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Research Proposal on A Study on Social Security to Workers in Informal

Economy in Indonesia

A Study on Social Security to Workers in

Informal Economy in Indonesia


            In Indonesia, one of the concerns of the public, employees, employers and the

government is the social security. Actually, social security was created not only to

protect the workers but also to protect the economic stability of the country. This is also

helps in fighting poverty. In history, the social security system was developed since the

1940s that includes income-replacement measures, some long-term, (such as pensions

for the elderly), others with short-term interruptions in earning power, (because of, for

example, sickness or temporary unemployment). It also includes income-enhancement

measures, such as family credit (which supplements the wages of those with family

responsibilities but with very low earnings), and child benefit (paid to all mothers with

dependent children). There is also a range of other contingency benefits paid to those

with identified special needs, such as disabled people. The very existence of this

system has given millions of people a modicum of income security (Dixon 1998, p. 218).

 In the case of Indonesia and due to the proliferating events and participations of

Indonesians in informal economy, a lot of them fail to consider the social security
system.  Indonesians fail to see the effectiveness of the system causing millions of

Indonesians workers uninsured. With this, this paper will study the issues behind social

security to workers in informal economy in Indonesia.

Aims and Objectives of the Study

While the research questions only refer to the information that the researcher

intended to question. The objectives, however, will focus on the necessary problems

and objectives that should be clarified in order to gather the intended information and

also be able to derive specific information that are not limited by the previous questions.

With these objectives, the study will be able to attain the necessary information that can

help derive further conclusions and proper recommendations. The study intends to

evaluate the customer satisfaction and social services service offered to workers in

informal economy in Indonesia. The study intends to get the appropriate data to help in

making the proper assessment. There are other aims and objectives of the study. This


1. To determine what the government of Indonesia do to meet the needs of workers

in informal economy of Indonesia.

2. To determine the things done by the Indonesian government to protect workers

in informal economy of Indonesia.

3. To determine and assess the perception of workers pertaining to the

effectiveness of the present social security system in Indonesia especially to

those who are in informal economy.

4. To review the reason behind why Indonesian workers in informal economy

refuses to consider the social security system.

5. To identify how successful the present social security system in Indonesia is.


The study shall use survey using questionnaires to gather pertinent data

(Creswell, 1994). The questionnaire will be made in such a way that the selected

Indonesian workers in informal economy will spend less time in answering it. Moreover,

the study shall also use previous studies and compare it to its existing data in order to

provide conclusions and competent recommendations. Survey can be done either by

personal survey, telephone survey, self administered questionnaire, mailed

questionnaire, and email questionnaire.

The study will initially gather information that will serve as introductory part of the

study. These kind of information helps the reader what the study is about, what it

intends to do and what will be its result. The study will then gather related literature to

prove the need for conducting the study. The literature review can help in determining

what are the studies already done, what study needs to be corrected. The study will

then determine the methods and means for data to be gathered and analyzed. In this
part the data is being readied to be gathered and analyzed but the method to gather it

will first be determined.  The next part of the study is gathering, presenting and

interpreting the data. In this part the validity of the hypothesis and ideas about the study

will be proven. The last part of the study will be the part where conclusions and

recommendations will be stated. In this part final statement about the study will be done.


Creswell, JW 1994, Research design: qualitative and quantitative approaches, Sage,

Thousand Oaks, California.

Dixon J 1998, Comparative Social Security: The Challenge of Evaluation, Journal of

Comparative Policy Analysis. Springer Netherlands. Volume 1, Number 1. pp.


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