Mynes Planning Memo For Tutorial

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To: Dr. Greg Wickliff

From: Hazel Mynes
Date: 10/01/2018
Re: Planning Memo for Tutorial

Dr. Wickliff,
Below you will find the planning memo for a tutorial I plan to create. The topic of the tutorial
will be How to Create a Weebly Account and Purchase a Domain Name for It.
My audience will be the new clients I take on in my business, Dream Link Media. When I am
hired to design a new website or re-create one from another hosting site, I always must teach the
client how to create their account and buy their domain name that will be attached to the site.
This is a redundant task that I could eliminate by creating this tutorial showing them how to do
I will distribute the tutorial by email or face-to-face in the preliminary or follow-up meeting
when I am hired. Sometimes, I may also snail-mail it.
I will have the content printed and bound as a 5-page, one-side of the page manual at Office
Depot. The cost to get the first batch will be $92.80 for 20 manuals, with white 28 lb. paper and
black binding. The price per manual goes down some as the quantity goes up. The digital cost for
a PDF will be miniscule if anything.
The manuals will be used by my clients to set up their accounts and purchase their domain names
so that I can then proceed to build their website and connect their domain name to it, and then
publish it. The manual will give a duplicatable and permanently written or digital PDF version of
what I have been doing verbally or in writing through email on each of numerous occasions as I
retained new clients in the past. With this manual and/or PDF version, that task will be done.
• Logo – I will use my Dream Link Media logo in the document. This is a golden circle that has
text cut across the middle. The text says, “Dream Link Media,” and under it is “Web Design |
Media | Marketing.” The text is in gradient gold. The inside top of the circle has a purple
mountain outline design, and the bottom has a purple and white textured design. I am looking for
the font for that, but not able to find it yet, as I designed this a while back.
• Fonts – Font will be in a Serif with San Serif to offset each other, as it is in my logo. The main
content will be in an traditional, easy-to read font such as Times New Roman or Arial.
• Colors – I will brand it with my main colors of white, lavender, black and gold.
• Stock – I plan to use a 28 lb. stock paper in the printed version.
• Inks – The ink colors will be mostly black, with highlights of white, lavender, and gold.
Computing tools
– Microsoft word is where I will begin drafting the text that will appear in the tutorial I am
designing. InDesign is the tool I will use to create the final version of the tutorial for the PDF,
which I can then have printed also as a manual at Office Depot.

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