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Nuclear Engineering and Design 177 (1997) 147 – 153

Analysis of steam generator loss-of-feedwater experiments with

APROS and RELAP5/MOD3.1 computer codes
E. Virtanen a, T. Haapalehto a, J. Kouhia b,*
Lappeenranta Uni6ersity of Technology, P.O. Box 20, FIN-53851 Lappeenranta, Finland
VTT Energy, Nuclear Energy, P.O. Box 20, FIN-53851 Lappeenranta, Finland


Three experiments were conducted to study the behaviour of the new horizontal steam generator construction of
the PACTEL test facility. In the experiments the secondary side coolant level was reduced stepwise. The experiments
were calculated with two computer codes RELAP5/MOD3.1 and APROS version 2.11. A similar nodalization scheme
was used for both codes so that the results may be compared. Only the steam generator was modeled and the rest
of the facility was given as a boundary condition. The results show that both codes calculate well the behaviour of
the primary side of the steam generator. On the secondary side both codes calculate lower steam temperatures in the
upper part of the heat exchange tube bundle than was measured in the experiments. © 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.

1. Introduction During normal operation all the heat exchange

tubes of a horizontal SG are covered with water,
Compared with the Western PWRs the Russian but in the case of loss-of-feedwater accident the
design VVER-reactors have a special feature: secondary side water level starts to decrease.
horizontal steam generators. This type of steam When the level falls below the highest tube rows
generator (SG) has two vertical collectors and the heat transfer from primary to secondary side
horizontal U-shaped heat exchange tubes. The starts to deteriorate. If the heat transfer de-
behaviour of the horizontal SG is very different creases more rapidly than the heat produced in
compared with the western type vertical SG. For the core, the primary coolant temperature begins
example, the secondary side coolant volume rela- to rise. This temperature rise in turn provokes
tive to the reactor core power of a VVER-440 is the expansion of primary coolant and an ascent
much larger than in a typical western PWR. in the liquid level in the pressurizer. When the
Hence, all the loss-of-feedwater transients are primary circuit pressure rises up to the opening
slower. During a total station black-out incident a pressure of the pressurizer relief valves they open
vertical SG dries in some tens of minutes but a and allow primary coolant to leak out of the
horizontal SG in some hours. system. Clearly, it is quite important that such
behaviors are completely understood, since
* Corresponding author. Fax: +358 5 6212379; e-mail: coolability of the core must be maintained in all conditions.

0029-5493/97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 0 2 9 - 5 4 9 3 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 1 9 1 - X
148 E. Virtanen et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 177 (1997) 147–153

