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The SPEED System: An Overview of the

Appliance and Clinical Performance

Jeffrey L. Berger

The SPEED appliance (Strite Industries Ltd., 298 Shepherd Ave., Cambridge,
Ontario, N3C 1V1 Canada), invented by Dr. G. Herbert Hanson in the early
1970s, is a miniaturized self-ligating bracket with an active spring clip. This
fully preadjusted edgewise appliance, which is available in both 0.018ⴖ and
0.022ⴖ slot size, has been in clinical use since 1977 and commercially avail-
able since 1980. During the past 25 years, the SPEED design has been highly
refined. Refinements include the incorporation of a superelastic nickel tita-
nium spring clip for greater precision of tooth movement throughout treat-
ment, a “labial window” that enhances ease of opening the spring clip, and
a horizontal auxiliary slot in the bracket body that facilitates segmental
archwire mechanics. Although the SPEED bracket is compatible with virtu-
ally any archwire selection, specific archwires have been designed to fully
exploit SPEED’s inherent benefits. These include Supercable (Strite Indus-
tries Ltd.), a seven-stranded coaxial nickel titanium archwire, Hills Dual-
Geometry archwire (Strite Industries Ltd.), and SPEED archwires. Whether
traditional or specialty archwires are used, SPEED, with its highly flexible
spring clip, creates a unique mechanical system that is ideally suited for
ultra-precise orthodontic tooth movement. (Semin Orthod 2008;14:
54-63.) © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Basis for the SPEED Design ● Improved esthetics,

● Significant miniaturization,
n 1970, when Dr. G. Herbert Hanson began
I work on the design of a new orthodontic
appliance, two aspects of modern orthodontics
● Greater precision and control of tooth move-
● Reduced tendency to trap food, and
were absent. The delegation of clinical duties to
● Greater predictability of friction.
assistants was not widely permitted and elasto-
meric ligatures did not yet exist. It was not un- To achieve these objectives, Hanson’s design
common at this time for a single practitioner to would differ from past self-ligating designs such
see a mere eight patients per day. His goal there- as the Boyd Bracket (1933)1 and the Ford
fore was to create a new edgewise appliance that Bracket (1933; Woodside and coworkers,1 and
could improve operator efficiency—a self-ligat- Ford WF, personal communications). The focus
ing design was the obvious choice. In addition to of Boyd’s and Ford’s “passive self-ligating de-
improving operator efficiency, Hanson’s design sign” was primarily on archwire entrapment. Its
goals focused on five key points: tooth control was solely dependent on the fit be-
tween archwire and edgewise slot. Dr. Hanson en-
Director of SPEED Technique Clinic and Clinical Associate
visioned a self-ligating appliance, which could do
Professor, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI. much more. Replacing the ligature or rigid door
Address correspondence to Jeffrey L Berger, BDS, Dip Orth, The with a precisely formed flexible component not
Windsor Health Centre, 600 Tecumseh Road East, Suite #241, Wind- only offered the potential to satisfy his original
sor, Ontario, Canada N8X 4X9; E-mail:
© 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
design objectives, but more importantly created a
1073-8746/08/1401-0$30.00/0 self-ligating design that could actively cooperate
doi:10.1053/j.sodo.2007.12.006 with the archwire in corrective tooth movement.

54 Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 14, No 1 (March), 2008: pp 54-63

