Corn Cob As Component For Green Concrete

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Pulverized Corn Cob as a Component for Green Concrete


A Thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of Department of Languages and Literature

University of San Carlos

Cebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment

of English 23

Technical Writing



Boniel, Mica Glendher

Castro, Klyne Joseph
Duran, Laarni
Hechanova, Kyle
Llamera , Ken
Mendoza, Jolynn



Flooding is one of Cebu municipalities’ largest problems today. The

flood problem in Cebu has now become critical and alarming. Streets from

downtown to Banilad-Talamban area were covered with waist-deep level

flood. This caused enormous traffic jam that sent thousands of motorists and

commuters stranded. Awit, J.G., & Lim, C.T. (2018, September 28). Special

report on flooding: “No respect for experts”. Retrieved from Not only that,

according to an ABS-CBN report, pre-school classes were suspended at

Alaska Elementary School in Barangay Mambaling and at Marigondon

Elementary School in Lapu-lapu after rainwater flooded some classrooms.

Bongcac, D.C. (2017, September 25). Heavy rains cause floods, traffic in

parts of Metro Cebu. Retrieved from

Though the local government has made steps in solving this problem, it is

still existing and adds burden to the locals.

One of the potential solution to this problem could be water absorbing

concrete roads. A company in the United Kingdom, Tarmac has invented a

groundbreaking material that can soak up to 880 gallons of water a minute,

which could either stop or lessen the threat of flash flooding. They call the
new material Topmix Permeable which allows the water to soak through to

the ground below. (Sonali, 2015).Tarmac uses something called no-fines

concrete which is made up of tiny pieces of crushed granite packed together.

(Weller, C., 2015). The product promises that it could be used in everything

from parking lots to residential roads as a possible solution to greater

flooding as global warming happens.

In search of a good water absorbing material that could be mixed with

the concrete, the researchers had thought of using agricultural wastes for

this matter which is also easily available in the area. This is because the

drawback of conventional concrete creates many environmental problems.

Due to this, it gives way in producing green concrete. Green Concrete (GC)

is a concrete in which at least one of its component has a waste material. GC

is also capable to lessen the environmental pollution and solve the depletion

of natural sources. In line with this, the addition of agricultural waste or

construction waste in concrete indicate positive and satisfactory strength

when compared to normal concrete. (Tambichi, M.A., 2018).

The most common agricultural wastes produced in the Philippines

which are rice husk, rice straw, corn, coconut husk, coconut shell and

bagasse. Zafar, S. (2018, November 1). Agricultural Wastes in the

Philippines. The researchers had chosen corn to be studied since there are

lots of corn cob wastes in Barili, Cebu and has also some properties that

could be used as an aggregate to concrete.

In a study conducted by Zeng and Su in 2011 about the Drying

Shrinkage and Water Absorption Rate of Recycled Concrete Hollow Block, the

quality water absorption increases as the corn cob content increases. Also, it

is found out that the strength of concrete is improved by using industrial and

agricultural wastes. (Domke, P., 2011).

This study aims to investigate the mechanical properties of GC block

mixed with pulverized corn cobs. This includes the variables’ compressive

strength, flexural strength and water absorption. Ganiron, Ucol-Ganiron,

Nieves, Ganiron, Tommy (2010). This study focuses only on testing the

material in different concentrations of corn cob as a partial replacement for

Theoretical Background of the Study

Philippines which is composed of 47% agricultural land as stated out

by Zafar (2018), greatly contributes to the amount of agricultural wastes

discarded in dumpsites or landfills. There are 21 crops according to the

Philippine Statistics Authority (2014) that they had considered to be major.

Among these major 21 crops, corn is included in the list. Improper disposal

and management of their wastes can lead to social and economic problem.

To avoid these kinds of problem, implementing recycling to our daily habits

can be one of the most effective ways to do so (Unity College,2018). One of

our daily necessities are the need of shelter or a house, and concrete and

cement are most common type of building material used in construction

(Mishra 2017). Studies have been conducted where pulverized corn cob were

used in concretes or solid blocks. When a waste material is utilized in a

concrete for at least one of its component, a green concrete is made. With

the use of pulverized corn cob, the sand was replaced with the certain

proportion of the pulverized corn cob to make a green concrete.