The Western thermal-hydraulic system codes, the steam generator, hence a roughly U-shaped
like RELAP5 [1] and CATHARE2 [2], are devel- pipe is needed to complete the connection. The
oped and validated to model the phenomena in cold leg loop seal is formed by the elevation
the vertical SGs. But the differences between ver- difference of the inlet and outlet of the reactor
tical and horizontal steam generators are so im- coolant pump. Fig. 1 shows how the geometry of
portant that the calculational models developed the loop seals are modelled in the PACTEL facil-
for the vertical SGs are not directly applicable for ity.
the horizontal SGs. The PACTEL loss-of-feedwa-
ter experiments have been performed to study the
2.1. Steam generator description
overall behaviour of the horizontal steam genera-
tors and especially to produce experimental re-
The number of the loops has been reduced from
sults for code assessment. The work presented
six of the reference system to three in PACTEL,
here has been done at Lappeenranta University of
thus one PACTEL steam generator corresponds
to two in the power plant. The original steam
generator of PACTEL has full-length heat ex-
change tubes and the same tube bundle geometry
2. Facility description
as in the power plant steam generator. The tube
bundle height is less than 15% of the height of the
PACTEL (Parallel Channel Test Loop) [3] is a
reference steam generator. This fact limits the use
volumetrically scaled (1:305) out-of-pile model of
of the original PACTEL steam generator, when
the Russian design VVER-440 reactors used in
for example the effects of the decrease of the
Finland. The facility is an integral test facility and
secondary side level are studied.
it includes all the main components of the pri-
The new steam generator (Fig. 2), installed in
mary circuit of the reference reactor. The reactor
one loop, has vertical primary collectors and hori-
vessel is simulated by a U-tube construction con-
zontal heat exchange tubes. The 118 U-shaped
sisting of separate core and downcomer sections.
heat exchange tubes are arranged in 14 layers and
The core is comprised of 144 electrically heated
nine vertical columns. The average length of the
fuel rod simulators. The geometry and the pitch
tubes (2.8 m) is about one third of that in the full
of the rods are the same as in the reference
reactor. The rods are divided into three roughly
triangular shaped parallel channels, which repre-
sent the intersection of the corners of three hexag-
onal VVER rod bundles. The maximum total core
power is 1 MW, or 22% of the scaled nominal
power. The maximum primary pressure is 8.0
compared with 12.3 MPa of the reference reactor.
The component heights and the relative eleva-
tions correspond to those of the full scale reactor
to match the natural circulation pressure heads in
the reference system. The hot and cold leg eleva-
tions of the power plant have been reproduced.
This is particularly important for the loop seals.
Unlike other PWRs VVER-440 has a loop seal
also in the hot leg. This is a consequence of the
steam generator location, which is almost at the
same height as the hot leg connection to the upper
plenum. The primary collector of the steam gener-
ator is connected to the hot leg at the bottom of Fig. 1. Geometry of the PACTEL facility.
E. Virtanen et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 177 (1997) 147–153 149

tures are measured in eight tubes in three or four

different locations in each tube. The inlet and
outlet temperature of the primary coolant, the
primary mass flow rate, the mass flow rate of the
feedwater and the differential pressure on the
secondary side are measured as well. The mea-
sured collapsed level is based on the differential
pressure measurement.

3. Experiments

Three experiments, SG-2, SG-3 and SG-4, were

Fig. 2. New steam generator of PACTEL.
conducted to study the behaviour of the new
steam generator construction of PACTEL facility.
scale steam generator (9.0 m). The outer diameter The experiments were like the loss-of-feedwater
of the tubes is 16 mm, corresponding to the experiments but instead of reducing the secondary
reference system, and the inner diameter is 13 mm level continuously it was reduced in steps.
(in the power plant 13.2 mm). In order to have a In these experiments only one loop with the
higher tube bundle, the pitch in the vertical direc- new steam generator was in operation. The pri-
tion has been doubled (48 mm) compared with the mary coolant pump was operating during the
reference steam generator. The pitch in the hori- whole experiment. Primary and secondary side
zontal direction has been maintained. The longer pressures were different from one experiment to
pitch in the vertical direction may cause differ- the other (Table 1).
ences especially for the heat transfer but also for In the beginning of each experiment the core
pressure losses and swelling. However, under loss- power was set to about 960 kW and it was kept
of-feedwater conditions a relatively large error in constant until a steady state was reached. The
the estimation of boiling heat transfer coefficient collapsed level of the secondary side was then
has only a small effect on the total heat transfer reduced stepwise. Feedwater injection was
coefficient, because the boiling heat transfer co- stopped and when the secondary level had
efficient is very large compared with the convec- dropped 50 mm the injection was started again. In
tive coefficient on the primary side. Fig. 3 the measured feedwater mass flow rate in
The outer diameter of the shell is 1.0 m (in the experiment SG-3 is shown. The system was al-
power plant 3.34 m). Because of the higher verti- lowed to settle down for 30 min between each
cal pitch, the secondary side is larger than the step. When the secondary side coolant level had
scaled down secondary volume. This distorts the dropped below the highest heat exchange tube
time scale of secondary side transients. Two com- row the heat transfer from primary to secondary
partments have been constructed on each side of side began to decrease. The temperature in the
the steam generator to decrease the mass of water
Table 1
directly involved in the primary to secondary heat
Primary and secondary pressures in the experiments
transfer process. The compartments are not to-
tally isolated from the rest of the secondary side, Test Primary pressure Secondary pressure (MPa)
but the coolant has several flow paths in and out (MPa)
of the compartments.
SG-2 3.0 0.7
The measurement instrumentation of the steam SG-3 1.2 0.3
generator contains mainly temperature measure- SG-4 7.5 4.2
ments. The primary and secondary side tempera-
150 E. Virtanen et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 177 (1997) 147–153

