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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN

Name: Lydia Kilic Date: November 22, 2019

Topic Selected:
What does the research say about advantages and disadvantages of distance

What does the literature/research say about this issue/topic? By using NAU Library
or Online Search engines, conduct a literature review.
● You need to include 5 different sources (book, journal article, web article
etc.) in your review. Try to use current sources as much as possible.
● You need to summarize and synthesize your sources by discussing a common
theme or issue.
● You don't need to critique your sources
● You don't need to evaluate your sources (if the sources are trustworthy,
weather the author has a bias or not)
● You need to provide background information such as history and definitions

Brief Literature Review:

Beginning in the 1700s, we can see that distance learning has evolved with people and
teaching by mail to homeschooling and teaching through mobile vans, radio, and
television courses. Research says that distance learning has been a demand since the
1700s, and through this demand, it has become something that everyone can take
advantage of. As time passes, it becomes much better and will continue to improve even
more where it could also take over the traditional classroom.
The first Open University in the United Kingdom Open University (UKOU) that was
established in the late sixties and ab initio used wireless transmission and radio as its
main methodological analysis. Today, almost all unconsolidated universities use distance
instruction engineering as a primary learning attack [Moore, Michael G (33-36)].
Distance education has some significant advantages and disadvantages. There are many
types of research on the pros and cons of distance education.
According to these investigations, the following are the advantages of distance learning.
Online distance education is rapidly increasing among major universities in the United
States, where online doctoral plans have even been developed in esteemed research
establishments [Hebert, D. G.2007]. Distance learning provides an opportunity for
academics to make a small intervention in professional life. It introduces students to
students of different beginnings and allows them to maintain the interaction. Distance
learning plans are more comfortable to design since you need a smaller amount of clip
and commitment. Distance learning forms have more geographical flexibility and offer
tickets for teachers in many different places, while category work can be scheduled
harmonizing with personal and professional ease. The distance acquisition does not
affect the trip and saves a clip that would otherwise be spent traveling and driving back.
A student can do and reexamine homework and can do homework at their
convenience.Distance learning plans make it very comfortable for women in particular,
and parents in general who have children. This allows such parents not to seek care
agreements because they can take the children and the categories of the place in the same
clip. "The quality of distance learning has greatly improved in recent years, as both
students and educators have felt more comfortable with technology, and stories of best
practices have been shared and duplicated." (The advantages of distance learning. (2014)
The offices of the corresponding authorities fully recognize distance acquisition
organizations. The official blessing aims to make particularly the instruction provided by
such practical establishments meet the satisfactory criterion of excellence. "We learn
from a large number of disadvantaged children, children in remote rural communities and
dropouts from conventional schools, children who represent a potential that is not being
realized and that no country can afford to waste. However, we also learn about projects
that demonstrate how the needs identified both in the school environment and outside it
have been met. " (Hilary Perraton. (2007) Children who become part of the new projects
tend to improve. When these children have opportunities, as these studies have shown,
there is no way to stop them, because they need these opportunities to advance their
education. With distant education, they can find teachers who can meet their needs,
instead of a volunteer teacher who does not have the necessary skills to teach the needs
of those students. "
However, according to researches, there are some disadvantages to distant education.
Distant learning is eliminating a social environment, not being able to physically appear
in a classroom setting, and connect with a teacher and other classmates because everyone
is on a different schedule. There is less motivation because of the lack of actively
participating in lectures."Basic facet being that it is not for everyone since it presents
unequal or instead no physical contact with associate schoolmates and staff. It also does
not offer any social interaction, and its all formal [ Randall S. Hansen, Ph. D]. Distance
acquisition at the same clip does not provide the networking opportunity doing distance
learning a less critical option for calling development. It is also not a good pick for a
person who works in a better synergistic environment. Distance acquisition does not
incorporate the analysis of a student's personality as a call arrangement. Distance
learning plans do not offer all survey subjects to make limited selections since
engineering and the meaning of learning are relatively new and do not travel with all the
requirements of the course of study. Distance learning plans do not offer scholarships
because academics are expected to work during the plan for an extended period without
much disbursement. Distance acquisition does not provide realistic feedback. You cannot
offer any subject that requires practice through online plans, since one can analyze a
biological science lesson entirely online, but cannot execute a clinical practice online.
Distance learning is that it requires the student to have more self-control, and all students
do not develop self-motivation and these attributes. Distant education does not give
academics any opportunity to work in the capacity of verbal communication.

● What is your personal opinion on this issue? Do you agree with the research?
If you agree or disagree, please explain why?
● Provide examples/experiences regarding this issue from school perspective
or If you are not working in a school, from your profession. Be specific with
your examples. You can mention software/hardware names, specific methods
that you plan to use, etc.
● How would you implement this research in your career? (At least 1
In my opinion, the advantages of distance learning are much greater than the
disadvantages. As a mother of two children, I am attending an online master's course, and
this course provided me with countless benefits. Without a distant education, there was
no way to obtain this master's degree in a classroom. It is very flexible and convenient. I
also agree that it is very beneficial for people who wish to advance in their career, who
do not like to get up early in the morning, who wish to be able to choose their own
schedule and the instructor, who have travel problems or who basically doesn't feel
comfortable in the classroom. Another point I like about distance learning is that it is
improving the search, the use of the Internet and the skills of using the computer. The
Moodle we use for our master course is very convenient. I can communicate with very
experienced people in the discussions. I learn from your point of view. I am asking all
the questions without hesitation in being judged that I cannot ask in a regular class. It is
also less expensive to compare going to class, buying books, traveling, etc. On the other
hand, I must accept that there are some disadvantages in distance learning. I don't think it
is very convenient for younger children who need to make friends, be in a social
environment, communicate physically and should improve physical skills with practical
activities, physical education classes, etc.
I believe that most areas of education are suitable for distance learning. I am planning to
implement this research in my career involving distance education in my life, not only
for my education but also for my children and students in some way. Therefore, I find
that distance education is beneficial and convenient, but not for younger children as the
only form of education.

● Cite at least 5 References in APA.
● You may use ​ ​​ for citing
your sources in APA style.

Moore, Michael G. Greg Kearsley ( 2005 ), Second, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. ( 33-36 )

Hebert, D. G. ( 2007 ) . “Five Challenges and Solutions in Online Music Teacher

Education, ” Research and Issues in Music

Retrieved from
Randall S. Hansen, Ph. D Distance Learning Pros and Cons

Hedge, N. and Hayward, L. ( 2004), “Redefining functions: University e-learning

contributing to Life long larning in a networked world.” E-Leaning, 1: ( 128-145 )

Toor S K, ( 2005 ), “Hybrid Model for e-Learning at Virtual University of Pakistan” The
Electronic Journal of e-Learning Volume 3 Issue 1, ( 67-76 )

Hassenburg, A. (2009-01-01). Distance Education Versus The Traditional

Classroom. ​Berkeley Scientific Journal, 13(1)​.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Implementing E-HRM for an Organisation,

E-Learning as an Example’, ​American Journal of Economics

Open and Distance Learning in the Developing World. (Second Edition) Hilary Perraton.
(2007). Routledge, London; pp.238.

The Advantages of Distance Learning. (2014). ​US Journal​. Retrieved from

Bodain, Yan. (2000). Investigating Distance Learning on the Internet.

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