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Journal of Environmental Psychology (1996) 16, 33–44 0272-4944/96/010033+12$18.

 1996 Academic Press Limited



Department of Psychology, University of Liverpool, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool, L69 3BX, U.K.


The apparent difference in the appreciation of architecture between architects and ‘lay’ people has been the
focus of much research. If architects truly have different standards of appreciation from nonarchitects, it is
then most likely that these standards of judgement are acquired within the schools of architecture during the
period of architectural education. The paper describes a cross-sectional study of the architectural preferences
of students at two schools of architecture at five different stages of their education. Smallest Space Analysis
(SSA) of the students’ evaluations of 26 examples of contemporary architecture suggests a process of socializ-
ation within the schools of architecture whereby students develop standards of judgement that are both
characteristic of the profession as a whole and shaped by the specific school of training. Analysis of the under-
lying structure of the students’ evaluations of the buildings allows a model of architectural preference to be
proposed. Although the students give a variety of explanations of why they appreciate the buildings they do,
analysis of the associations between the buildings shows that the underlying structure of the evaluations is
clearly based on architectural style. The implications are discussed.

 1996 Academic Press Limited

Introduction architecture that is essentially descriptive, objective

and nonevaluative, while the second guides subjec-
Since the late 1960s, environmental psychologists tive evaluative judgements. Groat (1982) has shown
have addressed and re-addressed the question of that architects use different concepts from non-
whether design professionals think differently to architects. It has been the assumption that these
the public. Methodological developments have concepts are developed during the period of train-
taken researchers from semantic differential ing, and Wilson and Canter (1990a) have made vis-
studies (e.g. Canter, 1969; Hershberger, 1969), ible the conceptual transformation that occurs
through repertory grids (e.g. Leff & Deutsch, 1974; across each year of professional training. During
Stringer, 1977), to less-constrained techniques such the course of architectural education, students
as the Multiple Sorting Task (e.g. Groat, 1982; develop increasingly abstract and more differen-
Devlin, 1990). Researchers have shown that archi- tiated concepts to organize their knowledge. The
tects solve both experimental and applied problems most central concept used to organize their under-
differently from nonarchitects (Edwards, 1974; standing is architectural style, a concept that
Lawson, 1980). One way or another, it is now well becomes more complex in its definition with increas-
established that design professionals in general, ing length of education.
and architects in particular, hold a different system Research to date has demonstrated that archi-
of constructs through which they understand and tects both conceptualize and evaluate differently
evaluate the environment. from nonarchitects. The difference in evaluative
Although the issues are frequently confused in judgements between architects and nonarchitects
the literature, there are two distinctly different sys- has received both academic and popular coverage,
tems of construct under consideration: conceptualiz- and it has often been suggested that rather than
ation and evaluation. The first is a system of con- designing for users, architects design for the critical
cepts with which to organize and understand acclaim of their peers. However, studies of the
34 M. Wilson

