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1. What is Inquiry?

-Inquiry is quite simply a systematic investigation into a problem, issue, topic, or idea.

2. What are the importance or benefits of Inquiry to you as a student?

-It can help you to improve your skills and to warm up your knowledge.

3. What is a Research?

-Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data;

documentation of critical information; and analysis and interpretation of that
data/information, in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific professional
fields and academic disciplines.

4. What are the characteristics of Research?

- 1. Empirical- based on observations and experimentations on theories.

2. Systematic-follows orderly and sequential procedure.

3. Controlled-all variables except those that are tested/ experimented upon are kept

4. Employs hypothesis- guides the investigation process.

5. Analytical- there is critical analysis of all data used so that there is no error in their

6. Objective, Unbiased, Logical-all findings are logically based on empirical.

7. Employs quantitative or statistical methods-data are transformed into numerical

measures and are treated statistically.

5. What are the purposes of Research?

-Information gathering

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