Guideline For Design Project - Oct - 2019

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Chemical Plant Design Project Coordinator:

Dr. Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman Yuliansyah


Prof. Dr. Rochmadi

Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Budi Sediawan
Dr. Supranto
Dr. Sarto
Dr. Moh. Fahrurrozi
Dr. Imam Prasetyo
Dr. Sutijan
Dr. Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman Yuliansyah
Dr. Teguh Ariyanto
Yano Surya Pradana, M.Eng.
Dr. Lisendra Marbelia


Plant Design Project (TKK 4280) is offered in the final semester (8th semester) along
with Industrial Placement (TKK 4281), Elective 4 and Elective 5. All subjects offered in the
final year (4th year) contain mainly advanced learning outcomes according to IChemE’s M-
Standard. Since the academic year of 2016/2017, Chemical Engineering Department
Universitas Gadjah Mada adopts M-Standard set by the Institution of Chemical Engineering
(IChemE) for the 2016 Undergraduate Curriculum. Therefore, it is important that all the
student learning, including Plant Design Project will facilitate the students in achieving the
standard learning outcomes stated by the 2016 Undergraduate Curriculum.
Plant Design Project is a capstone in Chemical Engineering Education which facilitates
Chemical Engineering students applying all subjects they have learned. In this project,
students have to integrate chemical engineering principles, product quality, safety,
environmental impacts, together with any economic considerations.
This guideline gives any information related to aspects of the Plant Design Project in
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, such as objectives, learning
outcomes, management, and implementation, including monitoring, evaluation, and
The department strongly believes that the Plant Design Project is one of the most
important elements of preparing highly competent future chemical engineers that will
assure a sustainable contribution of the chemical engineering profession to the prosperity of
the society. This mission can be realized only with close collaboration among the
universities, the industries, and chemical engineers professionals.
Any inquiries and suggestions on Plant Design Project should be directed to the Plant
Design Project Coordinator.

Table of Content

Cover Page i

List of Contributors ii

Preface iii

Table of Content iv

I. Introduction 1

II. Motivation and Objectives 1

III. Learning Outcomes 1

IV. Scope 1

V. Management 2

VI. Implementation 2

VII. Format of the Final Report 4

VIII. Peer-review by external reviewer 5

IX. Others 5

Appendixes 8

Attachment I.1: Design Project Assignment’s Statement of Originality example 12

Attachment I.2: Example of quantitative flow diagram and overall mass balance macroscopic 13

Attachment I.3: Chapter “Occupational Safety, Health and Environment aspect consideration” 14

Attachment I.4: List of Standard and Code 15

Attachment I.5: List of Symbols and Identification 22


I. Introduction

Plant Design Project is a capstone of Chemical Engineering Education in Universitas Gadjah Mada, and
a part of academic curriculum. In this project, students are trained to design a chemical plant by applying
knowledge they have previously learned. Here, students tackle various open-ended design problems in which
they sometimes need an iterative process to obtain a feasible solution.

II. Motivation and Objectives

The objective of Plant Design Project is to build students’ ability to design a chemical plant at
preliminary level by integrating elements of production system. In the project, students apply chemical
engineering tools (material balance, energy balance, rate processes, equilibrium, economics, and humanity)
along with best practices into a whole process system. The system must consider the aspects of Safety, Health,
and Environment (SHE) and sustainability. The students are trained to demonstrate their analysis-synthetic
ability. Various knowledge they have learned are applied in a comprehensive and integrative manner. Focus of
the design project is the application of engineering principles (scientific engineering, not engineering science)
in problem solving. That is the reason why interaction and communication between students and their project
supervisor play a vital role in the process. Hence, process during the design project is much more important
than the output of design itself. Through this project, students are expected to develop their soft skills, such as
communication, team work, and working within a timeframe.

III. Learning Outcomes

After taking this project, the students are able:

1. To explain: background of a process, its implementation (plant location, market, etc.), and
societal impacts; and to describe the philosophy of process control.
2. To construct a complete process flow diagram of a process.
3. To perform detail design calculation for main equipment of a process and quick designs for
other equipment; with sound justification of the taken considerations and assumptions and
also to choose appropriate referenced standard.
4. To work with incomplete information or uncertain, interpret and quantify the effect of this
on the design and, where appropriate, use theory or experimental research to mitigate
deficiencies 1.
5. To evaluate economic feasibility of the project.
6. To prepare written report of the preliminary design and to present it.

