Concept Map Chapter 6

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1. Manage Stressors – an 1. Time Management – requires

important approach to minimize planning a schedule ahead and
stress is to lessen stressors. sticking with it. This helps in
Stressors cannot be eliminated avoiding cramming and things
but it can avoid. pilling up. Success in planning
2. Rest and Sleep – a very helpful builds self-respect.
way of reducing stress and 2. Sharing and talking about
relieving tension is having a good problems with someone a friend,
amount of rest and sleep. teacher or family member to
3. Exercise – Exercising naturally relieve stress.
relieves the body from the 3. Using Adrenaline – raised
effects of stress. energy for simple tasks like
4. Use Relaxation methods in cleaning the house or the car
Coping with Stress – Numerous redirects how body reacts from
types of relaxation methods can stress.
be done to encounter the 4. Being at ease lying or sitting
adverse effects of stress. Some down while emptying the mind
of these are Progressive with upsetting ideas, listening to
relaxation, deep-breathing gentle music or imagining being
meditation, and creative a quiet place can relieve stress.
visualization. 5. Have a good laugh with friends
or family, watching different
movies or going to funny places
after a stressful day.

Stress is a reaction of the body and Most people consider stress as a

mind to unkind or challenging life negative experience but this is not
incidents such as a tense feelings, always the case; it can be also positive.
worry and discomfort.

Eustress, the positive stress, is a

beneficial in attaining best
performance. Distress, the negative
stress, is detrimental to performance.
Plenty or very little stress affects


Stressor is an event or a situation that Stress affects our health and can be
causes stressful situation. The stress classified as acute, cumulative, or chronic.
response is not harmful to the body:
however, frequent activation of the stress
Acute stress, the most common
response has negative consequences on
form, arises from recent, past, and
the body. It leaves the body feeling weak,
foreseen difficulties.
tired, and impairs the immune system.

Cumulative stress is a series of

Different sources of stress: stress that has built up. Several
1. Major Life Changes. individuals ignore the signs early
2. Everyday problems. and end up accumulating them.
3. Physical Surroundings
4. Other Stressors.
Chronic stress is a form of stress
that is recurring. It is a prolonged
stress that is dangerous and can
lead to severe health problems.
Common Reactions experience
during stressful situations


 Muscle tension  Anger, irritability  Loss of appetite  Constantly irritable
 Headache  Impatience  Overeating  Feeling of being
 Increased sweating  Nervousness  Drug abuse failure
 Dry lips  Negative thinking  Sleep problems  Difficulty in making
 Skin rash  Loss of interest  Restlessness decisions

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