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Method for collimation of

binoculars based on
projection of the images of a
lamp on a screen (binoculars
with eccentric rings or
collimation screws)

by Rafael Chamón Cobos 

Created: August 2013

Revised: September 2016 (reworked and Including
collimation of binoculars with adjusting screws)


A method to check and adjust the collimation of binoculars

provided with a collimation system, either by eccentric rings
to displace the objctive lenses or screws to modify the
inclination of the prisms is described. Once collimation is
set, the two optical axes are parallel at any interpupillary
distance of the instrument. The method uses a small, bright
lamp, a simple support for binoculars and a screen. These
components are so positioned that the binoculars project
on the screen two images of the lamp. The positions of
these images on the screen completely re ect the state of
collimation or descolimación the instrument. This method
corrects the collimation errors by using a mathematical
calculation based on measurements of the positions of the
images and on a simulation of the adjustment system
collimation of the instrument. On the screen vertical and
horizontal distances between lamp images are measured in
two cases: with hinge fully closed and fully open hinge.
Mathematical formulas implemented in an Excel
spreadsheet calculate on one hand, the collimation errors
from the positions of the images and on the other, the
movements of the eccentrics rings or the collimation screws
that will cancel the collimation errors found. For the
calculations the sheet requires some initial data for
modeling the binoculars under test and the setup. Due to Translate
the possible inaccuracy of some input data, the collimation
adjustment is performed by iterating partial adjustments
which attenuate each time the collimation errors. Thus, after
a certain number of iterations, the correct nal collimation is


Eine Methode für die Justierung von Ferngläsern, die

entweder mit Exzenterringen zum Versetzen der
Objectivelinsen oder mit Justierungsschrauben zum Neigen
der Prismen versehen sind, wird beschrieben. Einmal die
Kollimation eingestellt wird, sind die beiden optischen
Achsen parallel bei jedem Pupillenabstand des Instruments.
Die Methode verwendet eine kleine, helle Lampe, eine
einfache Halterung für das Fernglas und einen Bildschirm.
Diese Komponenten sind so angeordnet, dass das Fernglas
auf den Bildschirm zwei Bilder der Lampe projiziert. Die
Positionen dieser Bilder auf dem Bildschirm, sind durch den
Zustand von Kollimation oder Miskollimation des
Instruments vollständig bestimmt. Diese Methode besthet
darin, dass die Justierungsfehler des Instruments, durch
eine mathematische Berechnung auf der Basis von den
Abständen zwischen den Bildern auf dem Bildschirm
bestimmt werden können. Dazu werden die vertikale und
horizontale Entfernungen zwischen den projizierten Bildern
in zwei Fällen gemessen: beim Fernglasscharnier vollständig
geschlossen und vollständig geöfnet.  Weiterhin, eine
mathematische Simulation vom Justiersystem des
Instruments erlaubt, die gefundenen Justierungssfehler zu
korrigieren. Die gemessenen Positionswerte von den
Bildern werden einer Excel-Tabelle gegeben und sie liefert
die notwendigen Bewegungen der Exzentrikerringe oder der
Kollimationsschrauben, um die Justierungsfehler zu
beseitigen. Für das Berechnen braucht die Tabelle einige
initiale Daten für die Modellierung von Fernglas und
Testanordnung. Mögliche Ungenauigkeit einiger
Eingangsdaten erfordern, dass die endgültige Justierung
durch eine Reihe von partiellen Justierungsstufen -
sogenanten Iterationen- durchgeführt werden muss. Bei
jeder Iteration werden die Justierungsfehler abgeschwächt.
Somit wird nach einer gewissen Anzahl von Iterationen die
korrekte endgültige Kollimation erreicht. 


Une méthode est décrit pour véri er et ajuster la collimation

de jumelles munies d'un système de collimation, soit par
anneaux excentriques pour déplaçer les lentilles des
objectifs, soit par des vis qui modi ent l'inclinaison des
prismes. Une fois réglé la collimation, les deux axes
optiques sont parallèles à toute distance interpupillaire de
l'instrument. La méthode utilise une petite lampe brillante,
un support simple pour les jumelles et un écran. Ces
composants sont positionnés tels que les jumelles projetent
sur l'écran deux images de la lampe. Les positions de ces
images sur l'écran re ètent pleinement l'état de collimation
ou décollimación de l'instrument. Cette méthode consiste à
corriger les erreurs de collimation par un calcul
mathématique basé sur mesures des positions des images
sur l'écran et sur une simulation mathématique du système
de réglage de l'instrument. À cet e et, on mesure sur l'écran
les distances vertical et horizontal des images projetées
dans deux cas: avec la charnièr des jumelles complètement
fermée et la charnière complètement ouverte. Des formules
mathématiques intégrées dans une feuille de calcul Excel
calculént, d'une part, les erreurs de collimation à partir des
positions des images, et de l'autre, les mouvements des
excentriques ou des vis de collimation qu' annuleront les
erreurs de collimation trouvés. Pour le calcul la feuille
nécessite  des données initiales pour modélier les jumelles
sous test et l'assemblage utilisée. En raison de l'éventuelle
inexactitude de certaines données d'entrée, le réglage de la
collimation est réalisée par une itération d'ajustements
partiels dont les erreurs de collimation sont atténuées à
chaque fois. Ainsi, après un certain nombre d'itérations, la
collimation nale correcte est atteinte. 