IV. Scope

Plant Design project is a chemical plant design at preliminary level, consisting of: preliminary process
selection and economic review (market analysis, site selection), preliminary process design (process flow
diagram, mass balance, and energy balance), process equipment design (sizing, specification), lay out,
preliminary SHE analysis, sustainability, process control, utility, management and organization, as well as
economic analysis.

1 More detailed explanations can be found in Appendix 2

This project is considered as an exercise for students to do plant design. The data required for the design are
not solely derived from research, experiment, or literature, but can also be obtained from estimation, rule of
thumb, and or empirical formulas.

V. Management

The Design Project activities are directed by the Head of Study Program, supported by assistant, a
team of mentors, and project supervisors (lecturers) for each team. In addition, student assistants for CAD
(Computer Aided Design) and Engineering Drawing are also available. Job and responsibility for each personnel
are ruled by the Department.

VI. Implementation

1) Title of the project and Supervisor

At the beginning of semester, the Head of Study Program Department offers a list of project titles and
corresponding supervisors. Each student group (maximum of 3 students) applies 2 of the titles. If a
title is chosen by 2 or more groups, the Department will arrange it further.

2) Project Schedule
A student group already got the title is obliged to pursue whole steps of the project on schedule. The
project is strictly limited in 33 weeks which is divided into 7 stages:
• Stage 1 -T1 (Week 0-1) : Briefing on conceptual design project
• Stage 2 -T2 (Week 2-4) : Preliminary Feasibility Study
• Stage 3 -T3 (Week 5-7) : Preliminary Process Design
• Stage 4 -T4 (Week 8-22) : Equipment Design
• 4a. Quick calculation for all equipment (Week 8-17)
• 4b. Detailed calculation (process and mechanical) for selected equipment (Week 18-22)
• Stage 5 -T5 (Week 23-25) : Utility (need, process design, shortcut sizing, process flow
diagram for water treatment)
• Stage 6 -T6 (Week 26-29) : Safety, Health, Environment and Process Control
• Stage 7 -T7 (Week 30-31) : Management and Economics
• Compiling a final report (Week 32-33)

It is compulsory for students to have a consultation with their supervisor to complete the project.
They need to submit to Academic Office of the Department:
• a report at the end of respective stage, and
• a final report at the end of the project.

There is a penalty for a late submission. Format of the report is set up by the Department.

3) Oral Examination
A group who has completed the project can proceed to the Oral Examination. The students sign up
themselves for the examination by submitting a draft of design report which is approved by their
supervisor to Academic Office of the Department.

4) Monitoring and Evaluation

In order to monitor and evaluate students’ progress on the project, the Department performs the
- Providing a consultation form (Log Book). When the students have a consultation with their
supervisor, they have to fill out the book which contains information about consultation schedule
and agenda, suggestion for the design, etc.
- Setting up the implementation of the project into 7 stages that the students have to complete
stage by stage in turn (by submitting a report).

5) Assessment
Grading scheme of the students based on two aspects i.e. the Project and the Oral Examination.
- In the project, supervisor and a team of mentors independently assess the report submitted by
students and give a score with a 50:50 proportion respectively to the total. Assessment is carried
out at the ends of every stage. Evaluated factors and their weighted values are shown in Table
- After submitting the final design project report, the students have to conduct an Oral
Examination in front of a committee consists of his/her project supervisor, and 2 other examiners.
Even though Plant Design Project is carried out in a team, the Oral Examination is conducted
individually to assure that every student gets individual assessment. Aspects evaluated and their
weighted values in the Oral Examination are shown in Table 1b. Students must obtain the
minimum grade of 50 in the oral examination. In case lower than the grade, the students must re-
sit for oral examination set by the department.
- Final score of the Plant Design Project is calculated from the score the design project and the Oral
Examination with a proportion 75:25 respectively to the total. The score is then converted into
the final mark (A, B, C, etc.) with following criteria:

Score (N) Final mark Score (N) Final mark

N ≥ 80 A 61 ≤ N < 65 B-
76 ≤ N < 80 A- 57 ≤ N < 61 B/C
72 ≤ N < 76 A/B 53 ≤ N < 57 C+
68 ≤ N < 72 B+ 50 ≤ N < 53 C
65 ≤ N < 68 B 30 ≤ N < 50 D
N < 30 E

VIII. Format of the Final Report

1) Content and Structure

A final report of design project contains:

