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Handout #27: Rate

1. To complete their house cleaning, Bob has to spend 2 hours working

independently. That of Alice is 3 hours. How long do they have to do the cleaning
if they work together?

2. To solve all the problems in a math book, Ann has to spend 6 days, Carl 8 days,
and Dane 12 days if they work independently. If they work together, how long
does it take for them to solve all the problems in the book?

3. In a road-repairing project, Team A and Team B work together and finish the
project in 2 days and 6 hours. If Team A work alone, it will take them 3 days. How
long does it take to complete the project if Team B works alone?

4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have to water their garden. If they work together, it will take 12
minutes to complete. If Mr. Smith works alone, it will take 20 minutes to complete.
How long will it take if Mrs. Smith works alone?

5. Ken, Chen, and Daniel have to fold a certain number of origami cranes. Ken and
Chen together can finish the work in 72 minutes. Chen and Daniel together can
finish in 1 hour. Ken and Daniel together can finish in 90 minutes. How long does
it take for each of them to finish the work?

6. Rick, Susan, and Thomas are eating a cake. If Thomas does not eat, the other
two will finish the cake in 200 seconds. If Rick does not eat, the cake will be
finished in 6 minutes. If Susan does not eat, the cake will be finished in 225
seconds. If the three eat together, how long does it take to finish the cake?

7. It takes Sarah 21 hours to finish a project. Sarah works in collaboration with

Thomas and it takes them 7 hours to finish five-sevenths of the project. Sarah
then leaves to work on other project. How long is the additional time for Thomas to
finish the project?

8. To fill a swimming pool with water, John turned on hose A for 20 minutes and then
turned on both hoses A and B for another one hour. Another way was to turn on
hose B for 30 minutes first and then turn on both hoses for another one hour. If
they turned on both hoses at the beginning, how long would it take to fill the pool?

9. One candle took 7 hours to finish burning while another took only 5 hours. They
were lit at the same time and after 3 hours, the first candle was twice as long as
the second candle. What was the ratio of the heights of the two candles at first?
10. One candle took 11 hours to finish burning while another took only 7 hours. They
were lit at the same times and after 5 hours, the first candle was three times as
long as the second candle. What was the ratio of the heights of the two candles?

11. Two candles have the same length at first and are lit at the same time. The first
one takes 2 hours while the second one takes 3 hours to finish burning. The ratio
of the heights of the two candles is 1:2 at 5 PM. At what time must the candle be

12. Two candles, with the first twice as long as the second. The two were lit at the
same time and it took 8 hours and 6 hours for the first and second candle to finish
burning respectively. The ratio of the heights of the two candles was 3:1 at 5 PM.
At what time must the candles be lit?

13. Two candles of the same length are lit at the same time. The first one takes 5
hours to finish burning. After 2 hours, the ratio of the length of the first candle to
the second candle is 2:1. How long does it take for the second candle to finish

14. The grass on a ranch grows at constant rate every week. 60 cows will eat up the
grass in 4 weeks. 50 cows will eat up the grass in 8 weeks. For how many weeks
can the pasture sustain herd of 45 cows?

15. A piece of pasture grows at a constant rate. It can sustain a herd of 32 sheep for
25 days or a herd of 48 sheep for 15 days. How many sheep can it sustain for 60

16. A piece of pasture grows at a constant rate. It can sustain a herd of 120 sheep
for 45 days or a herd of 90 sheep for 70 days. How many sheep can it sustain for
60 days?

17. A piece of pasture grows at constant rate. It can sustain a herd of 50 sheep for
30 days or a herd of 40 cows for 10 days or a herd of 20 sheep and 20 cows for
20 days. For how many days can it sustain a herd of 30 sheep and 40 cows?


Handout #30: Age Problems

1. Four years from now, I will be twice as old as I am now. What is my present age?

2. Kendrich is 7 years older than his brother Kendrick. If the sum of their age is 43,
what is Kendrick’s age two years from now?
3. One third of my age plus one half of my age is equal to my age three years ago.
What is my age three years from now?

4. The average of the ages of Dora the Explorer and Spongebob is 23. If Spongebob
is 4 years older than Dora, what is the present age of Spongebob?

5. Mrs. Tiu has a set of twin and 1 son who are all below 18 years of age. If the
product of their ages is 2160, what is the sum of their ages?

6. The sum of my age four years ago and four years from now is 62. What is my
present age?

7. Twenty years from now, I will be thrice as old as I was four years ago. How old will
I be thirty years from now?

8. Pythagora is four times as old as his son Euclid. The sum of their ages five years
from now is sixty. Find their present age.

9. The ratio between the age of Phil and the age of James is 9:17. The difference
between their ages is sixteen. What is the sum of their ages six years from now?

