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1.- Difference between machinery, machine and equipment

These three things aren't totally contiguous, so there are a lot of differences in
actuality, but we will try and sum up the most important ones.

Machine as a singular noun, is an object made up of a

number of parts designed to perform a task. It has an
input, normally power of some description, and
generates an output such as a product or a movement.
Examples of this may be a drill or a printer.

Machinery is a collection of machines that operate

together to perform a single task. For instance mining
machinery would cover all of the machines required to
execute the activity of mining.

Equipment is usable as a noun. The noun means the

things required for a given task. The subtlety of
difference with machine is that equipment doesn't
inherently do anything. It does not convert anything to
anything else. For instance a piece of welding equipment
is a safety visor. It doesn't do anything but it is essential
for the task (if you value your sight, that is.)

2.- Types of machines

2.- types of machines and equipment
How can we make our work easier?
A machine is a thing that is created by people to make work easier. It is
a tool or invention which multiplies the effect of human effort. The machine produces
a mechanical advantage.
 Some machines have many parts that move. Examples are bicycles and clocks.

 Some machines do not have parts that move. Examples

are computers and telephones.


2.2.1. Simple machine
A simple machine is defined as a machine that makes work easier by allowing a person to
push or pull objects over increased distances. There are few to no moving parts in a
simple machine. And remember, work is defined as applying a force over a distance in the
same direction as the force.
There are 6 types of simple machine:
Inclined plane.- A sloping surface, such as a ramp. Makes lifting heavy loads easier. The
trade-off is that an object must be moved a longer distance than if it was lifted straight up,
but less force is needed.
Example: staircase, ramp

Plano inclinado.- Una superficie inclinada, como una rampa. Hace que levantar cargas
pesadas sea más fácil. La compensación es que un objeto debe moverse una distancia más
larga que si se levantara en línea recta, pero se necesita menos fuerza.
Escalera, Rampa
Lever.- A straight rod or board that pivots on a point known as a fulcrum. Pushing down on
one end of a lever results in the upward motion of the opposite end of the fulcrum.
For example: seesaw, hammer, bottle opener.

Palanca.- Una barra o tabla recta que pivota en un punto conocido como punto de apoyo.
Empujar hacia abajo en un extremo de una palanca da como resultado el movimiento hacia
arriba del extremo opuesto del punto de apoyo.
balancín, martillo, abrebotellas
Pulley.- A wheel that usually has a groove around the outside edge for a rope or belt.
Pulling down on the rope can lift an object attached to the rope. Work is made easier
because pulling down on the rope is made easier due to gravity.
For example: Crane

Polea.- Una rueda que generalmente tiene una ranura alrededor del borde exterior para una
cuerda o cinturón. Tirar de la cuerda hacia abajo puede levantar un objeto sujeto a la
cuerda. El trabajo se hace más fácil porque tirar de la cuerda se hace más fácil debido a la
Screw.- An inclined plane wrapped around a shaft or cylinder. This inclined plane allows
the screw to move itself or to move an object or material surrounding it when rotated. It
also can hold things together.
For example: Bolt

Tornillo.- Un plano inclinado envuelto alrededor de un eje o cilindro. Este plano inclinado
permite que el tornillo se mueva solo o que mueva un objeto o material que lo rodea cuando
se gira. También puede mantener las cosas juntas.
Por ejemplo: Perno
Wedge.- Two inclined planes (or at least one) joined back to back. Wedges are used to split
For example: axe, knife
Cuña.- Dos planos inclinados (o al menos uno) unidos espalda con espalda. Las cuñas se
usan para dividir cosas.
Hacha, cuchillo

Wheel and Axle: A larger wheel (or wheels) connected to a smaller axle. When the axle is
turned, the wheel moves a greater distance than the axle, but less force is needed to move it.
For Example: wheels of a car, screwdriver

Rueda y eje: una rueda más grande (o ruedas) conectada a un eje más pequeño. Cuando se
gira el eje, la rueda se mueve una distancia mayor que el eje, pero se necesita menos fuerza
para moverlo. Ejemplo: pomo de puerta, vagón, coche de juguete, destornillador
Ruedas de un auto, destornillador
2.2.2. compound machine
Two or more simple machines working together to make work easier. Examples:
Wheelbarrow, Can Opener, Bicycle

Máquina compuesta: dos o más máquinas simples que trabajan juntas para facilitar el
trabajo. Ejemplos: carretilla, abrelatas, bicicleta

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