Performance of concrete is evaluated from mechanical properties

which include compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength

(Ayub et al.,2014). From the study of Olafusi and Olutoge (2012), the

strength properties of the corn cob ash concrete decreases as the proportion

of the corn cob ash on the concrete increases. They also stated that the
results they have are below the designed strength of concrete. It may be

assumed that a reduced water/cementitious material ratio can enhance the

strength of the concrete and a slow development of strength on a small

proportion of corn cob ash concrete might develop the required strength

over a long period of time.

Corn cobs represent about 15% of the total corn production, being

constituted by cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, protein, and ash in the

following percent: 39.1, 42.1, 9.1, 1.7, and 1.2, respectively (Ashour et al.,

2013). Its density is around 212 kg/m3, feature which allow its use in

lightweight concrete production (Pinto et al., 2012a). The main chemical

constituents of corn cobs are oxygen (77.52%), silica (10.06%), aluminum

(4.44%), potassium (2.20%), calcium (2.09%), magnesium (1.49%),

sodium (1.14%), and iron (1.06%) (Pinto et al., 2012a).The high content of

oxygen makes corn cobs to be a good thermal insulator material.

Considering their fire resistance, corn cobs developed a slow combustion

process, accompanied by flame and a black gas emission. Comparing to

extruded and expanded polystyrene which melted after few seconds of direct

flame exposure, corn cobs resisted on fire about 5 min. (Pinto et al., 2012a).

The properties of the corn cob could affect the structure of the solid block. A

study from Ahangba and Tiza (2016) entitled “Partial replacement of cement

with corn cob ash” made an investigation of concrete produced by partial

replacement of cement with corn cob ash with 28 days of curing. They have
produced results that lead them to conclude that the corn cob ash can be

used to partial replace the cement in concrete production as well as for walls

of building units and other mild construction work, but the replacement

should not exceed of 10% as the strength produced above this replacement

level isn’t adequate for strength requirements. This study however replaces

the amount of cement added in a concrete, but based on this study positive

results may be measured in replacing the sand with pulverized corn cob. As

a special feature of the agricultural wastes, corn cob has a very high water

absorption capacity of 327%, being necessary 15 days to reach the level of

saturation. This long time period is required due to the microstructure and

composition of corn cobs, which implies the existence of a capillary network.

Although these wastes can absorb such high quantity of water, they keep

their integrity, being therefore considered with acceptable water resistance

for building applications. As a support of this statement, the existence of

some buildings in Portugal which have corn cobs in the structure of their

external walls is considered.

Because of the increasing economic and environmental crisis, a study

on “Recycling of Waste Coconut Shells as Substitute for Aggregates in Mix

Proportioning of Concrete Hollow Blocks” was conducted by Tomas U.

Ganiron Jr., Nieves Ucol-Ganiron, and Tommy U. Ganiron III (2017). In their

study, it was said that the usage of aggregates is one of the most important

parts of construction today for it adds strength to the concrete. The problem
is that, aggregates are quarried from rivers and mountains which harms the

environment. According to the study, in the event that a substitute for the

aggregate can be acquired naturally and the source is ample and can be

recovered, acquiring the aggregate would drain its source.

This research uses pulverized corn cob to partial replace the fine

aggregate which is sand. When using the pulverized corn cob to replace one

component of a concrete, a green concrete can be made. It happens when

one of the component of the concrete uses a waste. Previous studies were

made where the concrete was replaced with corn cob of different proportion,

but the right proportion of corn cob to used is yet to be discovered. Knowing

the proper proportion of pulverized to be used in a concrete can make the

concrete have the adequate strength needed for it to be used as a building

material. Most of the studies used different proportion and tested which of

the proportion have higher strength.

From the study of Abubakar et al. (2016) entitled, “Mechanical

properties of concrete containing corn cob ash,” they designed a concrete

with 0,5,10,15 and 20% corn cob ash contents to test the compressive

strength, flexural strength, density and water absorption. From their results,

the compressive and flexural strength decreased with increase in corn cob as

content and the water absorption decreased with increase in corn cob ash

content. They also concluded that the optimum blend for the corn cob ash
content in the concrete is 10% corn cob ash and 90% ordinary portland


The content of the pulverized can affect the physical and mechanical

properties of the green concrete. Finding out the proper proportion or

concentration of the pulverized corn cob can help commercialized the green

concrete as a building material, since the proper proportion of the pulverized

corn cob can generate the adequate strength needed for concrete

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the potential properties of solid block with

pulverized corn cob as partial replacement aggregate.