architectural value system, notably by Lipman group, comparing the mean response of professional
(1970) and Blau (1980), have suggested that the and nonprofessional samples.
most important orientation in architecture is a There are a number of possible reasons for these
humanist one, with architects reporting concern for differences in orientation and evaluation within the
both client and user. Nevertheless, there still profession, including all those suggested to influ-
appears to be something of a gap between architec- ence nonprofessionals, for example personality (e.g.
tural and public opinion, an issue that has been Henschen & Hershenson, 1975), gender (e.g. Nasar,
fuelled by royal interest in the U.K. 1989) and environmental experience (e.g. Mackin-
Much of the focus for this discrepancy in taste tosh, 1982). However, the period of intensive social-
seems to have been placed on Modernism, and over ization characteristic of any form of education must
the last 15 years new stylistic movements have certainly be considered as a potential determinant
developed, along with critical discussion of why they of professional orientation. It can therefore be hypo-
will succeed where Modernism failed. Charles thesized that not only do the schools of architecture
Jencks has been the greatest proponent of Post socialize architects into the values of the profession
Modern architecture, and his books did much to as a whole, but also that this same process instills a
launch the movement. Jencks (1977) claimed that set of values associated with the specific institution.
Post Modern architecture is accessible to lay and Thus, the second aim of the present study is to
professional people alike owing to what he calls identify any variations in the architectural evalu-
‘dual coding’. That is, while the code of Modern ative system that could be attributable to the
architecture is a language that can only be read by specific school of architecture where training occurs.
the architecturally trained, Post Modern architec- In terms of Facet Theory, the study tests two
ture is a language that can be understood, and thus possible facets that might account for differences in
appreciated, by all. Groat and Canter (1979) set out evaluation: ‘Stage of Education’ and ‘School of
to test empirically these claims for Post Modernism. Training’. The facet ‘Stage of Education’ consists of
Comparing a matched sample of architects and six elements corresponding to the six year groups
accountants, they found that reactions to Post Mod- sampled, and ‘School of Training’ consists of two
ernism were mixed for both samples. However, elements corresponding to the two schools of archi-
overall it was still the architects rather than the tecture studied.
accountants who showed the greatest appreciation Finally, the third aim of the study is to identify
for Post Modern architecture. the underlying structure of subjective evaluation in
Since it is likely that socialization during pro- architecture in order to understand the basis for
fessional education is responsible for any differ- evaluative judgements. Through understanding the
ences between architects and nonarchitects, the basis of architectural evaluative judgements, it may
present research focuses on the time spent in archi- be possible to provide some tentative guidelines for
tectural education. The purpose of this study is to environmental education for nonarchitects so that
examine the changing system of evaluation in archi- they can appreciate the built environment as much
tectural students at two schools of architecture to as its creators do.
understand the way in which ‘preference’ is social-
ized within professional training. The first aim of
the study is to test the hypothesis that architectural
education systematically instills an evaluative sys- Method
tem that is characteristic of the architectural pro-
fession in general. Participants
While education is likely to have a general effect,
it is clearly naı̈ve to assume that all members of a One hundred and fifty British architectural stud-
professional group think as one. Previous research ents took part in the study from two schools of
has shown that there are a number of different architecture, one based in Scotland (referred to as
orientations in architectural beliefs and values the Northern School) and one based in Southern
(Lipman, 1970; Blau, 1980; Wilson & Canter, England (referred to as the Southern School). The
1990b), and there is no doubt that variation exists two schools were of similar size and claimed to have
within the profession as well as between architects a similar technologically based orientation. A cross-
and other groups. However, a great deal of the pre- sectional sample of 15 students from each of six
vious research comparing ‘lay’ and architectural years of training took part in the study. The fourth-
evaluation has treated designers as a homogeneous year students at the Southern School and the fifth-
Socialization of Architecture Preference 35

year students at the Northern School were not rep- between the points is inversely proportional to the
resented as they were on their year out in practice. rank order of the associations between the vari-
ables. Thus, the closer together two points are, the
Procedure more highly associated are the variables that they
represent. The ‘goodness of fit’ for the represen-
Each student was interviewed separately. They tation is measured by the coefficient of alienation.
were asked to consider 26 colour photographs of While researchers differ in their opinion of what
contemporary architecture and to classify them constitutes an acceptable level of fit, Donald (1994)
according to their own personal preferences, from suggests 0.2 as an acceptable level, while Donald
those they liked the least to those they liked the and Canter (1990) and Shye et al. (1994) discuss the
most. The categories formed were calibrated against issue of discretion in using the measure at all.
a scale from 0 to 12, where 0 indicated the most pre- In the current analysis, SSA is used to represent
ferred buildings and 12 indicated the least pre- the relationship between each of the 10 variables in
ferred buildings. After they had indicated their pref- the analysis, i.e. the 10 groups of students. The
erences for all of the buildings, they were also asked associations used were Pearson product–moment
to explain why they liked the buildings in the most correlations. The closer together two points are, the
preferred group. more similar were the evaluations of the buildings
made by the two groups of students. By considering
The photographs the relationship between the year groups in terms
of the similarity of their preferences for the build-
The 26 photographs were selected with the help of a ings, it is possible to infer how the length of time
leading architectural educator from his own collec- spent in architectural education at each of the
tion of slides in order to represent as many of the schools has influenced the students’ evaluative
recent developments in architecture as possible. judgements. According to the principles of Facet
The buildings shown in the photographs were Theory, the proposed background facets are shown
mainly designed by well-known architects and rep- to be valid in terms of their influence on architec-
resent a variety of building types. Previous research tural preference if the plot can be partitioned into
has shown that the buildings represent a range of clear regions defined by the facet elements.
stylistic trends in contemporary architecture that The results of the SSA are shown in Fig. 1. The
fall broadly within four main movements: Modern-
ism, Post Modernism, High Tech and Neo-Vernacu-
lar (Wilson & Canter, 1990). Full details of the * Northern
Year 6
buildings can be found in Appendix 1.

