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I have graduated from Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and

Technology Peshawar, the biggest university in Pakistan. I am interested in Electrical
Engineering since I was in primary school. Now, I am working as non-permanent lecturer in a
private college in Peshawar the capital city of KPK Province. For me, to be a lecturer is not only
about job. But the main reason for me is because of calling. I want to dedicate my self to develop
sciences and technology in my country Pakistan. For this purpose, I have a strong interest to
continue my study to the next level, following master and even doctor degree. I realize that
studying and research much more will maximize my strength to be a scientist and researcher who
have high competence.

Because of the funding reason, I search for scholarship program to get master degree. In the past
I have tried to apply to NUST scholarship program. I accepted in Graduate Program in Electrical
Engineering Department without scholarship. Because of this condition, I couldn’t attend the
program because I cannot fund myself by myself. The same reason problem will be happen if I
am accepted without scholarship.
Now, I apply to the same scholarship program as before, but in a different department. I want to
continue to study in Master Degree in Electronic Department, Especially in Power Engineering.
Besides because I like electric engineering field, another reason is because I know that electronic
technology is very important in automatization technology. The integration of electronic and
power will give a wide effect for human being. Reliability, superiority and efficiency of electric
power are related to consistency of electronic systems. I want to go deep into the enhancement of
power quality and proficiency by electrical engineering.

In undergraduate program I studied some courses which are related to that goal. Some of them
are Basic Electronics, Basic of Digital Engineering, Microprocessor System, Electric Circuit I &
Electric circuit 11, Basic of Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Signal and System,
Electrical Machines, Communication System, Electronics 1 & 11, Electrical Technology and
Power Electronics. Beside those courses, my job as a lecturer that teach Electrical Technology
and the basic understanding of electronic software also has equipped me to go to the next level of
this field of study. To understand more about Power Electronics and to prepare myself for the
better foundation of Power Electronics, now, I am studying some books by myself. Those books
are Fundamental of Power Electronics (Erickson, Robert W, 2000) and Introduction to Power
Electronic (Valery Vodovozoz, 2010). I hope that I have more time to study the other books.

China is a country which has a very rapid growing in Electric Engineering field. So, I think this
country is the best choice for me to study about electric engineering field. Shanghai Jiao Tong
University as the leading university in China is the great place for me to grow and improving me.
I desire to be the part of this educated community, which will activate my potential
improvement. If I get the chance to join here, I will give my best perform and finish the master
degree in 2 years.
After completed this program, in the next I want to continue to doctoral degree. If all of those
programs completed, my deepest commitment is to go back to the university in Pakistan. To be a
lecturer and researcher is the most readiness of me. I have a desire to transfer and develop the
knowledge that I have gained from this program to the students in Pakistan. I want to motivate
and equip them to develop electric engineering field in practical application which can be used
by the society, companies, government and private institution. Share and extent the knowledge I
have is the pleasure of live for me.

Yours Sincerely,

Muhammad Khan

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