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get your physician’s approval before beginning this or any other exercise program. 2
Rapid Fat Loss

By Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS 3

What’s Inside..........................................................................................................7

14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet Overview.......................................................................9

What You Can Eat/Drink For The Next 14 Days.......................................................16

Shopping List........................................................................................................17


Daily Routines.......................................................................................................20

Nutrition Journal....................................................................................................35

About the Author..................................................................................................36

Notes...................................................................................................................37 4
I applaud you for making the decision
to take part in this. Changing your diet
and nutrition habits can be one of the
hardest things to do in life but I assure
you, this 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet
is exactly what you need to lose fat

Eating cleaner, eating less and

eliminating the foods holding us back
from our best body sounds simple
enough, right?

You just cut down on calories, the

pounds rapidly fall off and you are
finally the size or shape you want to
be. It’s that easy, right? WRONG. It’s a
disheartening cycle that fat loss dieters However, it IS a short-
know only too well. Fat doesn’t just term nutritional plan
disappear just by skipping a meal or that will jump start your
results and set you up for
Sure, exercise is a must but the real success by changing the
success at shaving off fat quickly is way you view food.
through the right nutritional program
that will achieve fat loss in a short Now we both know as soon as you
amount of time. And in this case, it’ll go back to your normal eating routine
only take 14 days! Now before you after completing a plan like this, all
think of the phrase “CRASH DIET,” let that weight tends to pile back on
me be the first person to tell you this is again – often with a little bit more,
NOT a crash diet. but by continuing on with the easy to 5
understand information I have given
you in the Unlock Your Glutes training
manual, you will be able to successfully
keep fat loss at a maximum and add
lean muscle in the process.

So why 14 days?

14 days is the perfect amount of time

to blend rapid fat loss and science
together without getting that ‘starvation’
feeling. Some might call it extreme
dieting, I call it a quick but effective
solution and here’s why:

• Expect RAPID fat loss

• EASY to follow method
• Flexible options
• No weird concoctions
• Sets up long-term success Following the completion of the
• And most importantly no guesswork! 14 days, you will want to take into
consideration the points made within
So if you slacked off a little bit the nutrition section of the UYG main
preparing for your high school reunion program. The information presented
or have an upcoming photo shoot, this there will give you long-term success.
program WILL help you.
By incorporating the 14-Day Rapid
Maybe you have a special beach trip Fat Loss Method with the Unlock
planned and you want to squeeze in Your Glutes training program, you’ll
your favorite bathing suit but it’s a size maximize your results by combining
or two too small, this program WILL the best in glute training with a sound
help you. As I mentioned above, this nutritional plan. If you follow both of
program is a quick solution to a short- these two groundbreaking programs
term fix…FAST fat loss. That’s all this together, expect GREAT things to
14-day method is designed to do. happen. 6
What you’re about to read will probably
be the exact opposite of what your
dietician, physician, or personal trainer
will recommend. That’s because
the weight loss industry has fooled
everybody into thinking carbs and other
certain foods AND methods are the
enemy and they’ll make you fat if you
don’t stop eating them.