1. Introduction

2. Experimental method
2.1. Initial data
2.2. Main data
2.2.1. Distances between images
2.2.2. Main data with eccentric rings
2.2.3. Main data collimation screws

3. Results
3.1 With eccentric rings
3.2 With collimation screws
3.3 Procedure

4. Pros and cons of the method

5. Discussion
5.1. Causes of collimation errors
5.2. Collimation errors on the screen
5.3. Correction of collimation errors on the
5.4. Eccentric rings
5.5. Collimation screws
5.6. Excel spreadsheet
5.7. Initial data
5.8. Accuracy of the method

6. Mathematical formulas

7. Conclusions

8. Acknowledgments

9. Bibliography

1. Introduction

 The general idea of the method and the arrangement of

components is shown in the following gure.

Any pair of binoculars can project on a screen two images of

a bright point located at a more or less large distance from
the objectives. These images form a pattern that completely
and accurately re ects the state of alignment or
misalignment of the optical axes of the instrument
regardless of the collimation adjustment system it has.
Indeed, let us rst suppose that the light source is located
far away from the objectives so that the rays reaching these
are almost parallel. If the binoculars are aligned, that is, if
both optical axes are parallel, the images on the screen will
be located on a horizontal line (or of same inclination as the
line joining the eyepieces) and a distance apart
corresponding to the interpupillary distance of the
instrument. If instead the instrument is misaligned, the
previous pattern of images will di er in certain quantities, as
shown in the following gure.

This idea is also valid if the lamp is located closer to the

binoculars, to a relatively small distance, e.g., 10m. Then, the
rays from the lamp that reach the objectives diverge at an
angle that depends on the distance between lamp
and objectives and the distance between both objectives.
The rays emerging from the eyepieces diverge forming
greater angles, which depends on the magnifying factor of
the binoculars, as shown in the following gure:

For practical reasons, the present method uses this

assembly. Suppose that the binoculars are aligned, that is,
both optical axes are parallel. Then, the distance between
images on the screen will not be equal to the interpupillary
distance IPD of the instrument, but to a something greater
one IPD'. A simple calculation gives this extended distance
between the two images of the lamp on the screen:

IPD' = IPD + IOD * M * (S' / S)


IPD' = distance between the lamp images on the

IPD = interpupillary distance binoculars (exit pupils)
IOD = distance between objectives (input pupils)
M = magni cation of the binoculars
S' = distance between exit pupils and screen
S = distance between the lamp and the plane of the

For example, with IPD=7cm, IOD=10cm, M=7x, S'=50cm,

S=10m, it  results IPD' = 10.5cm.

If we compare the distance between images IPD' as

calculated with these data, with the actual distance that a
speci c pair of binoculars give under the same conditions,
we can estimate whether or not the instrument is aligned.
Indeed, aligned binoculars will give images placed in a
horizontal line and separated by a distance approximately
equal to the calculated IPD', whereas if they are not aligned,
the images it produces will di er each other along
horizontal and vertical directions in distances 'a' and 'b' as
shown in the example of the gure below:

Therefore, in aligned binoculars it applies a = IPD', b = 0.

If we measure the distances between images projected by

the binocular in two cases: with the hinge fully closed and
with the hinge fully open we have 2 patterns of this type (a,
b), (c, d), as shown in the following gure:
The fact of performing measurements at two end openings
of the hinge is necessary if you want to get the instrument
aligned at any interpupilary distance. Indeed, if binoculars
are aligned at two di erent interpupillary distances, as
shown at the bottom of the previous gure, they are also
aligned at all intermediate positions. This means that the
two optical axes and the mechanical axis of the hinge are
parallel to each other all three. Then we properly speak of
'collimation', as opposed to a 'conditional alignment' when
collimation is met only at a particular interpupillary distance
of the instrument.

A mathematical treatment of values (a, b, c, d) allows to

know the collimation errors of the binoculars from the
positions of the lamp images on the screen, and a
mathematical analysis of its adjustment
collimation system, either by eccentric rings or by
collimation screws, allows to calculate the collimation
movements of the adjustment elements which cancel the
errors found. This is the principle of this collimation method.

Calculations are performed with an Excel spreadsheet in

which the operator writes in certain input cells the values of
the positions of the adjustment system and the distances (a,
b, c, d) and receives in other output cells the new values for
the adjustment system. The calculations need some initial
data on the binoculars, eg, certain details of the adjustment
system, magni cation of the binoculars, interpupillary
distances, etc., and others related to the assembly, which
are basically the distances between the elements: lamp,
binoculars and screen.
Due to possible lack of accuracy in some initial data,
collimation requires several partial adjustments or iterations
to reach the nal collimation. At each iteration, the output
data (binocular adjustment movements) are applied to the
instrument and new measurements (a, b, c, d) are
performed, thus obtaining smaller collimation errors than in
the previous adjustment. This succession of adjustments is
convergent and the end result is the desired collimation,
nally con rmed by the measured values

a = IPD1 ', b = 0, c = IPD2', d = 0

as shown in the previous gure.

An important advantage of this method is that the pairs of

measurements to be made at each one of the positions of
the hinge (a, b) and (c, d) respectively, can be made without
the need to mantain xed the orientation of the binoculars
between both, ie the measurements of the two pairs (a, b)
and (c, d) do not require to grip the instrument
therebetween, whereby the binocular can be conveniently
oriented to have a good view of the images on the screen in
each case.

Another advantage of the method is that it provides the

errors of both telescopes separately. This allows us to
identify which one of the two telescopes is misaligned if this
problem a ects just one.

