Erosion Testing of Refractories - A New Testing Procedure PDF

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ELSEVIER Wear186187(1995)215-223

Erosion testing of refractories-a new testing procedure

Ulf Engman
Studrvik Material AB, S-611 82 NY&ping, Sweden


Earlier testing of coarse-grain refractories performed at this laboratory, to simulate fluidised bed wastage, have shown that steady-state
erosion was difficult to achieve during short test periods. Prolonged testing was therefore needed. To shorten the test periods, a new testing
procedure was elaborated. The samples are first pre-eroded at ambient temperature to reduce the effect of the initial non-steady-state behaviour.
Then measurement of steady-state erosion takes place in the true (high temperature) environment.
The time needed for pre-erosion and subsequent true environment testing is determined by the size and distance of the hard grains in the
refractory according to a simple model.
The test procedure was used on four ceramic materials; a refractory brick, two castable refractories and a special ceramic. A metallic
material was used for equipment calibration.
The results show that pre-erosion removes most of the initial non-steady-state behaviour. Subsequent measurements in a true environment,
with a particle velocity of 40 m s- ’ and a temperature of 800 “C, show that 3 h of exposure results in steady-state erosion at perpendicular
impingement. At an oblique (30”) angle more test time is needed to obtain steady state.

Keywords: Erosion; Refractories;Ceramics; Fluidised beds

1. Introduction on the test time [ 11. In order to obtain information on the

technically important steady-state erosion a steady-state sur-
face condition has to be obtained. The conclusion was that a
A fluidised bed consists of particles which are elevated,
suitable minimum wastage to obtain steady-state erosion was
fluidised, by a vertical gas flow. The fluidisation process
needed and this corresponds to a material removal depth in
causes a fierce circulation of the particles which consists of
the order of the maximum grain size of the material.
sand, fuel, ashes and sometimes calcium carbonate. This cir-
In the present work the structure properties, i.e. grain sizes
culation is beneficial for uniform combustion at a low tem-
and distances between adjacent grains, are used to determine
perature with high rates of heat transfer. But high wear,
the minimum erosion needed to obtain steady-state erosion.
predominantly erosion, of the construction materials may
The goal was to shorten the test time at high temperature. The
arise owing to the impingement of sand and/or ashes.
reproducibility of the test procedure was controlled by testing
Refractories in fluidised beds are often damaged by ero-
three different specimens of the same material.
sion. To limit the maintenance costs and the risk of unplanned
outages, resistant materials are needed. While no standard-
ized methods for determining the lifetime in fluidised beds
exists Studsvik Material has developed and built a high tem- 2. Test model
perature test equipment to make tests in simulated fluidised
bed environments. 2.1. Erosion model for heterogeneous ceramics
Refractory linings in a circulating fluidised bed are found
in the lower parts where the particle bed is most dense, at the A simple model of the time dependent erosion of hetero-
combustor top and in the cyclone where the particle separa- geneous ceramics is described below. The original idea of the
tion takes place. The primary causes of failure of refractory model came from a geometric model which described the
linings are disintegration due to thermal and/or mechanical shadowing effect where the aggregate grains protect the
stresses, erosion and anchor failure. This work only deals cement phase [2]. The erosion wastage as a function of
with erosion. Earlier erosion testing performed at this labo- impingement angle and grain size/distance was modelled and
ratory have shown that the wastage rate was much dependent as in the present model the aggregate grains were approxi-

