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Sporopollenin: A review of its chemistry,

palaeochemistry and geochemistry

J. Brooks & G. Shaw

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palaeochemistry and geochemistry, Grana, 17:2, 91-97, DOI: 10.1080/00173137809428858

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Kina 17:91-97. 1978

;poropollenin: a review of its chemistry,

Balaeochemistry and geochemistry

Brooks. J. 6; Shaw. B.: Sporopollenin: a review of its chemistry, palaeochemistry and

geochemistry. -GGnna 17: 91-97, 1978. Uppsala 29 September 1978. ISSN 0017-3134.
Sporopollenin. the tough resistant biopolymer that coats the outer walls of pollen grains,
spores and related microorganisms. considered "the most resistant organic material
known", accounts for the morphology and microstructure and for geological preservation
of palynomorphs. The stability of sporopollenin is thus the raison d'etrc of the science of
palynology. Although sporopollenin is such a unique and interesting material. very few
chemical studies had been made on it until research started at the University of Bradford in
the 1960's. In 1968. we discovered the relationship between the chemical nature and
properties of sporopollenin and those of oxidative polymers of carotenoids, and shed some
light on the chemical structure of sporopollenin. This review describes some of the
chemical, biochemical and geochemical studies on sporopollenin during the last ten years.

J . Brooks. Geoclieitiis(r3. Sectioii. Exploratioii Deportitietit, The British Ntitioiial Oil

Corporation. 150 St Viitceiit Street, Glasgoic G2 5 U . U~iitedKitigdoiii: G.S h n ~ cScliool
. of
C/ieitiisrty, Uiiil'ersitj of Brcit!/iortl,Brot!/iord. West Yorksliire. 8 0 7 IDP,Etigkcid.

Sporopollenins are probably the most resistant or- spores of Lycopotlitrrn c l ~ t u t t t i / n and
, used the col-
ganic materials of direct biological origin found in lective name sporopollenin to describe the chemical
nature and in geological samples. They are the substance present in both pollen and spore walls
chemical component that make up the outer wall of (Zetzsche et al. 1931).
pollen grains, spores and many related microor- Sporopollenin is a chemical term and is independ-
ganisms. The resistance of sporopollenins to ent of botanical taxonomy. A recent and specific
microbiological, chemical and physical degradation definition for sporopollenin was proposed at the
permits study of the morphology and micro- International Symposium on Sporopollenin (Brooks
structure of such palynomorphs and is therefore e t al. 1971) as : "sporopollenin is the name for the
the basis of the science of palynology. highly resistant chemical substance o r substances in
The earliest reported chemical studies o n the ex- the exine of the pollen wall and the exosporium of a
ine of pollen grains were by John (1814) and large number of spore walls" (Jonker 1971).
Braconnot (1829). They both remarked upon the During the 1960s, a re-investigation of the
resistance of the wall component t o chemical rea- chemistry of sporopollenin was started a t the Uni-
gents and introduced the term pollenin (pollenine) versity of B n d f o r d using the many and varied mod-
to describe the .tough resistant chemical material em separation and analytical techniques. Com-
hich makes u p the outer wall of pollen grains. In plimentary t o these chemical studies. we also
tcrms of modern usage, John and Braconnot used approached the problem of structural elucidation
thc word pollenin not only for the exine, but for the from biochemical studies. Studies were carried out
spuroderm of spore coat including the underlying on the biological synthesis of sporopollenin in the
;ntine of cellulose. Zetzsche (1928) introduced the anthers of various plants and showed that there was
'.I #11 sporonin to describe the wall material from a direct relationship between the synthesis of
92 J . Brooks arid G. S/imi*

