Social November 26

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Lesson Plan

Social Studies 1-2

Tuesday, November 26, 2019
35 minute lesson
General Learning Expectation(s)
• Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how identity and self-esteem are
enhanced by their sense of belonging in their world and how active members in a community
contribute to the well-being, growth and vitality of their groups and communities
Specific Learning Expectation(s):
• 1.1.3: Examine how they belong and are connected to their world by exploring and reflecting upon the
following questions for inquiry:
o What different types of communities or groups do you belong to?
o What helps us to recognize different groups or communities (e.g. landmarks, symbols, colors,
logos, clothing)?
o In what ways do we belong to more than one group or community at the same time?
o In what ways do we benefit from belonging to groups and communities?
o What are our responsibilities and rights at home, at school, in groups and in communities?
Students will:
• Be able to understand ways to help the environment
• Be able to describe what the environment is/nature.
• Jessi Cares passage
• Poster paper for students
• Scavenger hunt
Introduction (3 minutes)
• To begin the lesson I will have students get out of their seats.
o The students will be ask to do their silliest dance move. We will go around in a circle to see
everyone’s move
o The students will then be asked to high five one person then sit down.
Body (27 minutes)

• Students will be paired up in groups of grade 1 and grade 2

• They will read the passage of Jessi Cares together in a space in the room.
o pair students up and make groups of 3
o when paired tell students where to go in the room so there isn’t any hassle.
o During this time walk around the room and listen in on students reading the passage.
• After about 5 minutes has passed ask students to walk back to their desk.
• We will then talk about the passage.
o Ask students something that Jessi did to help the environment within the story.
o If you need to re-read the passage to the students do so
• This way the students can pick out the good things or bad things Jessi did for the environment.
• We will then go over the questions that go with the Passage.
• Once done the Jessi Cares passage introduce the scavenger hunt.
o As a class we will walk around the school yard looking for litter/garbage that might be on the
scavenger hunt list.
o Before going outside there are some rules we need to follow
§ If these rules are not followed then we will have to come back inside and do something not
so fun.
§ Make sure you are listening closely.
o Students are to stay with the class at all times.
o We are looking for items on the scavenger hunt list not playing on the playground.
o Students must be listening otherwise we will go inside
o We need to be quiet in the halls
o Students need to wear a coat outside
• Can I get a volunteer to repeat what one of the rules was?
Conclusion (5 minutes)

• Give me three ways you can help the environment

• Students will be asked to do their jobs for the day
• If students are done with enough time left, then we will watch a short go noodle video to finish off the day
• During class I will walk around to observe students on their tasks.
• Students will talk about the ways Jessi helped the environment.

Pros of the lesson Things to work on _

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