1. What are the indicators for acquiring the properties of solid block with

pulverized corn cob in terms of:

1.1 Physical Properties

1.1.1. Color

1.1.2. Density

1.2 Mechanical Properties

1.2.1. Flexural Strength

1.2.2. Compressive Strength

1.2.3. Water Absorption

2. Which amount of the corn cob proportions would give a better

Significance of the Study

This study envisions to create a solution to one of Cebu’s biggest problem

today which is flooding. Furthermore, the following could benefit from the


Department of Public Works and Highways. The outcome of this

study could help the DPWH in search of a better and more efficient materials

for their road projects in Metro Cebu which can help lessen the flood

experienced on these areas.

People living and staying in Cebu. Students, workers and even

tourists staying in Cebu could benefit in this study. They could experience

less problems about flooding.

Corn farms. Using one of the most common agricultural waste, corn

cob, could help lessen the amount of waste by creating ways to make use

out of it such as an aggregate for green concrete.



Research Design

This study will use the quantitative-qualitative style of research. For

the quantitative part, the collection and computational analysis of physical

and mechanical properties of solid blocks. Mathematical equations will be

used to determine the following: density, flexural strength, compressive

stress and water absorption of the solid blocks with pulverized corn cobs and

solid block without pulverized corn cobs.

As for the qualitative part, interpretations and analysis will be done

after acquiring data needed from the experiment in a descriptive manner.

Research Environment

The locale of the study is the University of San Carlos-Technological

Center in Nasipit, Brgy. Talamban, Cebu City. The USC-TC offers different

laboratories that help enhance the student’s capabilities. The researcher will

specifically be conducting the experimentation at room LB145 Mechanical

Engineering Laboratory, USC-TC.

Research Tool
In gathering of data, experimentation of the pulverized corn cobs solid

blocks and solid blocks without pulverized corn cobs, with the aid of some

apparatus will be needed. First, the universal testing machine will be needed

as this machine helps obtain the compressive stress and flexural strength of

the solid blocks. Also, a cement molder will be needed to form the shape of

the solid blocks. Lastly, a platform weighing scale is to be used to weigh the

solid blocks to obtain the weight of the solid blocks after being soaked into

water, which will be needed for the water absorption, and also to obtain the

solid blocks mass, which is needed for the density.

Research Procedures:

Gathering of Data. The researcher will do the necessary tests

that will determine the data. The researcher will construct a solid block

mixed with pulverized corn cobs and cement. Once the corn cob solid block

is made, the physical and mechanical properties of the said solid block will

be compared with the properties of a solid block without corn cob mixture.

Using plywood planks and nails, a one side open box with an inner hole of

150 mm x 52 mm x 78 mm will be made for the mold. After creating the

mold, the solid block will be made by mixing the materials which are

cement, sand, gravel in the ratio of 1:2:1. For the solid block with corn cobs,

a part of corn cob will be added to the mixture as a partial replacement for

the sand. The percentages of replacements are 25% and 50% of pulverized

corn cob. After that, the mixture will be poured in a container. Then, water
will be mixed in the container and the mixture should be stirred

continuously. Water should be poured continuously until the mixture is

supple enough to be molded. Transfer the mixture to the molder, wait for

around five minutes and then remove the molder. The block should stay put

for 24 hours for drying. Then, it will be cured by spraying water on it for

seven days. After seven days, testing will begin. Testing of the blocks will be

done after seven days. Three trials will be done for the solid blocks and the

solid blocks mixed with corn cob. First will be the testing for flexural

strength, the blocks will be placed in the universal testing machine and the

machine will be set for flexural strength testing. The experiment will begin

and data will be collected. Second will be the testing for compressive stress,

the blocks will be placed in the universal testing machine and the machine

will be set for compressive stress testing. The experiment will begin and

data will be collected. Third will be the testing for water absorption, the

blocks will be weighed using a platform weighing scale, then it will be soaked

in a water bath and will stay there for 24 hours. After soaking it for 24

hours, it will be removed and weighed again in the platform weighing scale.

Treatment of Data.

The data collected from the experimentation will be analyzed and will be

used for calculations. Also, the data presented in the tables will be graphed

and interpreted.
For the mathematical equations involved, each will be discussed. After

building the solid blocks and curing it, the solid blocks will be tested in

different ways. The following formulas that will be used:

For Flexural Strength:

Fb= 9.8*6PL /(4BH)2

Where: P= maximum load in kilogram (kg)

L= clear distance between supports (mm.)