The SPEED Appliance 55

This was the birth of the “active self-ligating de-

Clinical design tests began in the mid-1970s
when Hanson began to work with a Canadian
aerospace manufacturer, Strite Industries Lim-
ited. Sectioned pieces of watch springs, pur-
chased from a local jeweler, were carefully fitted
by Hanson onto prototype bracket bodies that
were then welded to bands. These attachments
Figure 2. (A) The range of motion of the spring clip
were installed onto selected teeth to test clinical is illustrated. The stored energy in the spring clip acts
performance and permit an assessment of his progressively to move the tooth until the archwire is
concept. Successful tests of these largely “hand- fully seated in the home position in the bracket slot.
made” prototypes led to a process of design (B) This illustrates the low friction metal-to-metal con-
tact between the archwire and the SPEED bracket.
optimization, which culminated into the wide
(C) The spring clip activated for rotation is shown.
scale clinical testing of machine-made proto- The spring clip will continually act to rotate the tooth
types. More than 600 patients underwent success- until the archwire is seated in the home position in
ful treatment between October 1977 and January the bracket, as in Fig 2B. (Color version of figure is
1980, thus confirming the soundness of the design available online.)
now known as the “SPEED” appliance. Further
confirmation for the basis of the SPEED design nickel titanium spring clip to entrap the arch-
came during the same period with the withdrawal wire.5 This flexible spring clip can occupy either
from the market of the Edgelok appliance,1,2 a of two resting positions: “slot closed” to capture
passive self-ligating design that enjoyed widespread the archwire, or “slot open” to release the arch-
commercial exposure throughout the 1970s. wire. The spring clip is also capable of storing
Introduction of the SPEED appliance occurred energy, which is gently released as corrective
in 1980.3 Since that time, a process of continual tooth movement occurs.
improvement has occurred due to the close col- When corrective tooth movement is required,
laboration between the inventor, clinicians in the archwire engagement results in the elastic de-
field, and the manufacturer. The SPEED appli- flection of the spring clip as shown in Fig 2A-C.
ance of today, as shown in Fig 1, is a highly refined This elastic deflection represents energy stored
orthodontic mechanism that generates overlap- in the spring clip, which is released as the
ping benefits for both patients and clinicians.4 bracket and its accompanying tooth are reori-
ented relative to the archwire, in a corrective
manner. Any subsequent movement of the tooth
The SPEED Design
from this ideal position results in a repeat of this
The SPEED appliance is a preadjusted, miniatur- corrective process and a return of the tooth to its
ized edgewise appliance that uses a superelastic correct position. The SPEED design ensures pre-
cise control of tooth movement in all three
planes of space due to this unique interaction
between bracket and archwire.
It is important to note that SPEED is a fully
preadjusted appliance offered in a full range of
popular torque prescriptions (Table 1). Although
the SPEED brackets are similar in appearance,
they are specifically designed for each individual
tooth. Each attachment consists of up to five
components (Fig 3). These include a multislot-
ted bracket body, a permanently installed super-
elastic nickel titanium spring clip, an in-out
Figure 1. The SPEED appliance. A highly refined
orthodontic design that has been clinically proven for adapter, an integral Mushroom Hook™ and a
more than 25 years. (Color version of figure is avail- Micro-Retentive Mesh™ bonding base. The
able online.) main edgewise archwire slot is available in either
56 J.L. Berger

Table 1. Torque Prescriptions Available for the SPEED Appliance

Central Lateral First Second First Second
Incisor Incisor Canine Premolar Premolar Molar Molar

Hanson maxilla ⫹12 ⫹8 ⫺7 ⫺7 ⫺7 ⫺10 ⫺10

Hanson mandible ⫹5 ⫹3 ⫺4 ⫺4 ⫺8 ⫺24 ⫺28
Regular (Roth) maxilla ⫹12 ⫹8 ⫺2 ⫺7 ⫺7 ⫺10 ⫺10
Regular (Roth) mandible ⫺1 ⫺1 ⫺7 ⫺11 ⫺17 ⫺24 ⫺28
Medium (MBT) maxilla ⫹17 ⫹10 ⫺7 ⫺7 ⫺7 ⫺10 ⫺10
Medium (MBT) mandible ⫺6 ⫺6 ⫺7 ⫺11 ⫺17 ⫺24 ⫺10
High maxilla ⫹22 ⫹14 ⫹7 ⫺7 ⫺7 ⫺10 ⫺10
High mandible ⫺1 ⫺1 ⫹7 ⫺11 ⫺17 ⫺24 ⫺28

0.018⬙ ⫻ 0.025⬙ or 0.022⬙ ⫻ 0.028⬙. Parallel to Advantages of the SPEED Design

the main archwire slot is a horizontal 0.016⬙ ⫻ The SPEED appliance has numerous design fea-
0.016⬙ auxiliary slot, which may house secondary tures, which ensure its optimal performance
archwires or a variety of auxiliaries including during orthodontic treatment. A detailed out-
preformed hooks for elastics.6-8 line of the benefits of its elegant design is be-
A labial window is found in the face of the yond the scope of this article. Benefits for the
spring clip, which greatly facilitates its opening. clinician include:
A force of only 300 g is required to open the
spring clip using this method; this procedure is ● Highly flexible nickel titanium spring clip pro-
easily performed by the clinician but not by the vides precise 3-D tooth control,
patient. A mere 200 g is required to close the ● Minimal friction during sliding mechanics,
spring clip and this is most commonly done with ● Extended range of activation due to energy
a gloved finger. The light force required to both stored in spring clip,
open and close the SPEED appliance makes ● Large interbracket span,
archwire changes a very comfortable procedure ● Spring clip will not fatigue or plastically de-
for patient and operator alike. form under normal treatment conditions,

