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K-12 DS Project

A – Analyze Learners

The students in participation are a class of 2 graders with 11 girls and 7 boys in the class. In first grade,
the students worked on dribbling a ball with demonstrating 3 of the 5 skill components. In second grade,
they are asked to perform all 5 skill components to show a mature form. In the Physical Education
setting, I think most students learn best by visually seeing skills completed. It’s much easier for them to
grasp the skill when I demonstrate, or they see others performing the skill.

S - State Standards and Objectives

ISTE Standards:

#3 Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to
construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for
themselves and others.

 3b: Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media,
data or other resources.

#6 Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a
variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their

 6a: Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of
their creation or communication.

SHAPE National Standards & Outcomes & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education

 Dribbles in self-space with preferred hand demonstrating a mature pattern. (S1.E17.2a)


 I can demonstrate the skill components of dribbling a ball with my hand in order to dribble a ball
in self-space successfully.
 I can recite the skill components of dribbling with hand in order to teach other kids how to

S – Select Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials


 Learner-centered with technology

 Direct Instruction

Technology & Media:

 Laptop devices for each student

 Camera App on their device

 Class set of basketballs for everyone.
 Student devices for everyone to record.
 Formative Worksheet along with pencils

U – Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials

Physical Education Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Information: Dribbling w/ Hand

 Dribbles in self-space with preferred hand demonstrating a mature pattern. (S1.E17.2a)

 I can demonstrate the skill components of dribbling a ball with my hand in order to
dribble a ball in self-space successfully.
 I can recite the skill components of dribbling with hand in order to teach other kids
how to dribble.

 Formative: Dribbling Skill Cues Worksheet
 Summative: Video Checklist

 Gymnasium, class set of basketballs, laptops for each group, chairs for each group,

 Review and breakdown the objective of the day.
 Dribbling is a skill that requires considerable eye/hand coordination and body position
in relation to the object.

 Mystery Tag:
o Two students will be “it”. They will have a noodle to tag the students will.
Students will move around to avoid getting tagged. If student gets tagged, they
must sit on their bottom, knees bent, and face in palm looking down. Once
tagged, other students can please their hand on their shoulder and say the secret
word, “skittles”. If the person whose been tagged can guess the students name
who said the secret word to them, they rejoin the game. If guessed incorrectly,
they wait until a new student gives them the secret word. After two minutes,
switch taggers.

New Learning:
 Dribbling with hand:
o Eyes forward and knees bent.
o Use finger pads to push ball to floor.
o Ball returns to waist level.
o Control the ball.

 Dominant, Non-Dominants, Finger Pads

Instructional Activities:
 Students will walk to pick a ball and walk back to their home base holding the ball in
their lap and knees on head.
 Students will dribble in self-space demonstrating prior knowledge of dribbling on their
home base.
 I’ll show a YouTube video of another student teaching us how to dribble a basketball.
As a class, we will review the skill cues of dribbling (teacher demonstration and
student demonstration) and practice dribbling in place on their home base (right and
left hand). I’ll walk around giving feedback to the students.
 Rolling to Dribble
o Students will have a basketball. Poly spots will be scattered throughout the
gym. As a class, Mr. Potts will roll the dice. Students will add/subtract the dice.
Whatever number becomes the answer. The students must move (holding onto
ball) and dribble that many times on the spot. When completed, students place
their ball above their heads. Once everyone completes, we will roll the dice
 Student Questions: Why do we use our finger pads instead of our palms? Why do we
want to keep our eyes forward? Why do you think it’s important to bend your knees?
 Students will get into partners and find one chair on the perimeter of the gym to put
their laptop on. One student will be called to get one basketball for their group.
 In partners, students will each fill out “Dribbling Skill Cues” worksheet.
 The teacher will go over instructions. Now it’s their time to create their own videos of
how to dribble in order to teach make next year’s seconds graders.
 Motivation: I want to see who the next big YouTube star will be! Make it fun and
engaging! Can you dribble just like LeBron James or Steph Curry?
 Students will take turns recording themselves using the video app on their laptop
dribbling the ball and informing their audience about the skill components (eyes
forward, knees bent, use finger pads, ball returns to waist, and control the ball).
 Students will complete the summative assessment of the video checklist with their peer
to see if they verbally used and performed the 5 skill components.
 Students will now be able to teach next year second graders on how to properly dribble
the ball in self-space.

Cool down:
 Walk over to put ball back on rack and have a seat on your home base.

Safety Considerations
 Stay in control of you ball
 Only touch your ball
 Stay inside the white line

 Use different size ball
 Use two hands / non-dominant hand
 Keep a safe distance between you and the laptop and also you and other groups.

ASSURE: The 5 P’s

 Preview the Technology, Media, and Materials
o I practice using the “Camera” app on the student’s laptop. Quick and easy for
the students to understand.
o Searched YouTube for students demonstrating how to dribble a basketball
 Prepare the Technology, Media, and Materials
o Pulled up the YouTube video on my SmartBoard before the class to make sure
it was up and running smoothly.
o Went to the classroom, to make sure each laptop had the app and to tell the
students to bring their device.
 Preview the Environment
o 12 folding chairs spread out along the perimeter of the gym for students to use.
Making sure there is plenty of space between each group.
o Have the basketball rack out and ready
o Making sure the doors are shut from the hallways to minimalize noise.
 Prepare the Learners
o Students will go over the objective as a class and break it down, so they fully
understand it.
o We’re discuss the formative assessment where they have to put in order the five
components of dribbling. They will be graded on putting them in the correct
order from first to last.
o The summative grade will be the student’s videos. They’ll be graded on making
sure they say and complete all five skill components in the order in their video.
o The benefits of learning the material will allow the students to be able to move
from self-space dribbling that they’re practicing this week to moving in general
space the following week.
 Provide the Learning Experience
o The actual lesson plan will go over this step.

Evaluate and Revise:

 Formative: Dribbling Skill Cues worksheet. Students will put in order the five skill components of
dribbling a ball. They will be graded based on the order.
 Summative: Students will be graded on their video of verbally saying the skill components in
order and performing all five components as they dribble the ball. A checklist will be used for
this assessment the student’s self and partner to go over and record. (self-peer evaluations).

Reflection of the DS Lesson:

 Worked Well: Engagement level, showing the YouTube video, students loved videoing
 Needs Improvement: Handling the noise around the groups, Time management (too much
planned in a short amount of time)

The digital story project design and implementation I think worked better than I originally

thought. Using technology in a P.E. class can be difficult because you only see students once a week

for fifty minutes, so you want them moving as much as possible for those minutes. The lesson did
meet the learning objectives. Reviewing the formative worksheet and summative videos the

students were able to demonstrate the skill components to show a mature form and they were able

to recite the components in their video. The lesson could be improved by being more aware of how

much noise a basketball can make when you have 10 groups completing the task at the same time

while taking a video. We had to spread out in the gym and outside to complete the videos. The

media and materials were good. The video app was easy for the students to use. All they really need

to know was the stop and play button which was easy to see. I will assess the effectiveness of the

tools by seeing if the students were able to complete the formative and summative grades

effectively or if they were missing a piece, thinking about what could be changed for the next time. I

believe another app could have been used to video their performance but for it being my first times

really using this type of technology in the gym, I went the safest route and an app that students

already knew.

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