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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Different purpose and Functions of HRM.............................................................................1
P2 Explain various approaches of recruitment and selection......................................................2
P3 Various practices of HRM benefit management and employees of firm...............................4
P4 Potency of HRM in increasing growth and productivity.......................................................5
P5 Significance of employee relations in decision making........................................................6
P6 Elements of Civil law act of employees...............................................................................7
P7 Various applications of HRM Practices................................................................................7
Human resource management are the sole authority in managing all the resources of the
organisation in planned ways. The growth and success of firms are analysed by evaluating
success of organisations. There main roles are related with hiring and selecting potential
employees, evaluation of plans and policies so that all the task of business are carried out in
planned ways. In the present report studies are based on Tesco which is leader in retail businesses
and they earn large profit (Barney, 2011). They were successful in expanding there business
operations around the globe by opening more than 200 stores. Various topics are covered under
this report like scope and functions which are related with human resources. Effectively
evaluating all the internal and external factors which are affecting the decision making process.
Different applications of HRM practices which are related with real business world.

P1 Different purpose and Functions of HRM
The functions of human resources are linked with management of all the resources which
are available for use at Tesco. The work force planning are involved in identification of
differential needs of its clients at work places. This is helpful in achievement of goals of
Various purpose of human resources are described as:
Human resources main activities are linked with recruitment, selection, training and
development of employees so as to make them familiar with the work environment. Recruitment
is the process with is related with searching of potential employees from the pool of applicants.
This process develops when the company wants to hire new employees who have the desired
skills and capabilities to perform there business operations in planned ways. Induction
programmes are also held at work place in order to make the new worker familiar with the
working environment so that all the activities will be executed in planned ways in order to
achieve desired results. All these activities are helpful in achieving goals and objectives of
business organisations by using all the resources in effective ways (Ketchen, 2011).
 They are focusing on enhancing the knowledge of all individuals who are carry out the
business operations at cited business organisation.

 If all the employees are working effectively in team than it will help in achieving
cooperation among all the group members so that work plans can be carried out in
planned ways in order to achieve growth and success.
 It is helpful in assigning roles and responsibilities to there potential employees so that
they carry out there specific work in planned ways in order to achieve success. This in
turn leads to overall development of business.
 If all the employees are committed towards there work than it will help in defining the
strategies for performing business operations effectively.
 The employees should execute there working with full enthusiasm as it opens the door for
achieving growth and success.
Various functions of Tesco which are linked with human resource planning are described as:
Safety and security: The OSHA called as operational health and safety act was framed in
1970 in order to safeguard employees who are working at selected firms. The aim of this act was
to protect the employees who are working dangerous without thinking about there consequences.
This is helpful in providing compensation to employees if they are injured while performing
business activity (Deal, 2017).
Employee Relations: This function is useful in maintaining positive relations at work
place between the higher authorities and employees. This helps in reducing the number of
conflicts as the workers have mutual understanding and they they easily solve the problems by
themselves. Positive work environment provides satisfaction to employees in performing
business activities.
Compensation and Benefits: This is an motivation tool which is used by employers at
work place. If workers are able to carry out there business process effectively and increases
growth than mangers gives them rewards in the form of compensation package in order to
motivate employees. Compensation packages consist of payrolls, incentives, salary, bonus, and
P2 Explain various approaches of recruitment and selection
The hiring process includes recruitment and selection process. This the the main function
of firms which is linked with selected the candidate to perform business operation. The term
outsourcing is related with finding appropriate persons who have the potential to full fill
differential needs of business form (Bolman, 2017). The hiring process involves selecting the

best candidates who had the potential to fulfil the vacant post. Selection process is linked with
identification of best persons from the all the other alternatives. Different process are used by
selected firms for recruiting and selecting the employees in order to achieve goals and objectives
of business which are described below (Coff, 2012).
Internal sources: It is related with selecting the employees from internal business. If
there is any vacancy than the manger can put the notices and the interested candidate can apply
who are already part of business. This is useful for employees so that are promote at workplaces
to higher profiles and thus there salary also increase. This helps them in gaining knowledge
about the work process which are followed at different departments so that they can be called as
multitaskers who can do the work in any field. Tesco adopts this policy in order to motivate their
employees so that they can achieve growth and objectives for business.
Benefit of internal sources of recruitment
It is helpful in improving morale of there employees so that they can perform there
business operations effectively.
Every individual who is involved in business operations wants to see themselves
promoted at higher positions. This also helps in promoting loyalty towards the employees so that
they can feel safe at there positions in business organisation.
The disadvantage of internal sources involves:
The persons who have the potential to perform the business operations effectively are not
having opportunities to apply for the vacant post as they are not the employees of cited business.
Thus it can create favouritism as the employer will promote those employees with whom he had
good relations or he knows them personally (Kryscynski, 2012).
External sources: Business are also using external recruitment in order to recruit people
for higher positions at work places who can perform the business operations effectively. This is
used by firms when the present employees are not suited for business process. Various tools and
techniques which are linked with this policy includes advertisement, programmes which are
designed for employee exchange, past employees reference, casual callers and factory gates.
External sources advantages: This policy helps in bringing new bloods at work place who
have innovative ideas to execute business work. It is responsibility of HR mangers to give
advertisement of the vacancy in newspapers, job offering websites, social websites etc. Thsi is