2. Experimental method
At one end of a room the lamp is located, which should be
small and bright, for example, a normal pocket  ashlight
with LED technology or any other lamp with reduced
illumination angle (but not a laser diode). 
On the opposite wall the screen is placed, which may be a
sheet of graph paper or an erasable whiteboard. In the
present case a sheet of graph paper magnetically attached
to a thin iron plate is used.
The binocular is placed between lamp and screen and its
support must be adjustable in orientation, for example, it
can be a photographic tripod. A rod disposed on the
eyepieces projects a shadow on the screen that is the
horizontal reference for measurements.

A  more elaborated  xed arrangement may also be used, as

seen in the gure below. It is convenient to double the
distance between lamp and screen by placing a mirror on
the wall where the lamp was located and placing the lamp
near the binoculars.
2.1 Initial data

The rst thing to be done when a collimation job is started is

introducing some initial data into the spreadsheet which
serve to de ne the binoculars under test and the setup, as
shown in the following gure. These data do not vary during

2.2 Main data

The main data used for the calculations are the distances
between images (a, b, c, d) and the positions the adjustment
system, which are the positions of the excentric rings
(mark11 , mark12, mark21, mark22) in the case of binoculars
with eccentric rings or the turn increments of the collimation
screws (screw11, screw12, screw22, screw21), in the case of
binoculars with screws.

By entering these data the spreadsheet responds

immediately by giving in the output data (main output line
with gures in red) new positions for the adjustment system
to be applied to binoculars, either new positions of eccentric
rings (mark11, mark12, mark21, mark22) or turn increments
of the collimation screws (screw11, screw12, screw22,
screw21), depending on the type of adjust system.

Due to inaccuracies of the input data, collimation is not

obtained by the rst adjustment. It is necessary to make
several adjustments by applying as input data the output
data calculated in the previous setting. These successive
partial adjustments or 'iterations' lead the process in a
convergent way to reach the collimation of the instrument
at all interpupillary distances.

2.2.1 Distances between images

In a dimly lit room, the lamp images are projected on the

screen and the distances (a, b) with closed hinge and (c, d)
with open hinge are measured.
The projected images are marked with pencil or pen on the
screen to measure distances (a, b), (c, d) comfortably after
full light.
It is desirable that the lamp images are sharp and have a
clearly visible center for an accurate registration on paper.

Note: With fully open hinge the binoculars can be placed on

their more stable side because the image pattern remains

2.2.2 Main data with eccentric rings

The input data for the case of binoculars with eccentric rings

The positions of the eccentric ring marks (mark11,

mark12, mark21, mark22)
The distances (a, b, c, d)

and the output data are new positions of the eccentric rings.
See below an example.
To adjust or to measure the angular positions of the
eccentric rings, following scheme is shown as an example.
 The red dots placed on the thickest zone of each eccentric
ring are the reference marks for angular measurements
onto a circular scale from 0 to 59.

In this scheme it is assumed that the binoculars hinge is fully

closed and objectives are horizontally placed. To adjust or
accurately measure the reference marks of the rings is
desirable to get a cardboard template, using the binoculars
themselves to make it, with closed hinge, as shown in the
following gures:
In the above  gure the reference marks are the slots of the
eccentric rings and they correspond to the positions:
mark11 = 9; mark12 = 28.

2.2.3 Main data with collimation screws

In the case of binoculars with collimation screws input data

are only the distances (a, b, c, d). The output data
are rotation increments of the collimation screws (screw11,
screw12, screw22, screw21) expressed in integers which are
proportional to the necessary rotation to correct the
calculated collimation errors. The sign of these values
indicates whether the screw must be tightened (+) or loosen

These integers are calculated from the positions of the

images on the screen only. That is, unlike the case of the
eccentric rings where the calculation takes into account the
previous positions of the ring marks, in the case of the
screws the previous positions of the screws do not a ect the
calculations. Only increments from previous positions are
calculated. However they are included in the Iterations Table
(see section 3. Results) in order to maintain a complete
record of the peformed adjust movements of the screws.

In each iteration the calculated gures are used as a guide

to manually get a conditional alignment of the binoculars
with the hinge closed whilst the user visually controls the
images on the screen. That is, the 4 screws are adjusted
in proportion to the calculated values, taking into account
the sign (positive values = tightening screw, negative values
= loosen screw), to get that the two lamp images are placed
horizontally and at a distance apart of about IPD1'.

The screws are found on the binoculars body according to

the following gure. Normally screws are not visible, either
because they are hidden by the outer shell of the housing,
which you have to take o and lift, or because they are
sealed from the outside with a small amount of black wax,
which is easily removed with a screwdriver. Before acting on
the screws it is advisable to lubricate them slightly so they
do not su er wear due to adjustments.

3. Results

In the same sheet 'Operation' an 'Iteration Table' is

provided where the operator writes down all partial
adjustments. Excel draws two graphs from the data of this
table to display the convergence of adjustments to nal

See below examples of iteration tables with their associated

graphs for the cases of binoculars with eccentric rings and
collimation screws.

3.1 With eccentric rings

3.2 With collimation screws

See the convergence in the graphs of values (a, b, c, d) to the

theoretical values of a collimated binocular

a = IPD1',  b = 0,  c = IPD2',  d = 0 

IPD1' and IPD2' values are also calculated by the sheet

according to the init data, and shown in the blue line with
red gures COLLIMATED BINOCULAR. After a certain
number of iterations these values are reached and the
instrument is thus collimated for any interpupillary
An example of the images projected by a collimated  pair of
a binoculars at fully closed hinge and fully open hinge can
be seen below.