The socialization of architectural preference Year 4

For each group of 15 students in the same year of Northern

training at each school of architecture, the average Year 1
* Year 3
preference score for each building was calculated. * * *
Southern Northern Southern
The resulting data matrix has 26 rows of data, each Year 1 Year 2 Year 2
* Southern
corresponding to one of the buildings. The 10 vari- Year 3 *
ables in the analysis represented by 10 columns of
data correspond to the 10 groups of students. The *
Year 5
cells of the matrix contain the mean preference
score for each group for each building.
In order to examine the differences in architec-
tural preference between the student samples, the
data were analysed using Smallest Space Analysis Southern
* Year 6
(SSA-I). Smallest Space Analysis is a nonmetric
MDS technique that represents a number of vari- FIGURE 1. SSA plot of year groups with respect to the students’
ables as points in geometric space. The distance evaluations of the buildings.
36 M. Wilson

coefficient of alienation is 0.1 in three dimensions. This supports the first hypothesis of the study, that
Vectors 1 by 2 are shown. On the left-hand side of professional training in general plays a role in
the plot are the points that represent the two developing a system of evaluative concepts that are
groups of first-year students. The close proximity of applied to architecture. The development of this
these points shows that the two first-year samples system of judgement is comparable in two different
made very similar evaluations of the buildings, schools of architecture. In the first 3 years of train-
despite the fact that they were studying at different ing, the students in each year have remarkably
schools (r=0.83). Indeed, these two groups of similar views of architecture. However, the points
students are more similar to each other than they representing the students in the fourth year at the
are to the second-year students at their respective Southern Schools and the fifth year at the Northern
schools. For the first- and second-year students at School diverge. The analysis shows that, while
the Southern School, r=0.77; for the first- and maintaining a similar change in their evaluation in
second-year students at the Northern School, r= general, with each successive year of training there
0.58. This shows how quickly the students are socia- also develop more differences that can be associated
lized into the values of the profession. First-year with the specific school of architecture at which
architectural students are likely to be rather diff- they are training. The points representing the
erent from a ‘lay’ sample because of their interest in students in the final year of their training at each
and, albeit brief, training in architecture. Neverthe- school are the furthest apart, indicating that it is
less, in this study they represent those with the these students who show the most school-specific
least experience of architectural training and as differences. This supports the second hypothesis of
such are the closest to ‘lay’ opinion. the study. The same process that socializes evalu-
Following each pair of year groups across the plot, ative concepts that are common to the profession as
it is possible to ‘chart’ the differences in architec- a whole is likely also to socialize a specific orien-
tural evaluation that result from the increasing tation in architecture that reflects the ethos of the
length of time spent studying at each school. The particular school of training. It is interesting that
systematic and parallel change in the students’ the point representing the final-year students at the
views in each year of training shows quite clearly Southern School ‘doubles back’ across the plot. This
that architectural education socializes the students means that the final-year students are in some
in a similar way at both schools of architecture. ways more similar to the first-year students than

* Northern
Year 6

Year 4

Year 1 Northern
* Year 3
* Northern * *
Southern Southern
Year 1 Year 2 Year 2
* Southern
Year 3 *

