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Peer Editing Summary Comments for Hazel Mynes

By Miriam

I find her brochure elegant. She chose a tutorial document to create an

account and domain name using Weebly.
My recommendations are:
1. The text “TO OUR GETTING STARTED WITH WEEBLY” seems faded and
make the text bolder to have a consistent flow with the rest the page.
2. I also would suggest to separate the same texts in separate lines.
For example: WELCOME TO OUR TUTORIAL, then the second line
3. Place the character ‘&” in one line
For example, Create an Account
Add a Domain Name

Feedback for Hazel’s Tutorial

By: Ivy
The template of the title page is simple and elegant. It has a fairy-tale and majestic vibe/appeal
to the design of the tutorial. The selection of the type-face that was incorporated in the title-
page is alluring to the reader. Perhaps, there could have been more graphic images/ illustrations
incorporated in the title-page, as well, so that the reader is more tempted to browse through the
slides and obtain a brief idea about what the central concept of the tutorial entails. However, I
did notice that the objectives of the tutorial were very clearly depicted and specifically mentioned
in the title-page. Therefore, to a certain extent, the reader can obtain a sneak-preview of what
the main idea of the tutorial will focus or emphasize upon.
The table of contents is extremely detailed and incredibly systematic. However, the titles could
have been underlined. For example: 2.1 – Create Your Account, 3.1 – Pick your theme, 4.1 – Select
New Domain. If these headings were underlined, then it would have accentuated the
demarcation between the titles and sub-titles. In addition to that, underlining the headings would
have also made the overall layout of the tutorial look more presentable and structured in
appearance. Including a bulleted format for the sub-headings would have been a little bit more
useful and helpful to the reader, as well.
On the first page after the table of contents, why does the step randomly skip from: 2.4: Create
your Site to 3.8: Video? This aspect of the tutorial confused me a little bit, and could have been
organized a little bit more, efficiently.
The utilization of various colors on the first page after the table of contents instantly captured
my attention. The choice of colors on the page: 2.1 Create Your Account is visually enticing. The
slide that incorporated a sapphire blue as the background color was striking in appearance.
The layout of the remaining tutorial is coherent, systematic, and easy to comprehend. There isn’t
an overwhelming amount of information in each of the slides that might confound the reader at
first glance.
There could have been a slight improvement in the choice of colors on the 6th and 7th page. On
these pages or slides of the tutorial, the headings and the slides underneath the title had a single-
color scheme. Instead of adhering to a monochromatic theme, the slides would have looked
more visually appealing if the title: 4.1 Select New Domain was highlighted in a different color.
This contrast is necessary, in an effort, to distinguish the actual title from the information in the
slides just below the heading.
However, I also noticed that a certain pattern was implemented in the slides, in terms of choice
of color. The heading in the first two slides were greenish/brownish in color which was
complemented by a periwinkle/light-purple colored background. (Not sure if this contrast is the
most aesthetically pleasing selection). However, on the other hand, these choices of colors also
give off a simplistic and elegant appeal to the overall design of the tutorial). In fact, I liked that
the colors in the slides alternated back and forth between a periwinkle background with an olive-
green heading, and slides that consisted of just one color: light purple, which was inclusive of the
heading, and the information in the slides below the title, as well.
On page 13, the icon of the video-clip was not incorporated under the heading: 7.1: Purchase
your plan, next to the Unit 7.6’s description of the video.
I also like that there was a bold border that was incorporated at the bottom-edge of each of the
slides, and that it perpetually alternated back and forth between olive green and light-purple.
This gives the layout of the tutorial a more unified and cohesive look, since the thick lines that
have been encompassed on the bottom-margins of the paper visually link each of the respective
pages together, which makes the reader well-aware of the fact that the details presented on the
slides are not disparate pieces of information.
In addition to that, I also liked the fact that the last page corresponded in theme, template, and
color to the title page. However, the arrangement and format in the concluding page is far more
conspicuous than the title page. This is on account, of the fact that the olive-green border color-
coordinates with the olive-green heading: 8.4 Purchase Your Plan, as opposed to the first page
which didn’t incorporate as many graphic images, illustrations, or visual elements. However, I
liked the intriguing olive-green symbols that were implemented as part of the design on the first
and last page of the tutorial. This design consisted of a bunch of swirls and loops hooked together,
and that was certainly unique, and uncharacteristically eye-catching to the reader.
Furthermore, the images that demonstrate: placeholder for correct screen-shot, and the
descriptions that mention: text here explaining this step, was incredibly useful and not to
mention, helpful to the reader. Even if the tutorial was devoid of the actual images, and details
that expound upon what units 8.2 or 8.3 are all about, the reader can infer that this version of
the tutorial is only a rough-draft. Yet, the style in which these key-details and pieces of
information have been portrayed is easily comprehensible, and the best aspect of the tutorial is
in the presentation of the slides. In other words, there isn’t an over-load or excessive amount of
information that will bombard the reader, all at once. At first glance, the reader should only have
to skim through the text encompassed within the slides, not struggle to read elaborate
paragraphs that don’t convey a simple message.
The symbol for: dream-link-media was simple, modest and professional. The contact information
just below this icon was perfectly centered. This type of alignment gives the format of the last
page a well-balanced and structured appeal. In fact, the alignment in terms of placement and
arrangement of titles, sub-titles, texts/text-boxes, and images are ideally situated. The boxes for
the images are positioned on the left, while the captions adjacent to them are situated on the
right. This is an effective way to organize information since there isn’t any unnecessary
distribution of spacing between headings to sub-headings, or descriptions to images, in a
majority, of the slides. In fact, this is probably the highlight of the entire tutorial.
Also, in terms of proximity, most of the similar items have been grouped together. For example,
the topics, images, and descriptions for each respective unit/chapter are inclusive in one single
category. This indicates to the reader that the organization is clear. Although, in the title page,
there was a lot of additional white space which could have been eliminated, if more visual aids,
such as: graphic images, or other illustrations were employed. However, as mentioned before, I
like the fact that the information manifested within the slides are not emphasized in large chunks.
Perhaps, the table of contents page could have been formatted differently, in terms of spacing.
There is lots of empty room towards the right-hand side of the page which is not necessary.
Therefore, the texts (headlines and sub-headlines) in the table of contents, could have been
structured far more efficiently and systematically, in an effort, to not create additional gaps or
spaces. However, in regards, to the rest of the slides, there is a consistency of arrangement in
terms of the placement of the image-box on the left, and the captions next to it, as stated above.
Overall, Hazel’s flyer was beautiful, simple/elegant, systematic, professional, and visually
appealing to the reader. My favorite aspects of the tutorial were that it was easily
comprehensible to the reader. In addition to that, I also liked the utilization of the thick borders
which were incorporated in the bottom margins of each of the respective pages, ensued by the
unconventional yet unique color scheme, (olive green and light purple), as well as the consistency
in the arrangement/placement of information, followed by the aesthetically enticing symbol
visible in the title page and the concluding page, and last but not the least, there was a strategic
method of organization that was purposefully implemented between titles, to sub-titles, and
graphic images/illustration boxes to descriptions/captions. This effect contributed to the
cohesive, well-balanced and unified appeal of the tutorial.

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