B= block width (mm.)

H= average block thickness (mm.)

Fb=Flexural strength in N/mm2

For Compressive strength:

Compressive strength=load at failure(N)/bearing area of block (mm)

For Water absorption

W. A. = [(w2-w1)/w1] x 100%

Where: W.A. = water absorption %

W1= Dried weight; g

W2= Soaked weight; g


Pulverize – To press or crush something until it becomes powder or a soft

mass; to reduce to fine parts

Physical Properties – Characteristics of a material that can be observed or

measured without changing its composition. These include color, density,

and many others.

Mechanical Properties – The mechanical properties of a material are those

properties that involve a reaction to an applied force. Mechanical properties

are also used to help classify and identify material. These include flexural

strength, compressive strength, water absorption, and many others.

Flexural Strength – represents the highest stress experienced within the

material at its moment of rupture.

Density – Density is a characteristic property of a substance. The density of

a substance is the relationship between the mass of the substance and how

much space it takes up (volume)

Compressive stress – A force that causes a material to deform to occupy a

smaller volume. Compressive stress compresses a material by either

crushing it or deforming it and ultimately causing it to fail during operation.

Stress – a force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on,

pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or body part.

Cement - A binding substance that hardens and bind other materials such

as sand and gravel to produce concrete

Sand - is a material composed of fine rocks and minerals

Concrete - composed of fine(sand) and course(gravel) aggregate bind by

cement and water that hardens through time

Water absorption - observing the increase of mass of the concrete when

exposed to water

Pores - very tiny openings on the surface of sand and grave



Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered from the

experimentation and calculation using formulas. The tables show the

physical and mechanical properties results of concrete with partial

replacement of sand with varied amount of corn cobs. Each property testing

had three trials. The color of the blocks was recorded in table 1. The average

density of the concrete blocks can be seen in table 2. Tables 3,4 and 5

shows the flexural strength, compressive strength, and water absorption

results respectively. The data are also presented in Graphs 1-3.

Concrete batching by volume of mix 1:2:1 (cement: sand: gravel) was cured

for 7 days. Partial replacement of sand through corn cob was made in 0%,

25% and 50%. There were 27 samples used in this experiment. Each sample

was weighed to determine its mass and calculated density through the ratio

of mass to its volume. Nine samples were allocated for each mechanical

property (3) testing. Each property testing had three trials each.

Table 1. Color of Concrete Blocks on Different Concentrations of

Pulverized Corn Cob
Pulverized corn cob content Color
0% Gray
25 % Dark Gray
50 % Darker Gray
It is observed that the higher the concentration of the corn cob in the solid

brick, the darker the color becomes.

Nine Specimens were allocated for each property testing; this table shows

the average mass and average density with the following dimensions: L =

150 mm W= 52 mm H= 78 mm. The calculated volume is 608,400 mm 3. The

average density was calculated through the ratio of average mass and

calculated volume.

Table 2. Average Density of Concrete Blocks on Different

Concentrations of Pulverized Corn Cob

Pulverized corn cob Average Mass (g) Average Density (g

content /mm3)
0% 10,660 0.01752136752
25 % 9565 0.01572156476
50 % 8475 0.01392998028

A graphical representation of the average density of concrete is shown below

with different amount percentages of partial replacement of sand with

pulverized corn cob.


Graph 1. Average Density of Concrete Blocks on Different

Concentrations of Pulverized Corn Cob

Based on the study of the 7-day cured bricks, it has been observed that the

density of the specimen decreases as the corn cob content increases. The

density decreases for about 0.00179 g/mm 3 per 25% increase of pulverized

corn cob content. This may be because the density of pulverized corn cob is

lesser than that of the dry sand which was replaced in the study.

