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No. 3 9 9 8 -F(P2) Date : 15-07-2019


W ith a view to ensuring th e o ptim al use o f public funds and to use the available m anpow er in the

m ost productive and effe ctive w ay in the event o f re stru ctu ring or w in d in g up o f several entities nam ely -

Companies, Corporations, U ndertakings, S tatutory Bodies etc. w h o lly o r p a rtia lly ow ned o r controlled by

the G overnm ent o f W est B en g afo r by any Body, which is funded w h o lly or p artia lly by th e G overnm ent o f

W est Bengal, it was decided in term s o f m em o No. 3967-F(P) dated 01-08-2014 to redeploy the excess

co ntra ctu a l/ca su a l/p ie ce -ra te d /d a ily rated w orkers engaged by those e n titie s/orga n isa tion s to o th e r
entities/organisations and in G overnm ent Offices under any pro ject/sch em e w h e reve r necessary on the

same rate o f rem uneration as th e y received in parent e n titie s/o rg a n isa tio n s/o ffice s.

The question o f im p ro vin g the conditions o f service o f such co n tra ctu a l/ca su a l/p ie ce -ra te d /d a ily

rated workers has been under active consideration o f th e G overnm ent fo r some tim e past.

A fte r careful consideration o f the m a tter, the undersigned is d irected by o rd e r o f the G overnor to

lay down the fo llo w in g service co nditions in respect o f such w orkers :

(i) Such w orkers w ho have rendered 10 years o f service co ntin u ou sly in the previous organisation and

present organisation taken to g e th e r w ith at least 240 days attendance each year may rem ain

engaged in the same status and capacity till th e ir a tta in in g th e age o f 60 years.

(ii) Consolidated re m u n era tio n per m onth o f above categories o f w orkers w ill be as follo w s :-


Period of engagement Remuneration

Less than 5 years Rs. 12,000/-
5 years to less than 10 years Rs. 14,000/-
10 years to less than 15 years Rs. 16,500/-
15 years to less than 20 years Rs. 19,000/-
20 years and above Rs.22,000/-


Period of engagement Remuneration

Less than 5 years Rs. 13,500/-
5 years to less than 10 years Rs.15,500/-
10 years to less than 15 years Rs. 18,000/-
15 years to less than 20 years Rs.21,000/-
20 years and above Rs.24,500/-

C ontd........ P/2
In case, the re exists o th e r categories o f such w orkers nam ely Group-B o r Group-A, fo r

d ete rm ina tio n o f re m u n era tio n o f such w orkers each individual case may be referred to Finance

Departm ent.

(iii) Enhancement o f re m u n era tio n @ 3% rounded o ff to nearest rupee on 1st July every

(iv) Term inal b enefit on a tta in in g th e age o f : Rs.3 Lakhs

60 years

(v) Medical fa cility : All such w orkers and th e bonafide m em bers o f fa m ily
w ill be covered und e r Swasthya Sathi Scheme.

(vi) Leave fa cility : 30 o ff days in a year and in add itio n 10 days leave on
m edical ground in a year. A fem ale such w o rk e r may
be allow ed M a te rn ity Leave of 180 days when

(vii) The service o f such w o rk e r may be te rm in a te d at once because o f in vo lvem en t in crim inal

ca se/m iscon d uct/d elinq u en cy/in cap a citatio n etc. Such a w o rke r may also o p t o ut o f the engagem ent on

h is/h e r own.

(viii) During the period o f engagem ent, if any such w o rke r is fo u n d to have involved in m is­

a pp ro p ria tion o f public m oney d ire ctly or in d ire ctly or in any fo rg e ry o r in ta m p e rin g any records o f the

o rg an isation/office, FIR may be lodged at once against such w o rk e r by th e C o n trollin g A u th o rity.

(ix) In the event o f death o f any such w o rke r before a tta in in g th e age o f 60 years, the legal heirs o f

such w o rke r shall be paid an a m o u n t o f Rs.2 Lakhs as one tim e death b en e fit. This may be allowed by the

C ontrolling A u th o rity w h o pays th e m re m uneration.

This w ill take e ffe ct fro m th e 1st day o f July, 2019.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi

A d d itio n a l Chief Secretary

Finance D e p artm en t
G overnm ent o f W est Bengal.
— ; 3 : —

No. 3998/1 (300)-F(P2). Dated, Howrah, the 15tn July, 2019.

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to

1) The Additional Chief Secretary to the Governor of West Bengal.

2) The Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

3) The Principal Accountant General (A & E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata-700 001.

4) The Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary / Secretary,_______________________________

_________________________________________________ Department, Government of West Bengal,

5) The Divisional Commissioner, Division,

6) The District Magistrate,_______________________

7) The Superintendent of Police,

8) The Sub-Divisional Officer,

9) The Pay and Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay and Accounts Office—I,
81/2/2, Phears Lane, Kolkata-700 012.

10) The Pay and Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay and Accounts Office-ll
P-1, Hyde Lane, Jawahar Building, Kolkata-700 073.

11) The Pay and Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay and Accounts Office-Ill,
Subhanna, DF-9, Sector-I, 5th & 6lh Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 064.

12) The Treasury Officer,_________________________________________

Shri Sumit Mitra, Network Administrator, Finance Department.

— for uploading this in the Finance Department's Website.

14) Guard file.

Deputy Secretary to the

Government of West Bengal.

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