3.3 Procedure

It is important to follow a routine procedure to avoid

mistakes when lling the iteration table with the data used
in subsequent adjustments. The procedure consists of
preparing rst each new line of the table with all data of a
new iteration, and only once this is done, copying that line of
the table on the main input data line, so the worksheet to do
its job.

The recommended adjustment procedure to perform the

collimation is as follows:

A) Case of binoculars with eccentric rings.

1. Write the intial data that de ne the binoculars under
test and the setup in the ‘Operation’ sheet
2. Project the lamp images at the two positions of the
hinge and measure the distances (a, b, c, d)
3. Prepare the rst line (Init) of the iteration table with
the actual adjusted eccentric ring positions (mark11,
mark12, mark21, mark22) and the (a, b, c, d) lamp
images distances that the binocular produces
4. Copy this line on the main input line and new
eccentric ring positions are calculated by the sheet
5. Copy the 4 calculated new eccentric positions
(mark11, mark12, mark21, mark22) on the next line of
the iteration table (Iteration 1, etc.) COPY VALUES,
6. Adjust the binocular with these new positions of the
eccentric rings
7. Project again the lamp images at the two positions of
the hinge and measure the new (a, b, c, d) distances
8. introduce these new 4 values (a, b, c, d) into the same
line (Iteration 1, etc.) of the iteration table
9. Repeat the steps from step 4 till the collimation is

Collimation is reached when at least one of the 2 following

conditions is ful lled

(mark11, mark12, mark21, mark22) positions do not

vary between 2 successive adjustments
(a, b, c, d) values reach the theoretical values for

If the spreadsheet can not perform a calculation for any of

the results (mark11, mark12, mark21, mark22) and gives the
result #NUM!) or the like, the problem is due to the fact that
some collimation error is too large to be corrected by the
eccentric rings. In this case the cause of the problem is that
one of the prisms is moved from his seat and collimation is
not possible without a previous readjustment of the prism.

B) Case of binoculars with collimation screws.

(Note: In this case the calculated new screw positions in

each iteration have no e ect as input data for the next
iteration. However, it should be written as input in the table
of iterations to overlook the entire process)
1. Write the intial data that de ne the binoculars under
test and the setup in the ‘Operation’ sheet
2. Project the lamp images at the two positions of the
hinge and measure the distances (a, b, c, d)
3. Prepare the rst line (Init) of the iteration table with
any initial screws values and the (a, b, c, d) values
previously measured
4. Copy this line on the main input line and increments
of the screw positions are calculated by the sheet
5. Copy the 4 calculated increments of screw positions
(screw11, screw12, screw22, screw21) on the next line
of the iteration table (Iteration 1, etc.) COPY VALUES,
6. At fully closed hinge move the 4 collimation screws in
an proportional amount to the 4 new numbers
calculated by the sheet (screw11, screw12, screw22,
screw21) (positive values = tightening screw, negative
values = loosen screw), and simultaneously observe
the movement of the images on the screen. It is
intended that the images are positioned horizontally
and separated by a distance approximately equal to
7. Project again the lamp images at the two positions of
the hinge and measure the new (a, b, c, d) distances
8. Introduce these 4 values (a, b, c, d) into the same line
(Iteration 1, etc.) of the iteration table
9. Repeat the steps from step 4 till the collimation is

Collimation is reached when at least one of the 2 following

conditions is ful lled:

(screw11, screw12, screw22, screw21) values are all

equal to zero
(a, b, c, d) values reach the theoretical values for

4. Pros and cons of the method


1. Simple and inexpensive equipment.

2. Binoculars do not need to be immobilized to pinpoint
in a speci c direction.
3. Assisted operation by Excel spreadsheet with Iteration
Table and two graphs to register and document the
collimation process.

1. Some initial data are di cult to measure (M, Fo, E and

the position of reference marks on the widest point of
each eccentric ring).
2. The number of iterations to reach end the collimation
depends on the accuracy of the initial parameters.
3. Since each iteration Involves performing several
operations, the collimation task may take some time.

5. Discussion

5.1 Causes of collimation errors

In order to analyze the collimation errors of binoculars we

rst introduce the concept of collimation axis.

The collimation axis of each telescope is a straight line

parallel to the hinge axis and passing through the center of
the eyepiece. The two collimation axes (one in each
telescope) are the only reference to describe, analyze and
correct the collimation errors of the instrument.

In general, collimation errors of each telescope can be

produced by one of the following two causes or by both

1. The objective lens is laterally displaced and the

collimation axis does not pass through its center. This
causes a de ection of the rays from the collimation
2. The prisms are not properly seated and produce a
certain deviation of the rays with respect to the
collimation axis.

The following gure tries to represent both cases in a single

telescope. For simplicity of the gures, but without
restricting its validity, the prism system is shown
concentrated in a plane. In both cases, a principal ray (blue)
enters the objective lens along the direction of the
collimation axis (in red). Due to the collimation error of the
telescope, the emerging ray through the eyepiece exits at an
angle (M*alpha) to the collimation axis, where M is the
magni cation of the telescope and (alpha) is the angular
error occurred inside the tube because the mentioned error
In this gure it applies:

In case 1:

d = Fo * alpha

CL = S' * (M*alpha) = M * (S' / Fo) * d

Which means that the collimation error on the screen is

equal to the displacement of the objective lens d multiplied
by the factor

K = M * (S'/ Fo)

In case 2:

CP = S' * (M * alpha)

In this case the collimation error on the screen depends only

on the angular error (alpha) due to the prisms. This error
may also be referred to the objective plane if we extend the
deviated rays backward. The collimation error p on the
objective is, as in the previous case,

p = Fo * alpha 
CP = S' * (M*alpha) = M * (S' / Fo) * p

Which means that in both cases the collimation error on the

screen is equal to the error in the plane of the objective
multiplied by the same factor K.