This table shows the Max load that were able to withstand by the concrete

block and values of its flexural strength through calculation. The length

between supports is 100 mm, block width is 52 mm and average block

thickness is 78 mm.
Table 3. Flexural Strength of Concrete Blocks on Different
Concentrations of Pulverized Corn Cob

Pulverized Trial Max Load Flexural Average

Corn Cob (N) Strength Flexural
Content (N/mm2) Strength
0% 1 3625.72 0.008259175
2 4081.044 0.009296376
3 4952.341 0.011281138 0.00961223
25% 1 5359.419 0.012208438
2 4364.918 0.009943024
3 7841.674 0.017862867 0.01333811
50% 1 1547.589 0.003525316
2 1790.376 0.00407837
3 1742.595 0.003969528 0.003857738

For the flexural test, it shows that the block with 25% pulverized corn cob

content has the highest flexural strength. It is then followed by the block

with 0% corn cob which falls short with 0.00961223 N/mm2 lesser than that

of the block with 25% corn cob content. It is also observed that the block

with 50% corn cob content has the lowest average flexural strength with

only 0.003857738 N/mm2 which is 0.005754462 N/mm2 lesser than the

block with the highest flexural strength.

This table shows the load at failure and using this formula: load at

failure(N)/bearing area of block (mm), compressive strength was calculated

with the area of Block equals to 7800 mm. The average compressive

strength was calculated as well.

Aside from 0% corn cob content, the results showed that the flexural

strength decreases with increase in corn cob content. Similar results were

obtained in the findings of Abubakar et al., (2016), which showed a decrease

in flexural strength. Same trend was observed regardless of the days it was


Table 4. Compressive Strength of Concrete Blocks on Different

Concentrations of Pulverized Corn Cob

Pulverized Corn Trial Load at Compressive Average

Cob Content failure(N) strength Compressive
(N/mm2) Strength
0% 1 73605.774 9.436637692
2 79351.3318 10.17324767
3 75675.441 9.701979615 9.770621658
25% 1 72541.306 9.300167436
2 53904.202 6.910795128
3 39362.831 5.046516795 7.085826453
50% 1 27146.784 3.480356923
2 28378.695 3.638294231
3 27861.616 3.572002051 3.563551068

The results present that the block with least pulverized corn cob content has

the highest average compressive strength with 9.770621658 N/mm 2

followed by the block with 25% and lastly with the 50% corn cob content. It

has been observed that the average compressive strength decreases from

2.69 N/mm3 - 3.52 N/mm2 every 25% increase of pulverized corn cob

content. The block with 0% pulverized corn cob content has 274.44% more

compressive strength than the block with 50% pulverized corn cob content.
Concrete is known as an excellent material for resisting compressive loads

(Concrete Manual, 2016). The higher the compressive strength the better

concrete it is. The age and curing of concrete affect the compressive

strength of the material. In terms of age, the acceptable number of days for

a concrete to achieve majority of its strength after making is after 28 days.

(Gopal Mishra) By then, a high compressive strength can be achieved by the

concrete, but due to time constraint 7 days were used for curing age. In

curing the concrete, it is said that concrete increases in strength with age if

drying is prevented (University of Washington); meaning if concrete is

exposed to less air and sun, the better the strength of the concrete. The

specimen used were not exposed to sun rather were sprayed with water to

enhance curing. The results showed decreasing compressive strength which

the manual molding and curing age could be a possible factors and the

amount of replacement of zero is preferable.

Graph 2 Average Flexural Strength, Compressive Strength and Water
Absorption Results

In graph 2, it is noticed that compressive strength of the mixture decreases

as more of the sand is replaced by the corn cob. This is because sand or the

fine aggregate helps fill in the void or gaps created by the course aggregate

thus making the concrete stronger while corn cobs filling the void and gaps

are not as fine as sand. The flexural strength slightly improved on the 25%

replacement and it drastically decreased upon 50% replacement. This shows

that there is a range of percentage of corn cob percentage which the flexural

strength is higher than the concrete with no corn cub percentage.

Corn cobs also deforms easily compared to sand resulting in early

deformation in the compressive test and flexural strength thus the voids or

gaps will not be filled up fully under load which will result to cracks.

Table 5. Water Absorption of Concrete Blocks on Different

Concentrations of Pulverized Corn Cob

Pulverized Trial dry weight soaked water Average

corn con (kg) weight absorption (%) water
content (kg) absorption
0% 1 1.32 1.5 13.63636364
2 1.32 1.5 13.63636364
3 1.33 1.52 14.28571429 13.85281
25% 1 1.11 1.46 31.53153153
2 1.18 1.62 37.28813559
3 1.23 1.71 39.02439024 35.94802
50% 1 1.04 1.62 55.76923077
2 1.11 1.78 60.36036036
3 1.03 1.6 55.33980583 57.15647

In table 5, it is noted that there is a significant increase in water absorption

when the pulverized corn cob content is increased. Based on the

calculations, the block with 50% corn cob content absorbed 412.68% more

water than the block with no corn cob content. It is also observed that there

is a 269.23% increase of water absorption from 0% to 25% pulverized corn

cob content.