0043-1648/95/$09.50 0 1995Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

216 UlfEngman/ Wear 186-187 (1995) 215-223

mated by spheres and the wastage rate was proportional to exposed to erosion. The course of wastage of the model mate-
the area of exposed cement phase. rial, shown in Fig. 1, is given in Fig. 2 by using f?= 0”.
The reason for the present model is our laboratory expe- Different regions with different wastage rates are obtained:
rience of scattering in steady-state erosion which may be the Region a Pure cement phase erosion, wastage rate
result of the coarse structure in the refractories and, in relation (slope) = 1;
to the structure, small samples and limited erosion wastage. Region b Decreasing slope when the grains becomes
A model material with sparse grain distribution and fixed more and more exposed to erosion and less
grain size and distance is assumed, see Fig. 1. The grain cement phase is eroded;
distance is set to 2 length units. Region c Constant slope with grains protecting a fixed
The wastage rate of the heterogeneous material is summed part of the surface;
up by wastage of cement, wastage of grains and by loss of Region d Grain loss which give a vertical slope.
grains. The present model assumes that the wastage of grains Thus erosion testing of a heterogeneous material may give
is negligible. As the cement phase is eroded the grains will different results depending on the region in which the testing
protrude out of the surface and shadow or protect the cement takes place. In order to obtain a good average, the testing
phase. When grain loss occurs more cement phase will be must reach a depth where the measured average wastage rate
is almost independent of these region variations. An estimate
of the error in wastage rate has been made by drawing two
parallel straight lines in Fig. 2 (not shown) which connects
either the lowest or the highest points of the curve. The error
dependence of the wastage depth is found by connecting these
two lines by another line which determines the worst case
deviation from the average slope. An error in wastage rate of
less than +5% will according to this procedure demand a
wastage depth d of at least 4.3 length units.
As realized from Fig. 1 the wastage rate results are also
dependent of the area of the sample to obtain a good average.
A rough estimate of this area demand was made by inscribing
squares of different sizes in a model material of Fig. 1 (not
shown). Thus the cement phase fraction, which determines
the wastage, can be plotted as a function of the square size
according to Fig. 3, where straight lines connect the calcu-
lated values for integer side lengths. To decrease the cement
fraction variations to less than &5%, the side length of the
Fig. 1. Two dimensional model of an eroded heterogeneous material with square has to be at least 4 length units.
circular grams with a radius R and a distance 2 length units between the
grains. The sample model has a length L and is cut at an angle 0 against the
Altogether the area and depth demands means that a min-
main grain line. The original sample surface is shown by the broken line. imum volume must be penetrated by erosion. The minimum
The thick line shows the sample shape at the wastage depth, d. volume demand thus becomes 4 X 4 X 4.3 = 70 volume units

Cumulative wastage Fraction of the cement phase

7 I,0

08 -

0,4 -

Minimum depth, 4.3
,,,,,,,, ,, ( , ,

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 2 4 6 8 IO
Wastage depth, d Sample size (side length of a square)
Fig. 2. Cumulative wastage as a function of wastage depth, d. The minimum Fig. 3. The fraction of the cement phase as a function of sample size (the
wastage depth demand, d= 4.3, is illustrated. side length of a square). The minimum size demand 4 is illustrated.
lJlfEngman/Wearl%-187(1995)215-223 217

which may be translated to real dimensions if the grain dis- 3. Experimental details
tances of the material ( = 2 length units) are known. The
volume demand of 70 is probably the worst case because of 3.1. Materials
the choice of 8= O”,see Fig. 1.
Four ceramic materials were chosen for the present test
2.2. Initial erosion method study. These four commercial materials are examples
of different types of materials, a refractory brick, two castable
The initial erosion rate of ceramics is usually high, but refractories of which one had a silicon carbide addition, and
subsequently decreases [ 1,3]. In the simple model above no a silicon infiltrated silicon carbide. These ceramics are
initial behaviour is found. An explanation may be that the denoted A, B, C and D respectively. Furthermore a heat
erosion process in reality results in an upward sloping cement resistant steel, denoted E, was used as a reference material
surface close to the grains, instead of a horizontal cement for equipment calibration. A material description is given in
surface as shown in Fig. 1, owing to some protection from Table 1 where type of material, composition, porosity and
the grain itself. The reason may be that the cement in the density are given.
vicinity of the grains can only be hit by one side of the eroding The sample dimension of materials A, B and C were
particles which results in a low wastage. This effect makes 40x25~15 mm with an eroded area of 1000 mm2 at 90”
grain loss more difficult, more grains are kept on the surface impingement angle, and 50x25~15 mm with an eroded area
and the relative amount of cement will become less than is of 1250 mm* at 30” impingement angle, respectively. For
described by the model above. Thus initially a decreasing materials D and E half size samples were acceptable owing
wastage is seen. to their fine grain structure. The castables B and C where heat
The initial wastage amount to reach a steady-state surface treated at 1000 “C and 850 “Crespectively before testing. The
topography depend on the structure size or grain size of the surface conditions of the ceramics were as delivered with a
material but probably also on the erosion parameters, e.g. smooth cut surface. The metallic sample, E, was ground with
impinging particle size, shape and velocity. Our earlier results a 1000 mesh emery paper. Before each weighing the samples
confirms that an average wastage depth corresponding to at were ultrasonically washed with ethanol, dried at 120 “C and
least half the grain size of the material is sufficient to reach cooled in an desiccator. The accuracy of the mass loss meas-
steady state [ 11. urements has been f 0.1 mg.