nonequilibrium (six-equation) model for the two-

phase system. APROS (Advanced Process Simula-
tor) [4] code is developed in Finland by VTT and
Imatran Voima Oy (IVO). The APROS simula-
tion environment contains a database, graphics
and physical models for the simulation of nuclear
and conventional power plants and chemical pro-
cesses. The database includes several predefined
process components, like tanks, steam generators,
pumps and valves, which makes it easier to create
a new simulation model. The thermal-hydraulics
of APROS include single-phase and three- five-
and six- equation two-phase flow models.
Fig. 3. Measured feedwater mass flow rate in experiment SG-3
(measurement uncertainty 9 0.005 kg s − 1). 4.2. Nodalization

outlet of the cold collector as well as in the inlet Only the steam generator part of the facility has
of the hot collector began to rise. In order to keep been modelled, the rest of the facility has been
the coolant temperature in the inlet of the hot given as a boundary condition. The same nodal-
collector constant the core power was reduced. ization scheme has been used for both computer
Also the feedwater mass flow rate was changed to codes although some code dependent alterations
correspond to the evaporation rate and to keep had to be made.
the collapsed level constant during the settling The nodalization for RELAP5/MOD3.1 is
down period. shown in Fig. 4. Hot and cold legs are modelled
The results of the different loss-of-feedwater with large time dependent volumes where the
experiments are similar. Naturally, both primary pressure and temperature are controllable. A time
and secondary temperatures are different because dependent junction connects the volume mod-
the pressures are different. The only clear differ- elling the hot leg to the hot collector. The vertical
ence is that the behavior is more stable when the hot and cold collectors are modelled with eight
secondary pressure is higher. This is because the nodes. The heat exchange tubes are lumped into
collapsed level is near the swell level and the seven pipe components (numbers 705–735 in Fig.
transition zone where the highest tubes start to 4). The lowest component models the three lowest
dry out is shorter. tube rows, the next five components two tube
rows each and the highest component models the
highest tube row. All the pipe components are
divided horizontally into five nodes.
4. Calculations
On the secondary side of the steam generator
the heat exchange tube area is modelled with
4.1. Computer codes used in the calculations seven nodes and the vapor volume above the heat
exchange tubes with two nodes. The steam gener-
Two computer codes, RELAP5/MOD3.1 and ator ends as well as the side compartments are
APROS version 2.11, were used in the calculation modelled with separate components. From the
of the experiments. RELAP5 is a thermal-hy- side compartments (number 770 in Fig. 4) there
draulic system code developed at the Idaho Na- are only cross flow junctions to the steam genera-
tional Engineering Laboratory (INEL) for tor ends (number 760 in Fig. 4), which in turn are
best-estimate transient simulation of light water connected to the tube bundle area and also to the
reactor coolant systems. RELAP5/MOD3.1 is the vapour volume. This construction allows vertical
latest version based on a nonhomogeneous and internal recirculation typically associated with
E. Virtanen et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 177 (1997) 147–153 151