5.2 Collimation errors on the screen

In the previous  gure the vectors representing the

collimation errors CP or CL on the screen are contained in
the plane of the drawing. Actually these vectors may be
oriented in any direction within the plane of the screen. In
the gure below these vectors are represented in a general
way on the plane of the screen by means of the images that
a collimated binoculars would produce (red dots separated
by IPD1' and IPD2' distances) and the same binoculars
would produce in case of miscollimation (yellow dots). In
fact, the yellow dots would be the lamp images that we
would observe during the tests. See the gure below.

The two pairs of images, lower and upper, correspond to

the projections by the binoculars with the hinge closed and
open, respectively. The large circle represents the path of
the images due to rotation around the mechanical axis of
the hinge (center point). In practice this rotation is limited at
an angle (beta) between the two hinge positions.

We can de ne the collimation errors of the instrument on

the screen by means of four vectors C1(x1, y1), C2(x2, y2),
C3(x3, y3), C4(x4, y4) with origin in a red dot and with end in
a yellow dot, as shown in the gure.

This gure shows that the distances measured on the

screen (a, b, c, d) are related to these vectors as follows:
a = IPD1' + (x2 - x1);

b = (y2 - y1)

c = IPD2' + (x4 - x3);

d = (y4 - y3)

Note that C3 and C4 vectors depend on C1 and C2 vectors,

given that they di er only in a rotation by the angle (beta),
wich is assumed to be known. Therefore, the components
(x3, y3, x4, y4) can be mathematically expressed in terms of
(x1, y1, x2, y2, beta). Therefore

(a, b, c, d) are functions of (x1, y1, x2, y2, IPD1', IPD2',


and reciprocally

(x1, y1, x2, y2) are functions (a, b, c, d, IPD1', IPD2',


After solving these equations, we get the following

mathematical formulas:

x1 = (1/2) * ((d - b * cos (beta)) / sin (beta) - (a - IPD1'))

y1 = (1/2) * ((IPD2' - c + (a - IPD1') * cos (beta)) / sin
(beta) - b)
x2 = (1/2) * ((d - b * cos (beta)) / sin (beta) + (a - IPD1'))
y2 = (1/2) * ((IPD2' - c + (a - IPD1') * cos (beta)) / sin
(beta) + b)

where IPD1', IPD2', beta are constants.

We see that through the measures (a, b, c, d) plus the IPD1',

IPD2' and angle (beta) values we can exactly know the
collimation errors of both telescopes on the screen C1( x1,
y1), C2(x2, y2) when the hinge of the binocullars is fully

Note also that if the collimation errors in the closed position

of the hinge are zero, they also are zero in any other
position of the hinge, ie, the values (x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0)
at closed hinge imply that the binoculars are collimated at
any interpupillary distance. This is the strategy used in this
mehtod. For this reason, the method implicitly takes into
account the axis orientation of the hinge.

5.3 Correction of collimation errors on the


In general, due to manufacturing tolerances, binoculars

coming out of an assembly line have the two types of
collimation errors above mentioned, but the
integrated elements on the instrument to adjuste the
collimation - eccentric rings or adjusting screws - allow to act
on one error to compensate the other one. We can say that
in real binoculars collimation adjustment consists in
compensating in each tube an existing xed collimation
error, with another variable one, which is controlled by the
adjustment system. Therefore the telescopes of a binocular
are, generally speaking, decentered but
compensated optical systems.

The following gure shows the projected images E (yellow

dots) by two binoculars with the hinge fully closed, that
have di erent collimation systems. Both binoculars have got
identical collimation errors CE.  
The binoculars on the top have an adjustment system by
eccentric rings, whist the other one on the bottom has
adjustment screws. Both have the same collimation errors
of the two types, by displacement of the objective lenses
and by imperfection of the prisms seat,  On the screen the
total collimation error CE is a combination of both errors.

In each objective following elements have to be considered :

C = collimation point. It is the intersection with

the collimation axis.
Vector CL. It is the collimation error due to
displacement of the lens only.
Vector CP. It is the collimation error due to
imperfections of prisms only.
Vector CE = (CL + CP) (vectorial sum of both vectors
displayed in red color). It is, in fact
the total collimation error of each telescope. 

Points E marked in yellow color correspond to the images of

the lamp. The collimation adjustment is to ensure that the
CE vector = (CL + CP) becomes zero, for which in the rst
case we move the lens with the eccentric rings so that the
point L moves to the point L' along the the LL' vector
marked in blue, and in the second case we move the prisms
with the screws so that the point P moves to the point P'
along the vector PP' marked in green.

These LL', or respectively, PP' vectors must be of equal

magnitude as the total collimation error CE  (marked in red)
but with the opposite direction.

LL' = - CE

PP' = - CE

Note that after collimation the error is zero, since in the rst
case the points (P, C, L') are aligned and equidistant, that is,
the vector sum CE = (CP + CL') = 0 and so in the second case
with the points (P', C, L), which are also aligned and
equidistant, ie, CE= (CP' + CL) = 0.

Both adjustment movements LL' or PP' can be calculated

mathematically based on the input data entered in the
worksheet at each iteration. The result of this calculation are
new positions of the eccentric rings, or increments of screws
In paragraph 6. Mathematical formulas the used formulas
for the case of eccentric rings are displayed. 

