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Our latest
pioneering research

LVADs: Saving
a failing heart

10 Questions
with Paul Insect

heART project
Art from rock royalty
Page 18
In this issue:
09 Coffee with...
Brian Cox CBE
A catch up with the
celebrated Scottish actor

14 Heart of Scotland
Samantha Wells, An update on our
Chief Operating Officer
Heart of Scotland Appeal
Heart Research UK
16 Community Grants
Hello, Get the lowdown on our latest
Welcome to the latest edition Subway and Heart Research UK
of our Pulse magazine! Healthy Heart Grants
In this issue, you’ll find out all about
our latest pioneering research into the
24 Best foot forward
prevention, treatment and cure of heart for Heart Research UK

disease, as well as meeting some of the
people who have been raising money Transforming a devastating
for Heart Research UK over the last few diagnosis into a dancing success

Also, we’re delighted to once again

share with you one of our most exciting
campaigns, the anonymous heART
project. Back for its second year and
bigger and better than ever, read on to
meet some of the artists and find out
how you helped us raise over £38,000.

I was particularly thrilled that we received

artwork from Robert Smith, lead singer
of The Cure – one of my favourite ever

We’re not like other charities. We don’t

pester you for money, we simply treat
you how we would like to be treated.
Everything we achieve is thanks to the
generosity and time of our supporters
and we don’t take that for granted. So
a big thank you from me and the whole
team at Heart Research UK.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Pulse,

and do let me know if there are things
Here at Heart Research UK we like to spend your
you would like us to cover in future
money wisely. Sponsorship of Pulse means that we Pulse contributors
editions. You can email me at info@ can spend more money on research. If you’d like (from left to right) with your to hear more about options for sponsorship please Daniel Raymond
suggestions. contact Isabel at Isabel McKenzie
Matt Hickling
Sam Tom Smith

02 03


the way
Translational Research Project Grant Translational Research Project Grant Translational Research Project Grant
In our latest grant rounds, we awarded Pregnancy outcomes in women New drugs to improve blood Eliminating ‘zombie’ cells in your
more than £550,000 for Translational with cardiomyopathy supply to the heart in patients heart could alleviate age-related
Research Project Grants. These grants suffering a heart attack cardiac deterioration
aim to bridge the gap between laboratory-
based scientific research and patient
care, to benefit patients as soon as
possible. We also offered a special regional Dr Matthew Cauldwell Prof Paolo Madeddu Dr Georgina Ellison-Hughes
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital University of Bristol King’s College London
grant for Scotland and were inundated
36 months 24 months 24 months
with applications. After going through
rigorous assessment by our reviewers, we The problem The problem The problem
awarded over £125,000 for heart disease Heart disease is the single biggest cause of maternal A heart attack is caused by a blockage of one of Ageing is the greatest risk factor for many life-
research at The University of Glasgow. death in the UK and cardiomyopathy, although rare, the coronary arteries of the heart. Urgent reopening threatening disorders, including cardiovascular disease
is often responsible. However, very little research has of the blocked artery is a life-saving procedure and cancer. The build-up of senescent cells, called
been carried out to look at pregnancy outcomes in in patients suffering a heart attack but it has ‘zombie’ cells, in our bodies promotes ageing and age-
Our dedicated Northern Ireland Grants will
women with cardiomyopathy, meaning there is a limitations. Drugs that encourage the body to related conditions including cardiovascular disease.
be announced in our next edition of Pulse. significant knowledge gap about how this group of grow new blood vessels in the stunned heart may
The project
patients should be managed. represent a potential new treatment to avoid the
damage and reduce the risk of heart failure. Dr Ellison-Hughes and her team have developed a
The project
co-culture human ‘zombie’ cell lab model system
The project
This project will use data from the UK Obstetric where senescent, zombie cells are grown together
Surveillance System (UKOSS) which collects data A protein recently discovered as being involved with non-senescent, healthy cells. Using this
from all UK maternity units, enabling the study of rare in preventing blood vessel growth is ‘BACH1’. system, they will investigate whether a new group
disorders in pregnancy. The aim is to answer questions Using blood vessel cells in the lab, Professor of drugs, called senolytics, can eliminate zombie
about the incidence of cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular Madeddu’s team will study how BACH1 is involved cells and/or stop the harmful chemicals they
complications, and outcomes for mothers and babies. in new blood vessel formation and whether produce, improving the survival and growth of heart
chemicals that block BACH1 may be used as muscle cells and their ability to repair the heart.
The benefits
drugs to encourage new blood vessel growth.
The benefits
By collecting comprehensive data through the
The benefits
UKOSS on cardiomyopathy during pregnancy, If successful, the findings will help us understand the
it is hoped that better counselling can be given If BACH1 inhibitors are shown to stimulate blood effects of senolytic drugs on human heart cells, and
to women, management during pregnancy vessel growth in the lab, this would be the first step may pave the way for the development of senolytics
and delivery can be improved, and outcomes in developing them into drug treatments for heart to treat age-related heart disorders and the toxic
for mothers and babies optimised. disease. This means that patients suffering a heart effects of cancer chemotherapy on the heart.
attack could be treated with a BACH1 inhibitor to
accelerate the healing of the heart tissue initially
salvaged by reopening the blocked coronary artery.