2.3. Test procedure 3.2. Test equipment

The proposed procedure to perform steady-state erosion The high temperature erosion test rig is schematically illus-
wastage measurements based on the discussion above is the trated in Fig. 4 and is similar to the erosion equipment used
following: at the National Bureau of Standards [ 41. The eroding parti-
(a> Pre-erosion of the sample at a high particle velocity at cles are fed by a rotary vane feeder to the combined nozzle
ambient temperature to reduce the initial erosion behav- and burner. The particle system is pressurized with air and
iour. That is to shape the sample surface to a topography the particles are accelerated through an alumina nozzle. The
which characterizes steady-state erosion. The pre-ero- nozzle is surrounded by a cylindrical propane burner which
sion should be at least to a depth of half the grain size. besides heat gives a combustion gas environment. An elec-
(b) Measurement of steady-state erosion in the true envi- trically heated tube furnace serve as a mixing and combustion
ronment, that is with the real particle velocity and tem- tube and also for the temperature stabilization of the target/
perature. A certain sample volume should be penetrated specimen which is positioned inside the tube. At the specimen
to obtain reliable results. This volume demand is about position, 400 mm below the nozzle, the particles are evenly
70 volume units where the grain distance is defined as distributed all over the cross-section of the tube. The speci-
2 length units. This measurement should be repeated men temperature was measured on its lower face by a ther-
until steady state is obtained. mocouple.
Table 1
Material description

Designation Type of material Composition (wt.%) Open porosity (%) Bulk density (kg rnm3)

Alumina brick based on andalusite 59%Al,O, + 39%SiOz 14 2500

Refractory castable based on mullite, 79%A120, + 16%Si02 + CaO ? 2750
hydraulic bonding
Refractory castable with Sic grain 48%SiC + 35%Al,O, + Y%CaO + 6%SiOI 10-15 2800
Silicon-infiltrated silicon carbide > 88%SiC + < 12%Si 0 3100
Austenitic heat-resistant steel 2l%Cr+ll%Ni+Fe 0 7800
218 Ulf Engman / Wear 186-187 (1995) 215-223

4. Results

4.1. Erosion wastage demands

The grain size and distance should be determined in order

to know the pre-erosion and measurement demands according
to Section 2. This information were gained by studying
eroded surfaces with protruding grains. Different grain sizes
were found but data on numerous big grains were used. The
results are given in Table 2 together with the resulting wast-
age demands. Material A has some big grains, 3-5 mm, which
have been neglected. In material D a grain size and distance
of 0.1 mm was assumed which certainly is an overestimation
to obtain safe demands.

