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Unit 3 test

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

1 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 The _____ explain(s) how you arrange to pay money back to a bank.
A credit B repayment terms C interest
2 The maximum amount you can spend with your credit card is your _____ .
A credit rating B minimum payment C credit limit
3 You can choose to _____ from one month to the next with a credit card.
A carry the balance B transfer money C pay in full
4 If you lose your pre-paid card, you can get a _____ card.
A replacement B credit C debit
5 You can _____ at a point-of-sale terminal.
A withdraw money B pay with cash C pay with a pre-paid card

2 Complete this table.

Verb Noun
6 lend ____________
7 overdraw ____________
8 pay ____________
9 apply ____________
10 arrange ____________
11 authorise ____________
12 penalise ____________

3 Complete these sentences. Use a noun or verb in each gap.

13 I can make a minimum ____________ with my credit card at the end of the month.
14 If this is your first credit card, we will ____________ a credit limit for you.
15 If you spend more than you have in your account, you may have to pay ____________ .
16 It is a good idea to ____________ for an overdraft.
17 He wants to take out a(n) ____________ to buy a car.
18 The loan officer can ____________ the overdraft for you.
19 It can be quite expensive to ____________ your account, so it is better not to spend more than
you earn.

4 Complete these sentences from a leaflet for a bank. Use the correct form of the verbs in
brackets to make zero or first conditional sentences.
20 If you pay in full at the end of the month, you ____________ (not carry) your balance over.
21 If you choose our credit card, you ____________ (be able to) use it all over the world.
22 You can withdraw money from any ATM if you ____________ (have) a multi-function card.
23 We do not charge interest if you ____________ (not overdraw) your account.
24 You ____________ (see) how easy online shopping is if you use your credit card.

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5 Choose the correct modal verb in italics.
25 I need to / don’t have to talk to you. (It is necessary).
26 You don’t have to / mustn’t write your password on your card. (It is prohibited.)
27 We may / have to arrange a mortgage for them. (It is possible.)
28 Can / Might I open a deposit account here? (I am asking for permission.)
29 We must / can be careful with the information we get from customers. (It is necessary.)
30 We have to / might speak to the loan officer in the afternoon. (It is possible.)

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