helpful for selected business as they can generate innovative ideas for there work plans by
employing new employees from outside the work places.
Disadvantages of external sources includes: It demotivate the existing employees as they
are not getting the chance to promoted at higher levels. Thus they are not able to generate loyalty
among there employees.
P3 Various practices of HRM benefit management and employees of firm
The practices which are related with human resources also includes performance
management system. If there will be coordination among the employees in performing business
operations than the work will be executed in effective ways. The advantages of HRM practices in
relation to employers and employees are described as:
Promoting positive behaviour : It is an important role related with HR practices at Tesco.
It is useful in enhancing behaviour of employees. It ensures that all the workers are performing
there operations together in order to develop there professional and personal relations. These
practices are helpful in increasing employees productivity so that goals and objectives can be
easily achieved. Loyalty is generated among employees so that they can retain themselves for
long term at work place (Deal, 2017).
Developing employees: The organisation cannot run its activities without there important
assets like who are called as employees. If proper training is provided to workers in order to
make them familiar how the work will be executed effectively than it helps in increasing
productivity at work places. The HRM practices which are linked with Tesco are focusing on
satisfying there employees so that they can achieve business goals. The competitive advantages
can be gained if employees are using innovative ideas to execute the work plans.
Building a flexible workplace: These practices are linked with changes in demographics
at the business organisation. This is beneficial for workers as they can come and leave the work
place whenever they think and there works get completed. The workers who are working
according to Us shifts are more diverse. This process is helpful in satisfying employees as they
will be doing there work with loyalty in order to increase productivity. If the firms wants to
retain there employees for long time than it will help in achieving positive work environment.
Motivating and encouraging staff members: Various tools and techniques are adopted
in order to motivate the employees to increase there work performances (Campbell, 2012). This
can be done with the help of giving entrancing salary to there employees, bonus or extra non

monetary benefits. Thus firms are focusing on recruiting those mangers who have the capacity to
mange all there activities in effective ways. These practices are also helpful in executing
effective reward management systems.
Various models of HRM consist of:
Recruitment and Selection: This function is linked with hiring and selection of those
employees who have the skills and capabilities to perform there business operations in effective
Training and Development: This activity is helpful in increasing the knowledge level of
employees so that they can easily execute there works at business organisations.
P4 Potency of HRM in increasing growth and productivity
The practices which are linked with human resources are helpful in achieving growth and
development for selected business. This helps in increasing there profit ratios. The plans and
policies are formulated which ensures success of firms. This can be achieved if the plans are
formulated by using effective strategies. The factors which are related with this aspects includes
the following:
Talent Management: This is related with retention of employees who are working in
effective ways in order to increase firms productivity. Each individual has unbuild talent which
are different from other persons thus they can perform the activities in different ways in order to
achieve competitive advantages. The mangers can know the talent of there workers by
conducting various activities which are related with work operations. They are given rewards and
benefits if they achieve their targets (Park, 2013).
Information System: This process is called as knowledge administration. The message
is shared with workers which are helpful in doing there works in effective ways. If the managers
take steps to develop effective business strategies than it helps in achievement of desired goals
and objectives of business. If the higher authorities use effective communication strategies than
there will be no chances of miscommunication and thus it will makes the employees execute the
work according to there assigned roles and responsibilities. Thus it can be said that effective
communication plans are useful in business operations so that business can expand its activities
at national and international levels (Bolman, 2017).
Coherent Thinking: This policy is used at those places where the workers wants to give
hard-and-fast orders to there employees and they had to follow them. If the workers are not

