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BE201 TMA01 Proposal- Fall 2010- 2011


TMA BE 201 – Fall 2010 - 2011

TMA 01

Cut-off date: 14 November 2010


Please read these instructions carefully. However, contact your tutor in case of
any difficulties with the instructions. You should submit your completed
assignment to your tutor to arrive no later than the cut-off Date November 14,

Please use standard A4 size paper for your TMAs. Your name, personal
identifier, course and assignment numbers must appear at the top of each sheet.
Please leave wide margins and space at the end of each sheet for tutor
comments. It is better to use double spacing so that you can easily handwrite
corrections to your drafts and tutors have space to help and support you with
your points as you make them. Start each question in the assignment on a new

Completing and sending your assignments

When you have completed each of your TMAs, fill in an assignment form (PT3),
taking care to enter correctly your personal identifier course and assignment
numbers. Each TMA and its PT3 form should be sent to your tutor with your
name, address and personal identifier written on the back of the envelope. Keep
a copy of your TMA for security. The copy that is eventually returned to you after
the assessment process will have comments written on it. All assignments are
treated in strict confidence.

It is very important that you ensure that your tutor receives each assignment by
the cut off date given. If you feel that you are unable to meet the cut-off date for
any of the TMAs because of unusual circumstances, please contact your tutor as
soon as possible to discuss a possible extension to the cut-off date.

Word count: Discuss the above questions in no more than 300 words per

Referencing: You must acknowledge all your sources of information using full
Harvard Style Referencing (in-text referencing plus list of references at the end).

Plagiarism: It is very important to use your own words, Plagiarism will lead to a
loss of marks and extensive plagiarism could mean that you failed your TMA.

Answering: Your response to the question should take the form of a full essay
format divided into a number of paragraphs with introduction and conclusion
without subheadings and bullet points. Use your book chapters 1 and 3 ; and
examples from BE201.

TMA 01


Your TMA is divided into four questions. Answer each question in an essay form.

Question 1: (20 Marks)

1. You are the marketing manager of Citibank’s Online Banking

Division. How would you apply the concepts of providing value and
customer satisfaction and retention to designing and marketing
effective online banking?

Question 2: (20 Marks)

2. Locate two examples (e.g., advertisements, articles, etc.) depicting

practices that are consistent with the societal marketing concept and
two examples of business practices that contradict this concept.
Explain your choices.

Question 3: (20 Marks)

3. Select a product and brand that you use frequently and list the
benefits you receive from using it. Without disclosing your list, ask a
fellow student who uses a different brand in this product category
(preferably, a friend of the opposite sex) to make a similar list for his
or her brand. Compare the two lists and identify the implications for
using benefit segmentation to market the two brands.

Question 4: (20 Marks)

4. Visit two web sites that you are familiar with and write down every
click that you make, and the patterns and time periods
corresponding to your surfing. Then, describe how a marketer—of a
product of your choice—who had tracked your web visits to the
sites, can use the observation of your surfing in designing a
customized advertising message directed at you.

General Marks:

Presentation (PT3 attached and filled properly): 5%

Referencing: 5%

Word Count: 5%

E-Library: 5%

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