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Rudloff’s History Class

Hello! Welcome back from Summer!

I am a first year teacher from Concordia University. I am certified to teach Social Sciences and I
will be coaching here at High School as well. I expect we will get off to a great start and will
learn a lot of Historical content in my class. I have an open-door policy and will try my best to be
available for extra help outside of class time.

My Teaching Plan​: This class will be aimed at historical topics from the founding of the United
States until present day. Some facts will have to be memorized, but we will focus more on main
idea understanding. Students will be expected to answer questions and play a role in the
various discussions. Don’t worry, I have plenty of ideas for how to get you to talk!

My Rules​: Respect yourself. Respect your neighbor. Respect their ideas. Respect this
classroom and its supplies. Respect myself. We will set up other rules not mentioned together
as a class this week.

At the Beginning of each class​: I will have an agenda, or highlights, of what we will be doing
that day. Thus, once you get into class it would be advantageous to look at the board and get
those noggins working. To assist with learning preparation, we will start with a quick stretch
each day!

Throughout Class:​ I expect everyone to be attentive and on task. Everyone needs to make
sure homework is completed and each student has supplies needed to complete various tasks
for that day. (Pencils, erasers, paper, chargers for laptops, etc.) Cell phones can be on the table
but I would like you to not have them out as this is a distraction.

Homework: ​We should not have homework every night, but that is entirely dependent on how
focused we are throughout the lesson. The steadier we go, the less homework you will have.
Tests will be differentiated, so it will not always be a multiple choice, short answer. More to
come on this as the semester goes on!

Late Work: ​Depending on the discretion of the teacher, if work is deemed later or incompleted I
will take half off the final grade. There will be alternate assignments that can be done to improve
grades after this.

Have Fun: ​Learning is supposed to be enjoyable. Sometimes history isn’t the most exciting, but
it is incredibly important nevertheless. We will work together as a team and conquer this class!

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