04 05
Our thanks to everyone who

has left a gift in their Will to

Heart Research UK and to
those who have remembered
their loved ones through
donations in their memory.
Translational Translational Regional Scotland Grant
Research Project Grant Research Project Grant
Improving access to
A new tool for predicting Why does heart failure cardiac rehabilitation for
risk of cardiovascular make our muscles people with heart failure Peggy Pearm Amesbury •
event or death in patients become smaller and in Scotland Gary
who have suffered a weaker? Sally Ethem Anderson •
heart attack Rosemary Chapman • Lizzy Cox • Purser
Richard Fitzgerald • Phil Hawgood
Prof Mamas A Mamas Dr T Scott Bowen Prof Rod Taylor • Christine Jacques • Joan O’Shea
University of Manchester University of Leeds University of Glasgow • Gary Purser • Maureen Anm
24 months 24 months 18 months Scammell • Brian Swanton • Ted
The problem The problem The problem Webb • Gerry Begley • Graham
People with cardiovascular disease Around 1 million people in the UK Cardiac rehabilitation can improve Smith • Dmitry Danlin • Gary Lewis
(CVD) face a high risk of future have heart failure and numbers patient outcomes, such as health- • Wyn Winum • Dennis Edgerley •
cardiovascular events such as a are increasing. Many patients related quality of life, and has the Brian Darbyshire • Alan Gerhold •
stroke or heart attack. Tools are with heart failure have severe potential to reduce time spent in Richard
available to help doctors predict muscle weakness, but no effective hospital. However, fewer than 1 in Robin Arthur Moore • P Fox • Brenda
the risk of developing future drug treatments are available. 20 patients admitted to hospital Wornes • Joan Brown • Mr Davies •
cardiovascular events or death in Muscle wasting affects simple with heart failure participate in Pauline King • Don King • Barry Gane
people without CVD, but not in daily activities and is a very strong cardiac rehabilitation.
high-risk patients who already predictor of poor quality of life and • George MacDonald • Sheila Jenkins
The project
have CVD. early death in patients with heart • Denis Frank Barton • John Blaxell
failure. Professor Taylor’s team has already
The project • Eileen Butterworth • Elizabeth
shown in a clinical trial that a new
The project Dempsey • June Fermer • Gordon
This project will use medical data 12-week home-based rehabilitation
routinely collected during GP visits A protein called ‘MuRF1’ may have programme, called ‘REACH-HF’, Halliwell • Helen Loughlin • Kathleen
to develop a tool that predicts a very important role in muscle benefits patients and is cost-
Priestley • Olga Pritchard • Joanne
the risks of developing a future weakness caused by heart failure. effective for the NHS. In this project
cardiovascular event or death, in This project will investigate the role they will assess the impact in ‘real- Roberts • Gerald Sharkey • Margaret Terry
people who have already had a of MuRF1 and the effects of drugs world’ settings in Scotland. Taylor • Terry O’Keefe O’Keefe
heart attack. that block MuRF1, and study the
The benefits
changes occurring in muscles of
The benefits
patients with heart failure. REACH-HF has the potential to
The development of a modern improve patient outcomes, such as
The benefits
prediction tool would improve the health-related quality of life, and
quality of care for patients with If successful, this project will help to reduce time spent in hospital.
CVD by helping GPs to identify us understand what causes muscle If successful, this home-based
patients at higher risk of future weakness in heart failure and rehabilitation programme will
cardiovascular events and death, may identify new drug treatments improve the choice of, and access
so that lifestyle changes can be which improve muscle mass and to, rehabilitation services for people
made or appropriate medical strength. These have the potential with heart failure in Scotland.
treatment given to reduce their risk. to improve symptoms, quality of life Thinking about leaving a gift in your Will or donating in memory?
and survival in patients with heart To find out more, please give Abi a call on 0113 234 7474 or
failure and other conditions, and email and we will be happy to help.
may also lead to socio-economic

06 07
Top research priorities for cardiac
surgery research identified Coffee with...
Brian Cox CBE
The Heart Surgery Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) is a collaboration between the University of Leicester and the
James Lind Alliance, funded by Heart Research UK. The aim of the Heart Surgery PSP is to identify unanswered
questions about adult cardiac surgery treatment from patient and clinical perspectives, and prioritise those that
they agree are the most important. At the beginning of 2018, Heart Research UK awarded a grant of £80,000
for funding of key staff and resources to ensure the success of the PSP. Patients, carers and health professionals
were all brought together in this partnership to identify and prioritise the top 10 unanswered research questions or
evidence uncertainties in the development of cardiac surgery.
Following his support for the What’s the best piece of advice Also my father, who
Top 10 priorities are: Heart of Scotland Appeal, we you’ve ever been given? sadly passed away
caught up with acclaimed Royal when I was a boy.
Shakespeare Company actor Don’t just stand there -
If you could time travel to any

1 6
Quality of life: and star of HBO’s Succession, do something!
Surgical methods:
How does a patient’s quality of life change
How does minimally invasive heart surgery Brian Cox CBE. place and period in history,
(e.g. disability-free survival) following heart surgery What are your top tips for a heart where would you go?
compare to traditional open surgery?
and what factors are associated with this?
How are you involved with healthy lifestyle?
Heart Research UK? Probably far into the future, to see
Eat well and keep moving! I believe what my descendants are up to - if
resistance training is always there are any left by then!

2 7
Organ damage: I got involved with Heart Research
Frailty: important but more so as one
How can we address frailty and improve the
How do we minimise damage to organs UK’s Heart of Scotland Appeal.
from the heart-lung machine/heart surgery ages. Running is great but it’s hard
management of frail patients in heart surgery?
(heart, kidney, lung, brain and gut)? I’m deeply proud of my Scottish on the joints so I prefer weights.
heritage and almost everyone
will have been touched by heart What film or song pulls at your
3D Bio-Printing: disease in some way, so pledging heartstrings?