1. Cover
2. Approval Letter from Project Supervisor
3. Statement of Academic Honesty
4. Preface
5. Table of content
6. Abstract
7. Chapter 1: Introduction
8. Chapter 2: Process Description
9. Chapter 3: Material Specification
10. Chapter 4: Qualitative and Quantitative Flow Diagram
11. Process Engineering Flow Diagram
12. Chapter 5: Material Balance
13. Chapter 6: Energy Balance
14. Chapter 7: Equipment Specification
15. Chapter 8: Utility
16. Chapter 9: Process and Equipment Lay Out
17. Chapter 10: Safety, Health, and Environment Consideration
18. Chapter 11: Management and Organization
19. Chapter 12: Economic Analysis
20. Chapter 13: Conclusion
21. Appendix
22. Bibliography

2) Language
Final report can be written either in Bahasa Indonesia or English. The abstract, however, must be
written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.

3) Ethics
Students must obey the academic code of conducts, such as the ones that are relating to plagiarism
and academic dishonesty, while they are working on the design project. In general, plagiarism is
defined as a deliberately presenting work, words, ideas, theories, etc., derived in a whole or in a part
from a source external to the students as though they are the student's own efforts. On the other
hand, academic dishonesty means any activities consists of any deliberate attempt to falsify, fabricate
or otherwise tamper with data, information, records, or any other material that is relevant to the
student's participation in any course, laboratory, or other academic exercise or function. Students
who are found to have violated the academic code of conduct are sanctioned by the rules applicable
at the university (Rector Regulation No. 711/P/SK/HT/2013).

VIII. Peer-review by external reviewer

The Department sends periodically a sample of final design reports to external reviewers as a mean
for quality assurance. Advice and suggestion received from reviewer(s) are to be implemented for further
betterment of the design project.

IX. Others

Information that are not clear enough or causing multiple interpretations in this guideline will be further regulated by the Department.

Table 1a. Assessment of the Design Project

Chapter in Final
No Item Content Assessment time Percent

1 Executive summary & Executive Summary: a brief statement of the problem or proposal Final submission 10
Final Report covered in the major document(s), background information, concise
analysis and main conclusions. Final Report: a complete report of the
design project with a correct structure and organization of the report
(Final submission in both hard and soft copy)

2 Teamwork The ability of the student to work together in the team. Whole process 5

3 Preliminary feasibility • Process selection End of T2 1, 2, 3 10

study • Market analysis
• Site selection

4 Preliminary Process • Process flow diagram and block diagram (both qualitative and End of T3 4, 5, 6 10
Design quantitative)
• Rationale or judgment of a process selected
• Mass balance
• Energy balance

5 Equipment Design Process equipment specification End of T4 7 30

4a. Quick calculation of all equipment
4b. Detailed calculation of selected equipment (T4a and T4b)
(identify each individual work e.g. in table of contents)
6 Utility • Estimation of the required amount of water (for process, cooling, End of T5 8 8
boiler feed, and domestic use) and chemicals for water treatment.

Chapter in Final
No Item Content Assessment time Percent

• Estimation of the required amount of air and other utility (such as

refrigerant, dowtherm, etc)
• Flow diagram process of water treatment from raw water to cooling
water, process water, domestic water, and boiling water, including
flow diagram of cooling tower system
• Equipment Sizing on Water Treatment Plant (shortcut method)
• Estimation of the required amount of energy, which is further
converted into electricity and fuel
• Conceptual design of wastewater treatment

7 SHE and Process Control • Safety and Process Control End of T6 9, 10 15

• Health, Environmental aspect
• Layout

8 Management and • Management consists of: End of T7 11, 12, 13 12

Economics - Organization and its block diagram
- Qualification and job description of the employee
- Classification of employee and their salary
- Work Shifting
• Economic analysis consists of:
- Fixed capital
- Working capital
- Manufacturing cost
- General expenses
- Sales and profit
- Profitability

Table 1b. Assessment of Oral Examination

No Aspects Evaluated Weighted,


1 Fundamental concept and principles of equipment 20

2 Innovation, data interpretation, calculation and design 20

3 Material behavior 15

4 Economics evaluation 15

5 Safety, health, and environment (SHE) 15

6 Presentation performances 15

Total 100


Appendix I : Format and Systematic Writing of Design Project Report

1. Cover Page
This page contains:
a) Paper title
b) Plant capacity, in tons/year
c) Name and student number
d) Supervisor name
e) Paper’s year completed

2. Approval letter from Project Supervisor

This page contains validity of design project report from supervisor.