Low carb and starvation

diets may work
initially for most of
the population and it’s
claimed that they are just
too. Now what makes this program
a temporary short cut. unique is that many people go back
However some of the into their normal routines after losing
time they don’t work and a few pounds and then they will gain
they become too difficult the weight back TWICE as fast as they
to follow. And this is lost it. And that’s why I talked about the
long-term solution that’s in UYG.
exactly why I created our
own 14-Day Rapid Fat In order for the most successful fat loss
Loss Method! to be reached, you must follow both
programs exactly as it’s presented. It’s
I WANTED that shortcut of a quick important for your body to cleanse itself
and easy fix and I know you want it of the junk that’s been stored up in the 7
body. If you sway from this you will not The greater the change the more
achieve the fat loss you’re looking for. difficult it could be. You should expect to
be hungry at first and quite possibly low
One last thing, as with on energy throughout the entire plan.
This is completely normal and it will get
any extreme short-term
a little better once the body adjusts.
plans like this; you might
be very uncomfortable I leave you with this; you are capable
going through this plan, of doing so much more than you think.
especially towards the Don’t let the hunger and discomfort
push you away from reaching your
latter part of the 14 days.
goals. Stick with it and I promise you’ll
It’s not easy following be glad that you did.
through with something
that requires a drastic Move well. Eat well. Live well.
change to comfort.
-Coach Brian 8
Below are a few bullet charts that you For example, you’ll start each day with
need to pay close attention to because hot water and a half a lemon. This is
this is exactly what you will be doing for because lemons are vitamin C rich
the next 14-days. I suggest you print citrus fruits that help the digestive
out two copies of these charts, place system and makes the process of
one on your refrigerator and the second eliminating the waste products from the
on your desk at work. It’s broken down body easier. It prevents the problem of
into the following: constipation and diarrhea, by ensuring
smooth bowel functions. And one of the
What You Can Eat/Drink for the Next major health benefits of drinking warm
14 days: This chart contains what lemon water is that it paves the way for
you are ALLOWED to eat and drink losing weight faster, thus acting as a
each day over the course of 14-days. great weight loss remedy.
I understand that everyone’s schedule
is different so you will need to do a
little planning on your part as you try
to follow the times and meals on the
charts provided.

These foods and beverages have been

carefully selected based on scientific
research and also experience. Every
single item you will consume has a
specific purpose. Now I know you’re
probably thinking that some of the
foods selected are random but let me
tell you that nothing is random. 9
Staying on the topic of beverages, I morning. I know that mornings tend
selected green tea, a ‘Power Smoothie’ to be rushed and that’s exactly why a
and a ‘Cleansing Broth’. Green tea is smoothie in the morning was ideal.
one of the healthiest beverages on the
planet. It is loaded with antioxidants Smoothies are the perfect meal for
and nutrients that have powerful effects those who rarely have time to comb
on the body. This includes improved their hair. They are quick and easy
brain function, fat loss, a lower risk to make but that doesn’t mean they
of cancer and many other incredible lack quality or quantity. Combine the
benefits. convenience with highly nutritious
ingredients like the anti-oxidant rich
Green tea has been berries; you’ll be one step closer to
making good decisions everyday.
shown to increase fat
burning and boost the
metabolic rate, in human
controlled trials. It’s
also been shown that by
drinking green tea the
body’s fat oxidation was
increased by 17%.
And make sure it’s organic since lower The list of low-glycemic vegetables is
quality green tea could have dangerous pretty straightforward. A low-glycemic
levels of fluoride contained within. food is a food that has minimal
alteration of circulating glucose levels
It seems that every ‘diet’ has some within the body. The glycemic index
sort of smoothie or another. Our power measures of the effect on blood
smoothie is jam packed with the right glucose level after a food containing
ingredients making sure you get the carbohydrates is consumed.
most from this delicious drink. By
adding these key components that are Your body performs best when blood
fully loaded with powerful nutrients, glucose is kept relatively constant. If
you’ll be looking forward to every blood glucose drops too low, you are 10
left fatigued and looking for your next for establishing and normalizing a
food fix. One of the main benefits of proper chemical balance in the tissues
eating low glycemic vegetables is that it during low-calorie diets. And the best
may help you to cut cravings by limiting part about broth is that it’s next to
spikes in your blood sugar which the nothing in calories but will fill up your
trigger release of insulin, ultimately tank in just a glass or two.
leading to fat storage and weight gain.
Now before moving on to the foods/
The advantage of eating vegetables, drinks to avoid, let’s talk about this ½
which have a low glycemic index, is cup of rice that you are allowed to eat
that your blood sugar will not rise as each day. Simply adding a serving of
rapidly. Low glycemic veggies produce brown rice to your diet each day will
a steadier rise in blood sugar, and the not help you lose weight but brown
fiber in these foods helps you feel more rice is relatively low in energy density
full to keep you satisfied longer. And because of the fiber and water it
since this 14-day meal plan is anything contains. Foods that are low in energy
but filling and probably opposite of your density fill you up with fewer calories
current diet, loading up on the veggies than those with high energy density,
selected will prove to be more filling making it easier to lose weight.
than you think, thanks to the fiber.
Follow what’s in this chart but you’re
Last beverage to tell you a little bit
about it the Cleansing Broth. The recipe
to this cleansing broth mimics most
vegetable broths you can purchase
from nearly every grocery store.
However commercially available broths
don’t have high nutritional levels, being
full of salt and usually MSG and a host
of other chemicals that we are trying to
rid the body of.