Graph 3. Average Water Absorption of Concrete Blocks on Different

Concentrations of Pulverized Corn Cob
Graph 3 conveys that the higher the percentage of corn cobs replacing the

sand, the more the mixture absorbs water. This is because the corn cobs

structure is composed of the pith, chaff and wooden ring which has the

property of porosity and these parts can absorb up to a total of 6 lbs of

water. Sand also absorbs water because it has pores. When dry, it is filled

with air and when sand is exposed to water those tiny pores will be filled up

with water thus making it water absorbent but not as much water absorbed

by the corn cob.

The corn cob absorbs more water because all three portions of the corncob

are absorbent. A pound of pith and chaff will absorb about 4 pounds of

water, while a pound of grit, made from the woody-ring portion, will absorb

about a pound of water. (Greentru, 2018). Why corncob. Retrieved from

Table 6. Amount of Corn Cob: Ranked Performance

Pulverized corn Flexural Compressive Water Absorption

con content Strength Strength
0% 2nd 1st 3rd
25% 1st 2nd 2nd
50% 3rd 3rd 1st
Table 6 shows the amount of pulverized corn cob who exceled or surpass in

their respective mechanical properties. The 0%, 25 % and 50 % ranked first

in compressive strength, flexural strength and water absorption respectively.

Based from results, the partial replacement of sand with pulverized corn cob

aggregate in 25% showed potential as the optimum amount of corn cob to

be used. Due time constraint and availability of equipment this can be

further subjected for future studies.


Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

This study analyzed the physical property of the GC block in different

pulverized corn cob content which are the color and density, and its
mechanical properties which are the flexural strength, compressive strength

and water absorption. There were twenty-seven (27) specimens studied in

which three specimens were used for each trial for each mechanical property

tested. A quantitative-qualitative method was used to treat the data.

In the quest of the block’s (1) physical properties, and (2) mechanical

properties, these findings were made:

Physical Properties. It has been observed that the greater the

amount of the pulverized corn cob added to the GC block, the darker the

blocks appeared. This was opposite to the expected outcome where the

greater the corn cob content, the lighter the blocks will be.

Also, the density of the blocks varied with the different amount of corn

cobs added. The block with 0% of pulverized corn cob has the largest

density with 0.01752136752 mm2 and the block with 50% corn cob content

has the smallest density with 0.01392998028 mm2.

Mechanical Properties. The block with the 25% pulverized corn cob

showed the highest flexural strength followed by the 50% content and 0%

content withstanding 0.01333811 N/mm 2, 0.011573214 N/mm2,

0.007297526 N/mm2 respectively.

For the compressive strength, the block with no pulverized corn cob

content withstood the greatest compressive strength of 9.770621658

N/mm2. Based on the results, the greater the amount of pulverized corn cob

the block has, the lesser its compressive strength is.

And lastly for the water absorption, the results were a total opposite of

the block’s compressive strength. The water absorption of the blocks is

directly proportional to the amount of corn cob content. In simpler terms,

the greater the amount of corn cob content the block has, the more it

absorbs water. This is because corn cob has a high level of porosity which

explains the results.



Based on the results obtained from the various tests carried out, the

following recommendation can be made:

1. Further studies should be done with increasing curing days; that is, in

ascending order of 7, 14, 21, and 28 days.

2. The sand and cement must not be exposed to any form of moisture

before mixing because this might affect the proportions of mixture of the

components with water.

3. Pulverized the corn cob as close to powder form for it to be fine and it

can fill in the smallest gaps between the course aggregates. This can be

done through sieve analysis.

4. Avoid disturbing the mixture upon removing it from the molder to

avoid a slight movement of the soft concrete mixture upon drying.

5. Increase the category of the percentages of corn cob replacements

from 0 – 80% at an interval of 10% to have better results on how the corn

cob affects the mixture as it increases in percentage.

6. Testing of the chemical properties of the corn cob should also be

7. Other mechanical properties should also be tested such as the fire

resistance, thermal conductivity and soundness.



Appendix A


Appendix B

Coding Sheet

Appendix E


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