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GEC 1: Understanding the Self

Joseph Cezar Murillo Galedo


Lesson Objectives:
1. Discuss online identity and their self in cyber space and user ID;
2. Establish boundaries of the online self: private vs. public; personal vs. social identity online, gender and sexuality
online; and
3. Discuss the proper ways of demonstrating values and behaviors online.

Online identity and “self” in cyber space: I, me, myself, portray on the internet making alternate identities. The
and my user id online identity internet and social media have greatly helped in facilitating
the fluidity of gender. People have used these as platforms
Online identity is the sum of your characteristics and for expressing their gender identity and sexuality. Setting
interactions. Your behavior differs depending on the website boundaries to yourself: Smart Shaming
you are visiting. These different representations are referred Smart-shaming can be defined as shaming or giving
to as partial identities because none of them are your true snide comments to people who provide factual or correct
self. information. This usually happens in argumentations or in
comment sections.
How do you build your online identity?
Proper ways of demonstrating values and behaviors
The information you provide differs in every website online
you interact with the information you share contributes to your Before sharing or posting something, consider these
identity in that specific website. questions:
Is this post necessary?
Establish boundaries of the online self: private vs. Is there a real benefit to this post? Is it funny, warm-hearted,
public; personal vs. social; gender and sexuality teachable—or am I just making noise online without
Self-presentation is the process of controlling how Have we (as a family or parent/child) resolved this issue? An
we are perceived by other people. In order to create a positive issue that is still being worked-out at home, or one that is
image online, we select what type of information we present either vulnerable or highly emotional, should not be made
to the public. Anything we post online should be considered public. E.g. John Denver Trending
public no matter what our privacy settings are. Even if it is Is it appropriate? Does it stay within the boundaries of our
posted on a private account, one screen capture can family values?
immediately make that private post public. Will this seem funny in 5, 10, 15 years? Or is this post better
Personal identity is how we differentiate ourselves suited for sharing with a small group of family members? Or
from other people. maybe not at all.
Social identity is the identification of the self Additional guidelines:
according to the group where we belong in. Stick to safer sites
Sex is the biological state that corresponds to what Guard your passwords
we might call a “man” or a “woman”. Limit what you share
Gender is the social understanding of how sex Remember that anything you put online or post on a site is
should be experienced and how it is manifested in behavior, there forever, even if you try to delete it.
personality, preferences, capabilities, and so forth. Do not be mean or embarrass other people online
Sexuality is the person’s expression and Always tell if you see strange or bad behavior online. E.g.
understanding of desire which is more fluid than we think. report the posts
According to Judith Butler, gender is performative. People Be choosy about your online friends
have the freedom to choose which gender or sexuality to Be patient.


Lesson Objectives:

1. Enumerate and practice various metacognition and studying techniques;

2. Articulate the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for the different aspects of the self;
3. Acquire and manifest new skills and learning for managing of one’s self and behavior;
4. Differentiate growth and fixed mindset by Dweck; and
5. Design personal goals adapting Lock’s goal-setting theory.