This broth is a cleansing and balancing

drink, which supplies a great amount of
vitamins and minerals. This is important 11
encouraged to be creative. There is highly nutritious foods and beverages
no need to eat the same meals over that the body will then use for fat loss
and over again, that’s boring. Use the and energy production.
list of vegetables given to add a little
variety to your palette. Also make sure Don’t think of this list as
to spread out what is required. You are
punishment but I promise
allowed protein, fat, and carbs but keep
in mind this is all you get for the day so if you avoid these
plan wisely. foods you’ll be able to
maximize your fat loss.
What to AVOID While on this Plan:
This is the ‘common sense’ chart. Other Things to Do: Aside from
However common sense these days the foods and beverages you must
isn’t so common anymore, especially consume each day, there are a few
with all the self-diagnosed experts on other things that you must do to further
dieting and nutrition. The items listed enhance this fat loss process. This
in this chart are facts that have been would require you to take three safe
backed by research for decades now. and naturally occurring supplements
There is no way around these and from BioTRUST. It’s necessary to
there is no compromising. Do exactly supplement with these particular
what this chart says and you’ll satisfy products because work unlike any
both short-term and long-term goals of other health products on the market.
fat loss!
The first one being AbsorbMax; which
This list contains foods that are not is an advanced enzyme supplement
only dangerous to your health but will that will aid in nutrient breakdown and
also prevent the fat-burning process allow the body to properly absorbs
from happening. And since this is a fat- nutrients. This is crucial because
burning nutritional plan, it only makes enzymes work best when assisting one
sense to cut out things like sugar, another – meaning, simply, the more
alcohol, and other carbohydrates based enzymes you have working in your
on the poor nutritional value these have body to break down and to regulate
and empty calories they yield. With the fat, the more efficient your body
you not consuming these select items becomes at using fat as energy instead
the body will be able to fully digest the of using fat as storage. 12
Stubborn stored fat is always going This product uses safe, patented fat-
to be a little slow to burn. But with the burning ingredients that have gone
help of increased levels of fat-burning through extensive scientific research
enzymes, on top of exercise, your body to make sure safety and efficacy is at
can more easily break into fat stores top priority. Furthermore Metabo379
and begin to burn away the fat that is has been shown to drastically cut waist
already accumulated. sizes by 2” within 2 weeks. Sounds
good right?
You’ll be taking a probiotic supplement,
Pro-X10, which also boosts digestion Taking these supplements, or
and promotes good intestinal health supplements in general is not
and function. Similar to enzymes, mandatory by any means but it will
supplementing with this probiotic further enhance fat loss in a safe way
product can help you lose belly fat and that is why I recommend these
through various mechanisms like particular products.
hormone regulation and serum protein
changes within the blood. To purchase these supplements visit
BioTrust Nutrition
The third product is a non-stimulant fat
metabolism booster called Metabo379.
This innovative product is unique and
beyond successful in speeding up
metabolism and promoting accelerated
fat loss.