For the case of collimation by screws  the initial data which

could describe the adjusting mechanism of the
binoculars are di cult to measure and would complicate
the method considerably. For this reason we have
implemented a mixed adjusting procedure based on an
approximated calculation of the screws movements and a
visual correction of the images on the screen. In each
iteration or partial adjustment the spreadsheet provides 4
approximate values for the necessary movement of the
screws. These 4 numbers, one for each screw, are numbers
(integers) that guide the user to make adjustments whilst he
watches the images on the screen. These numbers
represent increments of rotation of the screw with respect
to its previous position and can be positive (tighten the
screw) or negative (loosen the screw). The module of each
number gives an idea of the in uence that each screw has in
the collimation. In each iteration an improvemento of the
collimation is sought. Under a visual control of the lamp
images a conditional alignment of the instrument at hinge
fully closed is tried, ie, getting the two
images horizontally aligned and aproximately IPD1' apart.
This alignment will not be de nitive. In each successive
iteration the calculated numbers will be smaller and after a
number of iterations they all reach zero value, this meaning
that the instrument will not require more screw adjustments
and will be collimated.

5.4 Eccentric rings

The function of the eccentric rings is to slightly move the

objective lens inside its mount in any transverse direction.
Each lens is mounted within two eccentric rings which can
rotate independently. Combining the angular positions of
these rings it is possible to place the lens center L at any
position within a small circle of radius E, that we call
COLLIMATION ZONE. E is the eccentricity of each eccentric
ring, de ned as the di erence between its maximum and
minimum widths.
O sets of the lens are referred to the tube center T. Each
eccentric ring contributes with an o set of E/2 in its
direction. The vectorial sum of both o set vectors gives the
nal displacement of the lens center. In this example the
two eccentrics are crossed and the center of the lens is at a
point of coordinates (E/2, E/2). If the eccentrics are aligned,
the center of the lens falls on the edge of the collimation
zone at a distance E of the tube center T. If they are in
opposition the lens center coincides with the tube center.

The e ect of the eccentric rings movements in the lens nal

position is not intuitive. In order to facilitate this task it is
convenient to imagine each eccentric ring as a vector that
coincides with a diameter of the ring itself and that goes
from the thickest point of the eccentric ring to the thinnest
one. The lens center position is de ned by the orientation of
these two eccentric ring vectors.

The following diagram helps to locate the lens center. Each

eccentric ring is associated to a color circle according to its
direction. The intersection of two circles gives the position of
the lens center inside the collimation zone.

Mathematically, the formulas giving the deviation of the

objective lens r from the center of the tube, in function of
the angular position of the eccentric rings in polar
coordinates is:

r = E * cos ((ecc2 - ecc1) / 2)

theta = (ecc2+ ecc1) / 2

where E is the eccentricity of the rings  and (ecc1) and (ecc2)

the angles associated with the vectors according to the
diagram above.

The displacement of the lamp image on the screen is

proportional to the objective lens displacemente multiplied
by the scaling factor K (see section 5.1):

K = M * (S' / Fo)


CL = M * (S' / Fo) * r = M * (S' / Fo) * E * cos((ecc2 -

ecc1) / 2)
theta = (ecc2 + ecc1) / 2 (the angle remains on the

For example, if the eccentrics are crossed, the displacement

of the image on the screen, with M=8, S'=500mm,
Fo=130mm, E=0.8mm, ecc1=0°, ecc2= 90º, then:

CL = 17mm

theta = 45º

If the eccentrics are aligned with the same direction, the

displacement would be maximum in that direction, with a
value of

CL = 24mm

Therefore, in the general case, for any value of the angular

positions of the eccentrics, the lamp image on the screeen
would fall within a circle of radius 24mm .

During testing it is important to maintain the allocation of

variables mark11, mark12 (and respectively mark21,
mark22) to the outer and inner rings each. That is, although
values mark12 mark11 and are theoretically
interchangeable in practice they are not due to possible
errors of position reference marks, and their allocation
should not be changed between two settings. For example,
mark11 should be permanently assigned to the outer ring
and mark12 to the inner ring.

5.5 Collimation screws

Many binoculars with porro prisms have 4 collimation

screws as adjustment elements (two in each tube) passing
through the housing and close to the the sidewall of the
prisms. Each screw touches and rests on the sidewall of a
prism in a point near its apex, and its function is to vary the
inclination of the prism by pushing laterally or yielding to
the pressure of a strip. The following gure tries to illustrate
this mechanism.
An increase of the inclination angle of the prism produces a
double increase in the deviation of the optical axis. In this
respect the Porro prism behaves like a mirror, where, for the
same incident beam, a small change in the orientation of the
mirror produces a double angular change in the re ected
beam. Thus, a small movement of each screw produces a
deviation of the optical axis within the tube, and this
deviation is transferred to the screen but multiplied by the
magni cation binoculars. A simple calculation according to
gure allows you to write:

CP = M * (2*sigma) * S '= (2*M*S' / H) * d

 For example, if M=8, S'=500mm, H=15mm, the ratio CP/d

would be:

CP/d = 533

Which means that a small screw movement forward or

reverse produces a displacement of the image on the screen
533 times greater. Assuming that each screw advances 1mm
each 4 turns, each turn of the screw for would produce a
displacement of 533/4 = 133mm in this example. That is,
small turns of the screws produce large displacements of
the image.