3 8
Chronic conditions: Can we use 3D bio-printing or stem
How can we improve the outcomes of heart surgery my support to help raise funds A Quiet Man by John Ford.
cell technology to create living tissues
patients with chronic conditions (obesity, diabetes,
(heart valves/heart) and repair failing to take on heart disease here in
hypertension, renal failure, autoimmune diseases etc)? Scotland was an easy decision.
hearts (myocardial regeneration)? Given a chance, who (alive
or dead) would you like to
What is your biggest sit down and have a heart-
achievement to date –

4 9
Prehabilitation: to-heart with?
Atrial fibrillation: personal or professional?
Does prehabilitation (a programme of nutritional,
What are the most effective ways of preventing
exercise and psychological interventions before The actor Spencer Tracy.
and treating post-operative atrial fibrillation?
surgery) benefit heart surgery patients? My children!
Who is your role
If you were in charge of Heart model and why?
Research UK for a day, what

5 10
Heart valve intervention: would you do? Spencer Tracy again!
How do we reduce and manage infections
When should heart valve intervention
after heart surgery including surgical site/
occur for patients without symptoms?
sternal wound infection and pneumonia? First of all, I would put more Also of course my friend, the
emphasis on diet and the late Albert Finney - seeing him
influence it has over our health, in the film Saturday Night
Over 35,000 adults undergo cardiac surgery in the UK every year, with a further 1 million cardiac surgery patients and of course exercise. I think and Sunday Morning
worldwide. Although the short-term results of surgery are excellent, many patients fail to obtain long-term benefits the emphasis when it comes paved the way for
for reasons that remain unclear. With increasingly elderly and frail patients referred for cardiac surgery, and to health in general should be working class lads
the continuous development of new, less-invasive techniques and devices, continuing the delivery of excellent about prevention rather than such as myself
personalised care to patients relies on high quality evidence based on research. management once it’s too late. within the film
Kate Bratt-Farrar, CEO of Heart Research UK, said: “We are very proud to have been able to fund the important What’s on your bucket list?
work done by the Priority Setting Partnership to further the long-term success rates of cardiac surgery. In order for
I’ve never been one for bucket lists.
cardiac surgery to continue to save lives and to improve the quality of the lives of individuals who undergo surgery
I’ve lived a fortunate life, but I have
to the best of our ability, it is vital to focus efforts in the areas that will be most fruitful.
always wanted to return to India.
“We thank all of our supporters for their ceaseless work and generous donations to help us to make projects like this
one possible.”
To find out more please visit

08 09
Shakira Edmonds – Hull 10k run

A big thank Hazel Forrest – Coffee morning

you to all of Christine Goodwin – Coffee morning

our fantastic
Daniel Lowes –
24 hour gaming marathon Nigel Harrison
Valerie Brooke Network Rail
fundraisers Donations in lieu
of presents for her
80th birthday
Jasmine Mameen –
End of Ramadan celebrations
Cricket match &
BBQ in memory of
colleague Alan

Rotary Club of Shipley –

Luke Morris –
Year of fundraising by members
Saxon Shore Half Marathon
Inner Wheel District 26 –
Emma Russel –
Year of fundraising by members
London to Brighton Cycle
Elephant & Castle Angling Club –
Paul Smith –
Memorial charity fishing tournament in
Worcester Marathon
memory of Bert Wooton
Peter Bethany Ward –
Carlton Social Club Burrows-Bryan
Gung Ho North East Obstacle course
London Marathon
Stuart Carey –
Lola Humphries – Sponsored skydive
Donations from launch of book

Danny Bohannan Kerry and Linda Morrison

14 events over 14 months, 25th anniversary of heart
including runs, cycling and abseiling transplant celebration
Gareth Barwise
London Marathon

10 11
The operation, which was carried “When the hospital first mentioned
out by revered cardiac surgeon an LVAD, we had never heard of
Steven Westaby, was a huge “The LVAD gave him them,” said Julie.
success, and Peter lived for another an extra three years, “Not many people are aware of
seven years, setting the Guinness
World Record for Longest surviving a second chance what an LVAD is, even in hospitals.
It’s unlikely that people will ever
artificial heart transplant patient. of life. It gave my

have come into contact with one.
Another was Jim Braid, the first mum and I three “It’s so vital that we educate people
man in Scotland to be fitted with
an LVAD. Jim, from Fife, had an years that we never on this technology. Without the
research behind them, I would have
irregular heartbeat and suffered would have had.” lost Chris in 2010. He would never
numerous mini strokes through his

have been given those extra six
In 2002, Jim’s health began to Chris Linley was fitted with an LVAD
in 2010 whilst waiting for a heart “Research has meant that there
bypass. was always something that could

a failing
“I was away for my first year of be done.”
uni when I got the phone call,” In the previous years, he’d needed
remembers Vicki Kinninmonth, various heart-related interventions,
Jim’s daughter. including defibrillators and
pacemakers. Heart Research UK is
“It was my mum, saying dad had currently funding the