Figure 3. The component parts of the SPEED appliance consist of a microretentive mesh bonding pad, an in-out
adapter, a bracket body that contains both an auxiliary slot for a 0.016⬙ ⫻ 0.016⬙ wire and a main edgewise
archwire slot, a superelastic nickel titanium spring clip, and a miniaturized integral mushroom hook for the use
of elastics. (Color version of figure is available online.)
The SPEED Appliance 57

● Spring clip will not permit premature release

of the archwire,
● Brackets available from second molar to sec-
ond molar,
● Replaceable spring clip,
● Intimate bracket base fit with tooth surface,
● No special instruments required for place-
ment, opening, closing, or debonding.

Figure 4. The graph shows the unloading or deactivation

Treatment Philosophy
forces provided by different archwire materials and diam- When Using SPEED
eters with 3 mm of activation. Supercable deactivates at very
low force levels. On average, Supercable exerts one-third of
As outlined originally by Dr. Hanson (Wood-
the force of equal diameter round nickel titanium arch- side DG and coworkers,1 Hanson GH,9 and
wire. (Color version of figure is available online.) Hanson GH, personal communications), the
following treatment philosophy is recom-
● Horizontal, auxiliary slot— enhances segmen-
tal mechanics, and ● Try to treat without extractions in all cases that
● Clinically proven for over 25 years. appear to have the necessary potential;
● If treatment objectives cannot be accomplished
Benefits for the patient include:
without extractions, extract second bicuspids to
● Smooth, rounded, silhouette— easy for all pa- minimize any tendency toward unattractive re-
tients to clean, duction in the prominence of the dentition;
● Miniaturized, wingless design with low profile ● Use preliminary functional appliances to fa-
improves patient comfort, and vorably alter jaw growth patterns wherever it is
● Esthetically appealing—polished appearance desirable and feasible;
with clean design lines. ● Use intraoral distalization mechanics instead
of headgear when conditions permit;
In addition, there are the following miscella-
● Expand arches that have failed to develop to
neous benefits:
their full potential;
● Easy to open— easy to close, ● Intrude upper anterior teeth in patients who
● Mushroom hooks available on all brackets, exhibit a lot of gingival tissue;

Figure 5. (A) Supercable consists of seven strands of superelastic nickel titanium wire in a coaxial form. It is
available in 0.016⬙, 0.018⬙, and 0.020⬙ dimensions. It is impossible to permanently deform Supercable regardless
of the malalignment of the dentition. (B) The combined effect of the initial light multistrand Supercable
archwire, the wide interbracket span between the narrow SPEED brackets, and the energy storing capability of
the spring clip greatly increases the range of appliance activation. (Color version of figure is available online.)
58 J.L. Berger

Figure 6. The Hills Dual-Geometry wire features a square anterior portion for torque control and a rounded
polished posterior to enhance sliding mechanics. (Color version of figure is available online.)

● Correct tooth rotations to ideal alignment with- large so as to complicate the simplicity of the
out any overcorrection and rely on interproxi- desired mechanics. With SPEED, one can work
mal reshaping and circumferential supra-crestal within the physiologic limits of the supporting
fiberotomies to enhance retention; and tissues.11,12 Further, by giving adequate time for
● Overcorrect Class II or Class III buccal seg- each archwire to fully express itself, the role of
ment relationships where a strong relapse ten- anchorage in the treatment mechanics is sig-
dency is expected. nificantly reduced. As a result, it is considered
It has already been stated that the SPEED appli- that there is less need for an extraction pat-
ance is most responsive to very light forces. The tern in patients treated with SPEED brackets
use of light forces is both biologically and me- relative to twin brackets. Exceptions include
chanically advantageous. From a biological extremely crowded cases or where other miti-
standpoint light force application decreases the gating circumstances, such as soft tissue pro-
risk of occurrence of such undesirable phenom- file or incisor angulation, mandate otherwise.
ena as root resorption.10 From a mechanical Not only is this nonextraction approach ad-
standpoint, light force application reduces un- vantageous for the patient, but the orthodon-
desirable reaction forces, which can become so tist benefits by having to spend less time man-