First off it’s a non-stimulant, which is

unlike most fat-burners. Pick up any
fat-burner product off the shelf and
you’ll see it’s loaded with caffeine and
other poisonous stimulants that will
leave your body feeling out of sorts
and possibly jittery and unsettling. But
not this product. Not any BioTRUST
product. 13
You’ll also notice that there is one item properly excreted from the body and
within this chart that might seem a little this is done through a detox bath.
unusual but let me assure you that the
detox bath is anything but random. Typically, a detox bath is made
with Epsom salt also known as
The detox bath I’ve included is an magnesium sulfate, which not only
ancient home remedy and is one of draws out toxins, but also has other
the easiest healing therapies that can powerful health benefits:
be done to facilitate and enhance
the body’s natural detoxification • Ease stress and improves sleep
process. We are exposed to a wide and concentration
range of different toxicants from our • Help muscles and nerves
environment on a daily basis, and our function properly
body is constantly working to clear • Help prevent artery hardening
them. The many forms of these toxins and blood clots
include heavy metals, pesticides, • Make insulin more effective
drugs, industrial compounds, and food • Reduce inflammation to relieve
additives. pain and muscle cramps
• Improve oxygen use
The most common way that these • Improve absorption of nutrients
toxins enter our bodies is through what • Help form joint proteins, brain
we put in our mouths. Unfortunately, tissue and mucin proteins
toxins are ingested not only by way of
the medications we use and the food
we eat but also by the sources of the An Epsom salt bath for weight loss
foods we consume and the chemicals should not be used if you are pregnant,
with which they are treated. have high blood pressure, diabetes,
heart disease, kidney stones or kidney
The fact that the body tends to store disease.
these toxins in our body fat is the exact
reason it is so important to detox for Shopping Lists: These lists are what
fat loss. When fat loss begins, these you will take to the grocery when
dangerous stored toxins become preparing for this 14-day plan. You’ll
released back into circulation. It is buy exactly what’s in these charts.
absolutely critical that they must be Keep in mind that you have a set 14
amount of food to consume each day Recipes: I’ve included exactly what
so please take that into consideration. you need to do to make your power
smoothie each morning and also how
Looking at the Cleansing Broth, you you can make your own cleansing
have two options: With the first option broth. Follow these instructions and
that is recommended as mentioned there’s no chance you’ll mess it up!
above, you make your own cleansing
vegetable broth from scratch. This will The Plan:
require you to purchase, prep, and The 1st day is essentially a prep day.
cook. When you look at the plan and the
charts below, you’ll see how this day is
The second option would different. Try to follow this program as
close as possible to ensure maximum
be simply buying already
fat loss. However, you can tailor it to
made organic vegetable your needs if necessary.
broth from the store.
Either option will suffice
but I recommend making
your own.
Low Glycemic Vegetables: On this
plan, you can eat all the low-glycemic
veggies you want. Seriously, an
unlimited amount of veggies that are
listed below! Like I said earlier, not only
will they help you stay full, but also they
are key to helping burn fat.

Again, when you swap out starchy

and sugary foods for low-glycemic
vegetables, your body can burn
through its glycogen storage and will
start burning fat. 15
Start the day with: cup of hot water Fats: Good fats in moderation
and 1/2 lemon (e.g. olive oil and avocado)
Power smoothie Dairy: 1 cup of 2% plain
Organic Green tea Greek yogurt per day
Protein: One 6-oz serving of meat Vegetables: Unlimited low-glycemic
(chicken, turkey or fish) per day vegetables and Cleansing Broth
Carbs: 1/2 cup of cooked Snacks: Tennis ball size of hummus, a
brown rice a day couple handfuls of nuts per day

What to AVOID While on this Plan

Wheat (except 1/2 cup brown rice) Caffeine (only green tea)
Artificial sweeteners Dairy (except Greek yogurt)
White sugar Eating between 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Other Things to Do
While on the plan, make sure you do Take 1 capsule of AbsorbMax every
the following every day. morning and every night.
Take a multivitamin.
Take 1 capsule of Metabo379 with Take a detox bath every other night (2
power smoothie and with dinner. cups Epsom salt & 1 cup baking soda).
Take 1 capsule of Pro-X10 every
morning and every night. Follow Unlock Your Glutes 2x a week +
additional exercise. 16
Nonperishables – Low Glycemic Vegetables
2 weeks worth Choose as many as you’d
like to eat each day
Rice protein powder
Ground flaxseed Artichoke hearts
Brown rice Asparagus
Olive oil Bamboo shoots
Balsamic vinegar (or other preferred Bean sprouts
vinegar) for salad dressing Broccoli
Green tea bags Brussels sprouts
Epsom salt Cauliflower
Baking soda Celery Cucumber Swiss chard
Daikon Eggplant Tomato
Leeks Lentils Water chestnuts
Perishables - Buy Each Week Beans (green, Watercress
kidney, garbanzo) Zucchini
Lemons - 4 Greens (collard, Cabbage
Bananas - 4 kale, mustard, Salad greens
Frozen assorted berries - 56 ounces turnip) Winter squash
Unsweetened vanilla almond or Mushrooms
coconut milk - 2 quarts Pea pods
Avocados - 4 Radishes
Plain 2% Greek yogurt - 7 (6-oz) Okra
containers or 42 ounces Onions
Chicken, turkey or fish - 1 1/2 lb Pea pods
combined total Peppers
Your selection of low glycemic Sugar snap peas
veggies below Squash 17
Cleansing Broth
(yields 4 servings)
***If you choose, you can buy low sodium organic vegetable broth from the
grocery store instead of making own broth***