4.2. Reproducibility
Fig. 4. Propane-fired erosion-corrosion rig PEKA.
The first pre-erosion results showed very large deviations,
up to a factor 3, between different samples of the same mate-
The velocity of the eroding particles was set by regulating
rial. Less but still too much deviation was found at measure-
the pressure drop over the nozzle and was intermittently
ment conditions. These results could be related to different
measured at the specimen position using a rotating double-
amounts of nozzle wear which is known to influence the
disc technique [ 51.
particle distribution [6]. A more worn nozzle probably
results in less direct particle impacts on a sample.
3.3. Testparameters The erosivity of the test rig at measurement conditions
(800 “C, 40 m s - ‘) was correlated to the nozzle wear using
All experiments were performed using angular alumina the reference steel E. This wear is indirectly quantified by the
particles as erodent. The average particle diameter was total flow of alumina particles through the nozzle. A straight
0.26 mm with 98% of the particles in the interval 0.18- line fit based on these results determines the nozzle efficiency
0.36 mm. The particle velocity during pre-erosion at 20 “C and was used to recalculate the particle dose that hit the
was 70ms- ‘. The steady-state measurements were per- samples. Using this straight line particle dose correction on
formed at 800 “C with a particle velocity of 40 m s-i during the wastage results of reference steel E the deviation or repro-
3 h intervals. The choice of this rather severe erosion envi- ducibility became f 1.8%. This resulting deviation reflects
ronment compared with fluidised bed application was made the differences in the material as well as non-controlled var-
to be able to investigate the proposed test procedure in a short iations in the erosion environment and the measurement
time. Using alumina instead of sand, as used in fluidised beds, errors.
may affect the relative wear rates and rankings of the mate-
rials. Particle impingement angles of 90” and 30” were used 4.3. Wastage results
and the particle dose rate depending on the angle was
1000 kgm-* h-‘and500 kg mu2 h-‘respectively.Thetest The word wastage includes erosive wear but also other
was repeated on three different samples of each material to wastage mechanisms which may arise owing to the elevated
determine the reproducibility of the measurement. temperature. Operating temperature also influences the ero-

Table 2
Demands on amount of wastage

Material Grain size and distance Pre-erosion demands Measurement demands

2R (mm) D (mm) Rp (kg m-‘) RPA (g) Rti (g) 7Ow213~ w 70[D/213pA (kg m-*)

90” 30” 90” 30”

A 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.9 0.18 0.18 0.14

B 2.0 2.5 2.8 2.8 3.4 0.38 0.38 0.30
C 1.8 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.2 0.20 0.20 0.16
D 0.1 0.1 0.16 0.07 0.10 0.00003 0.00006 0.00005

p= density, A =eroded surface.

UlfEngman/ Wear 186-187 (1995) 215-223 219

decrease in all cases from the first to the second measurement

suggesting that steady state has not been reached. The mean
value and deviation of the wastage rate measurements
T 3

j (2X3=6) are 1220&70p,ggP’ or 55.4% for 90” and
75Ok80 p,g g-1 or _I 10.9% for 30” impingement angle.
Thus the wastage rate is lower at 30” impingement which is
a general result in this investigation and is as expected for
erosion of brittle materials like ceramics [ 2,3]. The relative
deviation is twice as high at 30” impingement that at 90”
which may be explained by the lower wastage and thus more
uncertain averages. Thus longer test times are needed at
oblique angles.
The appearance of two samples of material A after high
Fig. 5. Rates of wastage vs. wastage for six samples of material A at 90
temperature erosion are shown in Fig. 6. The samples have
(filled symbols) and 30” (opensymbols) impingement angle. Demands on
pre-erosion and measurement are shown. been eroded either at 90”or 30”impingement angle. A surface
with protruding 0.5-l mm grains are shown. The surface of
sive wear of refractories [ 241. The erosion results are illus- the 30” sample shows traces parallel to the long side which
trated in the following figures for the different materials as is in the direction of the impinged particles. These traces seem
wastage rate vs. wastage. The wastage rate of a sample is to arise owing to shadowing of the cement phase by protrud-
given by the weight ratio between wastage and particle dose. ing grains and traces are created aside of the hard grains.
The amount of pre-erosion is given as wastage of the material
and is illustrated by a horizontal movement of the measure-
ment lines. At least two measurements were made for each 4.3.2. Refractory castable B
sample and the results are illustrated as horizontal lines which As for material A the sample results of material B, as shown
determine the average wastage rate at a certain wastage inter- in Fig. 7, are similar and also here with one exception a
val or wastage depth in the material. Measurements were decrease from the first to the second measurement is found.
made on three samples of each material at the two impinge- The 30”impingement results show that increasingpre-erosion
ment angles 90“ and 30”. The wastage demands of pre-erosion gives a lower decrease from the first to the second measure-
and measurement demands as shown in Table 2 are dependent ment. Also the wastage rates become lower at higher
on the impingement angle but owing to the minor difference pre-erosion and both these findings seem to motivate a higher
the highest demand (90”) is illustrated. pre-erosion demand. The mean value and deviation of the
4.3.1. Refractory brick A wastage rate measurements are 525 & 32 pg g - ’ or + 6.1%
The wastage results of material A, at both 90” and 30 for 90”and 356 f 59 p,g g g ’or + 16.6% for 30”impingement
impingement angle, are shown in Fig. 5. The wastage rate angle. As above for material A there is a lower wastage rate
results are similar for the independent samples but show a and a larger deviation at 30” than at 90” impingement. The