There are 2 porro prisms in quadrature In each telescope of

the binocular and therefore, with two screws the optical axis
of each tube can be oriented in any intermediate direction
with a precise visual control.
In order to calculate the screw movements it is necessary to
change the coordinate system (x, y ) which de ne the
collimation errors along horizontal and vertical axes (when
the binoculars hinge is closed), to a new coordinate system
(x', y')  along the screw axes. New components (x1', y1'), (x2',
y2') can be calculated in function of (x1, y1), (x2, y2), plus the
angle (Fi). See the following gure:

In paragraph 6. Mathematical formulas you can see the

formulas for this conversion.

5.6 Excel spreadsheet

The calculations are implemented in two independent  les

Microsoft O ce Excel les accompanying this article. One
serves as a model for collimating binoculars with eccentric
rings and the other one for binoculars with collimation
screws. They can be downloaded from the website in the
usual way. Each le contains three worksheets called
'Operation', 'Instructions' and 'Calculations'. The user works
only with the 'Operation' sheet. The 'Calculations' sheet
contains all necessary mathematical formulas and can be
ignored by the user. The downloaded le contains data of a
particular binoculars sample. To work with other binoculars
simply override the 'Operation' sheet with new data and
save the le with another name.

5.7 Initial data

The spreadsheet requires the following initial data for the
calculations, which remain xed during the tests:

IPD1 = Interpupilary distance of the eyepieces at hinge

IPD2 = Interpupilary distance of the eyepieces at hinge
IPDmax = Maximum interpupilary distance of the
eyepieces (both eyepieces and hinge are aligned). It is
used to calculate the rotation radius of the eyepieces
around the hinge. IPDmax = 2 * radius.
IOD1 = Distance between Objectives at hinge FULLY
IOD2 = Distance between Objectives at hinge FULLY
M = Magni cation factor of the binocular
Fo = Focal length of the objectives
E  (for the case of binoclars with eccentric rings) =
Eccentricity of each eccentric ring (= maximum
thickness - minimum thickness)
Fi (for the case of binoculars with collimation screws) =
Angle between a coordinate system with horizontal
and vertical axes (x, y) de ned with the hinge fully
closed and a coordinate system with axes along the
screw directions.
S = Distance between lamp and objectives plane
S' = Distance between exit pupils and screen

A good accuracy of the results is based on correct

measurement of the parameters that model the binocular.
For the measurements, of IPD1, IPD2, IPDmax, IOD1 and
IOD2 a gauge or a simple rule can be used. For distances S
and S' a measure tape or a laser range nder can be used.

IPDmax measurement parameter is used by the

spreadsheet to calculate the angle (beta) between the open
and closed positions of the hinge. This means that the hinge
can be opened beyond its axis. However, in some binoculars
this does not happen and in this case is not possible to align
the eyepieces  with the axis, and therefore IPDmax can not
be directly measured. In this case it is necessary to measure
the rotation radius as accurately as possible and use a
IPDmax value equal to 2 times the measured radius. In this
case it is also necessary to write the 'B' option in the cell that
is located near the cell IPD2.  See the used formula to
calculate the rotation angle beta in paragraph 6.
Mthematical formulas.
In particular, the most di cult parameters to measure are:
the focal length Fo of the objectives and  the eccentricity E of
the rings. The best way to measure these values requires
disassembling an objective and make measurements on it
using a ruler and a caliper. With the rule we measure the
distance that a distant object is focused, and with the caliper
we measure the maximum and minimum widths of each
ring and subtract these values. If you do not want to
disassemble an objective following estimated values can be
used as a guideline, but without a guarantee of results:

6x30 and 8x30 models:   Fo = 130 mm, E = 0.8 mm

7x50 and 10x50 models: Fo = 200 mm, E = 2.0 mm

For the (Fi) angle between the coordinate systems (x, y) with
closed hinge, and the coordinate system along the direction
of the collimation screws (x ', y'), you can take the value
7,5MIN (in same units as used for eccentric ring
positions, equivalent to 45º), which is the angle most
frequently found in the di erent models of porro binoculars

5.8 Accuracy of the method

Existing standards for collimation (alignment) of binoculars

are diverse and somewhat confusing. Misalignment angles
are usually referred to the existing space between object
and binoculars. However, since we perceive misalignments
in the image that the eyepieces produce, the angles are
multiplied by the magni cation of the binoculars. Therefore,
it is necessary to specify if misalignment values take into
account the magni cation of the instrument. For example, a
vertical misalignment of 3 arc minutes in a 7x binocular is a
good value, but in a 25x binocular is inacceptable.

Therefore, it makes sense to specify misalignment angles in

the image space rather than in the object space because
they are independent of the magni cation. Then,
misalignments in object space can be calculated by dividing
given values by the magni cation.

Following alignment standards for binoculars have been

found in the literature. We reproduce them below, with
values referred to image space. Values for object space can
be calculated by dividing them by the magni cation in each
particular case.
Misalignment US Soviet Others
angles  standards standars
in image space
(magni cation
taken into account)

Vertical divergence < 35’ < 15’ < 40’

Horizontal < 50’ < 20’ < 60’


Horizontal < 100’ < 60’ < 180’


It is interesting to translate these angular values speci ed in

the standards into lineal deviations on a screen located at a
normal and comfortable distance S’ from the binoculars. For
example, S’ = 500mm.

