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*** W ***

W letter in the Bikol alphabet pronounced WA

WÁGAK saliva; MAG- to drool; MAKA+PA-, MA+PA- to drool

WÁGWÁG rice (sp)

WÁGWÁG loose fitting; MAG-, -ON to loosen (clothes)

WÁGWÁG MAG-, I- to scatter; MAG-, -AN to leak (from; as rice from a sack)

WÁGWÁG MAG-, I- to shake out (as a rug)

WAÍTER (E) waiter

WAÍTRESS (E) waitress

WAKÁS MAG-, -AN to lift someone’s skirt

WÁKAY MAG-, -ON or MAG-, I- to gut, to enviscerate, to disembowel

WÁKOY MAG- to swing the arms when walking, to walk loosely, to amble


WÁKWÁK MAG-, -ON or MAG-, I- to gut, to eviscerate, to disembowel 486

WALÁ the left, the left side; MAGSÍKO’ SA WALÁ to turn left; NÁSA on the left;
MAG+PA- to turn left; -ON left-handed, a southpaw

WALÁ’ (S1) to go berserk; from Tagalog

WÁLAT MAG-, I- to leave something behind; MAKA-, MA-to get left behind, to leave
behind (accidentally), to remain behind

WALÓ eight; WALÓNG PÚLO’ (L) eighty; WALÓNG PÚLO’ MAY SARÓ’ (L) eighty-one (see
‘twenty’ and ‘thirty’ for further forms); WALÓNG KASIYÁMAN (L) eight-ninths;
SAMPÚLO’ MAY WALÓ (L) eighteen; GIBÓHON WALÓ make it eight; KAG- (L) eighteen; MAG-
to become eight; MAKA- to have eight; TIGWARALÓ eight each; WAWALÓ only eight; IKA-

WALÓ-WALÓ MAG-, PAG-+-ON to send eight at a time; PAG-+-ON to go eight at a time

WALÓ-WÁLO MAG-, PAG-+-ON to divide into eights

WALÓ-WÁLO a squall; IGWÁ or MAY to have a squall

WALTÁK MAG-, I- to drop something (as while walking); MAKA-, MA- to be dropped and
get left behind

WARÁ’ MAG-, -ON to lose something (deliberately); MAKA-, MA- to get lost, to be
mislaid, to be misplaced, to disappear, to vanish, to lose; MAG+PA-, PA-+-ON to
make something disappear

WARÁK MAG- to dissipate; MAG-, -ON or MAG-, I- to scatter, to strew, to smudge, to

smear; MAKA-, MA- to get scattered, to get strewn, to get smeared, to get smudged;
WARARÁK scattered, strewn
WÁRAS grace (used in prayers), pity; MAG-, -AN to shower with grace, pity

WARÍNG MAG-, -ON to wear shoes on the wrong feet, gloves on the wrong hand 487

WARÍNG-WASÍNG MAG-, -AN to bite meat away from the bone (usually dogs)

WARÍNG-WASÍNG MAG-, -AN to strike out in all directions (at)

WASÁK variant of WARÁK

WASÍWAS to wield, to brandish, to wave (as a flag)

WÁTING MAG-, -AN to flail out (at) with a knife, hands

WATÚSI a firecracker in the shape of a match stick

WÁTWÁT MAG-, -ON to remove a splinter, thorn with a needle, pin

WÁ’WÁ’ loose fitting; MAG- to become loose fitting

WÉLGA a strike; MAG- to be on strike; MAG-, -AN to strike (be on strike from)

WÉSTE west; NÁSA in the west

WIDRÓ MAG-, -ON to withdraw money (as from a bank)

WÍGWÍG MAG-, I- to shake excess water from, to shake down (as a thermometer), to
shake (as a pen to see if it has ink in it), to jiggle

WÍLI’ MAKA- engrossing, engaging; MA- to be engrossed in, to be engaged in; MA-+-AN
to be distracted (by being engrossed in something else), to be inattentive (because
of attention placed elsewhere), to be carried away (by something you’re engrossed

WÍLI’ MAKA-, MA- to envy something, to covet; MA-+-AN to be envied, to be coveted

WÍLWÍL having a hanging lower lip; MAG-, -ON to make your lip hang down

WIRÍK variant of WISÍK 488

WISÍK MAG- to shake yourself dry (as a dog); MAG-, -AN to sprinkle something;
MAKA-, MA-+-AN to get sprinkled

WITÍK MAG-, I- to toss away

WITÍWIT a mechanical swing ride in a carnival; MAG- to ride on the WITÍWIT;


WÍ’WI’ sagging; MAG- to sag

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