To make your own cleansing broth:

Large onions - 4
Winter squash - 1 pound
Cabbage - 1 pound
Garlic gloves- 8
Root vegetables (turnips, parsnips, rutabagas) - 1 pound
Fresh bunch of kale, parsley, beet greens, collard, chard - Choose 1
Carrots - 8
Celery stalks - 8
Dried ginger
Sea salt 18
Power Smoothie Cleansing Broth Recipe -
Rice powder protein - 2 tbsp. (yields 2 quarts)
Ground flaxseeds - 2 tbsp. Water – 3 quarts
Frozen berries - 1/2 cup Large onion, chopped - 1
Banana - 1/2 Carrots, sliced - 2
Unsweetened vanilla almond milk or Winter squash cut into large
coconut milk - 1 cup cubes - 1 cup
Root vegetables: any of the following:
Put all ingredients in a blender and turnips, parsnips, rutabagas - 1 cup
blend together for 30 seconds. Chopped greens: any of the following:
Add ice or more water if desired. kale, parsley, beet greens, collard
greens, chard - 2 cups
Celery stalks - 2
Cabbage - 1/2 cup
Fresh ginger - 4 half-inch slices
Whole garlic (not chopped
or crushed) - 2 cloves
Sea salt, to taste

Add all the ingredients at once and

place on a low boil for 60 minutes.
Simply continue to boil to taste.
Let cool, strain (toss out the cooked
vegetables), and store in a large,
tightly-sealed container in the
Heat gently and drink up to 3–4 cups
a day. Makes: 2 quarts or 8 cups 19
Example A Example B
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon
6:30 AM Exercise Exercise
8:00 AM Power Smoothie Power Smoothie
1 capsule of AbsorbMax 1 capsule of AbsorbMax
1 capsule Pro-X10 1 capsule Pro-X10
10:00 AM 1 cup of green tea 1 cup of green tea
1 cup of Greek yogurt 1 cup of Greek yogurt
11:00 AM 1 cup of Cleansing Broth 1 cup of Cleansing Broth
Small handful of almonds Small handful of cashews
12:30 PM 1 cup of green tea 1 cup of Cleansing Broth
1/2 cup cooked brown rice 1/2 avocado
1/2 avocado Handful of carrots
1/2 tomato 1 capsule of AbsorbMax
1 capsule of AbsorbMax
3:00 PM Green beans Salad with:
1 red pepper Radishes
Dollop of hummus Cucumbers
1 cup of Cleansing Broth Small amount of balsamic
1 cup of green tea
7:00 PM 6 ounce grilled chicken 6 ounce turkey patty
Steamed broccoli 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Roasted eggplant Roasted asparagus
1 cup of Cleansing Broth 1 cup of Cleansing Broth
1 capsule of AbsorbMax 1 capsule of AbsorbMax
1 capsule Pro-X10 1 capsule Pro-X10 20
Weigh yourself upon waking up

Begin the Unlock Your Glutes training program

Apply information from ‘What to AVOID’ chart

Avoid ALL carbohydrates (except vegetables). This includes bread,
chips, crackers, cookies, baked goods, pretzels, rice products, soda,
juice, fruit, jelly, candy.