horizontal steam generators. Feedwater is injected was used with the RELAP5 code. Because
into the third lowest node in the heat exchange APROS does not have the same kind of time
tube area. The outlet of steam is modelled with a dependent components as RELAP5, two control
time dependent volume as a mass sink and a valves had to be added, one to control the pri-
control valve connecting the steam line (number mary mass flow rate and another to control the
780 in Fig. 4) to the sink. secondary feedwater mass flow rate. Otherwise,
All heat structures except the thin plates be- the same input information was given for the
tween the heat exchange tube area and the side APROS code as for RELAP5.
compartments are modelled. The material proper- During a steady state run the secondary side
ties have been obtained from the manufacturers. collapsed level is controlled with a control system
Heat losses to the environment are taken into in both codes. At the start of the transient this
account in the simulation. A constant heat trans- system is excluded from the simulation. Another
fer coefficient together with a constant environ- control system is used to keep the secondary side
ment temperature is used as a boundary pressure constant during the whole calculation.
condition. Primary side pressure, coolant mass flow rate
In APROS there are certain predefined process and hot leg temperature as well as secondary side
components like tanks, pumps and valves. The pressure and feedwater mass flow rate were given
predefined steam generator model was not used in as a boundary condition. The values were ob-
this study, but a new model was constructed using tained from the measurement data of each experi-
five-equation calculation level modules e.g. nodes ment.
and branches. Basically it is the same model as
4.3. Results of the simulations

From the point of view of the safety analysis of

a nuclear reactor the interesting parameter is the
amount of heat transferred form the primary side
to the secondary side. The transferred power is a
function of the temperature difference between
the hot and cold collector. Because most of the
heat transfer occurs through the heat exchange
tubes, the ability of a code to calculate overall
heat transfer can be evaluated by observing the
inlet and outlet temperatures of the heat exchange
Fig. 5 shows the measured primary tempera-
tures from one instrumented heat exchange tube
together with the corresponding temperatures cal-
culated with RELAP5/MOD3.1. The measure-
ment locations are 200 mm from the hot collector
and 500 mm from the cold collector, and the
calculation nodes are 279 mm from both collec-
tors. This causes a small difference between the
measured and calculated values. The oscillations
in the measured temperatures were not well repro-
duced because the boundary condition values for
the hot leg temperature are based on the averaged
Fig. 4. Nodalization of the new steam generator for RELAP5/ measurement data. In Fig. 6 the same measured
MOD3.1. temperatures and temperatures calculated with
152 E. Virtanen et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 177 (1997) 147–153

Fig. 5. Primary temperatures in one tube from experiment Fig. 7. Secondary temperatures in the highest tube layer from
SG-2 and from RELAP5 calculation (uncertainty in the mea- experiment SG-4 and from RELAP5 calculation (uncertainty
sured value 93.0°C). in the measured value 9 3.0°C).

the APROS code are presented. The uncovering with the temperatures from the RELAP5/
of the tube can clearly be seen around 20 500 s in MOD3.1 calculation are shown. In Fig. 8 the
the experiment and around 22 500 s in the RE- same measured temperatures with temperatures
LAP5 calculation. APROS calculates the uncover- from two different APROS calculations are
ing of the tube to occur a little later. The time shown. Both codes underestimate the steam su-
difference between experiment and calculation re- perheating. In APROS calculations it was ob-
sults is caused by the nodalization. In this case served that the hydraulic diameter of the
two heat exchange tube rows are lumped together secondary nodes has a significant influence on the
and the temperature measurements are located in calculated steam temperature. If the hydraulic
the upper tube row. diameter (Dh) is not given for the code in the
In the experiment, steam superheating was ob- input deck the code calculates it based on the
served after the highest heat exchange tubes were given flow area of the node, Eq. (1).
uncovered. In Fig. 7 the measured secondary side
temperatures in the highest tube layer together

Fig. 8. Secondary temperatures in the highest tube layer from

Fig. 6. Primary temperatures in one tube from experiment experiment SG-4 and from APROS calculations with imposed
SG-2 and from APROS calculation (uncertainty in the mea- (APROS – 1) hydraulic diameter and with Dh calculated by the
sured value 93.0°C). code (uncertanty in the measured value 93.0°C).
E. Virtanen et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 177 (1997) 147–153 153

