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Guided Meditation – Yoga 1 – PE 10 – P.

Lesson Duration: Friday: 60 minutes – 10 minutes changing = 50 minutes

Materials: FNMI meditation music
Guided meditation script
Combatives room
Changed students with an open mindset!
Learning B10–8 select and perform appropriate physical activities for personal
objectives: stress management and relaxation


- Module sort out – whole class in main gym – 11:20-11:25

- Combatives room - short class and yoga instructor is coming starting on Monday

- I wanted to start the module by running through a couple of meditation exercises with
you, targeting the mindfulness and seasonal affective disorder – some people during this
season change tend to get more emotional than usual, nobody really knows why yet but it
may have to do with the fact that we are stuck inside for longer periods of time with less

- Has anyone ever tried meditation before? Don’t worry if you have never done it before
and don’t worry about looking silly, everyone is doing the same thing and it works so
much better when you have the buy in – just have an open mind.

- We will start off with a breathing awareness exercise, then go into mindfulness
relaxation, then try and complete the seasonal affective disorder if we have time

- We will be playing some native American relaxation music in the background, as the
FNMI community often uses meditation, for relaxation, or healing as they believe that the
mind is a very powerful thing.
Breathing Awareness

During this breathing meditation, you will focus on your breath. This will calm your
mind and relax your body.

There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Whatever you experience during this
breathing meditation is right for you. Don’t try to make anything happen, just observe.

Begin by finding a comfortable position, but one in which you will not fall asleep. Sitting
on the floor with your legs crossed is a good position to try.

Close your eyes or focus on one spot in the room.

Roll your shoulders slowly forward and then slowly back.

Lean your head from side to side, lowering your left ear toward your left shoulder, and
then your right ear toward your right shoulder.

Relax your muscles.

Your body will continue to relax as you meditate.

Observe your breathing. Notice how your breath flows in and out. Make no effort to
change your breathing in any way, simply notice how your body breathes. Your body
knows how much air it needs.

Sit quietly, seeing in your mind’s eye your breath flowing gently in and out of your body.

When your attention wanders, as it will, just focus back again on your breathing.

Notice any stray thoughts, but don’t dwell on them. Simply let the thoughts pass.

See how your breath continues to flow...deeply... calmly.

Notice the stages of a complete breath... from the in breath... to the pause that follows...
the exhale... and the pause before taking another breath...

See the slight breaks between each breath.

Feel the air entering through your nose...picture the breath flowing through the cavities
in your sinuses and then down to your lungs...

As thoughts intrude, allow them to pass, and return your attention to your breathing.

See the air inside your body after you inhale, filling your body gently.

Notice how the space inside your lungs becomes smaller after you exhale and the air
leaves your body.

Feel your chest and stomach gently rise and fall with each breath.

Now as you inhale, count silently... one

As you exhale,

Wait for the next breath, and count again... one
Continue to count each inhalation and exhalation as "one."

Notice now how your body feels.

See how calm and gentle your breathing is, and how relaxed your body feels.

Now it is time to gently reawaken your body and mind.

Keeping your eyes closed, notice the sounds around you. Feel the floor beneath you. Feel
your clothes against your body.

Wiggle your fingers and toes.

Shrug your shoulders.

Open your eyes, and remain sitting for a few moments longer.

Straighten out your legs, and stretch your arms and legs gently.

Sit for a few moments more, enjoying how relaxed you feel, and experiencing your body
reawaken and your mind returning to its usual level of alertness.

Slowly return to a standing position, and continue with the rest of your day, feeling re-

Nice and easy one to start – just getting into the groove of things …
Mindfulness Meditation

• We begin by settling into a comfortable posture.

• Start to disengage the mind from busy thoughts and ideas. Close your eyes softly.

• Gently gather all your attention into the centre of your body.

• Try to reel in all thoughts that take you to the outside world

• Allow the outside world to gradually melt away and dissolve into empty space.