Eat only 3 smaller than normal meals

No snacking

Drink 1/2 your body weight in water (ex. 200 lbs. = 100 ounces)

Grocery Shop - Bring list of things to buy

Prepare meals for week 21
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack Small handful of nuts

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Your choice of veggies
1/2 avocado
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Dollop of hummus OR handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)

Before Bed Detox Bath (20 minutes) 22
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) Small handful of nuts

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) Salad with your choice of veggies
Balsamic vinegar or Olive oil dressing
Dollop of hummus
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Small handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1/2 cup of cooked brown rice
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional) 23
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack Small handful of nuts

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Your choice of veggies
1/2 avocado
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Dollop of hummus OR handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)

Before Bed Detox Bath (20 minutes) 24
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) Small handful of nuts

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) Salad with your choice of veggies
Balsamic vinegar or Olive oil dressing
Dollop of hummus
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Small handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1/2 cup of cooked brown rice
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional) 25
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack Small handful of nuts

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Your choice of veggies
1/2 avocado
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Dollop of hummus OR handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)

Before Bed Detox Bath (20 minutes) 26
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) Small handful of nuts

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) Salad with your choice of veggies
Balsamic vinegar or Olive oil dressing
Dollop of hummus
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Small handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1/2 cup of cooked brown rice
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional) 27
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack Small handful of nuts

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Your choice of veggies
1/2 avocado
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Dollop of hummus OR handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)

Before Bed Detox Bath (20 minutes) 28
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) Small handful of nuts

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) Salad with your choice of veggies
Balsamic vinegar or Olive oil dressing
Dollop of hummus
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Small handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1/2 cup of cooked brown rice
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional) 29
DAY 10
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack Small handful of nuts

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Your choice of veggies
1/2 avocado
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Dollop of hummus OR handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)

Before Bed Detox Bath (20 minutes) 30
DAY 11
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) Small handful of nuts

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) Salad with your choice of veggies
Balsamic vinegar or Olive oil dressing
Dollop of hummus
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Small handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1/2 cup of cooked brown rice
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional) 31
DAY 12
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack Small handful of nuts

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Your choice of veggies
1/2 avocado
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Dollop of hummus OR handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)

Before Bed Detox Bath (20 minutes) 32
DAY 13
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) Small handful of nuts

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) Salad with your choice of veggies
Balsamic vinegar or Olive oil dressing
Dollop of hummus
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Small handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1/2 cup of cooked brown rice
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional) 33
DAY 14
6:00 AM Hot water w/ 1/2 lemon

6:30 AM Exercise

Breakfast #1 Breakfast Smoothie

(7:30 - 8:30am) 1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)
1 Multivitamin

Breakfast #2 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(10 - 10:30am) 1 cup of Greek yogurt

Late Morning 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Snack Small handful of nuts

Lunch 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

(12pm - 1pm) 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Your choice of veggies
1/2 avocado
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)

Mid Afternoon Your choice of veggies

Snack Dollop of hummus OR handful of nuts
(3pm - 4pm) 1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea

Dinner Your choice of 6 ounce protein

(5:30 - 7:45pm) Your choice of veggies
1 cup of Cleansing Broth or Green Tea
1 capsule of AbsorbMax (optional)
1 capsule Pro-X10 (optional)

Before Bed Detox Bath (20 minutes) 34

Today I feel: o Energetic o Motivated o Joyful o Calm o Humorous o Patient
o Sad o Depressed o Tired o Overwhelmed o Out of Control o Angry 35
Brian Klepacki has over 16 years of experience
and education in the fitness and athletic world.
He holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise
Science and holds numerous highly recognized
certifications that have set his expertise and
training above most others. Brian has learned
that in order for you to achieve your max
performance, a multitude of training regimes
must be implemented to stimulate all systems of
the body.

As a Strength & Conditioning Specialist and Functional Movement Specialist,

Coach Brian knows how crucial it is to sort through fact and fiction when it
comes to physical training and human performance. His philosophy is simple,
PURPOSE OVER PREFERENCE. He is not about those big box cookie cutter
programs and he doesn’t prescribe a random workout that has no purpose. His
logic is specific. His training has a purpose.

Brian currently resides in St. Petersburg, FL with his wife and their two boys.
He is the Owner of Optimax Performance Training and consults as a Strength
& Conditioning Advisor for and is the creator of Unlock Your
Glutes and the Crunchless Core program.

YouTube: 36

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