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Which Diet Choice Is Better: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Carbohydrates?


Background of the Study

In nutrition, diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism. The word

‘diet’ often implies the use of specific intake of nutrition for health or weight-

management reasons (with the two often being related). Although humans are omnivores, each

culture and each person holds some food preferences or some food taboos. This may be varied

due to personal preferences or ethical reasons. Individual dietary choices may be more or less


Complete nutrition requires ingestion and absorption of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids

from protein, and essential fatty acids from fat-containing food, also food energy in the form of

carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Dietary habits and choices play a significant role in the quality of

life, health and longevity.

A low-fat diet is a type of diet that restricts fat and often saturated fat and cholesterol as well.

Low-fat diets are intended to reduce the development of health conditions such as heart

disease and obesity. For weight loss, they perform similarly to a low-carbohydrate diet,

since macronutrient composition does not regulate weight loss success. Reducing fat in the diet

can make it easier to cut calories. Fat provides nine calories per gram while carbohydrates and

protein each provide four calories per gram, so choosing low-fat foods makes it possible to eat a

larger scale of food for the same number of calories. This effect is countered by the rapidity of

digestion of carbohydrates compared to fats. The Institute of Medicine recommends limiting fat

intake to 35% of total calories to help prevent obesity and to help manipulate saturated fat
Which Diet Choice Is Better: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Carbohydrates?

intake. A low-fat diet is not well defined, but a very low fat diet is one that gets less than 15% of

daily calories from fat. Scientific studies dating from the late 1940s showed a correlation

between high-fat diets and high-cholesterol levels, suggesting that a low-fat diet might prevent

heart disease in high-risk patients. By the 1960s, the low-fat diet began to be recommender not

just for high-risk heart patients, but as good for the whole nation of America. After 1980, the

low-fat approach became a leading ideology, promoted by physicians, the federal government,

the food industry, and the popular health media.

However, a low-sugar diet, this type of diet substitutes added sugar with foods that are naturally

sweet like some fruits, vegetables, natural dairy, whole grains, and spices. This also includes

foods that are rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats to help prevent food cravings and help

stabilize your blood sugar spikes. Counting calories in this diet plan in unnecessary because a

person can lose weight with a high-fiber diet made up of the right kinds of fruits,

vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. On the other hand, it requires a person to cut down

refined sugar and flour and find a better substitute for a healthier meal.

The low-sugar diet plan emphasizes foods with a low glycemic index (GI), which help

keep blood sugar levels steady. Foods with a higher GI make your blood sugar rise more than

those with a lower GI.

The foods with the highest GI are carbohydrates, including white bread, white rice, potatoes,

white flour, and sugar. The low-sugar diet works by cutting calories from added sugars and

processed foods, and by adding foods that help you feel full without ample amounts of sugar. A diet

rich in high-fiber vegetables, stone-ground whole grains, lean meats, fish, healthy fats, low-fat dairy,

and fruits are the foundation of most healthy weight loss plans. The diet is guaranteed to

lower cholesterol, help achieve optimal wellness, increase your energy, and help
Which Diet Choice Is Better: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Carbohydrates?

cure diabetes and other diseases. Controlling blood sugars with low-glycemic foods and cutting

out sugar and refined grains is a formula that should work for most people with diabetes or

insulin resistance. With the restriction of most processed foods, anyone on a low-sodium diet

will also find this plan helpful.

A low-carb diet limits carbohydrates — such as those food found in grains, starchy vegetables

and fruit — and emphasizes foods high in protein and fat. Many types of low-carb diets exist and

each diet has varying restrictions on the types and amounts of carbohydrates you can eat.

This diet is generally used for losing weight. Some low-carb diets may have health benefits

beyond weight loss, such as reducing risk factors associated with Type 2 Diabetes, cardiac

failures, and metabolic syndrome. As the name says, a low-carb diet restricts the type and

amount of carbohydrates you eat daily. Carbohydrates are a type of calorie-providing

macronutrient found in many foods and beverages. Carbohydrates can be simple or complex.

They can further be classified as simple refined (table sugar), simple natural (lactose in milk and

fructose in fruit), complex refined (white flour) and complex natural (whole grains or beans).

Your body uses carbohydrates as its main source of fuel or energy. Complex carbohydrates

(starches) are broken down into simple sugars during digestion. They are then absorbed into your

bloodstream, where they are classified as blood sugar (glucose). In general, natural complex

carbohydrates are digested more slowly and they have less effect on blood sugar. Natural

complex carbohydrates provide bulk and serve other body functions beyond fuel. Rising levels of

blood sugar trigger the body to release insulin. Insulin helps glucose enter your body's cells.

Some glucose is used by your body for energy, fueling all of your activities, whether it's going

for a jog or simply breathing. Extra glucose is usually stored in your liver, muscles and other

cells for later use or is converted to fat. The idea behind the low-carb diet is that decreasing carbs
Which Diet Choice Is Better: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Carbohydrates?

lowers insulin levels, which causes the body to burn stored fat for energy and ultimately leads to

weight loss.

Statement of the Problem

This case study focused to identify the best diet choice among low-fat, low-sugar, and low-

carbohydrates. Specifically, answer the following sub questions.

1. What are the benefits of the low-fat, low-sugar, and low-carbohydrates?

2. Does low-fat, low-sugar, and low-carbohydrates affects our health?

3. Which health among the three diet choice is the best?


The following assumptions were formulated by the researchers regarding the attributes of

low-fat, low-sugar, and low-carbohydrates. The researchers assume:

1. Low-fat, low –sugar, low-carbohydrates have health benefits in our body.

2. Low-fat, low –sugar, low-carbohydrates has effects to people’s health.

3. Low-fat, low –sugar, low-carbohydrates are all diet choices.

4. Low-fat, low –sugar, low-carbohydrates affects people’s lifestyle.

5. Low-fat, low –sugar, low-carbohydrates are beneficial to people who have health

Which Diet Choice Is Better: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Carbohydrates?