• Begin by bringing your attention to the area around the crown of your head and
gradually work down through your body to the tips of your toes.

• Focus on the area around the crown of your head. Gradually focusing on this area
imagine that all the tension in the muscles gradually dissolves away.

• Then focus on the temples and forehead, imagining any tension headache or pain
dissolves away, disappearing as you place your mind on this part of the body – imagine
the tension draining down through your body into the ground.

• All the tension in your head drains down through your body into the ground.

• Then imagine the tension in your jaw and ears gradually melts away – as you place
your mind on this area, imagine any tension draining down through your body into the

• Pause for a short while and then think to yourself my head is now comfortable and

• We gently work our way down the body relaxing each part and letting the tension drain

• Focus on the area of tension around your neck and shoulders.

• Try to relax the shoulders...lift them up gently and as they drop, imagine all the tension
dissolving down into the ground, do this several times.

• As you do this try to feel that any tension or weight that you are carrying in your
shoulders melts away...feel as though you are really letting go of all the tension that is
being held in your shoulders.

• Think to yourself... my neck and shoulders are now comfortable and relaxed.
• Relax your arms and hands imagining all the tension in these areas drains out of your
fingertips and far into the distance.

• Focus on the back and bring your mind to the top of the spine focus on any area of
tension that may have built up around the spine. Place your mind on these areas of
tension and allow the knots to unravel as you focus on them and the tension dissolves
down your spine out through the soles of your feet, into the ground.

• Mentally work your way down the spine, slowly relaxing and unravelling all the knots
of tension and stress that may have built up. As your attention reaches the base of the
spine, think to yourself now my back is comfortable and relaxed.

• Bring your attention to the front of you body, focus on the chest area and stomach.

• Try to identify any areas of stress or tension in this part of your body. Imagine that all
the tension drains away disappearing as you focus on it – imagine any fear, tension or
stress that have built up within the stomach disappears…

• Then think to yourself, now my chest and stomach are comfortable and relaxed.

• Then we focus then on our legs and feet, imagining any tension in these areas drains
away, disappearing out of the soles of the feet – leaving you feeling comfortable and

• Gradually scan down from the crown of your head to the tips of your feet, checking to
see if there is any tension left in your body. If you locate any, then engage in the simple
exercise presented above, again on that particular part of the body.

• We imagine all the tension drains out of our body and we enjoy this experience of
relaxation for a short time.

• We can think to ourself. My entire body is comfortable and relaxed.

• Gradually bring your relaxation to a close, by becoming aware of your body, position in
the room. Gently open your eyes.

Health Professionals often turn to mindfulness techniques to support the treatment of

depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, couples’ conflicts, anxiety disorders and
obsessive-compulsive disorder.

How did you like this one? Better than the other one?

Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Begin by finding a comfortable position. Close your eyes if you want to, or focus your
gaze on one spot in the room.
Take a few deep breaths to start to slow your breathing and begin the relaxation process.

Breathe in...and out...

In...and out...
Keep breathing slowly like this, allowing your body to relax a little more with each

To deal with seasonal affective disorder, or even just seasonal blues, here are a few ways
to improve your mood. Tips for dealing with seasonal affective disorder:

First seasonal affective disorder tip: get regular exercise. Vigorous exercise is best. Try to
do some walking or other exercises each day, even if only for a few minutes.

Second seasonal affective disorder tip make sure you are exposed to full spectrum light
every day. Sunlight is ideal, but if this is not possible, a special light for treating seasonal
affective disorder, also called a SAD lamp, can help.

Third seasonal affective disorder tip get proper nutrition. Seasonal affective disorder or
seasonal blues can lead to cravings for unhealthy foods that actually worsen the mood.
Try to increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, protein, and water for optimal mood
and energy.

Finally, use relaxation techniques every day to improve your mood and decrease stress.
Let’s do a relaxation exercise now.

Focus for a few moments on counting. Start at 20, imagining that the number 20
represents how you feel right now, and zero represents complete relaxation. Begin
counting down from 20 to zero, slowly, counting in time with each breath out.

