Priority Mischoice

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PRIORITY MISCHOICE: A Qualitative Study on its Impact to the

Academic Performance of Grade 11 HE Students in IIH College



Beard, (2018) stated that priorities are specific areas of our lives that are

meaningful and important to us. This is where we put genuine effort and time in

order for us to achieve our goals in life. They are usually activities, practices, or

relationships we value.

The researchers perceived that as an individual we have different

priorities depending on our age, goals, and on our mindset which is led by

outside factors such as social media, mass media, relatives, peers, and your

past experiences in life. Priorities guide you to ensure you are walking a path

aligned to your beliefs, perceptions, and the career you are to choose.

Ostwal, (2017) identified that an individual should have adjust priorities to

seek its identity and secure thy safety and made a list including a general

outlook on what an individual should prioritize in life. First on the list is health as

it is the vessel that connects an individual from reality and that separates it from

the spirit world. An individual should take good care on one’s mental, physical,

and mental health is essential as one cannot achieve greater goals disabled.

This includes meditations, exercises, yoga, or spiritual practices. As a student

one should realize the importance of living a balanced lifestyle and reduce diet

that may put you at risk in the near future. Avoiding sedentary lifestyle will be
necessary as well. What comes after health is, relationships. It’s not all about

conjugal love that is between two individuals. It can be one’s community,

friends, colleagues, and loved ones. As an individual it is necessary to establish

relationships as we cannot live alone because life and creations of God is made

with continuous interaction that one cannot live alone and everyone cannot live

the same without one. As a student putting this at one’s least priority would be

necessary as finding love with your opposite sex while still immature can put

thyself on situations you cannot handle anymore. Being in a relationship talks

about sharing oneself onto another with the give and take action of love.

However, you cannot know what kind of partner you are seeking for if you do

not know who you really are as conflicts will always come on way due to

incompatibility to connect between you and your partner. Next on the list is

security. Security is necessary not in a sense that one will be needing to have

bodyguards with, well if necessary, but it also talks about earning money for

financial security, how one works to feed his/her family, and taking care on the

ones who depend on you. This priority would not be necessary at this time of

life as students because they are still dependent as they are still on their

growing stage and still learning about life and the society. What comes next is

development. As a student one should need to realize that putting room for

development is necessary for students are still incomplete and one should be

open for ideas and things that can help adolescents grow. As youths this should

be on our first priority because knowing oneself can be associated in knowing

your partner in the imminent future. Lastly, play. Life is not about bare
existence, or either pure work, it is also about being a human being, living like

one. Having reasons to have fun would be necessary for an individual to give

one’s mind rest from stress chronically given by life’s challenges. (Ostwal,


The researchers observed and came up with an assumption that such

problem about priority mischoice exist as they can observe that problem on time

management, the manner on how they will handle their attitude on studying,

and the misunderstanding on the real essence of education can all be rooted on

the confusion on the right manner of handling one’s priorities. Priorities varies

on every individual in a specific time and situation.

Carbonell, (2019) supposed that responsibly allocating one’s time,

effort, and resources to what really matters to an individual on a specific time

and situation is what setting priorities is all about. Putting oneself at most in

your priorities cannot be classified as selfish, it is sanity. Here are three

necessary tips on managing priorities in life; the first one is to track your time,

know where are you spending your time to continuously effectively follow the

priorities you have set, cut off unnecessary task in a way that you should value

your time, effort and resources and give priority to what thing is the most

aligned to your goal at the specific time in your life, the second one will be

check yourself up and have time to think and know oneself to effectively know

what you really wanted and the things you should give your time and attention

that can someday be the tool for your success. (Carbonell, 2019)
An individual managing priorities is like making a pathway towards your

journey that will be acting as guide towards the vision you are foreseeing. Be

yourself and express it effectually for you to know what priorities you need in

able to make your walk aligned to your purpose.


The study aims to give an outlook about priority mischoice and how it will

affect students’ academic efficiency towards the education’s united vision, to

finish studies aligned to their choice of career. Priorities are generalized by our

culture enabling youth to live the life with relevance to their society. However,

priorities are still depending on one’s choice, age, needs, and visions to

achieve. The study also aims to help individuals specially our youth in

identifying their priorities as a student and learn how to effectively manage it for

the betterment of their performance in their chosen career.

The researchers perceived that such problem on priority mischoice exist

and conducted a study to;

1. Identify what specific goals in life should a student or an adolescent

prioritize, what priorities to choose at a specific time and situation in

terms of their current status

2. Know why it is important manage goals and align it to your choice of

3. What priorities an individual especially students should prioritize and

the specific time of their lives.

Priority mischoice tackles all about the lack of adjust guidance which

makes an individual blind of the fact that he himself is experiencing the wrong

choice of priorities. Peer pressure and societal impacts are major factors why

adolescents cannot easily figure out what are the goals they should prioritize.

