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a CAVATINA Allegro ADINACLgvghing), 7 ‘ 2 a = a == BSS SS 5 Ho! hat ho!ho! Bene del = te que-ste car - te! E bin. This Ts really too fanctas ~ tie! isa a a — a =— + z2 oe —PSetes] BER A A A goo € zor = ra Var ven tu ~ ra most ro-man-tie sto - ry GIANNETTA (with Soprano 1) Soprano 1&2" th Seprane —h—bO SS Di che ri-di? tan-nea What's 0° fun-ny? Let us Di che ri-di? fan-neo What's so fun-ry? Let us ppt OES, PE Pp What's so fun-ny? Let us. Basses 22 por - te hear it, por - te hear it, —— sto-ria i Tris~ ta~ no, & ai “tuo te - pi-da let= tu ~ Fa. we would like to hear the sto- ry di tuo le ~ pi-do let tu-ra. We would like to hear the sto-ry. [17] Pit attegro una ¢ro-na-ca_d'g~ mor. all a-bout Sir Tris-tan and his love, the fair | - sol-da, 23 _NEMORINO (side) ne we'ee ~ co ~ star mien-trar fra lor.) so 1 hear "the sto - ry, too.) 44879 24 18) andantino ADINA (reads) 7 “Del-la cru- de - lel- Metin TS Sree a bel Tri sta - noar- de - a with un - re - qui - ted ar ~ dor, aN = fil di spe- mea-ve- - 0 there was no - thing hard =~ er =—, Quando si Tristan, in 44879 an ry tt ) 25 di sag - gio in - can ~ cut a wise chein un va ~ sel ott die - cer-toe Ui who had him drink a po = tion, magic e— | eee —~ SSeS cresc. = mo, per cui bel =~ a f- tov. And trom—— that time 1- a —— P A 0 the ao agrect ee lui pid non sol - - dagave Tris - tan— all ‘a0 non fug-gi" her soul and heart” Wt was a 26 20] Poco pid sir di sh per-fet ~ ta, di 8) ra ~ raquali- 1 ne sa-pes- si la rit sucha perfect po - tion | would love to try it, too, if {on - ly had a Spe dipe gett =F 5 cet = tay co - no~ sces-si-chi ti. fa! no - tion what was in that ma-gic brew! NEMORINO of = . eee 7 =a zoe re ov — * as f= # < sir di St per-fet - ta, di st was such a perfect potion | would ? & t é anal lis sie di SF peratet = 10,4) st It was such a per-fect_po-tion I would eg a E-li- sic di st per-fet- ta di st Ht was such a per-tect po- tion Iwould elt sent ae E-ti- sic di sh per~tet~ ta,di_ st It was such a perfect po - tion | would rh eitet fret He See He Soa i Fett Fe Fee 27 Ny + ta quali - 10, to try it, too, ra qual- i - i 0 = no- to ‘ty it, it ra qual-i- t&, eet = ta, @ ~ noe love to try it, too, if, 1 on ~ ly had a no - tion what was ne so- pes ~ eet - fa, co - n0- love to try it 1 on = ly had a no ~ tion what was sees - si chi in that ma-gic sees si chi fi in” that ma- gic sees = si chi fi in” that ma-gie 44879 28 leg - gi Then what teg- gi, leg - gi Then what hap_-_ pened? leg gi hap_=_pened ? leg 9, Then what leg = gi hap ~ pened? ‘eg 9h, Then what 22) Andantino a ADINA (reads) Ap - pe - naci beb- beun sor - - 50 del ‘And from that ve = ry mo = = ment when aa _— —= co va = Sel ~ [oy che tos = toil cor drank the po- tion, | a fie - ry dgep 44079 29 x — = lo dl = sot- tin-te- ~ ne - rh. = tion pos sessed “I= sol = da, C00. bia -t@ in un : = quel - (abel ~ served and cold 5 3 burn-ing with = yma dd 8 cru - de - le fu di Tri ~ sto ~ no 0- glow - ing fer ~ vor, love grow- ing ev - er EOS See SS z ~ od 4 | a3 |P ——. man - te, vis ~ sea Tri - stan strong- er, hap- pi- ness filled a SS oS = £44 P 44879 tempo — i= mle = ro sor ~ for TS = Ge “on ees A ainling ev ee “A [24] poco pit mosso pil the peasants) ee = g ple og dl sit, di sl per-let ~ fo di sh ra ~ ra qua-li- Sten @ perfect po - ton would love” fo fry it, oS Se 4. z ae 6 SEE = z r -2 epg 3 s: = es |} sain sa- pes - si la ri- cet ~ ta, co- mo-sces - si chi ti fa, Eli Ton = ly had a no - tionwhat was in that magic brew! It was a NEMORINO Eo GIANNETTA(with Sop.1) It was = lie 40079 31 — apie: ee ar i st per Diy 2S 2 ber fest eet: fap === trad $8a,tf wotle he ay E-li- tt was. = li- It was q Fei it was it was e sir di st per- fel ~ 1a, of sh Such @ perfect po = tichy | would love 10 fry it, va - fa quali fa, ne i tee, 44879 fet & fate: tf et eae res Pots wy 25, eet — (1a) G0 ho sees = si chi i fa! esa ~ pes - «iSh what a 8 that'ma-gte brew, iff _— Sm = Bach He ded, oF Fe mes that ma-gie brew, if Ba eet = fay co=no- sees = si chi fi fa! “potion What was in’ thatmagie Brew, et = 10, c0- 00-508 si chi Hi fa 1 tigi whats” “atime cle Orem, eel =f, 60.00- Sees ~ fig — wert inat a iy # 32 eee what was in, that mp he ea SS what” was” a ‘ies = de eS ee no Seeseai ct what was in that ea a ne Se - pes si fT Sally so + pes- $i 1 only fe aaa79 r e 44879 fn that what was in’ that wat” was “gt 7 that co no sces- si chit what) Was “in’ ~ that ima - gic hi a Ff 33 brew, 44879 34 44873 26. chi vo fel try, it, Pid mosso ime 2 iy naa = lo Fe Ly haa = tion what was” = (fa, 60 = ho ~ 2th What was ar = tio what” was ta, co - fo ~ ton whai was sees = si chi Ti fat fn’ that'ma-gle brew, ses — si chi Ti ta! ‘in’ that'ma-gic brew, a "Si cai th “Tar that'ma- gig brew, sees "si chi ti “lar jin ~ that‘ma-gle brew, co 1h a was in fe thatima-gie brew? hat magic Srowt By ee $ HAG oa ee fa! that'magic brew! Td fei sh thatmagic brew! Td 36 SCENE II (A deum roll is heard; exerybody rises. Beleore arrives, leading a troop of soldiars which remains bx the background. Hle approaches Adina, slits her and presents her with @ bouguet.) CAVATINA Marziale —— — a y

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