Keep counting slowly with each breath out...

Allow yourself to relax more and more with each number...

Letting your muscles relax...

Allowing your mind to become calm...

Releasing tension...

Keep counting...

Keep counting until you reach zero...becoming deeply relaxed and calm...

Now imagine that you are surrounded by light. Glowing...soft...relaxing light.

It is almost as if you are glowing. This light represents safety, calm, and relaxation. The
light removes all stress, tension, worries, and problems.

Picture in your mind being surrounded by light. Feel how relaxed, calm, and secure you
feel as this calming light surrounds you.

The light is like a shield, deflecting anything that is not good. Imagine that you are
surrounded by light and so very calm and relaxed.

Surrounded by light from your head to your feet...

Focus your attention on your feet...feeling how relaxed and maybe even tingly your feet
feel. Picture that your feet are surrounded by are your ankles...let your ankles
be loose and relaxed.

Feel your lower legs relaxing, surrounded by light...soft...heavy...relaxed. Your upper

legs are relaxed and surrounded by light too...very warm and relaxed.

Turn your attention now to your hands...feel the relaxation there as your hands become
very relaxed...limp...heavy...along with your wrists, lower arms...and upper arms...all
surrounded by calming, relaxing light.

Feel the relaxation in the core of your body...starting at your stomach...and flowing
outward...feel the relaxation flowing from the center of your body, out to your
back...chest...hips...feel the relaxation filling your body. Notice that your body is
enclosed in light as well.

Allow the relaxation to continue to flow through your body, upward to your neck and
shoulders...all the way to the top of your head.

Feel your face relaxing...limp and relaxed...calm...and feel the relaxation and light
surrounding your head and face, your whole body...

You are surrounded from head to toe in brilliant light....shielded from any worries or

Relax.... basking in beautiful, relaxing light.

Notice that there might still be some areas of tension in your body...some worries or
stress or negativity remaining in your mind. You might even be able to picture these
areas of tension as dark. See the dark tension being drawn out of your body by the light.
Feel the worries and stress leaving your body and mind.

The light is like a magnet, drawing out the dark tension, out of your body and
away...once the tension has left your body it is repelled by the light, which works as a
shield, protecting you from anything that is not good.

The light also works as a magnet for good, peaceful thoughts...attracting relaxation to

Feel the light drawing away tension, and bringing forth relaxation...filling you with
feelings of joy, peace, and contentment while helping you to feel even more relaxed.

You are so calm..... so relaxed.... peaceful.... relaxed.

Imagine a feeling of peace...contentment...happiness...

Picture this feeling, as if it is a warm liquid. Imagine that the liquid can fill your body,
pouring in through the top of your warm and pleasant.

Imagine this liquid filling your body...being poured down, filling up your feet...then your
legs....rising your your hips...

Feel the warmth filling the core of your body...up to your stomach....chest....all the way
to your shoulders...pouring down to your hands and filling your arms...up to your your upper arms....

Feel the warmth filling your neck and your head...filling your whole body with feelings
of warmth and happiness and peace.

Feel an even greater warmth beginning at the center of your stomach and radiating if the sun is shining inside you.

Let this feeling of warmth and peace grow...experiencing a feeling of happiness inside.

Feel the warmth growing...growing...until joy is radiating from you, as if your whole
body is shining, glowing...radiating joy and happiness.

Inside you feel full, solid...filled with contentment.

Allow the feelings of relaxation, peace, and happiness to fill you completely. Remember
these pleasant you can create them again every day to improve your mood
and deal with seasonal affective disorder.

You can create feelings of contentment and happiness each day. Keep these feelings with
you over the hours ahead.

As you complete this relaxation exercise, I will count to five. When I reach five you will
be fully awake and alert, feeling calm, relaxed, and content.

How did that one feel? Which one did you like better?

Thank you so much for participating – we will meet DOWN here for the rest of the
modules and

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