Over prioritization can also be a kind of mischoice as one cannot decide

what specific goal he/she will give the most effort, time, and resources which

makes an individual incapable of achieving one. The study also aims to prove

the idea that major factor of priority mischoice is the prioritization of wants over

needs that leads them to chronic stress that can possibly lead to depression.

The researchers themselves are facing the problem which gives them

the urgency of finding answers by conducting a related research about the

topic. They believe that every individual has their own goals to prioritize in order

to live life to the fullest. These are; priorities as a student aligned to the

education’s vision with the continuous effort to comply;

1. Priorities as an individual to know thyself more in order to effectually

interact, love, and share,

2. also priorities as a son/daughter as a valuable part of a family,

3. And lastly finding and sharing oneself to the one you will be

exchanging vows with in the preceding future.


The study implies that a problem on priority mischoice in a factor on

home economics students’ academic excellence. And how this will be a major

factor on one’s mental health affecting their ability to discern situations that is

putting them at major risk of depression. The researchers formulated several

questions regarding priority mischoice to its effect to one’s academic efficiency

to serve as a guide through the study;

1. How priority mischoice affects students;

a., in terms of their academic efficiency?

b., in terms of their mental health?

c., and in their interest on studying?

2. How does students resolve their mischoice of priority?

3. How would students manage priorities as an individual towards a successful


a. In terms of time allotment?

b. In terms of effort?

4. Why priority mischoice is considered as a factor of stress?


Setting priorities undoubtedly plays a major role on one’s success as it

changes how you act on a certain situation, how one will effectively manage

your time, and how much effort you will give to attain your goal. The

researchers perceived that a study about priority mischoice is needed to spread

awareness on what are its possible effects on one’s life. Also to give information

such problem is currently existing. This study will show how priority mischoice

can be managed and as an individual, how can you identify your own priorities.

It will also show how this mismanagement can also be a factor of stress and

depression. This study also aims to show that even over prioritization or the

manner of pursuing many different goals and dividing your time and effort to do

so that makes you incapable in accomplishing any single aims you have set.

Unnoticeably this problem sums up failures as you pursue things out of your

idea of success.

To the concerned students, this study will give students an outlook that

you can apply for the betterment of their journey towards success. This will help

students know what your priorities are as one, how they will effectively manage

thy priorities towards their goal, and lastly how to align what you are doing to

what goals one is seeking to achieve.

To the teachers, this study can be helpful to teachers as many of the

students on the present generation is experiencing stress that can possibly lead

to depression due to this mismanagement. This will give them an outlook that

such problem is currently existing. This can be helpful for teachers for them to
be able to spread awareness and adjust guidance to the students experiencing

priority mischoice.

To the school administrators, this can be helpful to the institution to

know such problem exists as school administrators school is one major factor

on an adolescent’s development towards an independent individual. They

spend most of their time at school. This may give the school an idea of

conducting awareness on such matters for the improvement of their mindset, for

them to have the realization making them consider what goals they should be

pursuing are.

To the parents, this study implies the importance of proper choice of

priorities and it’s adjust management. Parents will have the idea how one can

effectively guide and inform thy child/children considering what kind of

mischoice they have made. This can also strengthen one’s relationship to their

child as both of you will have common ground on a specific issue enabling both

of you connect. Choosing the right path, decisions, and setting upright priorities

towards success are pointers to consider

To future researchers, the purpose of this study is to spread knowledge

that can be useful to researchers if ever they are going to consider studying

about causes of stress and depression as priority mismanagement is also a

factor of it. This study will also help researchers in their own journey on

conducting research. Setting adjust priorities and proper time management will

serve as a guide to a successful research.


This study is all about priority mischoice and for creating an outlook to be

considered by students that can serve as guide in or even out of the school


The study’s focus is into the priority mischoice of 60 home economics

students on IIHC on;

1. , how they are going to identify their priorities to consider as students

2. , how they are going to be able to manage their priorities effectively

3. , and how it will affect their journey as students as well their academic

efficiency in order to fulfill their aspirations in life.

It aims to help students identify what priorities a student should give

enough time, effort and resources. This study also aims to give prior knowledge

and an outlook to consider in one’s journey in their specific line of career. It

also objects to inform and spread adjust guidance on managing one’s priorities

limited to the mismanagement of priorities of students.

This research is limited to the management of priorities of students that

can serve as guide to their journey as learners continuously seeking knowledge

in order to attain education’s common goal.

This research is exclusively conducted on Buena Mar St., inside Dela

Rama building, Barangay Nova Proper, Novaliches, Integrated Innovation and

Hospitality College, Quezon City. With a time frame starting November 2019-

March 2020.

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