Rhetorical Analysis Final Paper

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Running head Rhetorical Analysis 1

Rhetorical Analysis

Addiction in the Family

Virginia A. Kelly


RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra



Rhetorical Analysis

Addiction in the Family

Virginia A. Kelly

Understanding the rhetorical appeals is helpful when conducting research.

This analysis looks at BOOK. In this book, the authors … . The authors describe Commented [VP1]: Book title and authors

how family member struggle with a drinking problem that can cause children to feel not

loved or confused. There are several environmental conditions predictive of depression and

anxiety that are common in families with a substance- abusing member (Park & Schepp,

2014). Parents who abuse alcohol can react to their children with aggression for example

physical abuse or even mental abuse which cause the kids to have depression or anxiety.

The evidence suggests parents must take that addiction away to not have their children

grow up with depression and not follow the same steps.

For ourselves to be professional and independents in what we want to focus like our

goals we need to have physical health and emotional health. According to Berry (2005) The

word health comes from the same Old English root as the words well and whole. Meaning to

know how to treat others starts by having self-respect for you and others. Physical health is

showed by first impression by eye view and emotional health has to do with way you think and

the way you are. This is important because in order to have success we need these two good

aspects in ourselves to stand out from work or our profession.


The lack of Assertiveness is a major problem in people today. Assertiveness means the

ability to directly express your emotions and needs. For example needs, feelings, or wishes in a

way that is neither hostile nor hurtful. According to Kelly (2016) “An individual’s ability to

communicate assertively is often dependent upon how the family has negotiated communication

and conflict within the system will affect that individuals plays within the system will affect that

individual’s ability to assert himself or herself. The author suggests that if a person is having

trouble communicating it is because there is a family issue or problem that is not letting him

express his or her feeling, thought’s and wishes.


ABOUT APPEALS (Killingsworth ER)


The audience for the book is for certain counselors who work with families with

substance abuse issues. Kelly clearly identifies practicing counselors as her target audience (pg.

xiv). The article included phrases by the same people that was treated by Professor Virginia of

how they change and finally realized the wrong they did to their families. For example, Claudia

Black (2001) suggested that within family system organized around substance abuse, there are

three consistent rules that pave the way for codependency: “Don’t talk. Don’t trust. Don’t feel”

(pg. 62).


Virginia A. Kelly is credible for her experience with teaching a variety of sources such

as, including substance abuse in families and works with adolescents, adult and couples. For

instance she “received her doctorate in counselor education from the University of North

Carolina at Greensboro, her master’s degree in counselor education from The Pennsylvania State

University, and her bachelor of arts degree from the State University” (pg. 5).


Virginia A. uses pathos when talking about balancing care of self and others. Where she

clearly states that “Families that are functioning well, children naturally develop the capacity to

regulate the balance of caring for themselves and caring for others” (pg. 38). Virginia tries to

help families to get out of abusive drinkers such as the parents who are the basic guide for their

children once accomplish there is love all equally into the family.


The logic that Professor Virginia uses in her argument is very collaborated with

what she has learned and done research about. Professor Virginia wanted to help counselor

be prepared and know how to handle the family addictions since it is one of the most

complicated issues. Professor Virginia has worked with many patience her main focused

was family addictions and gained the best solutions that most counselors will need (pg.45).


Working with any population of clients defined as potential issues and challenges faced

by that group. The material covered in the book is mean t to prepare the counselor into a

professional for working with family members in any type of situation. Virginia argues that

common families with and abusive member in their families should be seen or taken care by a

professional counselor and apply development theory to specific cases. Therefore, research have

proven that family therapy is the solution to not let and depression or anxiety pass by.


Kelly, V. (2016). Addiction in Family. United States of America: American Counseling


M. Jimmie Killingsworth (2005) Rhetorical Appeals: A Revision, Rhetoric Review, 24:3, 249-

263, DOI: 10.1207/s15327981rr2403_1

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