10. Andrei is eight years younger than his cousin Andres. Eight years ago, Andrei is
half as old as Andres is now. How old is Andrei eight years from now?

11. Courtney is a year older than Cary. Their ages had an interesting property such
that Courtney’s age is exactly divisible by 9 while Cary’s age will leave no
remainder when divided by 7. If the sum of their ages is 71, find their ages.

12. Last April 2007, Mother is four times as old as his son. Today, April 2011, Mother
is five years more than thrice as old as her son now. How old is his son in April

13. One fifth of Father’s age five years ago is the same as one eighth of his age ten
years from now. How old is Father now?

14. The ratio of the present age of Ian to the present age of Tin is 2:3. After three
years, their ratio became 5:7. What is the sum of their present ages?

15. France is sixteen years older than Paris who is 6 years old now. After n years,
France will be twice as old as Paris will be. Find the value of n.

16. Naruto is eight years older than Ashley. Three years from now, the sum of their
ages will be 48. How old is Ashley now?

17. Twelve years ago, Mother is twice as old as John is now. Two years from now,
Mother will be thrice as old as John is now. Find the present age of John.
18. The product of the present ages of Chobi and Cid is 120. When Cid becomes as
old as Chobi is now, the product of their ages will be 168. Find their present ages.

19. King the Father and Prince the Son has an interesting father and son age
tandem. When you reverse the digits of the age of Prince, you will get the age of
King who is eighteen years older than his son, Prince. When Prince will be as old
as King is now, the sum of their ages will be 80. Find the sum of the present ages
of King and Prince.

20. Marky is twice as old as Jacky when Marky was as old as Jacky is now. The sum
of their present ages is 35. How old is Marky now?


Handout #31: Time and Work

1. If A can do a piece of work in 10 days and B in 15 days, in how many days will
they complete the work if they work together?

2. If Allan can do a job in 12 days and Brandon alone can do it in 8 days, in how
many days will they finish when they work together?

3. Albert and Benny together can do a work in 8 days. Benny alone can do it in 24
days. In how many days will Albert finish the work alone?

4. Sheryl and Gladys can do a piece of work in 4 days. Gladys and Alyssa can do
the work in 6 days. Alyssa and Sheryl can do the work in 2 days. How many days
will it take for the three girls to complete the work together?

5. Alex can do a piece of work in 25 days and Brad can do it in 75 days. How many
days will they complete the work together?

6. Ram can do a piece of work in 10 days and Harry alone can do the same work in
20 days. They started working together. In how many days will they complete the

7. Vince, Vhon, and Vivien can do a piece of work in 24 days. Vince and Vhon can
do it in 40 days, Vhon and Vivien can do it in 30 days. How many days would it
take Vince and Vivien to finish the work?

8. Jay and Julie can do a piece of work in 4 days, Julie and Nicole in 6 days, and
Jay, Julie, and Nicole in 3 days. How long would it take Jay and Nicole to finish
the work together?
9. A and B can do a piece of work in 6 days. A alone can do it in 8 days. A worked
for 5 days and then left it. In what time will B finish the rest of the work?

10. A and B can do a work in 8 days, B and C in 12 days, C and A in 16 days. All
worked for 2 days. How many days will it take A to finish the work alone?

11. A can do a piece of work in 12 hours and with the help of his son, he is able to do
it in 8 hours. How many hours will the son alone take to finish the work?

12. A pipe can fill a tank in y hours and another can empty it in x hours. How long
can they fill it together? (x > y)

13. A tank is filled by a pipe A in 32 minutes and pipe B in 36 minutes. When filled, it
can be emptied by pipe C in 20 minutes. If all three pipes are opened
simultaneously 1/3 of the tank will be filled in ____ minutes.

14. Two pipes x and y can fill a cistern in 24 minutes and 32 minutes respectively. If
both the pipes are opened together, after how much time should y be closed so
that the tank is full in 18 minutes?

15. A cistern is filled in 8 hours but takes 2 hours longer to fill because of a leak in its
bottom. If the cistern is filled, the leak will empty in ____ hours.

16. Two taps can separately fill a cistern in 10 minutes and 15 minutes respectively
and when waste pipe is open, they can together fill it in 18 minutes. The waste
pipe can empty the full cistern in ____ minutes.

17. A cistern has a leak which would empty it in 8 hours. A tap is turned on which
admits 6 liters per minute into the cistern and it is now emptied in 12 hours. How
many liters does the cistern hold?

18. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 15 hours and 20 hours respectively, while a
third pipe can empty the full tank in 25 hours. All three pipes are opened in the
beginning. After 10 hours C is closed. The time taken to fill the tank is __.