3. Statement of Academic Honesty

Clearance statement from student that he/she did not fabricate data and plagiarize on other’s work
in their design project report
An example is given in Attachment I.1.

4. Preface
One page containing a brief explanation or statement of:
a) Purpose of the report,
b) Assigned project,
c) Explanation on the specific equipment (detail design) () or other additional information needed,
d) Acknowledgements

5. Table of Contents
Containing list of chapter titles and subchapter titles of the report and their page number

6. Abstract
The abstract is usually in a single page (written in two version of language of Indonesian and
English). This consists of:
a) Brief explanation on process used in the design,
b) Product capacity (including side product),
c) Raw and supporting materials needed every year,
d) Utility needed (for every hour, except electricity (on kW)),
e) Number of workers, land area and plant location,
f) Fix capital and working capital needed, on US$ and Rp.,
g) Profitability judgment, including: break-even point, pay out time, return on investment,
discounted cash flow rate of return and conclusion.

7. Introduction (Ch. 1)
This part describes:
a) Background that illustrates the importance of the plant for country developments (reviewed from
the raw materials, product, plant location, market or labor sources),
b) Literature review on processes which are used for designing the plant and process election

8. Proses Description (Ch. 2)

This part describes all processes used to produce products from raw materials.

9. Materials Specification (Ch. 3)

Material requirements (purity, composition and impurities), material properties required for the
plant’s processes; price of material. Materials include: raw materials and supporting materials, main
product, side product and mid product (if necessary).

10. Qualitative and Quantitative Flow Diagram (Ch. 4)

This Flow Diagram contains:
a) Main process flow, illustrate with series of boxes that connected with arrow based on the flow
b) Name of process,
c) Reaction that occurs on the certain processes (written inside the box),
d) Name and amount of materials,
e) Operating condition (temperature and pressure),
f) Raw materials on the right side of the box, while products on the left.

Every part is followed by number and title.

11. Process Engineering Flow Diagram

The diagram should be easily understood without assistance of process illustration. The diagram
comprises the following information:
a) Equipment used in the plant (reactor, distillation tower, heat exchanger, pump, tank, etc.) should
sketched as near as possible with the true form. Information on drawings and equipment symbols
can be seen on the following book:
Rase, H.F. and Barrow, M.H. (1957), “Project Engineering of Process Plants”, John Wiley and Sons,
Inc. New York.
Turton, R., Bailie, R.C., Whiting, W. B., and Shaeiwitz, J. A. (2009), “Analysis, Synthesis, and Design
of Chemical Processes”, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, Inc. Boston
b) Equipment should be noted with code numbers.
c) Instrumentation and control.
d) Legend is placed on the right side of the diagram.
e) Flow number (inside a circle shape).
f) Raw materials placed on the right, while products on the left.
g) Operating conditions (temperature and pressure) are included in every flow. Temperature (oC)
written inside a square shape and pressure (atm. abs) written inside a rhombus shape.
h) Materials amount (mass flow, kg/hr) listed in form of table and placed below the diagram.
i) Batch processes are noted with a dotted line.
j) The drawing is prepared on a white paper and the line on the picture should be colored. The
drawing size must fit to the paper size.

List of symbols and identification can be seen on Attachment I.5.

12. Mass Balance (Ch. 5)

Mass balance is composed with the following guide:
a) Mass in kg/hr (for continuous process) or in kg/batch (for batch process),
b) For batch process, a cycle time should be written in hour
c) Mass balance is given for overall process and every equipment
d) Include overall macroscopic mass balance

The format of overall mass balance can be seen on Attachment I.2

13. Heat Balance (Ch. 6)
Heat balance is composed with the following guide:
a) Reference temperature for determining enthalpy is 0 oC, or other temperature if necessary (with
b) Units in kcal/hr,
c) For every single equipment in the designed plant,
d) Heat balance for equipment should be followed with flow number.

14. Equipment Specification (Ch. 7)

This part consists of:
a) Function and utilization of equipment (qualitative and quantitative manner)
b) Equipment type that can fulfill the design requirements,
c) Operating condition,
d) Equipment size and/or other essential data.
e) Construction materials.
f) Price.
g) Number of equipment.

List of standard and code can be seen on Attachment I.4.