Year 5

* Year 6

FIGURE 2. SSA plot of year groups with respect to the students’ evaluations of the buildings, partitioned according to school and year
of training.
Socialization of Architecture Preference 37

the students in the middle years of training. The resenting the similarities and differences between
partitionings of the plot for the two facets being the buildings with respect to the students’ evalu-
tested are shown in Fig. 2. ations, it is possible to reveal the structure underly-
The results of the first analysis have supported ing the students’ judgements of the buildings.
the two hypotheses of the study, that the evalu- To examine the relationship between the build-
ations made by architectural students systemati- ings with respect to the evaluations made of them,
cally change as a result of architectural education in full data for the 150 students’ judgements were
general, and that each particular school of architec- used. The 26 buildings were used as variables for
ture is likely to have an influence on the particular SSA and are therefore represented as the points
orientation of the students’ evaluative judgements. in the SSA plot. The closer together two buildings
are, the more similarly they are likely to have
A model of architectural preference been judged across the whole student sample,
whether that is positively or negatively. Pearson
The third aim of the study was to examine what product–moment correlations were used to generate
underlies architects’ evaluations of the buildings. the association matrix.
Content analysis of the students’ explanations for This visual representation of the structure of
appreciating the buildings they did revealed a num- judgements allows the researcher to discover
ber of criteria for their evaluations. The principal whether there are any similarities or differences
criteria cited were the construction or the materials between the buildings that might account for the
used, the way in which the building addresses its similarity in the judgements made about them. If
function, the theoretical ideas behind the design, the students were using the many and varied
the form or scale of the building, contextual fit and criteria that they reported in order to base their
the account the building takes of the user. evaluations of the buildings, it might be expected
Thus it can be seen that there are many different that the buildings would be distributed randomly in
reasons given for why a building is appreciated. the space. However, the resulting SSA plot, shown
However, the use of SSA allows an empirical analy- in Fig. 3, shows a very clear stylistic structure
sis of what underlies preference judgements with- underlying architectural preference. The two-
out reliance on verbal feedback. By visually rep- dimensional solution has a coefficient of alienation
of 0.2.
Figure 3 below shows that the buildings can be
partitioned according to the four main styles of
Post Modern architecture: Modernism, Post Modernism, Neo-
Vernacular and High Tech. The model suggests, for
architectural students, preferences are likely to be
very predictable within the four stylistic move-
ments. If a student likes one particular Post Modern
building in the set, for example, it is likely that he
or she will also like the other examples. The model
also predicts that if the majority of buildings liked
are within one stylistic region of the plot, there may
High Tech also be preferred buildings from an adjacent region,
but it is most unlikely that there will be buildings
from the opposite region. Thus if a student is an
admirer of Neo-Vernacular architecture, there may
also be certain Post Modern buildings and/or certain
Modern buildings that also appeal, but it is very
unlikely that he or she will appreciate High Tech
architecture as well.

Style and education

The results have shown that changes do occur in the

FIGURE 3. SSA plot of buildings with respect to 150 students’
evaluative judgements, partitioned according to architectural students’ evaluative judgements as a result of the
style. length of time spent in architectural education, and
38 M. Wilson

that the students’ judgements are structured Modern architect Terry Farrell. With each success-
according to architectural style. The final section of ive year at the Northern School, the mean prefer-
the results considers the differences in judgement ence score for these buildings decreases, indicating
between the students at each school with respect to increasing preference for each group of students. At
the specific buildings used in the study. Examin- the Southern School, the opposite is true, with each
ation of the mean preference score for each building successive year liking these buildings less.
across the years of study shows which buildings With respect to Modern architecture, Figs 6 and 7
become more or less well thought of by the students show the students’ average preference score for the
at each school. The results show that the difference Rational style of Eisenman and Rossi. These build-
between the two schools can be accounted for by the ings are not appreciated by the students at the
students’ views of Modern and Post Modern Northern School, represented by high average pref-
architecture. erence scores across all the years. In contrast, the
Figures 4 and 5 show contrasting changes in the students in the later years at the Southern School
students’ evaluation of the work of the British Post rate these architects’ work quite highly.

Average preference score

1 2 3 4/5 6
Year of training

FIGURE 4. Average preference scores for TVAM for each year group at both schools. (–j–) Northern School; (–◆–) Southern School.

