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The Conflict between the Health Care and Education System

The topic we have chosen to focus on is the conflict between the Health
Care and Education system and how that effects someone. More young
people are becoming terminally ill with conditions like heart disease and
cancer, and therefore need time off to have the treatment and surgery to
allow them to be cured of this illness, but to do so they have to miss out on
school and when they are slowly getting stronger after they no longer need
the treatment just the medication they can still only go in for a short period of
time until they fully recover. But the school will try to push them to come back
full time when they’re not ready or sometimes because they’ve been off for
so long, they aren’t allowed to go back to that school and get kicked out.

What are you hoping to achieve through choosing this topic?

We are hoping to raise awareness for this unknown topic that is becoming an
increasing problem. We want more people to be aware of the severity of this
topic under these circumstances. We also hope to get support from other
parents and students and to also maybe get the government to realise that
underfunding schools is a very bad thing because they don’t give enough to
allow that no child gets left behind or lost in the system and not get the
education that they are entitled to or desperately need. The overall message
that we want to get across to the audience is that no child should get
neglected or lost in the system because the government doesn’t fund the
schools enough to give the children the educational support that they need
as they have been off for long period of time and will have to catch up on
important school work.

Factual programme concept:

Our idea for the Factual Programme is that we are going to interview Izzy (a
member of our production crew) and her mum. This is because they have
both been affected by this when Izzy was born with a heart defect and
therefore has gone through the conflict between school and health care
and they know the impact that this difficult situation can have on someone’s
mental health. We want to tell her story of how the school tried to force her in
before she was ready and then because she wasn’t going in full time and
they also didn’t want to deal with her learning needs, they wanted to kick her
out. In our documentary we want to get an understanding of their story, how
it impacted them and for them to tell the audience what they went
through and what they think that could/ should be done about this

Animation concept:
The idea I have for my Animation is that I’m going to show a story, that is
different to Izzy’s but has a similar outcome in the way it was dealt with, of
someone who has been affected by this conflict and give visual aid to the
audience so they can get a feel for how difficult and crushing the effect of
this major problem can have on a child in education as they would fall
behind and the stress of trying to catch up to the other kids can overwhelm
them and makes them gain mental health issues like anxiety and depression.
I’m going to use Lego but make the scenery on paper. Lego is typically
associated as a child’s toy because we all played with it as kids and
therefore it allows the audience to feel for the main character and get
emotionally attached to it so the story can have more of an impact on
whoever watches it.

Short film concept:

The idea I have for my short film is to show the impact this topic can have on
someone and the mental damage it can do. I want to show the mentally
scaring going through conflict between health care and being rushed back
into school or kicked out of it due to their physical or mental state. I want to
use a voiceover to help show this impact as this would represent his thoughts
and what’s going on inside of his head. In the voiceover I will have small
conversations but then I’d repeat the most impactful lines like ‘I can’t do this
anymore’ and ‘help me’ as these phrases clearly show someone in pain. This
would allow the audience to really understand how this situation can affect a
young person. It can make them feel alone, lost and worthless. The main
character will walk up to his school and just look out at it longingly and then
walk away, the next place we see him will be on a swing by himself - showing
his loneliness and the voiceover will just be played with sad music being
played in the background.

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