15. Utility (Ch. 8)

Utility consists of water, steam, electricity, air (instrument air, process air) and other required
services (refrigeration system, fuel, waste treatment, etc). Points that need to be elaborated:
a) The purpose of utility, including the specifications
b) Amount of utility needed
c) Procurement system
d) Equipment specification

In this section discussed:

• Estimation of : i) water needed by the plant (for process, coolant, boiler feed water, domestic
uses, hydrant) and chemicals employed for producing water, ii) air and iii) other certain utility’s
equipment if necessary.
• Process Flow Diagram (PFD) of water treatment to produce coolant water, process water,
drinking water and boiler feed water from raw water; including cooling tower system.
• Sizing of equipment on Water Treatment Plant.
• Estimation of energy needed to be converted into electricity and fuel.
• Waste treatment concept.

16. Plant Layout (Ch. 9)

In this section included diagram of:
a) Overall plant layout.
b) Process equipment (main unit) layout.

17. Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Consideration (Ch. 10)

In this essential part, the student must compose with checklist and brief explanation in terms of:
a) Safety consideration in chemical plant including hazard identification as well as handling of
chemical substances, process condition, location and plant layout.
b) Environment impact consideration including hazard identification as well as handling of gases
emission and waste (both liquid and solids) produced from the process.
c) Health and occupational safety consideration including chemicals exposure potency and physical
exposure identifications.

Further guideline for this chapter can be found in Attachment I.3

18. Company Organization (Ch. 11)

Company organization should be arranged as well as possible, thus company can run efficiently. This
chapter describes:
a) Organization diagram,
b) Workers detailed task, number, and qualification.
c) Salary classification.
d) Workers rotation.

19. Economic Evaluation (Ch. 12)

This chapter should contain calculation and explanation of:
a) Fixed capital,
b) Working capital,
c) Manufacturing cost,
d) General expenses,
e) Sales and profit,
f) Profitability analysis including Break Even Point (BEP), Pay Out Time (POT), Return on investment
(ROI) and Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFRR).

20. Conclusion (Ch. 13)

The properness of the designed plant based on the economic evaluation

21. Attachment
In this part included:
a) Details on specific equipment, e.g. reactor, distillation column
b) Other equipment calculation (overall equipment)

22. Bibliography
Bibliography is arranged consistently according to the common styles used in scientific writing.

Attachment I.1: Design Project Assignment’s Statement of Originality example


We hereby certify that under the process of composing the design project we do not undertake data
fabrication and plagiarism of others’ works. All parts in the report are genuinely prepared by our self,
except as specified in the bibliography. If in the future, this design project report is found plagiarized
practices, we agree to receive any sanction from the department.


Sign, Sign,

1st student name 2nd student name

Attachment I.2: Example of quantitative flow diagram and overall mass balance macroscopic

Attachment I.3: Chapter “Occupational Safety, Health and Environment aspect consideration”

Chapter X

Occupational Safety, Health and Environment aspect consideration

In designing chemical plant, process engineer is compulsory to consider occupational safety, health
and environment (SHE) aspect as mention in the engineer’s code of ethics: “Engineers shall hold
paramount the safety, heath, and welfare of the public performance of their duties”. Therefore, in
this Design Project, SHE study is mandatory to be written in a separate chapter by the student.

Students are required to make a SHE studies in form of checklist (+brief description) but
comprehensive. Explanation on how to write the SHE studies in Design project are written below:
1. This given format can be used as template on writing the SHE studies report in the Design Project.
2. Hazard columns are filled adequately with check (√)
3. Information column can be fulfilled with necessary explanation.
4. Handling column should be fulfilled (a brief explanation containing 1-2 sentences)

Hazard identification of all equipment and materials that have potency to inflict hazard are

Appendix II : Some of Design Problems Based on Incomplete or Uncertain Information for

Chemical Plant Design Project

The assignments in Chemical Plant Design Project have to contain at least one of the following:

1. Data interpretation from research experiments published in a scientific paper or a

patent to obtain design variable(s). The interpretation should be clearly explained and
supported with sufficient theory and experimental (where appropriate).
2. Application of Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) and Hazardous Operability Studies
(HAZOP) in process equipment design. The analysis should be done quantitatively.
3. Evaluation of financial and other risks that is possible to affect the plant’s economics. For
an example, conducting sensitivity analysis.