been taken to hospital and didn’t Then, Chris’ heart suddenly following research into
have much time left. deteriorated - he had less than a LVADs
month to live.
“Because of the toll on his body, Dr Sern Lim
he wasn’t a suitable recipient for a On the 25th of October, Chris Queen Elizabeth Hospital
heart transplant. His liver and lungs was fitted with an LVAD, which he Birmingham
just couldn’t take it. named ‘Dave’.
24 months • £144,148
“A specialist in Glasgow knew of “For the first two weeks I felt very
low to the point where I nearly gave Dr Lim and his team will
a surgeon practising revolutionary
up the fight,” said Chris. investigate whether a
surgery for heart patients, and that
technique called ‘wave
my dad would be a good candidate “I can remember that first day, the intensity analysis’ can be
for it.” time was taken up with doctor’s used to better assess who
The average human heart beats Introducing the Left Ventricular quality of life often drastically That surgeon was Stephen visits, explaining all about the LVAD. would be suitable for an
around 115,000 times a day. Assist Device – the LVAD. improves, as normal cardiac Westaby, and Heart Research UK This was quite a funny experience, LVAD.
That’s 42 million times a year, function is restored. again funded the implantation of my doctor’s medical staff listened to
LVADs are artificial heart pumps Prof Omar Escalona
and over 3 billion times in the the Jarvik Pump. my chest, which they described as
which support a failing heart, One such patient was Peter Ulster University
course of a life. sounding like a washing machine.
helping them to pump an adequate Houghton, who was one of the first “He wanted to live, so they decided
In that time, the heart will pump amount of blood around the body. patients to be given an artificial My doctor’s first words were ‘Chris, 24 months • £248,436
to give him that chance. When he you’re an alien.’
over 252 million litres of blood. The LVAD connects to the left heart pump as a permanent had the operation, he had days to When wireless power
That’s enough to fill 100 Olympic ventricle and the aorta, and pumps measure. In 2000, Heart Research live. “Returning home felt a little transmission is used for
sized swimming pools. the blood from the left ventricle into UK funded the implantation of a strange. I began to notice things I LVADs, the implanted coil
the aorta, where it then flows to the Jarvik heart pump into Peter who “The LVAD gave him an extra three had taken for granted in the past -
That’s a lot of work. of these wireless systems
rest of the body. was suffering from severe heart years, a second chance of life. It books on bookshelves, pictures on causes heating in the tissues,
It is no surprise then that failure. gave my mum and I three years the wall, photographs of family and
A thin cable, known as the driveline, leading to local skin and
sometimes, hearts can begin to fail. that we never would have had. friends.
connects the LVAD to a controller, tissue damage. Professor
Heart failure means that the heart which remains outside the body. “If it wasn’t for the funding and “It was good to be home.” Escalona and his team are
can’t pump around the body as well The controller is often worn by the the research that went into the developing a new wireless
as it needs to, usually because the operation, we wouldn’t have got Chris sadly passed away in 2016. system which transmits
user, along with extra batteries, in a
heart muscle has become weak that.” His partner, Julie Linley, believes pulses of energy which
backpack or on a belt.
or stiff. Heart failure affects around that there needs to be more means that the tissues can
LVADs are sometimes used as a But what is living with an LVAD awareness about this life-saving
920,000 people in the UK. cool down between pulses.
bridge to a transplant, keeping really like? technology.
Heart failure is a long term a donor going as they await a
condition that mostly cannot be suitable donor.
cured, but it can be managed with
Once an LVAD has been To find out more about Heart Research UK’s research, please visit
a combination of drugs, lifestyle
successfully implanted, a patient’s
changes and medical devices. Above Peter Houghton with the Jarvik Pump.

12 13
Thank you to
all our lovely
Scottish Heart of Scotland Scottish research update
In 2019, we launched the Heart of Scotland In 2018, Heart Research UK began funding the PhD studentship of
Appeal, a dedicated fundraiser to take on Erin Boland at the University of Glasgow. Following the launch of the
heart disease in Scotland. Here’s an update Heart of Scotland Appeal, Erin explains a bit more about her research,
on some upcoming events, and some of our and why finding a cure for heart disease means so much to her.
fantastic Heart of Scotland fundraisers.
Heart of Scotland Campaign UK Translational Research people are personally affected, I
Project (TRP) Grant. Funding thought if I go on to do research I
The Balmoral Hotel and Archerfield The evening, which will be hosted Nowhere is the burden of
research is vital as it will help to should be doing something that I
Links are teaming up to offer a by celebrity charity ambassadors, cardiovascular disease more
better understand diseases and know will make a difference in the
Moyra Stephen golfing challenge and charity ball will begin with a champagne apparent than in Scotland, where
potentially develop new treatments future.
in support the Heart of Scotland and canapé reception, followed it is currently the country’s biggest
Edinburgh Half Marathon for patients. Cardiac diseases are
Appeal. by a three course meal and killer. Earlier this year I attended A lot of the reasons that we see
a major cause of death for which
entertainment. There will also be an the launch of the Heart of Scotland improvements in heart health is
Teeing off at Archerfield, ‘The Open there is an urgent need for more
auction of exclusive, money-can’t- Appeal, which aims to raise funds to down to the fact that we have
Mark Anderson Hearts of Scotland Challenge’ will
buy prizes, with all the money raised be able to continue supporting and
effective treatments.
so many researchers looking into
Scottish Half Marathon see teams of four battle it out on the
going to the Heart of Scotland investing in crucial medical research The research that I am currently different causes and treatments.
greens, before the famed Balmoral
Appeal. taking place throughout Scotland. carrying out will hopefully build on
Hotel host ‘The Open Hearts of Before, heart attacks would
our knowledge of how abnormal
Scotland Charity Ball’, a night of To find out more about the Backing campaigns like this will have been a death sentence
collagen mutations contribute to
fine dining, world-class cabaret and Heart of Scotland Appeal, please help researchers like me to continue for someone - it simply wasn’t
cardiovascular disease, and identify
entertainment in the grandeur of the visit finding new ways to prevent and possible to recover for the majority
potential ways we can treat it.
Sir Walter Scott Suite. treat heart disease so that the of sufferers. Today, it’s a lot more
statistics we are all too familiar with Why I got involved hopeful.
can one day become a thing of the
I was born in Glasgow, in an area The Heart of Scotland Appeal
called The Gorbals, which has one is so important to fund research
Tackling the problem of the worst cardiovascular disease across Scotland. We desperately
death rates in Scotland. need funding to improve things for
Vicki Kinninmouth & family Heart of Scotland prize draw Heart Research UK are currently
patients, and the only way to do
supporting me as a PhD student at Halfway through my undergraduate
Kiltwalk the University of Glasgow. Working degree in Glasgow, my dad passed
that is through research.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Heart of Scotland as part of Dr Tom Van Agtmael’s away from cardiovascular disease. To find out more about the
Appeal prize draw, with a fantastic range of prizes showcasing team, the project is generously Heart of Scotland Appeal, please
the best of Scotland across 2020. Because I’ve been personally
supported by a Heart Research visit
affected and because so many
• Exclusive cooking experience with Chef Tom Kitchin in
Edinburgh, followed dinner and wine for two.
• VIP day for two at any Scottish racecourse, with dinner and
• Bed and Breakfast stay for two at Portavadie, Loch Fyne
Eastern Knights Cricket Match with spa and leisure experiences.
• A Highland Safari for two in the Perthshire mountains.
• Two tickets to see Jamie Cullum at the SEC Armadillo
• Four tickets to the Scottish Whisky Experience in Edinburgh.
To order your tickets, please visit