Dh = (1) caused by the rather rapid changes in the experi-
mental boundary conditions, which were not com-
4Af pletely reproduced. When the results were
Dh = (2)
Pw compared more in detail, some differences were
observed. Especially the steam temperature above
where Af is the flow area and Pw is the wetted the heat exchange tube bundle was in most of the
perimeter. In Fig. 8 APROS refers to the result calculations lower than in the experiments. Even
from the calculation where the code was allowed though the difference between measured and cal-
to calculate the hydraulic diameter itself. In the culated steam temperatures is relatively large it
other calculation presented here (APROS – 1 in does not affect the overall heat transfer.
Fig. 8) the hydraulic diameter was calculated us- The assessment calculations presented here are
ing Eq. (2) and it was given to the code. The value not sufficient to validate the codes used, but they
is the same which was used in the RELAP5 show that the APROS and RELAP5 codes are
calculations. When calculated from Eq. (1) the able to model the overall behaviour of the hori-
hydraulic diameter for a tube bundle area sec- zontal steam generators. Even with quite a simple
ondary side node is 1.002 m, and calculated from secondary side model, for example without recir-
Eq. (2) it is 0.05 m. As can be seen, the calculated culation, it is possible to simulate reasonably well
steam temperature using the hydraulic diameter of the heat transfer from the primary to the sec-
0.05 m (APROS – 1) is nearer the measured values. ondary side under loss-of-feedwater conditions.
Even though the difference between measured and However, some problems seem to exist in their
calculated steam temperatures was around 15°C capabilities to model the phenomena on the sec-
in some cases the effect on the overall heat trans- ondary side. In order to validate or improve the
fer was negligible because the heat transfer to models new experiments are needed, because in
single-phase steam is small compared with the the experiments performed the boundary condi-
heat transfer to steam – water mixture. tions were too complex. Also some parameters
In the experiment the temperature of steam in were not measured, like steam flow rate and heat
the steam line was a little lower than in the exchange tube surface temperatures, limiting the
highest tube layer. Both codes calculated signifi- usefulness of the experiments used for compari-
cantly lower steam temperatures in the steam line. son.
The heat transfer mode, that RELAP5 uses on the
inner surface of the heat structure describing the
upper part of the steam generator shell, was
found to be condensation. In this mode the calcu- References
lated heat transfer is more efficient than heat
[1] Carlson, K.E., Riemke, R.A., Rouhani, S.Z., Shumway,
transfer from single-phase vapor to the wall. R.W., Weawer, W.L., June 1990. RELAP5/MOD3 CODE
MANUAL, Volume 1: Code structure, System Models and
Solution Methods, E.G. and G. Idaho, Idaho Falls, ID,
5. Conclusions USA.
[2] Barre, F., Bernard, M., 1990. The CATHARE code strat-
egy and assessment. Nucl. Eng. Des. 124, 257 – 284.
Three PACTEL loss-of-feedwater experiments [3] Raussi, P., Munther, R., Kalli, H., Kouhia, J., Puustinen,
have been calculated using the APROS version M., October 2 – 6, 1994. Experimental VVER Safety Stud-
2.11 and RELAP5/MOD3.1 computer codes. The ies in Finland. Trans. ENC’94, Int. Nucl. Congress, Lyon,
main parameter to be compared was the tempera- France.
[4] Porkholm, K., Hänninen, M., Puska, E.K., Ylijoki, J.,
ture difference between hot and cold collectors,
November 15 – 20, 1992. APROS Code for the Analysis of
e.g. the total power transferred from primary to Nuclear Power Plant Thermal-Hydraulic transients. Eight
secondary side. In all the calculations the results Proc. Nucl. Thermal-Hydraulics, ANS Winter Meeting,
obtained were acceptable. Some differences were Chicago, IL.

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