Average preference score

1 2 3 4/5 6
Year of training

FIGURE 5. Average preference score for Clifton Nurseries for each year group at both schools. (–j–) Northern School; (–◆–) Southern
Socialization of Architecture Preference 39

Evidence from case studies suggests that these contented with the original design that she had
preferences are reflected in the students’ designs. redone the project. The same elevation of the new
An interesting example was provided by one of the design is shown in Fig. 9. This particular student
final-year students at the Southern School. This provided an opportunity to illustrate how the
student had completed her undergraduate training specific orientation of the school of architecture can
at a different school and had transferred to the influence the students’ architectural preferences
Southern School to complete the post-graduate and subsequently the way in which they design.
diploma. One of the elevations from the first design Finally, the results of the first SSA showed that
she did during the fifth year at the Southern School the final-year students at both schools of architec-
is shown in Fig. 8. At the time of the interviews for ture were similar in some way in their evaluations
this study, the student was nearing completion of to the first-year students. Examination of the mean
the sixth and final year of her training. During the preference scores for specific buildings reveals an
time she spent at the Southern School, her views on interesting pattern. At both schools of architecture,
design had changed a great deal and she was so dis- the buildings that the first- and final-year students


Average preference score


1 2 3 4/5 6
Year of training

FIGURE 6. Average preference score for House VI for each year group at both schools. (–j–) Northern School; (–◆–) Southern School.


Average preference score


1 2 3 4/5 6
Year of training

FIGURE 7. Average preference score for Galleratese 2 Apartment Complex for each year group at both schools. (–j–) Northern
School; (–◆–) Southern School.
40 M. Wilson

FIGURE 8. Elevation from the original design.

both rate highly are the same, i.e. the Neo-Vernacu- more global within a department, for example
lar buildings Butterworth House and Wivenhoe through selection or self-selection of the staff.
Park (Figs 10 and 11). These buildings gained The results have shown that, for architectural
approval from the first-year students, were rejected students, the underlying structure of architectural
by the students in the middle of their training and preference is based on architectural style. Despite
were ‘re-discovered’ by the final-year students. the variety of other seemingly ‘objective’ concepts
used by the students to explain their choice of pre-
ferred buildings, the results show a very predictable
Discussion pattern to architectural preferences based on the
four main stylistic movements currently in vogue.
The results of SSA support the hypothesis that the This structure is virtually identical to that estab-
period of training in schools of architecture system- lished to underlie the conceptualization of architec-
atically instills an evaluative system characteristic ture based on nonevaluative concepts (Wilson &
of the profession. The students at both schools have Canter, 1990). Not only do architects use stylistic
comparable views of the buildings dependent on the classifications to organize their understanding of
length of time spent in education. Furthermore, architecture, but these results indicate that this
specific differences exist between the students’ eval- same conceptual structure is also used to make ‘sub-
uative judgements that are associated with the par- jective’ judgements in terms of personal preference.
ticular school they attend, and these differences are Content analysis of the students’ rationales for
more pronounced for students who are in the last 2 preference revealed many possible explanations of
years of training. why a building should be judged good or bad. The
Therefore it appears that architects are ‘taught concept that was most rarely applied to their judge-
what to like’. It would be of interest to future ments was architectural style, although this is
research to consider whether the school-specific clearly the basis for their judgements. This suggests
influence comes from one or two dominant view- that the students are either unaware that, or
points within a school, or whether the orientation is unwilling to state that, architectural style deter-
Socialization of Architecture Preference 41

West elevation

FIGURE 9. Elevation from the new design.

Average preference score

1 2 3 4/5 6
Year of training

FIGURE 10. Average preference score for Wivenhoe Park for each year group at both schools. (–j–) Northern School; (–◆–) Southern

mines their evaluate judgements. It is possible that another student may say the exact same of a
the rationale given for their preferences are those wooden Neo-Vernacular building.
concepts that actually define the styles. However, Examination of the content of the evaluative
the same rationales are often presented in defence judgements shows that for these two schools of
of, or to disparage, quite opposite stylistic move- architecture, the school-specific differences between
ments. For example, while one student might the students center on their opinions of Modern and
believe that a concrete Modern building is made of Post Modern architecture. The results also showed
honest materials and will ‘stand the test of time’, that, with respect to Neo-Vernacular architecture,
42 M. Wilson

