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Good morning teacher, good morning classmates. My name is José.

For this exhibition, I will use the vocabulary used in storytelling and in the media.
Besides, I'll use reported speech to explain a story.
This time, I'm going to talk about reports of violence against women, a very complicated
real issue that happens in our country and in many parts of the world.

Violence against women is a very big social problem. It attack freedom and human
According to the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, only in Lima have been
reported 39000 cases of violence against women.
The minister Ana Mendieta said that only the 29% of them reported the attack.
This year, 75 cases of feminicide have already been registered between January and
A short time ago, there were a couple of cases that shocked all of Peru.
One of the most shoking cases in our country is the case of Eyvi Ágreda. She was burned
on the bus by her stalker. This happened in Miraflores. Quickly the news was spread
through clips by eyewitnesses. The social networks were full of video footages of the fire
on the bus.

Also, another shocking case is the case of Marisol Estela Alva, whose body was found
inside a cylinder with concrete in V.E.S.
In this case, the eyewitnesses notified the police
There are many versions about the causes of violence against women on a recent report:

 The psychiatrist Yuri Cutipé explained that the problem is a sociocultural

problem of a sick society.
 Psychologist Jacquelinee Rojas said that machismo is the main cause of violence.
 The minister Ana María Mendieta said that mental problems and jealousy could
be the main causes.

Martín Vizcarra said that a main objective of the present government is to reduce the
rate of femicide and violence against women.

I will finish by saying that each one of us cannot be indifferent to this great problem. We
shouldn’t remain silent thinking that is the problem of others.
We must all fight violence against women.

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