Following formula applies for the collimation errors on the


CE = S’ * (M*alfa)                            with (M*alfa) in


CE = S’ * (M*alfa) * (Pi/180)/60 = S’ * (M*alfa) /3438  

 with (M*alfa) in arc minutes

Where CE is the collimation error on the screen, (alfa) is the

deviation angle in the object space, M is the magnifying
factor of the binoculars, (M*alfa) is the deviation angle in the
image space and S’ is the distance between eyepieces and

According to this formula the allowed deviations on the

screen according to the standars are:

Lineal US Soviet Others

deviations CE on a standards  standars
screen located at 

S’ = 500mm

< 5.0mm < 2.1mm < 5.8mm
(distances 'b' and
'd' used in the

< 7.2mm < 2.9mm < 8.7mm
(errors of 'a' and
'c' distances used
in the method)

< 14.5mm < 8.7mm < 26.1mm
(errors of 'a' and
'c' distances used
in the method)

All these values are discernible and measurable on the

screen and it is reasonable to assume that, if lamp images
are su ciently sharp on the screen, also linear errors on the
screen as small as 1.5mm = 1/16 inch are even discernible.
In critical cases accuracy can be increased by increasing the
distance to the screen S’.

Therefore we can conclude that the method is able to easily

detect collimation errors inside the tolerances speci ed by
the collimation standards.

6. Mthematical formulas
The following functions are the actual formulas
implemented in the Excel spreadsheet. They can also be
implemented in any computer program.

Calculation of IPD’ in the screen due to the

divergence of the setup

IPD' = IPD + IOD * M * (S' / S)

Magni cation factor of the collimation errors on

the screen

K = M * (S’ / Fo)
Calculation of the rotation angle (beta) from
closed to open hinge

beta = arccos(IPD1/IPDmax) +-

(if eyepieces at IPD2 are above the hinge

axis, then choose '+', else chose '-')

Conversion Formulas  (mark11, mark12, mark21,

mark22)  to TL(x1, y1), TL(x2, y2)

ecc11 = mark11 + 30
ecc12 = mark12 + 30
ecc21 = mark21 + 30
ecc22 = mark22 + 30

In polar coordinates:

r1 = E*cos((ecc12-ecc11)/2)
alfa1 = (ecc11+ecc12)/2
r2 = E*cos((ecc22-ecc21)/2)
alfa2 = (ecc21+ecc22)/2

and in Cartesian coordinates:

x1 = r1*sen(alfa1)
y1 = r1*cos(alfa1)
x2 = r2*sen(alfa2)
y2 = r2*cos(alfa2)

Conversion Formulas  TL(x1, y1), TL(x2, y2)

 to (mark11, mark12, mark21, mark22)

Angle between eccentrics:

(delta)1 = 2*acos(r1/E)
(delta)2 = 2*acos(r2/(E)

Orientation angles of eccentrics:

ecc11 = alfa1 – (delta1)/2

ecc12 = alfa1+ (delta1)/2
ecc21 = alfa2 – (delta2)/2
ecc22 = alfa2 + (delta2)/2

Position of reference marks:

mark11 = ecc11 + 30
mark12 = ecc12 + 30
mark21 = ecc21 + 30
mark22 = ecc22 + 30

Conversion Formulas  (a, b, c, d)  to CE(x1, y1),

CE(x2, y2)

x1 = (1/2*K)*((d-b*cos(beta))/sen(beta) - (a-
y1 = (1/2*K)*((IPD2'-c+(a-
IPD1')*cos(beta))/sen(beta) - b )
x2 = (1/2*K)*((d-b*cos(beta))/sen(beta) + (a-
y2 = (1/2*K)*((IPD2'-c+(a-
IPD1')*cos(beta))/sen(beta) + b )

Conversión formulas for errors along axes (x, y)

horizontal and vertical to axes (x', y') along screw

r1 = sqroot(x1*x1 + y1*y1)
alfa1 = r1* arctan(x1/y1)
r2 = sqroot(x2*x2 + y2*y2)
alfa2 = r2* arctan(x2/y2)

r1' = r1
alfa1' = alfa1 + Fi
r2' = r2
alfa2' = alfa2 - Fi

x1' = r1' * cos(alfa1')

y1' = r1' * sin(alfa1')
x2' = r2' * sin(alfa2')
y2' = r2' * cos(alfa2')

7. Conclusions
The method allows the collimation of binoculars
equipped with eccentric rings or collimation screws.
After the obtained collimation the two optical axes are
parallel to the mechanical axis of the hinge.
The accuracy of the method is within international
alignment standards for binoculars
The test setup is very simple: a small lamp, a simple
support for binoculars and a screen to project images
of the lamp from the eyepieces.
An Excel spreadsheet calculates new positions of the
eccentric rings from the positions of the images of the
lamp projected on the screen and the current
positions of the eccentric rings. In case of collimation
screws the spreadsheet calculates (positive or
negative) increments of the rotation of the screws
from the positions of the images of the lamp.
An iteration of adjustments leads to the nal
collimation of the binoculars.

8. Acknowledgments
My thanks to the BHS Bincular History Society, run by Dr.
Jürgen Laucher and Jack Kelly for giving me the
opportunity to present the method to the participants in
the meeting of the BHS held at the headquarters of Leica
Camera (Wetzlar) in October 2015.

To Peter Abrahams, member of the Binocular History

Society, who provided references to standards for
binocular collimation in diferent e-mail lists on
binoculars (see “Binocular List #9: 2/3/98. Collimation”
and Binocular List #246: 25 February 2003.

Special thanks to Ray Larsen of the Orwell Astronomical

Society Ipswich (OASI) England, for his inspiring and
fruitful comments on the subject collimation and for
supplying the “Eccentric Rings - Conversion Diagram”
used in this article.

I also thank the Cloudy Nights forum participants for

their comments in the thread where I presented the
method, especially Glenn LeDrew for his comments on
the accuracy of the method.

9. References
Holger Merlitz - “Handferngläser Funktion, Leistung,

 (End of article)

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