Advance Excel VBA Programming - Course Outline

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Advance Excel: VBA Programming

Advance Excel: VBA Programming

Duration - 4 Days

Prerequisite: Advance Excel

1. Session 1: Beginning Programming in VBA:

1.1. Getting Introduced to VBA Environment
1.2. Introducing the Visual Basic Editor (The VBA IDE)
1.3. Displaying Excel's Developer tab
1.4. The VBE Windows
1.5. Programming Components within Excel
1.6. Getting Acquainted with VBA Controls
1.7. Accessing VBA Help
1.8. Macro Security
1.8.1.Adding a Trusted Location
1.8.2.Using Macro Settings to Enable Macros in Workbooks Outside Trusted Locations
1.8.3.Using Disable All Macros with Notification
1.9. Using Relative References in Macros

2. Session 2: Programming Constructs in VBA:
2.1. Using Some Basic Construct of VBA
2.2. Variables, Data Types, and Constants
2.3. Declaring Variables
2.4. Variable Scope
2.5. Data Types
2.6. Mathematical Operators
2.7. String Data Types
2.8. Variant Data Types
2.9. Other Data Types
2.10. Constants


3. Session 3: Programming Constructs in VBA :

4. Simple Input and Output with VBA
5. Collecting User Input with InputBox()
6. Output with MsgBox()
7. Manipulating Strings with VBA Functions


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Advance Excel: VBA Programming

8. Session 4: Working with Procedures

8.1. VBA Procedures
8.2. Event Procedures
8.3. Parameters with Event Procedures
8.4. Private, Public, and Procedure Scope
8.5. Sub Procedures
8.6. Function Procedures
8.7. Creating Your Own VBA Functions
8.8. Using Excel Application Functions in VBA


9. Session 5: Working with Conditions and Arrays:

9.1. Conditionals and Branching
9.2. If/Then/Else
9.3. Select/Case
9.4. Looping with VBA
9.5. Do Loops
9.6. For Loops
9.7. Arrays :
9.7.1.One-Dimensional Arrays,
9.7.2.Multi-Dimensional Arrays


10. Session 6: Working with Logical Operators with VBA

10.1. AND Operator
10.2. OR Operator
10.3. NOT Operator


11. Session 7: Enhancing Excel Usage with Macros:

11.1. Automating Repetitive Tasks
11.2. Recording and Executing Macros
11.3. Display the Developer Tab
11.4. Record a Macro
11.5. Assign a Macro Keystroke
11.6. Run a Macro
11.7. Invoke Macro with Form Controls


12. Lesson 8: Working With Data in Excel

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Advance Excel: VBA Programming

12.1. Importing Data into Excel

12.2. Data Types and Formatting
12.3. Validating Data
12.4. Filtering and Sorting Data with VBA
12.5. Using Database Functions


13. Lesson 9: Presenting Data in Excel

13.1. Apply Conditional Formatting with VBA
13.2. Working with Charts
13.3. Pivot Tables


14. Lesson 10: Working with the Range Object

14.1. Range Objects Defined
14.2. Referencing Ranges using VBA
14.3. Dynamic Range Handling
14.4. Copying or Moving Range Data
14.5. Creating Array Variables


15. Lesson 11: Error Handling

15.1. Error Handling Using If
15.2. Error Trapping
15.3. Trapping Errors With Err Numbers


16. Lesson 12: Add-ins in Excel

16.1. What is an Add –in
16.2. Enable/Disable add in in Excel
16.3. Creating your own add for Excel VBA


17. Lesson 13: Automation in Excel

18. Creating Auto initiating procedures
19. Auto Updating Data o Append o Replace o Delete


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Advance Excel: VBA Programming

20. Lesson 14: Combining Procedures/Macros

20.1. Calling functions
20.2. Calling Procedures



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