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A carrier for unmanned aircraft Unmanned aircraft (UMA) could gather diverse information on the Earth’ surface for a relatively low outlay. A UMA carrier would provide the necessary support for work at sea, writes RINA Fellow, Vi Dubrovsky. porary, and especially future, unmanned aircraft would offer fa unique opportunity to gather information concerning the Earths surfize at relatively low ccst. Unmanned aircraft (UMA) with special measuring equipment hhave been proposed in Russia as being particularly useful inthe callection of Geological data an shelf and near-coast land regions (searching mineral fields fn land, and oi and gas fields on shel predicting and esimating pollution, and ‘stimating ecological damage, et) ‘# Ice monitoring data and the permanent monitoring of regions experiencing Aoating ce f¢ Data on under surface objects on land or fn the sea bottom, including tube line safer, landslide generation, eternal frozen ‘ground deformations ete ‘# Data to monitor hydro-tecnical ant soil mprovernent structures inching regions of filtration and intial sages of structure damage ¢¢ Dass tomonitor foes, swvampexpansions, and the control of sis and forests ¢ Data that points to bio-productivty definition. including the discovery of shoals near the water surface Information regarding ship way and ‘wrther monitoring for higher safety uf seagoing vessels (Information on areas of sea identified ‘and patrolled as special economic zones. (éncluding polutionand oi lm thickness Sefiniton, ship-polltant discovery, and ‘exact definition of thir placement ete) A new and eriginal ship design has been eveloped to support such missions at sea, serving the need for deploying unmanned sireraftin remote ocatins. The ship would in its full service mode, carry 10-12 unmanned ‘Goneral rangement pan for he UMA ship, Pe Navel Arche" June 2008 ‘Arts impression ofa ship designed to cary unmanned aero, aS ictor A aircraft (UMA) with overall wingspan of ‘6m, four to six unmanned aircraft (UMA) ‘ith wingspan of upto 15m, and some small ‘unmanned submersible, The smaller UMA, with a payload SOkg, and cruising speed 300km per hour, can Aly for 12 hours; the bigger UMA, with a pPyload of 200kg and the same speed, can fly for 10 hours, Alternatively, such a ship could carry three to five strike helicopters (and two forking hangars) on its flying deck to ‘combat pirates, Initial demands To take off, the 15m wingspan UMA. would need a platform no less than 90m Jong by 15m wide atthe bow. To land, the same UMA would need a platform no less than 60m by 25m across at ships stern “The landing ground must also have rope finishers, Jn the case of the 6m wingspan UMA, take off would be achieved via two catapults ofabout 12m long. For thesame UMA tobe lifted from the water, the ship would need ‘wo cranes able to load no ess than ltonne, atan outreach of no less than 15%. To launch and lift the unmanned submersible, the ship would need a mash stern ramp, descending to water level. The ship would also need additional motor boats to service UMAs and unmanned submersible, while landing and refuelling of additional helicopters of flying weight ‘Ro more than 16tonnes would need to be censured by special equipment. As far as superstructure would be concerned, the ship would need special hangars and auxiliary apartments with cranes and rollers, covering no less than (600m, and no less tan 4m high. Such a ship would feature 100 cabins for crew and other personnel, with the {otal area of living, service, and auxiliary apartments covering no less than 1500. 8 m-depih| NEW DESIGNS Je would operate ata full sped of about knots 3Oknots, with 12knots-1Sknots given as its economy speed. These speeds correspond to battle ships of comparable Aimensions, while the ships range at ths lower speed is given as 1500am-2000nm, With an endurance of 30 days ‘These initial demands suggest the payload ‘of such ship would not beso hig bar tha it ‘would require age deck areas to achieve its operational goals Full-scale experiments and model tests have demonstrated that ships with a small waterpane area can ensure the highes seaworthiness while exhibiting « sorall displacement, while ships fexuring outriggers have been built witha minimal hull structore mas. Therefore, an outrigae? srl waterplane area ship has been selected 4 the bes soltion for carrying UMAs and underwater semisubmersible. [ts length overall must be n0 less than the necessary Sying deck length -ie nos than 90m, while its beam at the stern must be no less than 25m for unmanned area with wing span 15m, but it would also be necesary 10 add 5m for the wheehouse, operat roam, and slevators and cranes. Thus, the overall beam ‘as selected as 30m a er approximation, the ship is 90m long, its design draught ‘would need to be about Sat forthe hull bottom to avoid slamming in waves, while the vertical clearance ofthe outrigger ship with stern outrigers must be no less than am[l). Allowing for an aircraft hangar height of ‘would mean tat the distance between the Aiying deck and the hangar deck would need to bem, The distance between the hangar deck and the platform bottom, meanwhile, ‘would need to be im for ‘ee-serving’ of the inter-deck space. Therefore, the ship

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