90” 10 mm 30”

Fig. 6. Pictures of eroded samples of material A both from above and in profile with the eroded surface upwards. To the left 90”and to the right 30”impingement
angle with the eroding particles coming from the right.
220 Ulf Engman / Wear 186-187 (1995) 215-223

pretreated at 850 “C for 16 h. Extra measurements were made

to obtain steady-state conditions.
SC0 + If the first measurements of the samples are not considered,

1 the mean value and deviation of the wastage rate measure-
ments are 140 + 26 ug g-i or + 18.3% for 90” and
106 k 20 pg g- ’or _+ 18.7% for 30” impingement angle. As
3oo t
above a higher wastage rate at 90” than at 30” impingement
Preerosion demand
ZOO- angle is found but the deviations are equal and large. Further
measurements would probably give more stable results and
thus less deviations.
The pictures in Fig. 10 show a surface with protruding
black Sic grains which are bound together by a white cement
phase. These grains are much more erosion resistant than the
Fig. 7. Rates of wastage vs. wastage for six samples of material B at 90”
cement phase. As in material A and B traces can be seen on
(filled symbols) and 30” (open symbols) impingement angle. Demands on
pre-erosion and measurement are shown. the 30” sample. The shadowing effect is easily seen by look-
ing at a 30” sample either in the particle direction where
results seem to motivate a much higher pre-erosion at 30” almost only black grains are seen or in the other direction
impingement which will lower the deviation. where about half the surface is white owing to the protected
The appearance of two samples of material B, eroded at cement phase.
90” and 30”, are shown in Fig. 8. Both black and white grains
are protruding out of the surface. The surface is more
4.3.4. Special ceramic D
smoothly curved around the grains than in material A and
The wastage results of material D are shown in Fig. 11.
some pores exists which results in cavities on the eroded
The measurement demand is in this case too small to be
surface. Traces due to shadowing are seen on the 30” sample.
illustrated. For two of the 90” samples there is a pronounced
The erosion resistance of the cement phase is clearly better
decrease in wastage rate between the first and the second
in material B than in A.
measurement. The third sample shows an unchanged wastage
rate. Omitting the first measurements the three other meas-
4.3.3. Refractory castable C urements give a wastage rate and deviation of 54 f 3 p,g g - ’
A dramatic decrease in wastage rate of material C was or f 6.0%. One of the 30” samples has a higher wastage rate
found from the first to the second measurement for all six than the other two and this difference is probably due to
samples, see Fig. 9. At oblique impingement the decrease is chipping during sample demounting. The other two times
even more pronounced than at perpendicular. This behaviour two measurements gives a wastage rate and deviation of
can hardly be explained by a tempering process which causes 7.2 5~0.3 kg g-i or +4.5%. Material D has a homogeneous
chemical transformation since the samples have already been structure and thus an almost even wastage is obtained as seen

