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Exploring the Effects of Romantic Relationship

on Students’ Cognitive Performance-

A Descriptive Study

A Research Outline
Presented to the Faculty of
Malinta National High School-Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Submitted by:
Lagos, Allan
Lee, Cris Ravin
Lopez, Louie John
Dionisio, Crystal
Espino, Nicole
Ledda, Erika

December 2019
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Background

Introduction …………………………………………....…………...…...………… 1-3

Conceptual Framework ………………………….……………..…...…….…… 4

Alternative Hypothesis ………………………….…………………..……...…… 5

Statement of the Problem ……………………….………………………...…… 5

Significance of the Study …………………………..…………...…….…..…. 6-7

Scope and Delimitation …………………………………………...…….…..…. 7

Definition of Terms …………………………………………….…………..……... 8

Chapter 2 Method of the Study

Research Design ………………………………………………..…..……….…….. 9

Instruments-Techniques ……………………………..…………………….. 10-11

Sampling Procedure ……………………………..………………………..………. 12

Chapter 1



Most of the young people, are appealing with various activities.

Teenagers keep on socializing, making friends, oftentimes, looking or

finding someone for a partner to depend on. There are different types

of relationship. According to Assert on his article ‘Different Types of

Relationship’, an interpersonal relationship is a link to the association,

connection, interaction and tie between two or more people. There are

varieties of relationships- Family relationships, friendships,

acquaintanceships, and romantic relationships. Teenagers, mostly

students, use to engage in a romantic relationship- a connection and

involvement of two people because of intimacy and romantic love,


As said by Deborah Shelley (2019), a former professor of

Communication-Communication Studies, being in a romantic

relationship usually means the two people involved are intimate with

each other or have this emotional closeness and are most likely

sexually active to some degree or passion, but what turns romance

into real love is the addition of commitment- the conformity to remain

faithful to each other and to do whatever it takes to make your

relationship grow.

There are reasons for everything and every activity that we do

together its impact, effects of a certain problem, whether a neither

positive nor negative. Other teens find their partner for the sake of

seeking and finding love, care, and security while there are some who

wants to be in a romantic relationship just for exploration and

experience. Every action has an equal consequences and impact to our


According to Luqman (2009), an adolescent plays a significant

role to adolescents as it develops the capability for committed

relationships. Additionally, Pelt (2004) stated that those relationships

help out to develop personality and it is a way of finding or knowing

one’s unique qualities of opposite sex and at the same time choosing

the right life partner.

In line with Furman (2002), other researcher theorized that

romantic relationship would help for the development of adolescent in

different aspects such as ‘transformation of family relationships, close

relationships with peers, sexuality, and career planning’.

Lucas and Corpuz (2007) affirmed that quality personal

relationships that supply stability, trust, and caring such as romantic

relationships can increase learners’ sense of belonging, self-respect

and self-acceptance, and provide a positive climate for learning” and

thus increase academic performance.

Based on the result of the conducted research of Campbell &

Oliver (1994) there are benefits in having a romantic relationship such

as ‘companionship, feeling of happiness or elation, exclusivity, feeling

loved or loving another, intimacy, self-growth and self-understanding,

and more positive self-esteem’ and also were said to be the source of

motivation of the learners in pursuing their studies.

On the other hand, Campbell & Oliver (1994) also pointed out

some unhelpful effect of a romantic relationship, namely: stress and

worry about the relationship, social and nonsocial sacrifices, increased

dependence on the partner, fights, time and effort investment, and

feeling worse about the self which were said to be the cause of anxiety

of the students.

This research aims to explore the effects or impact of romantic

relationship on students’ cognitive performance in terms of

attendance, tardiness, class discussion, and submission of


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework shows how the study would flows.

The researchers used the IPO (Input-Process-Output) method.

Interview Effects of Romantic

Relationship on
- Reasons
Romantic Students’
Relationship - Effects Cognitive
- Significance


Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study


Romantic Relationship
Students’ Cognitive


Figure 1.1: Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1.1: Paradigm of the study, shows the independent and

dependent variable of the study. The dependent variable, where could

be the impact takes place, students’ cognitive performance, and the

independent variable, that may bring an impact, is the romantic


Alternative Hypothesis:

There is a significant effect of being in a romantic

relationship on students’ cognitive performance.

Statement of the Problem:

This research aims to explore the effects of romantic relationship

on students’ cognitive performance. Specifically, this study aims to

seek answer to the following questions:

1. What are the reasons of the students for engaging in a

romantic relationship?

2. What are the effects of romantic relationship on students’

academic performance in terms of:

a. Attendance

b. Tardiness

c. Class discussion

d. Submission of requirements

3. Is there a significant effect of romantic relationship on

students’ cognitive performance?

Significance of the Study

The result and findings of the study will be beneficial, specifically

to the following such as:

STUDENTS. This study will help the readers to broaden their ideas

with regards to the romantic relationship and its impact on their

cognitive performance.

PARENTS. This research will serve as the basis of the family to be

oriented that there are reasons and impact in engaging with the

romantic relationship so that they could give their advice and guidance

to their child.

TEACHERS. The study would help the teachers to know that being in a

romantic relationship might contribute to the anxieties, and have its

effects on students’ cognitive performance so that they could have a

counseling and to give their guide, advices, ,motivation, and comfort

as well.