Significance of the Study

The researchers expect that this study will be beneficial to the following people:

Students. The result of this study will provide the students certain knowledge about the benefits

of each diet which is the low-fat, low-sugar, and low-carbohydrates. The students will know

which diet is more applicable to their lifestyle. The students will give more importance to their

diet choice as it is beneficial to health.

People with health problems. This study is important to people who suffer from illnesses that

needs proper diet as it will help them to identify which diet suits them. Proper diet will help them

to lessen their usage of diet supplements and it is a promotion for a healthier lifestyle and safe

from chronic illnesses.

Administrators. This study is important to the administrators as it will help them to identify the

usage and benefits of low-fat, low-sugar and low carbohydrates not only for their own benefit,

but to the whole institution’s health state. Promotion of healthy lifestyle in campuses will lessen

students, teachers and office staffs to avoid obesity and malnutrition.

Future Researchers. This study is important to future researchers as it will help to identify the

benefits of low-fat, low-sugar and low carbohydrates to people’s way of living. This will help

them to provide more factual information that will benefit more people in this study.
Which Diet Choice Is Better: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Carbohydrates?

Scope and Delimitation

This qualitative study focuses on which reduced amount diets are better: the low fat, low-sugar

or low-carbohydrates, comparably, the researchers will also focus on which is better among the

three reduced amount of diets. Other features and characteristics of low-fat, low-sugar, and low-

carbohydrates will no longer be investigated. The study was conducted from July 2019 to

November 2019. This study was also limited for the residents of Imus, Cavite that is undergoing

on the same type of diet. Other people who undergoes on the same type of diet will no longer be

involved as respondents.

Definition of Terms

Cholesterol. Is a compound of the sterol type found in most body tissues. Cholesterol and its
derivatives are important constituents of cell membranes and precursors of other steroid
compounds, but a high proportion in the blood of low-density lipoprotein (which transports
cholesterol to the tissues) is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.
Glucose. Is a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms and is a
component of many carbohydrates.
Glycemic Index. Is a system that ranks foods on a scale from 1 to 100 based on their effect on
blood-sugar levels.
Insulin. A hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the
amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes.
Longevity. Is the long existence or service.
Macronutrients. It is a type of food (e.g. fat, protein, carbohydrate) required in large amounts in
the diet.
Obesity. The condition of being grossly fat or overweight.
Omnivore. An animal or person that eats food of both plant and animal origin.
Refined. With impurities or unwanted elements having been removed by processing.
Saturated Fat. It is a type of dietary fat. It is one of the unhealthy fats, along with trans-fat.
These fats are most often solid at room temperature.
Which Diet Choice Is Better: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Carbohydrates?

Taboos. A social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice

or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Low Fat Diet is an eating plan that is low in total fat, unhealthy fat, and cholesterol. You may

need to follow a low-fat diet if you have trouble digesting or absorbing fat. You may also need to

follow this diet if you have high cholesterol. You can also lower your cholesterol by increasing

the amount of fiber in your diet. Soluble fiber is a type of fiber that helps to decrease cholesterol

levels. –

The primary reasons for choosing a low fat diet tend to be to help reduce overall calorie intake

and to improve cholesterol levels. To help achieve these aims a low fat diet should be

appropriately balanced to include a healthy amount of vitamins and minerals.

Low Sugar Diet are weight-loss diets or eating plans focused on reducing or eliminating the

amount of sugar that a person consumes. Sugars, which are a form of carbohydrates, occur

naturally or are added to foods and beverages. Low-sugar diets include specialized eating plans

to manage diets and weight-loss plans like Sugar Busters and the “nothing white” diets. In

addition, many Americans in the twenty-first century consume so much sugar that organizations

including the American Heart Association (AHA) issued recommendations to reduce that

consumption and prevent health problems, including obesity and high blood pressure

Low-sugar diets are a specialized form of low-carbohydrate diets for diabetes management or

weight loss. Some are derived from general guidelines drawn up by such organizations as the

AHA and the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Others, like Sugar Busters and “nothing
Which Diet Choice Is Better: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Carbohydrates?

white” diets, are weight-loss plans published by individuals or groups for the general public.

Some low-sugar diets are based on reducing the total amount of sugar obtained in the diet from

fruits, starches, and other foods, not just from table sugar and such other sweeteners as honey,

molasses, or corn syrup. Other plans take the form of nutritional guidelines for the general

public; recommendations include reducing the intake of added sugars that are found in products

like sugar-sweetened beverages and baked goods.

Low Carbohydrate Diet is low in carbohydrates, primarily found in sugary foods, pasta and

bread. Instead, you eat real foods including protein, natural fats and vegetables.

Studies show that low-carb diets result in weight loss and improved health markers. These diets

have been in common use for decades and are recommended by many doctors. Best yet, there’s

usually no need to count calories or use special products – all you need to do is to eat real food

A low-carb diet means that you eat fewer carbohydrates and a higher proportion of fat. This can

also be called a low-carb, high-fat diet (LCHF) or a keto diet. For decades we’ve been told that

fat is detrimental to our health. Meanwhile low-fat “diet” products, often full of sugar, have

flooded supermarket shelves. This has most likely been a major mistake that coincided with the

start of the obesity epidemic. Studies now show that there’s no reason to fear natural fats. Fat is

your friend (here’s why). On a low-carb diet, you can eat all the fat you need to feel satisfied

and, instead, you minimize your intake of sugar and starches. Most people can eat delicious

foods until they are satisfied – and still lose weight.

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