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CAREERS Commented [1]: the paper is mostly okay but i think

there would be a better way of presenting the data per
class instead of using bar graphs

A Statistical Mini-Research Paper

Presented to

High School Department

Visayan Nazarene Bible College

Cebu City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Class

Math 10

Geneva Eileen B. Francisco

John Paul C. Mendoza

Background Of the Study

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person

will make in life. It's about so much more than deciding what a person will do to
make a living. People should think about the amount of time they spend at work,
they are on the job approximately 71% of every year. Over their lifetimes, this
comes to roughly 31½ years out of the 45 years most of the people spend working,
from the beginning of the careers until retirement. The importance of selecting a
career with which people are satisfied cannot be overemphasized.

While some people are lucky enough to just know what they want to do and end
up in satisfying careers without giving it much thought, most of the people are not.
Many people don't put enough effort into choosing occupations or pick them for
the wrong reasons. They choose careers that seem secure or pay well. They then
end up unhappy. The best way to make sure that doesn't happen to any of the
people is to make a well-thought decision by knowing Oneself, finding out and
exploring more of the things that people are capable of doing, making wise
decisions for themselves on what Careers that they should take regarding the Skill
that is suitable for it and lastly taking action towards a goal.

Significance of the Study

This study will be of great help and beneficial to the following:

Students. This study will help the students in choosing their preferred
career pathway based on their skills and knowledge that is suitable for it. It will
encourage students to not rely on the current trend of common careers nowadays.

Parents. This study will help the parents to realize that High paying jobs
aren’t always what the children want. This will also help the parents to stop forcing
their children to careers that aren’t suitable for them but will be based on their skills
and passion.
Guidance Counselors. This study will help guidance counselors to properly
assist or guide the students towards their preferred career pathways. This will be
easier for the Guidance counselors to encourage students to not rely on others’
opinion but will focus on themselves more.

Research Methodology

To achieve the aim of this study, the researchers generated a survey to

gather data as means to reveal the most chosen careers of VNBC High School
Students. The researches conducted a survey at March 19, 2019, from 10:45 A.M.
to 2:30 P.M. The researchers gave the survey sheet along with the reference
paper, that would guide them in picking a specified career pathway/cluster. After
the researchers gathered the data, the researchers tallied the data that they
gathered, and illustrated the data through the graphs/tables given in this research.

Method used. The method of the research that was utilized in this study was
quantitative research that generates statistical data to know the VNBC High
School Students’ most chosen careers

Sources of Data. The sources of data which supported this study were
obtained from VNBC highschool students of which the researchers conducted a
survey with.
Specifically in Grade 7 – Judah: Commented [2]: this can be rephrased

1 student chose Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. Architecture

and Construction with 4, Arts, A/V Technology and Communication with 0 ,
Business, Management and Administration with 2, Education and Training with 0,
Finance with 1, Government and Public Administration with 1, Health Science with
2, Hospitality and Tourism with 1, Human Services with 1, Information Tech
nology with 1, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security with 0,
Manufacturing with 0, Marketing, Sales and Service with 0, Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics with 3, and lastly Transportation, Distribution and
Logistics with 2 students. Commented [3]: no need to mention the items with
zeroes. same goes to the other sections.
Specifically in Grade 7 – Reuben:

No student chose Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources. Architecture &

Construction with 0, Architecture & Construction with 0 , Arts, A/V Technology &
Communication with 4 , Business, Management & Administration with 2,
Education & Training with 1, Finance with 0, Government & Public Administration
with 1, Health Science with 1, Hospitality & Tourism with 2, Human Services with
0, Information Technology with 0, Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security with
1, Manufacturing with 0, Marketing, Sales & Service with 1, Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mathematics with 6, lastly, Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
with 2.
Specifically in Grade 8 – Zebulun:

No student chose Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Architecture

and Construction with 1, Arts, A/V Technology and Communication with 1,
Business, Management and Administration with 1, Education and Training with 2,
Finance with 0, Government and Public Administration with 0, Health Science with
2, Hospitality and Tourism with 5, Human Services with 0, Information Technology
with 0, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security with 0, Manufacturing with 0,
Marketing, Sales and Service with 1, Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics with 4, lastly, Transportation, Distribution and Logistics with 4.
Specifically in Grade 9 – Asher:

1 student chose Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Architecture and

Construction with 1, Arts, A/V Technology and Communication with 3, Business,
Management and Administration with 1, Education and Training with 1, Finance
with 0, Government and Public Administration with 0, Health Science with 1,
Hospitality and Tourism with 1, Human Services with 0, Information Technology
with 0, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security with 2, Manufacturing with 0,
Marketing, Sales and Service with 1, Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics with 3, lastly, Transportation, Distribution and Logistics with 1.
Specifically in Grade 10 – Issachar:

No student chose Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Architecture

and Construction with 0, Arts, A/V Technology and Communication with 4,
Business, Management and Administration with 1, Education and Training with
0, Finance with 0, Government and Public Administration with 0, Health Science
with 0, Hospitality and Tourism with 2, Human Services with 2, Information
Technology with 0, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security with 1,
Manufacturing with 0, Marketing, Sales and Service with 0, Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics with 1, lastly, Transportation, Distribution and
Logistics with 1.
Specifically in all the Students of the Highschool Department:

2 students chose Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Architecture

and Construction with 6, Arts, A/V Technology and Communication with 12,
Business, Management and Administration with 7, Education and Training with 4,
Finance with 1, Government and Public Administration with 2, Health Science with
6, Hospitality and Tourism with 10, Human Services with 3, Information
Technology with 1, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security with 4,
Manufacturing with 0, Marketing, Sales and Service with 3, Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics with 17, lastly, Transportation, Distribution and
Logistics with 10.
A pie chart on how these factors have affected students. Commented [4]: whenever you use graphs, use a
numbering scheme:
figure 1. (description)
figure 2. (description)
and so on...
These are the factors that affected the students’ decision making on their own
same comment goes for all graphs
careers. Firstly, Personality type and Interest is 31%, Family is at 25%, Abilities
and Skills 24%, Opinions of Others 14%, and Friends at 6%.
This graph shows the number of certain and uncertain VNBC High School
Students regarding their careers.

According to the survey we have conducted, 47 students have answered

that they are uncertain, while 42 of the students were certain of their decisions.
This shows that more than half of the VNBC High School Students are uncertain
on the career pathways they have chosen. Quite a few of the students are still
unsure of their own decisions. Although only 42 were sure or certain about their
decision, that is still a fairly large amount of number. Considering that it was almost
half of the population of VNBC High School Students.

Some of the reasons why the students were uncertain was because of: (1)
many open opportunities that they have yet to try or discover. (2) Families deciding
for them, but that wasn’t really what they wanted. (3) Friends’ opinions was a big
influence to them in choosing their career.

In conclusion, the cause of uncertainty of most VNBC High School Students

are usually outside influence – influence from others. For example, families and
friends. Although some were internal, like being confused about opportunities.

In conclusion, based on the findings of the study, the researchers are now
aware that at every grade level, there were different highly chosen careers at each
of the classes, whereas Grade 7 - Judah had Architecture & Construction as their
highest chosen career. While Grade 7 - Reuben had Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics as their highest. Grade 8 with Hospitality and
Tourism, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and lastly
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics, Grade 9 with Arts, A/V Technology and
Communications and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and
lastly Grade 10 with Arts, A/V Technology and Communications.

Also, we are now aware of the factors of the VNBC High School Students’
decisions. From highest to lowest in ranking, such are the following. (1) Personality
at 40, (2) Family at 33, (3) Abilities and skills at 31, (4) Opinions of others at 18,
and lastly (5) Friends at 8.


Career Pathway Survey What Career Pathway did you

choose? ______________________
Please fill in the blanks and shade
the boxes.
Which of these factors have affected
your decision?
Are you still unsure or uncertain on
□ Family what to take?

□ Friends □ Yes

□ Opinions of others □ No

□ Abilities and Skills

□ Personality type and Interest What makes you uncertain?

Why did you choose that Career

Pathway? Explain briefly.


Did you decide for yourself?

□ Yes

□ No

If no, then who did? (Optional)


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