Attachment I.4: List of Standard and Code


Standard can define as a set of technical definitions and guidelines. Standard serves as a common
language for defining quality and establishing safety criteria for the product. ASTM, API, ISO are
some examples of the standard. When governmental bodies adopt the standard and become legally
enforceable, or when it has been incorporated into a business contract, the standard will become a
A. Mechanical Standards
A.1 Static Equipment

Pressure Vessels, Filters, Coalescers, Deaerators, Storage Tanks Heat Exchangers, Fired Equipment

Standard Description
API 521 Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems
API 530 Calculation of Heater Tube Thickness
API 537 Flare Details for General Refinery Services
API 560 Fired Heaters for General Refinery Service
API 582 Welding Guidelines
API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
API 651 Cathodic Protection of Above Ground Petroleum Storage Tanks
API 660 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
API 661 Air-cooled Heat Exchangers
API 941 Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
API RP 535 Burners for Fired Heaters in General Refinery Services
API RP 538 Recommended Practice for Industrial Fired Boilers
API 2218 Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME BPVC ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
EEMUA 140 Engineering Equipment Materials Users Association
NFPA 85 Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code
TEMA Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers

A.2 Rotating Equipment

Standard/Code List
Standard Description
API 530 Calculation of Heater Tube Thickness
API 535 Burners for Fired Heaters in General Refinery Services
API 537 Flare Details for General Refinery Services
API 582 Welding Guidelines
API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (API Applications)
API 611 General Purpose Steam Turbines
Standard/Code List
Standard Description
API 612 Special Purpose Steam Turbines
API 613 Special Purpose Gear Units
API 614 Lubrication, Shaft-sealing and Oil-Control Systems and Auxiliaries
API 616 Gas Turbine
API 617 Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander Compressors
API 618 Reciprocating Compressors
API 619 Rotary-type Positive Displacement Compressors
API 650 Welded steel Tanks for Oil Storage
API 651 Cathodic Protection of Above Ground Petroleum.Storage Tanks
API 660 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
API 661 Air-cooled Heat Exchangers
API 670 Machinery Protection System
API 671 Special Purpose Couplings
API 672 Packaged, Integrally Geared Centrifugal Air Compressors
API 673 Centrifugal Fans
API 674 Positive Displacement Pumps – Reciprocating
API 675 Positive Displacement Pumps – Controlled Volume
API 676 Positive Displacement Pumps – Rotary
API 677 General Purpose Gear Units
API 682 Pumps – Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps
API 941 Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
API RP538 Recommended Practice for Industrial Fired Boilers
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME B73.1 Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps (ASME Applications)
ASME B73.1M Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical
ASME B73.2M Specification for Vertical In-Line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process
ASME BPVC ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
EEMUA 140 Noise Procedure Specification
ISO 2858 End-suction Centrifugal Pumps (rating 16 bar) – Designation, nominal duty
and dimensions
ISO 5199 Technical Specifications for centrifugal pumps – Class II
NFPA 20 Firewater Pumps
NFPA 85 Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code
TEMA Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers

Other references using ASTM Material Standards

Standard Description
ASTM A48/A48M Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings
ASTM Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications
ASTM Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature
A106/A106M Service
ASTM Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware
ASTM Standard Specification for Forging, Carbon Steel for General Purpose Piping
Standard Description
ASTM Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe
A182/A182M Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service
ASTM Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials
A193/A193M for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose
ASTM Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High
A194/A194M Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both
ASTM Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion
A216/A216M Welding, for High-Temperature Service
ASTM Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel
A240/A240M Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications
ASTM Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel
A266/266M Components
ASTM A276 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
ASTM Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Pressure- Containing Parts
A278/A278M for Temperatures up to 650 °F (350 °C)
ASTM Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon
A283/A283M Steel Plates
ASTM Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked
A312/A312M, Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes
ASTM Standard Specification for Castings, Austenitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts
ASTM Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Ferritic And Martensitic, for
A352/A352M Pressure- Containing Parts, Suitable for Low-Temperature Service
ASTM A434 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought or Cold-Finished,
Quenched and Tempered
ASTM A473 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Forgings
ASTM Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers
A479/A479M and Other Pressure Vessels
ASTM Standard Specification for Steel Castings Suitable for Pressure Service
ASTM Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for
A516/A516M Moderate- and Lower-Temperature Service
ASTM A576 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality
ASTM Standard Specification for Free-Machining Stainless Steel Bars
ASTM A696 Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron Chromium-Nickel,
Corrosion Resistant, for General
ASTM Application
ASTM Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless
A790/A790M Steel Pipe
ASTM Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel- Molybdenum
A890/A890M Corrosion-Resistant, Duplex (Austenitic/Ferritic) for General Application
ASTM Standard Specification for Castings, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex) Stainless
A995/A995M Steel for Pressure Containing Parts
ASTM A1 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Tee Rails
Standard Description
ASTM A6/A6M Standard Specification for General Requirement for Rolled Structural Steel
Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling
ASTM A36/A36M Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
ASTM A53/A53M Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated
Welded and Seamless
ASTM A108 Standard Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy, Cold Finished
ASTM Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and
A123/A123M Steel Products
ASTM Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip
A143/A143M Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting
ASTM Standard Specification for Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, and Stainless Steel Nuts
A194/A194M for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both
ASTM A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, and Threaded Rod
60,000 psi Tensile Strength
ASTM A325 / Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi
325M Minimum Tensile Strength / Standard Specification for Structural Bolts,
Steel, Heat Treated, 830 MPa Minimum Tensile Strength (Metric)
ASTM A384 / Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Warpage and Distortion during
384M Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel Assemblies
ASTM A490 / Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 150 ksi
490M Minimum Tensile Strength /
Standard Specification for High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3,
for Structural Steel Joints (Metric)
ASTM Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel
A500/A500M Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes
ASTM Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Standard
A563/A563M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Metric))
ASTM Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium
A572/A572M Structural Steel
ASTM A578/ Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled
A578M Steel Plates for Special Applications
ASTM A653/ Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron
A653M Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
ASTM A759 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Crane Rails
ASTM A786/ Standard Specification for Hot-Rolled Carbon, Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-
A786M Alloy, and Alloy Steel Floor Plates
ASTM A924/ Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-
A924M Coated by the Hot-Dip Process
ASTM A992/ Standard Specification for Structural Steel Shapes
ASTM A1011/ Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot- Rolled, Carbon,
A1011M Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability and Ultra
High Strength
ASTM B695 Standard Specification fo Coating of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron
and Steel
ASTM F436 / Standard Specification for Hardened Steel Washers/Standar Specification for
F436M Hardened Steel Washers (Metric)

Standard Description
ASTM F959 / Standard Specification for Compressible Washer Type Direct Tension
F959M Indicator for Use with Structural Fastener/ Standard Specification for
Compressible Washer Type Direct Tension Indicator for Use with Structural
Fastener (Metric)
ASTM Standard Specification for Zinc Coating, Hot Dip, Requirement for
F2329/F2329M Application to Carbon and Alloy Steel Bolts, Screw, Washers, Nuts, and
Special Threaded Fasteners.

A.3 Piping

Standard Description
ASME Piping & Pipeline*
NACE RP0198 Control of Corrosion Under Insulation
Note: For Pipeline (offsite & offshore): ASME B31.4

A.4 Insulation Materials

Standard Description
ASTM Insulation
NACE RP0198 Control of Corrosion Under


Taken from Megyesy, 1995, Pressure Vessel Handbook 10ed., Pressure Vessel Publishing, Inc., USA

Attachment I.5: List of Symbols and Identification

A. Stream Identification Symbols

B. Equipment

Symbol Name Symbol Name

Gate Valve Relief Valve

Globe Valve Needle Valve

Ball Valve 3-Way Valve

Angle Valve
Check Valve

Butterfly Valve Butterfly Valve

Symbol Symbol
Description Description

Heat exchanger Heater coil

Water cooler Centrifugal pump

Steam heater Turbine type compressor

Cooling coil Pressure gauge

C. Process Equipment Numbering

Process Equipment General Format XX-YZZ A/B

XX are the identification letters for the equipment classification
C - Compressor or Turbine
E - Heat Exchanger
H - Fired Heater
P - Pump
R - Reactor
T - Tower
TK - Storage Tank
V - Vessel
Y - designates an area within the plant
ZZ - are the number designation for each item in an equipment class
A/B - identifies parallel units or backup units not shown on a PFD
Supplemental Information Additional description of equipment given on top of PFD

Numbering example:

P-101 A/B identifies the equipment as a pump

P-101 A/B indicates that the pump is located in area 100 of the plant

P-101 A/B indicates that this spesific pump is number 01 in unit 100

P-101 A/B indicates that a backup pump is installed. Thus, there are two identical pumps, P-101A
and P-101B. One pump will be operating while the other is idle.


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