sporopollenin and the production of carotenoids of sedimentary organic matter and its potential for
(Brooks & Shaw 1%80. b, 1977). production of hydrocarbons.
In recent studies, radiochemical labelling tech-
niques have been used to help elucidate the struc-
ture of sporopollenin (see Green 1973). Techniques I. CHEMISTRY OF SOME LOWER
have been developed in which “C labelled sodium PLANT SPORES
acetate, palmitate and mevalonic acid were injected It is well established that the cell wall constituents
into young Lilirrni and Crrcirrbitn plants. The pollen of planktonic green algae (e.g. Clilorelln) show
was collected and the carotenoids and sporopolle- significant similarity with the sporopollenin of vas-
nin produced were found to be radio-labelled. cular plant spore exines (Atkinson et al. 1972,
These radio-labelled carotenoids were re-intro- Chaloner 1976). Resistant fossil “cysts”, equatable
duced into more plants (Lilirrrii and Crrcirrbitn) and with those of extant green algae, have been re-
the sporopollenins collected were again found to be corded back to the Devonian (Wall 1962) and
labelled. More impressive and significant results analysis of such fossil material gives a composi-
have been obtained from radio-labelling experi- tion and properties similar to that of sporopolte-
ments with the fungi, hlrrcor mucedo, Rhizoprrs nin (Brooks 1971). Similar, cyst-like bodies
se.nrnlis and Nerrrospora crass0 zygospores. I4C (“Acritarchs”) have been well-documented in the
and ‘H labelled p-carotenes were successfully in- Lower Palaeozoic and Late and Early Precambrian
corporated into the sporopollenin of the sexually record (Downie 1973, Brooks et al. 1973, Brooks &
produced zygospores. Shaw 1973). From these and many other records it
The ontogeny of pollen and spore walls has been is clear that long before green plants effected land
studied during the last decade (Heslop-Harrison migration they had already established biochemical
1%8, 1976, Rowley 1963, 1975, Godwin & Echlin processes necessary to coat their spores with
1968, Echlin 1971, Brooks & Shaw 19680, 1971. this admirably resistant substance-sporopollenin
1977). After release from the tetrad and during this (Chaloner 1976).
early development of the microspores, there is a Studies on the spores of two Lycopodiaceae
very rapid expansion of the spores and excretion of species Osmuricla regnlis and Selagitielli krciirssiu-
new material on to the spore wall. During the stages no, the fungal species Aspergihrs rriger. hlricor
of growth of the microspores into mature or- niucedo. Nerrrospora crassn and Periicillirrrpi brcvi
ganisms, various structural changes occur in the and the algal materials Pediasfrirni r1iiple.r (var. re-
cells of the tapetum of the anther. A distinctive ticirlnta) and Cliarn cciralliiin all showed chemical
feature of these tapetum changes is the production evidence for the presence of sporopollenin in their
of “pro-orbicules” that are composed of sporopol- walls. The Osriiitritln regalis spore walls were found
lcnin precursors (“proto-sporopollenin”) suggesting to contain almost 20 per cent of sporopollenin and
that the principal synthesis of sporopollenin may be therefore, resembles two other species, Lyco-
located in the tapetum. podium clavatruii and Selagiiielln iirnrrssiaiia.
Since sporopollenins are so resistant, pollen One of the more interesting of the lower plants
grains and spores are deposited in sediments (pollen that we examined is hlrrcor nirrcedo and the forma-
analysis) and are often described as the most uni- tion of the (5)sexual zygospores in the fungus.
versal fossils. Interest in the thermal alteration of These zygospores contain about 4 per cent
spores (and other organic matter) has become of sporopollenin, whilst the wall material of the asex-
interest to palynologists and geochemists for sev- ual spores is composed of polysaccharides.
eral reasons: Carotenoids are synthesised by both the (+) and
( ( 1 ) there are correlations between sedimentary (-) strains of hlircor riirrcedu and the major compo-
properties and changes occurring in the chemical nent is p-carotene. During zygospore formation in
structure of sporopollenins; Mrrcor there is an 100-fold increase in the produc-
( b )the colour changes and chemical alterations of tion of carotenoids and there is also a significant
thermally altered palynomorphs indicate the maxi- increase in @carotene production in the mated
mum temperature level to tvhich the sedimentary cultures of BlrrXesleti tricporci (Goodwin 1967).
organic matter has been heated. This in turn gives Cliorinepliorrr crrcrrrbitti and 1’Iiyotiiyce.r
valuable indications about the “thermal maturity” /hkc.slrcniirrr (Hocking 1965). The zygospores of
the fungus Rltizoj)rrs se.rrrtilis (considered related to D. Lilirirtt ltenrji j d l c i i groiiis
Mireor) do not produce cnrotenoids and do not con- 2-"C mevalonic acid was incorporated into
tain sporopollenin (Holleyhead 1972). Chemical and antheraxanthin dipalmitate in the Liliirr~ anthers,
histochemical studies on R1tizoprr.s scsrralis but "C-labelled antheraxanthin dipalmitate was not
zygospores showed that chitin and chitosan were significantly incorporated into the sporopollenin.
the major components of the wall. 'this suggests that either the carotenoid ester was
not incorporated in its current state into the
I t . INCORPORATION 01' RADIO- sporopollenin, the labelled carotenoid ester was
LABELLED CHEMICALS INTO present in the system in a form or at a time when it
SPOKOPOLLENIN was unable to take part in the exine biogenesis, or
the dilution factor within the plant tissue was too
A . Afrrcor rttrrceclo zygosj'ores great to allow significant identification of radio-
U-"C acetate, G - I T acetate, 2-"C acetate, 2-"C labelling in the sporopollenin material.
mevalonate, G-"C 0-carotene and 15, 15'-3H Green (1973) considered that the advanced state
0-carotene have been incorporated into sporpolle- of developnient of the Liliitrii Itciirji buds, at the
nin material produced by the zygospores of rlfircor time of inoculation of the labelled materials, was an
rtrrrcch (Gooday et al. 1973). important factor in the observed results.
In sporopollenins labelled with U-"C acetate,
'-IT acetate and 2 - ' T mevalonate and then
treated with 80 per cent ortho-phosphoric acid and 111. SOME CHEhlICAL OBSERVATIONS
subscquent solvent extraction, showed no appreci- ON POLLEN WALL ONTOGENY
able change in specific activity. This observation 'the basic principles of pollen and spore wall
sho\ved that the radio-labelled compounds were lo- ontogeny have been reported in some detail by
cated in the sporopollenin. An increased specific Heslop-Harrison (1968, 1976). Rowley (1971, 1976),
x t i v i t y was observed in sporopollenin labelled with Echlin (1971) and Dickinson (1971, 1976). Brooks
IS, 1S'-311-carotene. This increase was accom- and Shaw ([%So, I), 1971, 19736) have recently
panied by an equivalent loss in weight of the been able to explain and clarify many of these
sporopollenin material and suggested that residual biological observations on a chemical basis (Brooks
non-active polysacchandes were removed by 6r Shaw 1977). Extensions of these chemical expla-
phosphoric acid treatment, showing that the label nations from recent chemical and eytochemical
tvas located in sporopollenin. Experiments showed studies have also been made (Rowley and Brooks.
that /3-carotene and its precursors were incorpo- 11 npubl.).
rated into the ( t ) zygospore wall ofMtrcor itittccdo, The first indications of patterning on pollen
;ind established a useful technique for studying grains is seen at the surface of young microspores
\poropollenin using radio-labelled carotenoids. composing the tetrad. I t has bcen shown (Rowley
1976) that the specific characteristic of the
11. Ncirrosporri crrtssci nscosporrs microspore "template" surface are determined by
15, 1S'-3111 0-carotene was incorporated into the wall glycocalyx (protein-polysaccharide complex)
of the ascospores of Ncrrrosporci crussci. Incorpora- macroniolecules associated with the plasma
tion of radio-labelled /+carotene (based upon membrane. This template consists of polyionic
Nptcific activity recovered in the sporopollenin) molecules which form an agglutination bridge be-
\\;IS 0.6 per cent and was significantly greater than tween closely spaced negatively-charged sites on
iii similar experiments with Mireor. compounds within the exine, having a filamentous
or tape-like configuration. Filaments or lamellations
C. Circrirbitct j w j w polleri grciirts have been exposed from exines of mature
U-"C :icetatc, 2J4C acetate and I-"C palmitate Lycopodiirrtt clciiwtiirti spores by oxidative degrada-
ticre incorporated into sporopollenin component. tion of the sporopollenin using ozone (Brooks 6r
I):cr;idation and extraction methods on the wall Elsik 1974) and also by heat and pressure treatment
.IY\\ cd that the radio-labelled compounds were in- (Sengupta & Kowley 1974). These filamentous
.!liporated into and localised in the sporopollenin stntctures have been isolated from the exines
!cti;il. of E'pild~iirtii ;ind Artmisin pollen using
\',') Griiiiii 17
9-4 J . Brooks tiritl G . Sliritc.