19. Pipe A can fill a tank in 20 hours while pipe B alone can fill it in 30 hours and pipe
C can empty the full tank in 40 hours. If all the pipes are opened together, half the
tank will be fill in _____ hours.

20. A and B can do a piece of work in 10 and 12 days respectively. If they work for a
day alternately, in how many days will the work be completed?

21. A and B can do a piece of work in 30 and 40 days respectively. They began the
work together, but A left after some days and B did the remaining work in 12
days. After how many days did A leave?

22. A and B can do a piece of work in 3 days, B and C in 4 days, C and A in 6 days.
How many days can A, B, and C finish the work together?

23. If 2 men and 2 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days and 3 men and 1 boy can
do it in 8 days, how long will it take for 3 men and 7 boys to do it?
Handout # 26 - Relative Speed

1. The two cars departed at 8:00 am from two cities which are 120 km away from each
other. They traveled towards each other, one at a speed of 40 km/hr and the other at
a speed of 55 km/hr. When would the two cars meet?
2. David and Bob took part in a 100-m race. Two seconds after taking off, Bob was 5 m
ahead of David. David finished the race in 15 seconds. How long did it take for Bob
to finish the race?
3. Alice and Claire are 2 km away from each other and walking towards each other at
equal speed. If they want to meet each other within 15 minutes, how fast do they
have to walk?
4. The distance between two cities is 300 km. Two trains depart at the same time from
the two cities and traveled toward each other, one at a speed of 50 km/hr, and the
other at a speed of 70 km/hr. How far would the slower train have travelled when the
two trains meet?
5. City C lies between City A and City B with AC = 120 km and BC = 240 km. Two
trains depart at the same time at A and B, meeting at C before continuing on their
journey. What is the distance between the two trains when the one departing from B
arrives at A?
6. Alice, Ben, and Carl depart from home at the same time and walk in the same
direction to school. Alice's speed is 3 km/hr and Ben's speed is 4 km/hr. Alice's
home is the nearest to the school and Carl's home is the furthest to their school. The
distances from Ben's home to Alice's and Carl's are 2 km and 1 km, respectively.
Ben meets Carl half an hour after they started walking. When will Alice meet Carl?
7. A bus left Town A for Town B at an initial speed of 40 km/hr and another bus left
Town B for Town A at the same time at a speed of 50 m/hr. After one hour, the two
buses increased their speed by another 10 km/hr. The distance from Town A to
Town B was 255 km. Calculate the average speed of each bus at the time they met
each other.
8. Two cars left town A for Town B at the same time and travelled at speeds of 65
km/hr and 84 km/hr respectively. Ten hours later, the faster car met a motorbike
travelling from Town B to Town A. Two hours later, the slower car met the
motorbike. What is the speed of the motorbike?
9. A 20 m long escalator is moving upward at a speed of 0.5 m/s. A passenger is
walking upward on the escalator. For every second, he walks past three steps. The
escalator has 60 steps in total. How long does it take for the passenger to get to the
other end of the escalator?
10. A 30-m long escalator is moving upward with a speed of 0.5 m/s. A passenger is
walking upward on the escalator. For every second, he walks up three steps. It takes
him 24 seconds to get to the other end of the escalator. How many steps does the
escalator have?
11. Alice and Bob took a moving escalator to the second floor of a cinema. Alice walked
up the escalator at speed of 1 step per second and arrived at the second floor 20
seconds later. Bob walked up at speed of 2 steps per second and arrived at the
second floor 15 seconds later. How many steps did the escalator have?
12. In a special race, Jenny and Jack run up on an escalator that was moving
downwards. Jenny runs at a speed of steps per second and Jack runs at speed of 4
steps per second. It took them 42 seconds and 21 seconds respectively to get to the
next floor. How many steps did the escalator have when it was stationary?

Basic Mathematics
Exercise 1 – Problem involving distance, rate, and time

1. What is the distance covered by a jogger with a speed of 4 km per hour for 3

2. Dolor biked a distance of 72 km in 3 hours. How fast did he travel?

3. On a motorcycle, Simeon travelled with an average speed of 60 kph for 20

minutes. How far did he go?

4. A man walks at the rate of 2 km/hour. How long will it take him to travel a distance
of 6 km?
5. Alvin and Nelmar are delivery men of a certain company. At the same time, they
started to travel on motorcycles from their office and headed in opposite
destinations. If Alvin travelled at a speed of 70 kph and Nelmar at 50 kph, how
many hours will they be 240 km apart?

6. At the same time, on their bicycles, from the south Elvan travels at 20 km/hr
toward the north, and from the north Nelson travels at 35 km/hr toward south.
How long will it take them to meet if the distance they travel is 165 km?