Fig. 8. Pictures of eroded samples of material B both from above and in profile with the eroded surface upwards. To the left 90”and to the right 30“impingement
angle with the eroding particles coming from the right.
lJlfEngman/Wear186-187(1995)215-223 221

5.1. Steady-state wastage

The wastage rates obtained at certain wastage levels or

depths are given in the results above. The prevailing tendency
500 with some exceptions is a decreasing wastage rate from the
400 first to the second measurement, which indicates a non-
steady-state behaviour. One explanation may be the aggres-
sive pre-erosion treatment at 70 m s - ’particle velocity might
create defects or weakenings on the surface caused by differ-
ent wear mechanisms. To remove these defects wastage at
measurement condition may be needed. However, some of
the pre-eroded surfaces have been observed by light and scan-
ning electron microscopy (not mentioned above) but any
Fig. 9. Rates of wastage vs. wastage for six samples of material C at 90”
(filled symbols) and 30” (open symbols) impingement angle. Demands on crack@g on the surface was not found. To circumvent this
pre-erosion and measurement are shown. problem pre-erosion at measurement conditions could be
used but then the experiment has to be run for a long time at
in Fig. 12. The surface becomes somewhat rougher after high temperature. The incubation period is although not a
erosion and some profiling can be seen. significant part of the design life in service which is realized
by considering that the used lining thicknesses may be of the
order of 10 cm.
The wastage rate results are summarized in Table 3 where
5. Discussion also the heat resistant steel is shown as a comparison. Table
3 shows the number of samples and measurements on which
No comparison is made here of the wastage rates of the the averages and deviations are based, the wastage interval
different materials. The objective of this work has been to in which the measurements were made, wastage rate and
examine the test procedure to answer the following questions: deviation and finally another parameter called tendency
0 Does the test procedure give correct results on steady-state which is defined as the average change in wastage rate
wastage of heterogeneous ceramics? between the last two measurements. The results for material
0 How large is the deviation of the measurements on each A and B at 90” impingement angle and for material D at both
material? This will determine the number of samples angles are probably close to steady state because the deviation
needed. and tendency are low (except for material D at 90’). Material
To evaluate the second question the deviations caused by A and B at 30” impingement show larger deviations and
limitations of the test equipment must be known. According tendencies than at 90”. More test time is probably needed to
to the results above the deviation is less than 1.8% when improve the results. Material C has a dramatic decrease in
compensation is made for a changing nozzle efficiency. wastage rate from the first to the second measurement. More

Fig. 10. Pictures of eroded samples of material C both from above and in profile with the eroded surface upwards. To the left 90”and to the right 30”impingement
angle with the eroding particles coming from the right.
222 Ulf Engman / Wear 186-187 (1995) 215-223

ation and tendency results often are low or about 5%. Fur-
thermore the tendency is almost always less than the deviation
which makes extra measurements doubtful. More measure-
ments are however needed at oblique angles and if the mate-
rials are more erosion resistant to lower the deviation and

5.2. Deviation within the same material

Different results obtained from sample to sample may also

be interpreted as too low measurement demands. Variations
Fig. 11.Rates of wastage vs. wastage for six samples of material D at 90”
in the structure may be larger than the one which is estimated
(filled symbols) and 30” (open symbols) impingement angle. Demands on
pm-erosion are shown. by using grain sizes and distances. The deviations are given
in Table 3 and they are also influenced by the measurement
errors of the equipment which were f 1.8%.
Material A and B at 90” impingement has deviations
around 5%. Owing to this quite small deviation it should be
enough within reasonable accuracy to test only one sample
with the proposed test strategy. Testing at 30” impingement
of these materials results in a larger deviation which probably
is caused by less wastage and thus more uncertain results.
Material C has a large deviation at both impingement
angles although extra measurements were made.
Material D has as well as the reference material E a homo-
geneous fine grain structure and the absolute deviation is low
and about the same for both materials. The wastage of mate-
Fig. 12. Pictures of eroded samples of material D both from above and in rial D is much lower than E which results in a larger relative
profile with the eroded surface upwards. To the left 90”and to the right 30”
deviation for D.
impingement angle with the eroding particles coming from the right.
The deviation results above thus show that measurements
measurements were therefore made and the wastage results according to the proposed test procedure on one sample of
are not based on the first measurement. Yet there is a high each material of these coarse grain materials should be suf-
deviation and tendency. ficient to obtain reasonable accuracy at perpendicular impact.
To conclude the discussion on steady state, the results show Oblique angled and erosion resistant materials need longer
that steady-state wastage is usually obtained because the devi- test times.