2-aminoethanol and phenol extniction (Rowley the di-carboxylic and mono-carboxylic acid oxida-
1976). A direct relationship exists between the tive degradation products derived from sporopolle-
specific composition of the glycocalyx protrusions nins of different plant families show some minor.
morphology, exine morphology and similarities be- but significant differences that may have potential
tween the surfaces of the microspores and the use in phytochemical correlations.
tapetal cell. The surface configuration of the de- Pyrolysis-gas chromatography of sporopollenins,
veloping microspores and that of the "pro-orbicule" synthetic carotenoid polymers and natural
formed adjacent to tapetal cells is identical (Nilsson carotenoids (Brooks & Shaw 1971, 19736, 1977.and
& Robyns 1974). unpubl., Achari et al. 1973) gave almost identical
When the microspores are released from the chromatograms showing that the sporopollenins de-
tetrad, the morphology contained in the plasma rived from angiosperm, gymnosperm and ferns and
membrane-glycocalyx template is ready for deposi- lower plant spores have similar chemical structures
tion of sporopollenin. At approximately the same and also that they are similar to the synthetic
time as the microspores are released, the tapctum polymers.
begins to produce sporopollenin precursors. The A molecular structure for sporopollenin based
main contributions of the tapetum chemicals ap- upon an oxidative polymer of cnrotenoids and
pears to be in the deposition of the outer exine. carotenoid esters has been reported (Brooks 6r
Concurrent with the production of these chemicals Shaw 1977, and unpubl.). This structure is sup-
in the tapetum. there is a progressive degeneration ported by elemental analysis, chemical, biochemi-
of the secondary tapetum accompanied by produc- cal, radiochemical and cytochemical evidence that
tion of lipid material and of "pro-orbicules". These. has been cam-ed out during the last few years.
"pro-orbicules" consist of a strong solution of X-ray diffraction studies on the natural and syn-
carotenoids and are considered to be sporopollenin thetic polymers (Brooks, Joncs 6: Shaw, 1977
precursors, consisting of "proto-sporopollenin" unpublished) confirm the chemical structure of
(un- or partly polymerised material). This material sporopollenin as an oxidative polymer of caro-
is transported across the anther cells to the surface tenoids.
of the developing pollen wall surface. The poly-
merising "proto-sporopollenin" being deposited B . Cytocliciiiicnl cr*itlencc
onto the microspore wall surface into the "tem- Sporopollcnins are strongly osmiophilic (South-
plate mould" composed on the glycocalyx fila- worth 1973), showing the material to contain ali-
ments (Brooks R: Shaw 1971, 1977). phatic unsaturated C-C double bonds. The polymer
Little is known about the relative rates of de- absorbs U-V light (-290, 265 and 250 nm) (South-
velopment of exine deposition and formation in worth 1969, Brooks & Shaw, unpubl.) and its
these intermediate stages between release of the fluorescence (van Gijzel 1971) suggests the pres-
microspore and the completion of the exine wall, ence of conjugated C-C double bonds adjacent to
but from observations it appears that sporopollenin C-0 groups. Sporopollenin reacts with basic dyes
accumulation occurs rapidly on to the exine. (nile blue A; azure L3 and toluidine blue) suggesting
the presence of weakly anionic groups such as
acidic-enolic compounds. Sporopollenins can be
distinguished from cutin and suberin by lack of stain
with Sudan IV (Southworth 1973) and from lignin
A. C/icriiictil ci-idcrt ce by its insolubility in dioxane (Ford 1971) and its
Oxidative degradation (using ozone) of natural failure to stain with phloroglucinol (Heslop-
sporopollenins and of synthetic carotenoid poly- Harrison 1968).
mers shows excellent correlation between the prod- These cytochemical observations clarify the
ucts (Brooks & Shaw 1968a, h, 19736, 1977, and postulated chemical structure of sporopollenin. The
unpublished results). Generally. the spectra of unsaturated C-C bonds provide the active sites for
compounds are very similar. showing sporopolle- staining with osmium tetroxide and would show
nins to have very similar chemical structures and to U-V and fluorescent spectra. The oxidation of the
be identical in structure to the synthetic carotenoid carotenoid structiire leads to the formation of enolic
polymers. Dctailcd examination of the spectra of groups within long aliphatic carbon chains. In-
Sporopollctriti 9S