7. Riding on his bicycle, Joshua leaves their house for work in another town at 20
kph. An hour later, riding on his bicycle his son leaves their house at 30 kph to
deliver the things left by the father. How long will it take the son to overtake his

8. Celso travelled on a motorcycle at the rate of 60 km/hr. He left their house 1 hour
after his wife has left and overtook her in 2 hours. What was the speed of the
wife’s travel?

9. Aurora left home at 5:15 AM to visit her sick mother in another town. She arrived
there at 10:45 AM. If she travelled at an average speed of 45 kph, how far was
the distance travelled?

10. Ester left home on her automobile at 8:10 AM and arrived at her destination at
11:55. If the distance travelled was 105 km away, what was her rate of travel?

11. Fred was able to cover in 1 hour a third of the 120 km targeted distance by
biking. In the remaining distance he slowed down due to rough road and other
obstacles. He was still able to reach his destination in 5 hours. What was his
speed in the first third and his remaining destination?

12. A car travelled a distance of 300 km in 4 hours and 40 minutes. What was its
average speed in kilometer per hour?

13. Two appliance center collectors on their motorcycle left the office in opposite
direction. In two hours, they were 150 km apart. One collector at the rate of 10
kph faster than the other collector. How fast did each collector travel?

14. Larry drove his motorized cycle, full of passengers from the town to the city at 35
kph. In returning back with no passengers, he drove at the average speed of 55
kph. His total time of travel from his town to the city and back in is 2 hours and 15
minutes. What was the total distance travelled?

15. At exactly 7:35 AM, a passenger jeepney left the terminal to its destination at the
speed of 60 kph. It reached its destination exactly 10:55 AM. What is the distance
16. The distance between two cities is 500 km. How long will it take for a van to
travel from one city to another with the average speed of 60 kph in hours and

17. The distance between town A and town B is 300 km. If a bus leaves town A at

7:40 AM with and average speed of 70 kph for town B, at what time will it arrive?

18. It usually takes 2 hours for Senny to travel from the city to his hometown on his
motorcycle at a rate of 50 kph, while his younger brother takes only 1 2/3 hours.
What is the rate of his younger brother?

19. It took 2 hours for a boat to travel upstream a certain distance. It took only 1 hour
for the boat to travel downstream for the same distance. In still water, the boat
travels at the average speed of 6 kph. How fast is the water current?

20. Convert 60 km/hr to m/sec.

21. Rodel left his house 6:30 AM and reached his destination at 1:45 PM. If his rate
of travel was 60 kph, how far did he travel?

Exercise 2: Questions involving work problems

1. If the father can finish cleaning the garden in 6 hours and his son can do it in 9
hours, how long will it take them to finish the job if they work together?

2. Mang Celso can do the job in 12 days. Mang Jose can do the same job in 9 days.
Mang Ador can do it in 15 days. How long will it take them to finish the job if they
work together?

3. Peter can finish a job in 8 days. Luis can finish it in 6 days. If Peter, Luis, and Jose
can finish the job together in 3 days, how long will it take Jose to finish the job

4. A tank is filled with 2 pipes. One pipe can fill the tank in 4 hours and the other pipe
can fill it in 6 hours. If both pipes are left open, how long will it take to fill the tank?

5. A water tank is filled with an inlet pipe in 6 hours. An outlet pipe can drain it in 8
hours. If by mistake both pipes are left open, how long will it take to fill the empty
Exercise 3 – Problems involving consecutive integers

1. Find two consecutive numbers whose sum is 107.

2. Find two consecutive even numbers whose sum is 194.

3. The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 240. What are the numbers?

4. Find three consecutive integers whose sum is 120.

5. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 204. Find the numbers.

6. The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 909. Find the numbers.

7. My three raffle tickets are consecutively numbered and their sum is 1,191. What is
the biggest number of my tickets?

8. The total of five consecutive odd numbers is 795. What becomes of the middle
number if decreased by 25?

9. Find the average of five consecutive even numbers if the middle number is 20.

10. When thrice the smaller of the two consecutive numbers is added to twice the
larger, the result is 387. Find the larger of the two numbers.

11. In a five consecutive odd numbers, the sum of twice the smallest and the second
number is 17 more than the sum of the last two upper consecutive numbers.
What is the middles number?

12. The sum of four consecutive even integers is 124. If each number is multiplied by
5 and their product are added, what is the new sum?

13. There are five consecutive even integers, four less than three times the second
number is the same as 10 more than two times the fourth number. Find the third

14. In a four consecutive even integers, four less than three times the second
number is the same as 10 more than two times the fourth number. Find the third

15. The sum of one-half of an even integer and twice the next consecutive even
integers is 64. Find the odd integer between these two integers.

16. Find the two consecutive integers whose product is 462.

17. Find the average of the four consecutive even numbers whose sum is 132.

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