following there plans and they fails in achieving there targets than it results in no incentives for
the effort used in completing this task.
Logical thinking: This used by mangers when they want there employees to execute the
work by generating innovative ideas about how the work will be completed on time in different
ways so that they can achieve competitive advantages. This also results in achieving goals and
objectives of selected business (Oechsler, 2011).
P5 Significance of employee relations in decision making
Healthy relations should be maintained at work place in order to carry out work plans in
effective ways which determines success of firms. If mangers maintains good relations with there
employees than it helps in increasing productivity for Tesco. It results in solving the problems
which are faced between workers as they feel free to share their problems with higher authorities.
If the mangers of selected firms takes timely meeting to know about the work operations
or any changes which are essential for business than employees will free to share there opinions
thus strong relations will be developed which results in generating healthy work environment.
The overall results will be on productivity and it will increase growth of businesses.
 If good relations are maintained with workers than it results in developing good and
positive image about business.
 It promote loyalty among the employees as the plans and strategies are designed with the
help of ideas which were given by employees in order to increase work operations.
 If good relations are developed than it helps in motivating employees so that they can
achieve good results for business by expanding there business operations.
 It is beneficial for employers as employees are satisfied with the work plans and they are
not willing to leave the organisation thus retention of potential customers.
 It results in development of healthy work environment as employees will do there work
with enthusiasm in order to achieve there desired targets on time.
 If persons are encouraging team spirit than it will help them to carry out their working
with cooperation's in order to maintain good working environment. Thus authorities and
responsibilities will also be equally distributed so that no conflicts occurs at work place.
 Responsibilities makes person work with full dedication so that their can best outputs for
organisation with are related with increased in shares and revenues.

All the above discussed are helpful in maintaining good relation with employees so that
effective decisions can be taken in order to carry out the working in effective ways.
P6 Elements of Civil law act of employees
There are various laws which had to be followed at selected business are described as:
Anti discrimination act: This act was developed in order to protect all the employees
who are are differentiated at work place in relation to various factors like caste, creed, sex, colour
etc. In business organisation where more than 15 employees are working it is important to apply
this law. The employers had no right to fire there workers without any notice. Thus this act
protects all the workers who are facing discrimination at business organisation.
Age discrimination act: This act states that employers have no right to fire all those
employees who have reached at the age of 40 years. This is applied on all those places where
morwe than 20 employees are involved in business operations (Courtright, 2011).
Minimum wages act: This act was developed so that workers can get minimum wages
for the efforts they have made in executing business operations. The employers have no right to
deny there workers from giving these wages. If they do so the employees have full right to make
complain against the managers. This is compulsory to be followed in those businesses who have
employed more than 15 employees. This is beneficial for protecting all employees so that they
can be paid for there hard work which they have done to achieve business goals and objectives.
Leave provisions: There was an act which was named as federal family and leave act.
This was beneficial for employees as they can take leaves and organisation will pay money for it.
This can be considered in difficult situations like death of any close relatives or family members,
suffering from any dangerous diseases etc. Differential act are also laid down which implies
health and safety aspects so that workers are not prone to any disease and they lead safe and
healthy life (Kinicki, 2014).
P7 Various applications of HRM Practices
The aspects which are linked with HR practices can be evaluated with the helps of
models of Human resources which are described as:

Soft HRM This methods consider differential needs and

wants of workers who are involved in business
operations. It includes dedication towards

work, self generating behaviours, motivation
from employers in relation to strategic plans
which are developed for individuals. The
employees are motivated in achieving there
goals and targets which are linked with
working plans (Wilson, 2014).
Hard HRM This model defines rules and policies by which
workers had to carry their business operations.
It helps in increasing productivity for business

Example: If the organisation plans to organise workshop and training and development activities
than it helps employees to get knowledge about how different work plans will be executed in
order to carry out the business operations according to desired work plans.
 Curriculum vitae ( C.V)

 Name:
 Address:
 Contact Number:
 Email ID:
 Carrier objective:- My main objective is to see myself at an established position in
business which helps me to achieve growth and success in long runs.
 Academic Qualification:
 Graduation
 Experience:
 6 Months job experiences in Marketing of products and services.
 Personal Skills:
 Easily coordinate in teams to achieve desired target
 Dedication towards achieving goals and objective
 Motivational skills

 Declaration:
 I hear by declare that the above informations is true to my knowledge and expectations.

Organization name Tesco Plc

Job designation HR Manager

Location UK

Reports to Senior HR Manager

 They had the main role and responsibilities in hiring those

employees who have the skill and capabilities to achieve
the desired business goals.
Roles and responsibilities
 Different benefits should given to employs in order to
motivate them by giving incentives, food coupons or nay
other monetary and non monetary benefits.

Salary Initial Salary differ from 10 to 9 Lakh per year.

From the above report it can be described that human resources plays an important role in
recruiting and selection of potential employees who had the capacity to carry out business
operations in effective ways. Employers should give rewards to there employees on the basis of
there performances at the workplace this helps in motivating them in achieving there targets.
Different act are designed by legislations which are helpful in protecting employees who are
facing any discrimination and ensures safety of workers so that they can carry out there works in
healthy work environment.

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