corporation of radio-labelled sodium acetate. amounts of methane and carbon dioxide, the
mevalonic acid and p-carotene compounds into de- sporopollenin residue appears very little altered.
veloping pollen grains and spores during exine Sporopollenin heated to higher temperatures (great-
synthesis shows conclusively that the sporopollenin er than 220°C) produces more volatile and soluble
chemical structure is not related to lignin. chemical products and shows significant alterations
Sporopollenins are oxidative polymers of c a r e in both colour and chemical changes in a relatively
tenoids and carotenoid esters. short time (Brooks 1977b).
Pollen and spores show changes in colour and
chemical structure with temperature at different
rates than dinoflagellates and acritarchs (Correia
1971) and they show earlier changes than
Pollen grains and spores from different ranks of coal chitinozoa.
a n d different sediments show gradual colour Pollen grains and spores are the most sensitive
changes from pale yellow, through light brown to indicators of thermal changes in any particular re-
dark brown-black, due mainly to different thermal gion of a sediment, especially in areas of relative
histories. Considering experimental evidence, due low thermal activities and gradients. These facts
to difficulties in understanding all the various have resulted in palynomorphs-particularly pollen
p:irameters that may affect colour and chemical and spores-being used in geothermal studies on
changes in pollen and spores, it seems that such sediments. Although these techniques have wide
changcs occur by coalification and carbonisation applications (see Brooks & Niklas 1977). their ma-
processes (Brooks 19770). The processes depend jor current use is in petroleum exploration. Using
o n the different rates of heating, different times of relationships between pollen grain and spore colour,
thermal alteration and the resulting chemical reac- translucency and fluorescence, chemical changes,
tions. Thermal alterations are considered to be the electron spin resonance (ESR) and thernial
most important parameter, but it is necessary to gravimetnc analysis (TGA) and geological condi-
note the effects of hydrostatic pressure gradients tions, it is now possible for organic geochemists and
;ind shear pressure gradients in regions subject to palynologists to determine the regional thermal
deep burial (Gray & Boucot 1975). history of sediments and their potential for
Laboratory experiments have been used to study hydrocarbon generation.
the chemical changes in sporopollenins under
carbonisation processes (Gutjahr 1966, Correia
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