Timer is 003.
Acknowledgment timer is the time for which the sender of the message waits for a response (ACK/NAK/Error Message/
Response Message) from the receiver.

Step 6
Use the following command to set the Send Message Count:
3607-Send Message Count
Send message count is from 0 to 9.
By default, Send Message Count is 0.

Step 7
Use the following command to set the Receive Message count:
3608-Receive Message Count
Receive Message Count is from 0 to 9.
By default, Receive Message Count is 0.

Step 8
Use the following command to set Retransmission count:
3609-Retransmissions Count
Retransmissions Count is from 0 to 9.
Retransmission count is the maximum number of times the message can be retransmitted.
By default, Retransmission Count is 5.

Eternity V7 System Manual 541


Step 9
Use the following command to set Retransmission Request count:
3610-Retransmission Request Count
Retransmission Request count is from 0 to 9.
Retransmission request count is the maximum number of times the NAK signal can be sent.
By default, Retransmission Request Count is 5.

Step 10
Use the following command to assign default PMS parameters:
On issuing this command the following parameters are set to their default values:
Parameter Value
Acknowledgement Timer 005 sec.
Send Message Count 0
Receive Message Count 0
Retransmission Count 5
Retransmission Request Count 5
OG SMDR Mode 3
This command should be used only if required.

Step 11
Use the command to start/abort PMS process from the port:
Code Meaning
0 Abort
1 Start
By default, Code is 0.

On issuing command 3603-1, the data transfer between PMS and port (based on command 3605 begins). Now no other
process can use the port. On issuing 3603-0, the port is free from the PMS process and any other process can use it.

Hotel Ashoka wants to use Matrix Type 2 PMS with Eternity. Following are the constraints.
• Communication port 2 of the Eternity is free.
• The Operator station is 101. (DKP: S/w port number = 001).
• Outgoing calls should be printed as and when they are made.
• Response time for a message should not be greater than 10 seconds.
• The PMS is programmed for following constraints:
• Send message count = 3.
• Receive message count = 8.
• Retransmission count = 4.
• Retransmission request count = 5.


542 Eternity V7 System Manual


Steps for Programming of Micros Fidelio PMS over TCP/IP:

PMS Interface Port

• Refer the command '3602' in this chapter, to select the Ethernet Port as the interface port for the PMS application.

PMS Server Address

Program PMS Server's IP Address.
Use following command to program PMS Server Address:
Address is 15 digits maximum (000-255 for first 3 Octets and 001-254 for 4th. Octet).

PMS Server Port

Program the Server Port of the PMS Server. This will be used as destination TCP Port in transport layer.
Use following command to program PMS Server Port:
Port is from 01024 to 65535.

Listening Port
Program the port number on which the Eternity would listen for messages sent by PMS server. The Eternity will also use
this as Source Port while sending the messages to the PMS server.
SE should not program the Listening Port for web server same as Listening port of Eternity for PMS. If SE tries to
program same port he will get error tone.

Use following command to program Listening Port for Eternity:

3614-Listening Port
Listening Port is from 01024 to 65535.

Important Point:
• When PMS type is Micros Fidelio, the Hotel application features: Minibar and Room Clean Status will not work in the
condition mentioned below:
• PMS Type = Micros Fidelio, and
• PMS Process = Start, and
• Destination Port = COM1/COM2/Ethernet, and
• When PMS Status = Down, i.e. Link End is received from PMS server or Link configuration is not yet completed

Relevant Topics:
1. CAS Interface 188
2. Communication Ports 231
3. Hotel Application 398


Eternity V7 System Manual 543

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