14 Piping Live 15
Through our charity partnership fitness levels monitored throughout. qualification, this programme will

with Subway, we fund Healthy offer key life skills to young people
Beneficiaries of the ‘Great taste, No
Heart Grants across the in low socio-economic areas and
Waste’ project will help to develop
UK to inspire and motivate people with disabilities living in
a culturally sensitive recipe book,
communities to live healthier, Cornwall.
adapted with a healthy twist, in

happier and longer lives.
English and other locally spoken Workshops will be interactive and
This year we have awarded 12 languages. practical, and will be developed
Heart Research UK and Subway by the group they are designed
Healthy Heart Grants. Here is to benefit. Offering skills that can
Blueprint 22 (£9,600)

to live healthier,
what the latest six are aiming be taken home, participants will
to achieve: ‘Hand on Your Heart’ is a year be able to plan and cook healthy
long youth-led interactive project delicious meals, build new types
SCOTLAND aimed at empowering 150 young of movements into their day and
Dwarf Sports Association (£5,000) adults aged 18-25 to look after make positive lifestyle changes.

happier, longer lives

their hearts. The truly inspirational It is hoped that through upskilling
The Scottish region of the Dwarf
part of this project is that it is individuals the healthy heart
Sports Association (DSA) aims
designed, delivered and evaluated message will begin to spread
to make sporting opportunities
by the young people themselves, throughout the West Country.
accessible and enjoyable to anyone
supported by staff at Blueprint 22.
with restricted growth across ANGLIA
Scotland. Through exercise and education,
Southend United Community
‘Hand on Your Heart’ will help to
The World Dwarf Games Training and Educational Trust (£9,250)
create confident, independent
programme, funded by Heart
young adults with greater life Through the ‘Heart of the
Research UK and Subway®, will
chances and a reduced risk of heart Community’ project, 1,200 children
deliver sporting activities such as
disease in the future. aged 9-11 in their last years of
swimming, football, basketball and
primary school across South East
hockey in a safe space for children Funding of this project is partly
Essex will take part in six weeks of
aged 8-16 years and adults aged subsidised by a member’s aunt
classroom learning and physical
16-40 years with dwarfism. who died of heart failure.
activity sessions, all centred around
The project will actively encourage MERIDIAN the inner workings of the heart and
adults and children with dwarfism to Y Services for Young People how to keep it healthy.
lead healthy lifestyles, showcasing (£3,400) Activities, including quizzes and
their abilities and improving muscle
Research shows a worrying trend interactive games, will teach a
tone and addressing joint issues
of young people failing to develop healthy balanced diet and how
associated with dwarfism.
basic cooking skills because they increasing physical activity affects
Our Healthy Hearts team will are not seeing cooking taking place the heart and circulatory system.
capture the impact of the project in the home and are not being Age appropriate CPR sessions will
on dads and male carers of involved in the kitchen. give children the confidence and
competitors via our Healthy Heart
The ‘Y Cook it!’ project will skills to perform CPR. They will use
see around 300 11-19 year-olds a soft toy and popular tunes to help
GRANADA in socially deprived areas of them remember what to do in an
Wirral Multicultural Organisation Hampshire benefit from cooking emergency situation.
(£10,000) classes in local community venues Each child will also be given a free
and summer holiday cook-it ticket to a healthy heart themed
The Wirral Multicultural
camps. match day with fun and engaging
Organisation (WMO) aims to
support 75 vulnerable members of ‘Y Cook it!’ will also engage directly activities for the whole family.
the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic with local young people at the To find out more about our
(BAME) community in Birkenhead Access All Areas council event, Healthy Heart grants, please
and surrounding areas by delivering which attracts hundreds of young visit
five weeks of culturally sensitive, people each year. healthy-hearts
practical cooking sessions, followed
by four weeks of health and well-
being workshops. Ignite you (£10,000)
In partnership with:
Activity sessions will include dance Working on nutrition, movement,
Image Blueprint 22, Meridian.
classes, yoga and women-only sleep, stress management
swimming, with blood pressure and and a unique ‘Train the Trainer’

16 17
When the frontman Robert Smith.

first anonymous It’s safe to say The Cure have a “ We’ve raised
heART project was
very dedicated following. After
the group posted on Twitter and
£38,500, and we’ve
dreamt up in 2018, Instagram about Robert, Jason, been blown away by
Heart Research UK’s
and the mysterious ‘Bunny Lake’
donating pieces of art, anticipation
the generosity of the
fundraising team hit fever pitch. artists, supporters
had a simple but Rumours began to swirl on fan and everyone who
ambitious vision.
sites and Twitter feeds – The Cure
detectives were on the case! It
has donated their
didn’t take long for fans to find time and efforts
Could we get hundreds of pieces
of high class art on A5 postcards,
Robert’s piece. The title ‘I could
have held on to your heart…’ and
to the campaign,
created by a host of international the writing on the piece - ‘If I could and I’d like to say a
celebrities, artists, designers
and creative Heart Research UK
have found the right words…’ are
both lyrics from Pictures of you,
huge thank you to
supporters? a hit song by the band. everyone involved.”
Could we then auction them By the evening of the first day,
anonymously on eBay, allowing Robert’s piece had shot up to
our supporters to bag a mini over £3,000.
masterpiece by some of their
favourite stars and raise money for And it wasn’t the only one.
our pioneering medical research? Keen artistic eyes had already
The answer, it turned out, was a picked out the Ralph Steadman
resounding yes! original and the piece by renowned
street artist Paul Insect, a previous
Snowed under from the amount collaborator with Banksy. Bids were
of positive feedback and people flying in left, right and centre, with