Figure 7. The SPEED finishing archwire has a quarter round shape, which facilitates archwire insertion, spring
closure, and is highly effective in torque control. (Color version of figure is available online.)
The SPEED Appliance 59

Table 2. Suggested Archwire Progression

0.018⬙ Slot 0.022⬙ Slot

Level and align—severely crowded 0.016⬙ Supercable

Initiate or continue to level and align 0.018⬙ Supercable
Develop arch form 0.016⬙ or 0.018⬙ nickel titanium 0.018⬙ or 0.020⬙ nickel titanium
Start torque and enhance arch form 0.016⬙ ⫻ 0.022⬙ nickel titanium 0.017⬙ ⫻ 0.022⬙ SPEED nickel
Increase torque and arch form 0.017⬙ ⫻ 0.022⬙ SPEED nickel 0.020⬙ ⫻ 0.025⬙ SPEED nickel
titanium titanium
Initiate sliding mechanics 0.018⬙ ⫻ 0.018⬙ ⫻ 0.018⬙ Hills Dual-Geometry
Differential sliding mechanics 0.018⬙ ⫻ 0.018⬙ ⫻ 0.018⬙ Hills 0.021⬙ ⫻ 0.021⬙ ⫻ 0.020⬙ Hills
Dual-Geometry Dual-Geometry
Artistic bends and final detailing 0.017⬙ ⫻ 0.022⬙ TMA 0.019⬙ ⫻ 0.025⬙ TMA or Force 9
Final torque and arch form 0.017⬙ ⫻ 0.022⬙ SPEED stainless 0.020⬙ ⫻ 0.025⬙ SPEED stainless
steel steel

aging the compensatory extraction mechanics rather than to continually compensate with
and more time managing the more predict- bends in the archwires;
able reaction to light forces. ● A meticulous bonding technique will pay worth-
while dividends later in terms of efficiency and
Clinical Guidelines to Using SPEED quality of treatment;
● Use very light forces and go easy on overcor-
As outlined originally by Dr. Hanson (Woodside rection. The customary anti-tip and anti-spin
DG and coworkers,1 Hanson GH,9 and Hanson provisions in conventional edgewise appli-
GH, personal communications), the following ances would be excessive if incorporated
clinical guidelines are recommended: into the SPEED technique;
● Take great care to position the brackets and ● Because of the small area of bracket-arch con-
tubes as accurately as possible during initial tact and the concentration of rotational con-
bonding; trol, it is easy to underestimate the effective-
● If significant bracket placement errors be- ness of the appliance at first; and
come apparent during the course of treat- ● Use a light touch in manipulating the appli-
ment, it is better to rectify them by rebonding ance and avoid “forcing” any component.

Figure 8. (A-D) Space closure using maxillary 0.021⬙ ⫻ 0.021⬙ ⫻ 0.020⬙ and mandibular 0.018⬙ ⫻ 0.018⬙ ⫻ 0.018⬙
Hills Dual-Geometry archwires, continuous elastomeric power chain, and intermaxillary 4 mm (3/16⬙) 4 ounce
elastics. Maxillary molars bonded with SPEED ER (enhanced retention) bracket. (E-H) Significant space closure
following 4 months of sliding mechanics. The dual arch dimension of the Hills wire greatly enhances posterior
space closure while maintaining anterior torque control. (Color version of figure is available online.)
60 J.L. Berger

Figure 9. Clinical Case with the SPEED Appliance. Non-extraction treatment of a 12y 7m old patient with a Class
III skeletal open-bite pattern, a steep mandibular plane angle and maxillary crowding (A-I). Initial bonding (J-N)
and placement of .016 maxillary and .018 mandibular Supercable arch wires. Arch alignment and maxillary
molar distalization mechanics (O1, P1) on .018 D-wire and addition of anterior compressed coil springs (O2,
P2). Segmental .016 Supercable arch wire to engage lateral incisor brackets (O3, P3) prior to alignment with
main arch wire (P4). Final detailing and torque control with .019 ⫻ .025 Force 9 arch wire (P5) before
completion of treatment (Q-Y). This case clearly illustrates how the SPEED appliance, with its precise 3-dimen-
sional control, may be utilized to effectively manage complex cases such as that of a growing patient with an
adverse skeletal growth pattern. (Color version of figure is available online.)
The SPEED Appliance 61

