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Bouncing Balls Activity

Momentum can be thought of as mass in motion and is given by the expression:
Momentum = mass x velocity
The amount of momentum an object has depends both on its mass and how fast it is
going. For example, a heavier object going the same speed as a lighter object would have
greater momentum. Sometimes when moving objects collide into each other, momentum can
be transferred from one object to another. There are two types of collisions that relate to
momentum: elastic and inelastic.
An elastic collision follows the Law of Conservation of Momentum , which states "the
total amount of momentum before a collision is equal to the total amount of momentum after a
collision." In addition, the total kinetic energy of the system (all the objects that collide) is
conserved during an elastic collision. An elastic collision example might involve a super-bouncy
ball; if you were to drop it, it would bounce all the way back up to the original height from
which it was dropped. Another elastic collision example may be observed in a game of pool.
Watch a moving cue ball hit a resting pool ball. At impact, the cue ball stops, but transfers all of
its momentum to the other ball, resulting in the hit ball rolling with the initial speed of the cue
In an inelastic collision, the total momentum of the system is conserved, but the total
kinetic energy of the system is not conserved. Instead, the kinetic energy is transferred to
another kind of energy such as heat or internal energy. A dropped ball of clay demonstrates an
extremely inelastic collision. It does not bounce at all and loses its momentum. Instead, all the
energy goes into deforming the ball into a flat blob.
In the real world, there are no purely elastic or inelastic collisions. Rubber balls, pool
balls (hitting each other), and ping-pong balls may be assumed extremely elastic, but there is
still some bit of inelasticity in their collisions. If there were not, rubber balls would bounce
forever. The degree to which something is elastic or inelastic is dependent on the material of
the object (see Figure 1).

Bouncing Balls Activity 1

Another way to understand collisions is through Newton's 3rd Law, which tells us that
"for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". When a cue ball collides with
another pool ball, the cue ball exerts a force on the stationary pool ball in the direction that the
cue ball is traveling, while the stationary pool ball exerts an equal and opposite force on the cue
ball. This is the reason that after the cue ball collides with a stationary pool ball, it sometimes
moves in a new direction, sometimes leading to a "scratch". Understanding Newton’s 3rd Law,
momentum and elastic and inelastic collisions provides a new understanding of our physical
world that is full of motion and collisions.
In order to complete this activity, you will also need to have an understanding of the
motion of an object. Following are the Kinematics equations:
d = (Vf + Vi) t
Vf = Vi + at
d = Vit + ½at2
Vf2 = Vi2 + 2ad
where d is the displacement of an object, Vi is the initial velocity of the object, Vf is the final
velocity, a is the acceleration of the object, and t is the interval of time the object traveled. For
example, if a ball is rolled off of a table 1 meter above the ground, we can find the velocity with
which it hits the floor and the time it takes to do so:
Given: d = 1m ; Vi = 0 m/s ; a = 9.81 m/s2
Unknowns: Vf = ? ; t = ?
Finding time:
d = Vit + ½at2
 1 m = (0 m/s)(t) + ½ (9.81 m/s2)(t2)
 t = 0.45 s

 Vf2 = Vi2 + 2ad

 Vf2 = 0 m/s + (2)(9.81 m/s2)(1m)
 Vf = 4.43 m/s
If we have three known values, then we must choose equations that use the three
values that actually we do have to find the ones that we do not. You also have to read between
the lines sometimes to get three known values. For example, in the problem stated previously,
the value of acceleration is not given but the object is in free fall, meaning its acceleration is
that of gravity.

Bouncing Balls Activity 2

1. Determine the mass in kilograms of each ball and record it on the data sheet.
2. Drop each ball from a distance of 1 meter onto the surface and record how high it
bounces in meters (example: 0.46 meters).

3. Note whether the ball and surface showed more of an elastic or inelastic collision.

4. If the ball bounces up more than .5 meters, then it is more elastic.

5. If it bounces up less than .5 meters, then it is more inelastic.

6. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 for the two other surfaces.

7. Calculate the velocity for each ball right before it bounces (question 2) and right after it
bounces (question 3).

8. Calculate the momentum for each ball right before it bounces (question 4) and right
after (question 5).

9. Calculate the percentage of momentum lost for each case (question 6).

10. Answer the Further Learning questions on the worksheet based on your answers.
11. Once the class is finished with the Bouncing Balls Worksheet, discuss which balls had
the best elastic collisions on each surface. Also, if time permits go over some of the
Further Learning questions as a class.

This activity is best done in groups, because while one person drops the ball, another
person must watch the ball and meter stick to note how high the ball bounces. Additional team
members could hold the meter stick steady and/or record the data. It is difficult to get an
accurate measurement for how high the ball bounces since it is in constant motion. Therefore,
have students drop each ball on each surface several times, or until they have a consistent
Some balls are greatly affected by wind resistance, such as wiffle balls. Therefore, try to
pick balls that will not have much influence from wind resistance since this experiment is done
under the assumption there exists no wind resistance.

 The Physics Classroom and Mathsoft Engineering & Education, Inc., 2004, accessed
May 30, 2007.
 Momentum and energy loss of balls colliding against different surfaces, accessed May
30, 2007.

Bouncing Balls Activity 3

Bouncing Balls Activity 4

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