World-class art in
asking when we would run the the total rising by the minute.
auction again, it was a no brainer
to bring the anonymous heART So, we had all of this wonderful
project back for 2019. artwork, and hundreds of bidders

our hometown
dying to get their hands on it. We
And so, once again, postcards decided to give the people what
were sent out in their hundreds and they wanted, and host a public
across the world, paintbrushes, exhibition of the artwork.
pens and pencils were wielded in
their thousands.
Before long, we had over 450
pieces of original artwork, ranging
from the sublime to the downright
bizarre. We had original works from
acclaimed artists Ralph Steadman
and Paul Insect, quirky creations
from celebs such as Keith Lemon,
Zoë Wanamaker CBE and Alan
Titchmarsh MBE, and musical
masterpieces from The Cure’s
Robert Smith and Jason Cooper.
The stage was set, and on the 4th
of October, the anonymous heART
project 2019 was launched.
Almost immediately, one piece
shot out ahead of the pack.
Lot 439 - “I could have held on
to your heart…” by iconic rock Top Robert Smith’s piece “I could have held on to your heart...”. Bottom Paul Insect in his studio.

18 19
Heart Research UK was founded single piece had sold, and the total
in Leeds over 50 years ago, and we
wanted to celebrate our Yorkshire “At Heart Research
amount stood at an incredible
Here are the top
heritage. So, we decided to host
the exhibition right here, in our
UK, we’re always Unsurprisingly, Robert ten pieces from
home city of Leeds. looking for fun and Smith’s original piece was the
highest seller, commanding
the anonymous
All 450 pieces of artwork were interesting ways to an unbelievable £5,050. In heART project
transported to Northern Ballet in
the city centre, where they were
raise money. The second place was Paul Insect’s
‘Reflections’, which fetched a eBay auction
displayed on the 9th of November anonymous heART whopping £2,500, and making up
for the public to browse and enjoy.
project allows the top three was ‘Passport Photo’
by internationally recognisable
Robert Smith – I could have held on to your heart...,
£ 5,050
And enjoy they did!
people to support artist Ralph Steadman.
People came from far and wide to
gaze upon the artwork, including
ground-breaking Reflecting on the project, Heart
one ‘Cure’ superfan who travelled medical research Research UK’s Chief Executive,
Kate Bratt-Farrar, said: “The dust
all the way from Liverpool to gaze
on the artwork created by their
but also get a little has finally started to settle from
hero. something back, 2019’s anonymous heART project,
and what a project it was.
The furious scribbling of lot owning their own “We’ve raised £38,500, and we’ve
numbers on paper echoed around
the gallery, as hopeful bidders
mini-masterpiece.” been blown away by the generosity
of the artists, supporters and
scoped out their favourite pieces.
everyone who has donated their
Alongside the A5 artwork, the the room into a bidding frenzy. time and efforts to the campaign,
public were able to gaze upon When the final hammer dropped, and I’d like to say a huge thank you
a raft of larger pieces for sale, another £2,750 had been raised for to everyone involved.
kindly framed by Pictures Plus the anonymous heART project. Paul Insect – Reflection, Ralph Steadman – Passport Photo!, Bunny Lake – Swans #2,
“At Heart Research UK, we’re £2,500 £ 1,270 £731
and donated by a host of artists
With eyes glued to eBay, all that always looking for fun and
including Paul Insect, Anthony
was left to do was watch as the interesting ways to raise money.
Ratcliffe and Kip Kavallares.
total amount raised climbed ever The anonymous heART project
Then, it was on to a live auction of higher during the last few furious allows people to support ground-
the large pieces of artwork, kindly days of bidding. breaking medical research but also
hosted by Angus Ashworth of get a little something back, owning
When the virtual gavel fell, every
Ryedale auctioneers, who whipped their own mini-masterpieces.
“We were so thrilled to bring so
much stunning artwork to our
home town of Leeds, a city so close
to all of our hearts.
“What makes this project so special
is that everyone has the chance to
own a piece of iconic art, it really
is making high class art available Toni Cogdell – From my heart Jason Cooper – Camel, Nikki Griffith – Chelsea Clematis,
to your heart, £586 £570 £360
to all. We’re over the moon that
all 457 pieces have found a new
home, even mine!”

To find out more about

the anonymous heART
project, and to sign up to
hear about future events,
please visit heartresearch.

Above Heart Research UK’s CEO, Kate Bratt-Farrar talking at the anonymous heART exhibition.