Average preference score


1 2 3 4/5 6
Year of training

FIGURE 11. Average preference score for Butterworth House for each year group at both schools. (–j–) Northern School; (–◆–)
Southern School.

there is some agreement between students at the References

outset of their training and those nearing com-
pletion. If students in their first year of training are Blau, J. (1980). A framework of meaning in architecture.
In G. Broadbent, R. Brunt & C. Jencks, Eds, Signs,
considered to be the most similar to nonarchitects in Symbols and Architecture. London: John Wiley &
their judgements, this suggests that it is Neo-Ver- Sons.
nacular architecture, rather than Post Modernism, Canter, D. (1969). An intergroup comparison of connota-
as Jencks (1977) suggests, that has the potential to tive dimensions in architecture. Environment and
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Devlin, K. (1990). An examination of architectural
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train architects who appreciate and design different Edwards, M. (1974). Comparison of some expectations of
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the environment will be maintained. Rather than Canter & T. Lee, Eds, Pscyhology and the Built
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restricting designers to styles that the users already Groat, L. (1982). Meaning in Post Modern architecture:
understand, environmental education for nonarchi- an examination using the multiple sorting task.
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Radleigh: North Carolina State University,
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The author would like to thank Geoffrey Broadbent ture. London: Academy Editions.
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tectural Press.
students and staff at both schools of architecture,
Leff, H. S. & Deutch, P. S. (1974). Construing the physical
and Nicky in particular for providing copies of her environment: differences between environmental pro-
designs. fessionals and lay persons. In W. Preiser, Ed.,
Socialization of Architecture Preference 43

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ture: a study of architectural heroes. In H. Pamir, V.
Imamoglu & N. Teymur, Eds, Culture, Space, History,
Volume 5. Ankara: METU, pp. 43–54.

Appendix 1: Building Details

(1) Foster Associates, Sainsbury Centre for Visual

Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk,
U.K. 1975–78.
(2) Philip Johnson/Burgee Architects. AT&T
Building, New York City, U.S.A. 1978.
(3) Richard Meier. Museum für Kunsthandwerk,
Frankfurt, West Germany.
(4) Michael Graves. Public Service Building,
Portland, Oregan, U.S.A. 1980.
(5) Taft Architects. Municipal Control Building,
Quail Valley Utility District, Missouri City, Texas,
U.S.A. 1978–80.
(6) Robert Venturi. Addition to Carol M. Newman (8).
Library, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg,
Virginia, U.S.A. 1970.
(7) Terry Farrell. Clifton Nurseries, Covent
Garden, London, U.K. 1981.
(8) Terry Farrell. TVAM, Camden, London, U.K.
(9) Richardo Bofil. Le Theatre, Ville Nouvelle of
Marne-la-Vallee, France. 1979–83.
(10) Mario Botta. House, Viganello. 1980–81.
(11) Quinlan Terry. Wivenhoe Park, Essex, U.K.
(12) François Spoerry. Port Grimaud, France,
(13) Mies Van der Rohe. School of Architecture,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, U.S.A.
1962. (11).
44 M. Wilson


(18) Claude Megson. Wood Street Townhouses,

Freemans Bay, Auckland, New Zealand. 1974–75.
(19) Claude Megson. Todd House, Rama Rama,
(14). Auckland, New Zealand. 1969.
(20) Le Corbusier. Notre-Dame-du-Haut,
Ronchamp, France. 1950–54.
(21) Mies van der Rohe. Seagram Building, New
York, U.S.A. 1958.
(22) Moore, Perez Associates, Inc., UIG and Ron
Filson. Piazza d’Italia, New Orleans, Louisiana,
U.S.A. 1975–80.
(23) Peter Eisenman. House VI, Connecticut,
U.S.A. 1977.
(24) Turner Brooks. Butterworth House,
Starksboro, Vermont, U.S.A. 1973.
(25) Alvar Aalto. Church of Vuoksenniska, Imatra,
Finland. 1957–59.
(23). (26) Ricardo Bofil and Taller de Arquitectura. La
Muralla Roja, Calpe, Spain. 1969–83.

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