Figure 9. Continued.
62 J.L. Berger

Archwires—Selection and Use SPEED Finishing Archwires

SPEED appliance design greatly simplifies and The beveled labial-gingival shape of “SPEED”
enhances archwire selection and effectiveness. finishing archwires encourages full expressi-
SPEED’s wide interbracket span, predictably on of the interaction between the superelastic
light frictional drag, and full control with even spring clip, the archwire, and the archwire slot
the most undersized archwires maximizes effi- (Fig 7). Any deviation of the bracket position
ciencies of tooth movement while ensuring ex- relative to the wire, results in deflection of the
cellence in finishing. Although SPEED’s edge- spring clip, which stores appropriate energy
wise slot will accommodate virtually any size or for recovery. This energy is gently released
configuration of archwire, experienced SPEED through precise three-dimensional tooth posi-
users have found that the selected archwires out- tioning. In addition, this quarter round arch-
lined herein most fully exploit SPEED’s unique wire shape facilitates wire insertion and spring
benefits. These are recommended for best re- clip closure. These wires are manufactured in
sults and include Supercable (Figs 4 and 5A and two sizes: 0.017⬙ ⫻ 0.022⬙ and 0.020⬙ ⫻ 0.025⬙
B), Hills Dual-Geometry (Fig 6), and SPEED dimensions.
finishing archwires (Fig 7). Should a clinician
choose to use these archwires, they may be used Clinical Case with the SPEED Appliance
with either 0.018⬙ or 0.022⬙ slot size, in the man-
ner suggested in Table 2. Nonextraction treatment of a 12-year, 7-month-old
patient with a Class III skeletal openbite pattern, a
steep mandibular plane angle, and maxillary
SPEED Supercable crowding is shown (Fig 9A–Y). This case clearly
illustrates how the SPEED appliance, with its pre-
SPEED Supercable is a superelastic nickel tita-
cise 3-dimensional control, may be used to effec-
nium coaxial archwire consisting of seven
tively manage complex cases such as that of a
strands of wire wrapped with a “long pitch”
growing patient with an adverse skeletal growth
and is available in 0.016⬙, 0.018⬙, and 0.020⬙.
With one-third the force of a solid 0.016⬙
nickel titanium archwire13 it offers unmatched
low force levels (Fig 4). As an initial aligning Summary
and leveling archwire, Supercable may be fully The SPEED appliance is the product of more
engaged without plastic deformation due to its than 25 years of design refinement dating back
unique construction and superelastic proper- to its original invention by Dr. G. Herbert Han-
ties (Fig 5A and B). In such instances, the son in the early 1970s. Reflecting original design
supporting tissues experience near optimum goals, which included greater patient comfort,
force levels, which translate into minimal, or no, decreased treatment time, and reduced opera-
patient discomfort. tor time, SPEED has acted as a catalyst for the
recent emergence of similar and alternative self-
ligating designs. The highly miniaturized SPEED
Hills Dual-Geometry Archwire appliance differs from other self-ligating brackets
This archwire (Fig 6) has been designed to max- by its light, continuous-acting nickel titanium
imize sliding mechanics in the posterior seg- spring clip. This permits great precision and con-
ments via its round posterior portion while trol of tooth movement, throughout treatment, in
maintaining anterior incisor crown torque with an environment of predictably low friction.
its square anterior portion (Fig 8A-H). Made Tables 1 and 2 provide information on torque
from ultra-high tensile-strength stainless steel, prescriptions available for the SPEED appliance
the Hills wire provides the stiffness needed to and also a suggested archwire progression for
prevent undesirable side effects during tooth treatment.
translation. The Hills wire is manufactured in
two sizes— 0.018⬙ ⫻ 0.018⬙ anterior with 0.018⬙ Acknowledgments
round posterior, and 0.021⬙ ⫻ 0.021⬙ anterior The author thanks Strite Industries Limited for their permis-
with 0.020⬙ round posterior. sion to reproduce some of the material used in this article.
The SPEED Appliance 63

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