John Wragg – Bye Thesea, .EPOD – H.EART HOTEL 2, Sarah Graham – Dorothy,
£316 £311.67 £300
See who’s helping us take on heart disease
Subway Walker Morris PPG have also sponsored Heart
Helping hearts in the Midlands
Research UK’s Christmas Tree of
Through collection boxes in The Leeds head office of Walker
over 700 stores nationwide, Morris LLP has taken advantage
so far this year our corporate of our fantastic employee health Persimmon Homes 12th Annual Healthy Heart Cup, Corporate Golf Day
partner Subway have raised check service this year, with 176
Thank you to the Persimmon This year’s Healthy Heart Cup Golf Day, hosted and sponsored by our charity
an incredible £52,342.70. employees benefitting from our
Homes Community Champion partners C3 Midlands, saw 10 teams from around the region brave torrential
in-depth 20 minute consultations,
Thanks to Subway and their scheme for the donation of £1,000 conditions for the chance to be crowned winners of the ‘Nick Bill Memorial’
checking their cholesterol and
customers for their contributions. towards the third edition of our trophy. This year’s event, held at Harborne Golf Club, was followed by a
blood pressure and identifying ways
Physical Activity Toolkits. Children wonderful 3 course dinner, raffle and auction which raised over £5,000. Our
Emerald they can improve their lifestyles.
born with congenital heart disease corporate partner adi Group held on to their winning status for the second year
Thanks to employees from Emerald Harron Homes are often discouraged from physical running and were presented with the trophy by Heart Research UK patron
Group Publishing, who took part in activity. Toolkits give children, their John Bill. John’s son Nick suffered with dilated cardiomyopathy after going
Thanks to the Leeds office of
a team sky dive in October to raise parents, carers and teachers the into heart failure in 2007 and sadly died at the age of 21. John has been an
Harron Homes, who have chosen
money for Heart Research UK. So confidence they need to help them advocate of Heart Research UK for over 12 years and in that time has helped to
Heart Research UK as their dress-
far they have raised over £7,000 lead a heart healthy life, now and raise over £100,000.
down Friday fundraising partner
with their thrill-seeking efforts. as they grow to adulthood. These
from October 2019 for one year.
are currently used in 18 UK cardiac Charge of the Light Brigade Charity VIP Dinner
Staff will donate £1 to don their
centres, reaching an estimated
civvies on one Friday of each A fantastic £25,000 was raised for Heart Research UK Midlands at a VIP
8,000 patients at hospitals
month. Dinner hosted by Quilter Private Client Advisers and led by Heart Research UK
including Leeds General Infirmary
ambassador Mr Richard Usmar (pictured) and Lord Digby Jones. The charity
and Great Ormond Street Hospital.
lunch on Friday the 25th of October celebrated the anniversary of the ‘Charge
CrossFit Harrogate of the Light Brigade’ which happened on the same day in 1854. 24 guests
were treated to a meal accompanied with fine wines donated from Richard’s
Thank you to CrosssFit Harrogate
private cellar. Richard, who used the opportunity during his speech to tell his
who raised £721 in the summer
guests more about the charity and where the money raised is spent, said “I am
by successfully completing the
delighted to be involved in helping to raise valuable funds and awareness for
Yorkshire Three Peaks. ‘The
PPG industries Heart Research UK.”
weather was awful!’ said Ryan
Employees from PPG Industries Tansley, Owner and Head Coach.
Corporate Partner adi Group - Healthy Heart Cup Football Tournament.
International clothing company
HMEA took on an Olympic Park
Damart raised over £7,000 with an Businesses from around Birmingham signed up their best players to compete
5km/10km charity staff run in
online promotion, donating £5 from in the 5th annual adi Group/Heart Research UK Midlands Healthy Heart Cup
memory of friend and colleague
every sale of selected products, Football Tournament. The event, which raised £1,465, saw 18 teams pitted
Steve Mckeown. They raised
which included leggings, a scarf against each other in a tense 5-a-side football tournament at Goals, Star City.
an incredible £2,020 for Heart
and a mini exercise bike. adi Group managed to retain the trophy for another year as their winning streak
Research UK’s pioneering research.
continued, with adi Tegg being crowned as the 2019 winners.
HR & Recruitment Co-ordinator and event organiser Nicola Gorman said
“Yet another great turnout for the 2019 adi Football Tournament makes it the
biggest one yet. Thank you to all who participated and entered this year’s
tournament. Thank you also to all those who came out in the cold to watch
Choose Heart Research UK as your and support the teams. It is great to know that the money raised from the

next charity of the year partner

event will help fund pioneering medical research and encourage communities
to live healthier heart lifestyles.”

Mela Charity Dinner

Companies of all sizes are now thinking about which charity to support
in 2020. More often than not, charities are nominated by employees, We had so much fun at our recent Charity Dinner Party at Mela Restaurant in
and the final decision comes down to a staff vote. So if you are reading Harborne. Guests enjoyed a Champagne Reception followed by a three course
this magazine and thinking about how you can support our vital work, dinner, live music and charity raffle and auction. Thank you to everybody that
please consider putting us forward as your charity partner. came along to support us, it was a great night which raised over £1,700.
Please contact for more infomation.
To find out more about our work in the Midlands, please call 0121 454
1799 or email

22 23
“I started 2010 on the operating table and ended the year travelling
Best foot forward for the world, sky diving, bungee jumping, canyon swinging, climbing
Heart Research UK through glaciers and more. That achievement is down to the work of
charities like Heart Research UK and their research.”

