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Health Teaching

Good Morning Mrs. Vilma, I am Shaira Annie Tabios, Mikko Veloria and
Florence Ogundeji and we are student nurses from University of the Cordilleras.
We would like discuss about Accidental Hazards because broken pipes and
broken stairs can lead to an accident.
An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or
circumstance, often with lack of intention or necessity. It usually implies a
generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had
circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon,
prior to its occurrence. A hazard is a source or a situation with the potential for
harm in terms of human injury or ill-health, damage to property, damage to the
environment, or a combination of these.
Broken stairs and broken pipes are one of the contributory factors that
could lead to accident.
Because stairs are a common feature in many homes and buildings, people take
them for granted. However, they aren’t always safe to use, and the unwary
person may fall and injure himself especially your siblings. Broken pipes can also
lead to accident because children might hit the pipes and can cause fall.
That’s why it is our responsibility to keep our environment safe most
especially to children. We need to give action to this problem because accident
happens anytime and it’s better to be safe than regret after the accident is
already happened. We can also ask help from the Barangay Officials here most
especially if there is a need of man power, they can help you in solving these
problem. If it’s for the improvement and safety of the community be open to
report to any of the barangay officials here in your place, surely they’ll respond
to it.

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