GUIDANCE COUNSELOR- The study will be significant to the

guidance counselor to broaden their mind with regards on how to give

better advice for different kinds of cases related to the problem of

romantic relationship of the students.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS - This research would be significant as well

to the future researcher in order to have an idea about the study with

regards to the romantic relationship and its relevance.

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of the study is to determine the effects of

romantic relationship on students’ cognitive performance. The study

considers the students’ perception and experience.

The researchers limited the study to 25 grade 12 GAS students

who’s engaged in a romantic relationship, and 25 grade 12 GAS

students who’s not engaged in such relationship, in the first semester

of school year 2019-2020 of Malinta National High School-Senior High.

Students will be coming from five different sections of GAS strand,

which are the chosen respondents of the study. The respondents will

be given a questionnaire to fill on.

Definition of Terms

The important terminologies in this research are as follows:

ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP- a connection and involvement of two

people because of intimacy and romantic love

YOUNG PEOPLE- other term used that refers to the teenagers as well

as the senior high school students

COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE- refers on how the students learn and


ENGAGED- being involved

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design used by the

researcher, population which shows respondents and sampling

techniques to be used. This chapter will discuss the research locale-

the place where the study would take place; research instrument-

techniques, the respondents of the study, and data gathering


Research Design

This research aims to determine the effects of romantic

relationship on the cognitive performance of the grade 12 GAS

students in Malinta National High School-Senior High School.

The researcher will use Case Study research design. Qualitative

case study will do because the researchers aims to know the effects

and contributing factors of romantic relationship on students’ cognitive

performance. The researchers used the case study as a research

methodology in order to know more about the reasons, effects, and

significance of romantic relationship to the cognitive performance of

the students.

Research Instrument-Technique

The researchers will use a survey questionnaire in this study.


To our respective respondent,

A warmest greeting to you! We are the Group #5 from GAS 12-

Bulosan of Malinta National High School-Senior High School. We are

conducting a research that aims to determine or explore the effects of

romantic relationship on students’ cognitive performance in Malinta

National High School-Senior High School of school year 2019-2020.

We would like to ask for your little time to fill the questions on this

questionnaire, truthfully. Any information of yours will be secured. We

are hoping for your cooperation.

Thank you and have a good day!

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers


The survey questionnaire is to be filled completely by the respondents

of the study and will serve as a guide for an interview.

Name (Optional): _____________________________ Sex: _______

Strand/Grade/Section: _________________________ Date: ______

Exploring the Effects of Romantic Relationship

on Students’ Cognitive Performance-
A Descriptive Study

1. Why do the students used to engage in a romantic relationship?

2. What are the effects of romantic relationship on students’ academic
3. How many times do you used to be absent in class?
4. How many times do you used to be late in class?
5. How could you describe your behavior/focus during the class
6. Are you able to pass all your requirements in class on time?

Sampling Procedure

The population for this research is the grade 12 GAS students of

Malinta National High School-Senior High School of the school year

2019-2020. The sample of the population of this study will come from

the selected students from GAS strand in grade 12. The researchers

will use non-probability sampling technique. This study will be using a

Purposive Sampling or Judgment Sampling as it is defined as a

technique use when practical considerations prevent the use of

probability sampling. Purposive or Judgmental Sampling confines the

situations when the plausible errors are not serious and if the

probability sampling is practically impossible. The respondents will be

selected based on their common characteristics in terms of status. The

respondents to be selected are those students who are engaged and

not engaged in a romantic relationship in order to know the

significance of the independent variable- romantic relationship to the

dependent variable- students’ cognitive performance.

The researchers will select 25 students who are engaged in a

romantic relationship, and 25 students who are not engaged in a

romantic relationship, and the total respondents are 50 students.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in Malinta National High School-

Senior High School. The research locale where the study will be held

chooses by the researchers because this is the place where they are

studying. The study will be conducted in the Second Semester of the

school year 2019-2020.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers will be having the respondents of 50 selected

students coming from the GAS strand in Grade 12, regardless their

sections, are the respondents of this research.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure contains the ways on how the

researchers will collect data from the respondents.

The researchers will distribute the questionnaires, after certain

evaluations and, by having the approval from the III teacher. The

questionnaire will be given to the 50 selected students, engaged and

not engaged in a romantic relationship, from the GAS strand of grade

12 in Malinta National High School-Senior High School. The distribution

of the survey questionnaire will be done during the free time or break

time of the students to avoid interruption of classes.

The following are the process to be done in conducting the study.

1. Identifying needed variables.

 The variables needed for this study are:

Dependent variables: Students Cognitive Performance

Independent variables: Romantic Relationship

2. Preparation of the survey questionnaire.

 The survey questionnaire will be prepared to be distributed

to the respondents in order for them to fill on.

3. Selecting a specific subject.

 The selected specific subjects of the researchers are the

students, engage in a romantic relationship of Grade 12 GAS

students in Malinta National High School-Senior High School.

4. The collection of data.

 The researcher will determine first the students who are

engaged in a romantic relationship through asking the

permission of the teacher and inquiring with the class


 The class president will distribute the survey questionnaire

to the identified students engaged in a romantic


 After completing the respondents engaged in a romantic

relationship, the researchers will give a survey questionnaire

with the same set of questions to the students who are not

engaged in a romantic relationship.

 The filled questionnaires will be collected by the class

president or class in-charge to be gathered by the


5. The data analysis.

 The data collected will be synthesized by the researchers.

 After synthesizing, the data will be analyzed to get the



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Students% E2%80%99_Perspectives.pdf

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