When professional Salsa dancer Anthony Mitchell

was diagnosed with streptococcus endocarditis,
a life-threatening heart infection, aged just 26,
life as he knew it came to an abrupt end. styles. There are three rounds to
the competition, culminating with
20 acts competing in the Grand
The winner receives £3,000, the UK
Dance Elite Championship trophy,
and an incredible trip to Hollywood,
where they will get to take part in
masterclasses with the industry’s
best, perform in a music video with
“Dancing has always been a part sure I was out of bed, washed and a recording artist and participate
of my life. As a kid I would emulate showered. I started each day by in a showcase in front of top LA
Michael Jackson music videos and drawing the curtains around my agents.
would love seeing my parents (ex- bed and doing karate, followed by
ballroom dancers) light up dance putting on my headphones and The competition raised money
floors at various family functions” dancing. for Heart Research UK through
hospital two weeks ahead of
said Anthony. an online JustGiving page and
“I felt this positive mindset schedule.”
through bucket collections at the
“I, like most people, only ever contributed to getting out of Since having the operation, events.
associated heart problems with Anthony decided to turn his
older people. If somebody had told “I wanted to raise as much money Above Dancers perform at the UK Dance Elite Championship.
experience into a positive, and
me on my 26th birthday that my as possible for a heart charity. By
set up the UK Dance Elite “When I was diagnosed, I was like Heart Research UK that these
27th birthday would be spent in chance, when I phoned Heart
hospital with a heart problem and “I am a firm believer Championship, combining his
love of dance with a desire to raise
Research UK, one of the employees told that I would need open heart developments can change people’s
surgery and would be left with a lives.
that by 28 I would need open heart that whatever life money for Heart Research UK.
was looking to launch a dance-
based charity event. The timing 12-inch scar.
surgery, I would have laughed them “We are so lucky to be living in
swiftly out the door. throws at you, the “I am a firm believer that whatever was perfect, she had also danced “18 months later and the science an age where these life-changing
“I was always extremely active only thing we can life throws at you, the only thing
we can truly control is how we
Salsa and we had mutual friends,
so it was a no-brainer to work with
and technology had evolved at operations can have such little
such a rate that I would only require impact on our lives.
and fit. When you’re young, you’re truly control is how respond to it. I wanted to take the Heart Research UK.” minimally invasive surgery; a 4-inch
fearless, and understandably, “I started 2010 on the operating
you don’t think of things like heart we respond to it. worst thing that had happened to
me and make it become the best
The enormity of the journey that scar in the middle of my chest. The
table and ended the year travelling
he has come on is not lost on surgeon did an incredible job and
disease.” thing (besides getting married and the world, sky diving, bungee
When the infection was at its worst,
I wanted to take the becoming a dad… obviously.)
Anthony, and, thanks to his positive now, unless you really stared, you
wouldn’t know it was there.”
jumping, canyon swinging, climbing
mental attitude and specialist
a lengthy stay in hospital loomed worst thing that had “I set up the Championships as medical treatment made possible “Science and technology has
through glaciers and more. That
achievement is down to the work
for Anthony, but he refused to let
his situation get the better of him.
happened to me and a platform to raise money and through advancements in research, evolved even further since my of charities like Heart Research UK
awareness for Heart Research Anthony is now living a full and
“I was in the CCU Unit at
make it become the UK whilst providing incredible happy life.
operation and it is through charities and their research.”

Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow, best thing (besides opportunities for dancers of all
surrounded by people 50 years
older than me,” remembers
getting married and
The UK Dance Elite Championship
Anthony. becoming a dad… is an event open to all dance solos, To find out how you can fundraise for Heart Research UK, please visit
“I refused to follow their daily obviously.)” duos and groups with no age or contact us on
habits. Every morning, I made restrictions, spanning all dance

24 25
10 questions with...
Paul Insect
World-renowned street artist a painter, it’s just something that Who is your favourite artist
Paul Insect created two pieces has developed gradually through and why?
for our anonymous heART various positions I have put myself
project, which sold for over in and projects I have worked on. There are far too many to name.
£3,000. Here, he shares his People and places I get to meet You would need to give me a
influences, career highlights and visit are a huge inspiration. couple more pages to answer
and why he’s proud to support this question!
What is your biggest
Heart Research UK. Given a chance, who (alive or
achievement to date –
How did you become involved personal or professional? dead), would you like to sit down
with Heart Research UK? and have a heart-to-heart with
Gosh, there have been many
and why?
interesting and crazy achievements
Heart Research UK contacted me
over the years, both personal and 14 years ago I was invited to
back in the summer regarding their
professional. I suppose, having the visit Seattle and gained access
Anonymous heART project. This
opportunity to be fully creative and to a secret, secure bunker to
project really resonated with me,
to do what I love on a daily basis photograph and document all
and it’s been a real pleasure to
would be my biggest professional Kurt Cobain’s personal ephemera
work with them.
achievement. I feel very lucky to be that had been stored after his
The artwork that you donated to a working artist, and especially one death. This included guitars,
the anonymous heART project where my art can now help others clothing, artworks, the Heart-
sold for almost £3,000, how does is a huge personal achievement. Shaped Box and the suicide note.
that make you feel? Having been a fan of Nirvana, the
Do you have a personal
connection with heart four days I spent going though
I was pleasantly surprised and
disease at all? boxes of his personal objects, I
extremely happy when I was told
felt I got as close to him as I could
that someone had donated that
Thankfully no, but for that time without actually meeting him. He
amount of money to the project
I do, I am pleased that Heart would have been someone I would
by purchasing my pieces of work.
Research UK is there working have liked to have met.
It’s an amazing way for people to
hard to research and promote the
interact with issues they may not If you could switch jobs with
understanding of a healthy heart.
otherwise know anything about. anyone in the world, who would
And at the same time, they can Which piece of art that you have it be?
feel good in themselves for having created is your favourite?
been involved by donating money I absolutely love being outside and I
to such a worthy cause. I had the opportunity to work with did want to move into documentary
The Glastonbury Festival this year photography many years ago after
What inspired you to become to create a new sculpture. I built a my first visit to Palestine, but a
an artist, and what influences nine metre tall rainbow sitting on job I think about whilst sitting in
your style? the side of a hill watching over the front of a canvas is being a marine
festival, an idea that I had wanted biologist. The idea of both being
It’s been an interesting and lengthy
to do for about seven years. So it outside and in warm water sounds
process to get to where I am
was great to finally see happen. perfect to me, protecting and
now. From doodling graffiti on my
school books to working as a full- informing people about our seas.
time artist. I never trained to be Or an entomologist working in an
unresearched forest.

26 27

Increase your
physical activity
every day
To maintain good health, it is important to avoid
being inactive for long periods of time. Here are
some ideas for changing your daily habits to
increase your physical activity during the day:
• Rather than sitting in meetings, you could
get moving with walking meetings.
• Cycle or walk instead of using
the car or public transport.
Send us your
• Get off the bus one or two stops early suggestions for
additional ways
• Park further from the door. of increasing your
• Always take the stairs instead daily physical
of using the escalator or lift. activity levels.

Follow us @heartresearchuk and get involved

Registered Charity No. 1044821. Registered Office: Suite 12D, Joseph’s Well, Leeds LS3 1AB. Company limited by guarantee No. 3026813. Registered in England

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