Table 3
Summary of wastage results

Material Angle Number of Number of Wastage Wastage rate Deviation (%) Tendency (%)
(deg) samples measurements (kg m-‘) (CLgg-l)

Refractory brick 90 3 6 2.4-l .2 1220.0 f 70 5.4 -5.0

A 30 3 6 2.5-5 750.0 f 80 10.9 -8.2

Refractory 90 3 6 4.8-10 525.0 f 32 6.1 -2.2

castable B 30 3 6 3.3-10 356.0f59 16.6 -11.5

Refractory 90 3 6 3.4-7 140.0 f 26 18.3 -3.5

castable C 30 3 5 3.7-6 106.0*20 18.7 -21

Special ceramic 90 3 3 0.5-0.7 54.0*3 6.0 -20

D 30 2 4 0.3 7.2rtO.3 4.5 -3.4

Heat-resistant 90 2 16 0.9-4.2 148.5 f 2.6 1.8 0

steel E 30 3 3 0.6-1.1 142.0 f 3 2.1
Ulf Engman / Wear 186-187 (1995) 215-223 223

6. Conclusions This work was sponsored by the Thermal Engineering

Research Institute and the Board for Non-nuclear Research
A low deviation, i.e. a good reproducibility + 1.8%, was at Studsvik. The author wish to thank Leif Berglin, ABB Stal,
obtained in the erosion test equipment PEKA provided that Jan Stider, Stockholm Energy, Stig-Bjijm Westberg, Vatten-
a changing nozzle efficiency is taken into consideration. fall Utveckling and Eric Hgggblom, Studsvik Material for
The test procedure using pre-erosion at ambient tempera- useful discussions during this work.
ture followed by two measurements at true environment seem
to result in accurate results on steady-state wastage with the
erosion parameters and materials used. But for almost all
ceramic samples there is a tendency of decreasing erosion References
wastage which is more pronounced at oblique angles. Longer
test times or extra measurements are probably needed at [ 11 U. Engman, Results from high temperature erosion of ceramics, in KC.
oblique angles. Ludema (ed.), WearofMaterials 1983, ASME, New York, p. 319.
The deviation in results between different samples of the [2] S.M. Wiederhom, Erosion of ceramics, in A.V. Levy (ed.), Proc.
same material are less than 10% and thus reproducible results Corrosion/Erosion of Coal Conversion System Materials, NACE,
are obtained for the tested ceramics. Testing of several sam- Houston, TX, 1979. p. 444.
[3] W.T. Bakker, M. Liebhard and D. Brekke, Erosion of refractories in
ples of the same material is therefore not necessary. The CFBC’s; Effect of bed materials and refractory properties; A laboratory
deviation in results seem to be angle dependent and is larger study, in Fluidized Bed Combustion, Vol. 2, ASME, New York, 1993,
at 30” than at 90” impingement, probably owing to less ero- p. 955.
sion wastage at oblique angle which results in more uncertain [4] S.M. Wiederhom and DE. Roberts, A technique to investigate high
results. temperature erosion of refractories, Ceram. Bull., 55 (1976) 185.
[5] A.W. Ruff and L.K. Ives, Measurement of solid particle velocity in
However, the main conclusion is that the equipment and erosive wear, Wear, 35 (1975) 195.
testing procedure are useful for obtaining steady-state wast- [6] P.H. Shipway and I.M. Hutchings, Influence of nozzle roughness on
age results of heterogeneous ceramics. conditions in a gas-blast erosion rig, Wear, 162-164 (1993) 148.

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