GEC 1: Understanding the Self
Joseph Cezar Murillo Galedo
Techniques to practice metacognition Approach threating situations with confidence that they can
Knowing your limits: control them
You can study better if you know your limitations.
People who doubt their capabilities:
Modifying your approach: Shy away from tasks they see as personal threats
If it a strategy does not work, change the strategy. Low aspirations and weak commitment to their goals
Dwell on failures and personal deficiencies
Skimming: Exert not much effort and give-up quickly in the face of
Reading more effectively i.e. table of contents, introduction, difficulties
or summary. Tend to get discouraged after experiencing failure
Easily gets stressed or depressed
Practicing with a personal interpretation. Four major influences in a person’s self-efficacy:
1. Performance accomplishments or mastery
Self-test: experiences (feeling success)
Creating tests or assessments for yourself. It is like a second 2. Vicarious experiences (seeing other people
review. Focus on how you learned and not what you learned. succeed)
3. 3. Verbal or social persuasion (influence of
Other methods: encouragement or support versus discouragement)
Asking questions about your methods 4. 4. Physiological states (is the person feeling well or
Self-reflection not?)
Finding a mentor
Thinking out loud Carol S. Dweck wrote a book entitled: Mindset: The New
Welcoming errors Psychology of Success which discusses the two types of
mindset that people have.
Other Studying Techniques:
Outlining Fixed mindset refers to the belief that success is based on
Breaking-down big tasks their innate abilities.
Vary your schedule
Incubate your ideas (drafting) Growth mindset refers to the belief that success is based on
Revise, summarize, review hard work, learning, training, and perseverance.
Engage what you have learned
Fixed mindset:
Albert E. Bandura’s Self-efficacy theory Do not like failure because it is a negative statement about
The Bobo Doll Experiment their abilities
The experiment focused on social learning theory that states
that people learn from observing other people. Growth mindset:
Do not mind failure because they see failure as opportunity
Self-efficacy theory: for learning
Distinguishes between expectations of efficacy and
response-outcome expectancy. Dr. Edwin A. Locke conducted a study to look at the
effects of goal-setting in the performance of an
Outcome-expectancy is an estimate that a given behavior will individual. His research has 14 findings:
lead to certain outcomes. The more difficult the goal, the greater the achievement.
The more specific or explicit the goal, the more precisely
Efficacy expectation is the conviction that one can performance is regulated.
successfully execute the behavior required to produce Goals that are both difficult and specific lead to the highest
outcomes. performance.
Commitment to goals is most critical when goals are specific
Dr. Bandura defines self-efficacy as people’s beliefs about and difficult.
their capabilities to accomplish tasks. High commitment is attained when:
-the individual is convinced that the goal is important
People with high assurance in their capabilities: -the individual is convinced that the goal is attainable
Approach tasks as challenges to be mastered Having a direct affect on performance, self-efficacy
Set challenging goals and maintain strong commitment influences:
Sustain efforts in the face of failures or setbacks -the difficulty level of the goal chosen or accepted
Attribute failure to insufficient effort or deficient knowledge -commitment to goals
and skills which are acquirable -response to negative feedback or failure
GEC 1: Understanding the Self
Joseph Cezar Murillo Galedo
-choice of task strategies Goals, (including goal commitment) in combination with self-
*Feedback-means of checking to tracking progress efficacy, mediate or partially mediate the effects of several
Goal-setting is most effective when there is feedback that personality traits and incentives on performance.
shows progress in relation to the goal. Goal-setting and goal-oriented mechanisms can be trained
Goal-setting (along with self-efficacy) mediates the effect of and/or adopted in the absence of training for the purpose of
knowledge of past performance on the following performance self-regulation.
Goals affect performance by affecting the direction of action, Goals serve as standards of self-satisfaction, with harder
the degree of effort exerted, and the persistence of action goals demanding higher accomplishment in order to attain
over time. self-satisfaction than easy goals.
Goals stimulate planning in general.
When people strive for goals on complex tasks, they are least Five Principles of Goal-setting:
effective in discovering suitable task strategies if: Clarity
-they have no prior experience or training on the task Challenge
-there is high pressure to perform well Commitment
-there is high time pressure Feedback
Task Complexity


Lesson Objectives:

1. Explain the effects of stress to one’s health;

2. Examine the cultural dimensions of stress and coping; and
3. Design a self-care plan

Stress, according to Hans Selye, is the body’s nonspecific sooner or later, if the stress is still present and persistent, the
response to any demand, whether it is caused by or results person could fall to the third stage.
in pleasant or unpleasant stimuli.
Exhaustion stage
Two types of stress: The body breaks down or “dies” because it has used-
1. Distress up its resource adaptation energy.
2. Eustress
Other signs of stress:
Distress Heart-pounding, quicker breathing, muscle-tensing, and
Negative stress caused negative events such as beads of sweat appearing
break-up, punishment, injury, and school problems. Parts of the brain involved in stress:

Eustress Amygdala- area of the brain that contributes to emotional

Positive stress caused by good events such as processing. This interprets images and sounds.
entering a relationship, promotion, winning, perfecting the
exam. Hypothalamus- receiver of the distress signals coming from
the amygdala. The hypothalamus serves as the command
After the body experiences stress, it will undergo stress center of the brain.
syndrome which has three components:
Alarm stage, stage of resistance, and exhaustion stage The hypothalamus communicates with the rest of the body
Alarm stage through the autonomic nervous system which has two
The body experiences increase in heart rate, blood components: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic
pressure, perspiration, and gets ready for “fight or flight” nervous system
The sympathetic nervous system functions like a gas pedal
Resistance stage in a car. This triggers the “fight or flight” response.
The body becomes adaptive to the stressors and
starts to resist it. The length of resistance depends on the The parasympathetic nervous system functions like a brake.
body’s stored adaptation energy. However, just like a It promotes “rest and digest” response that calms down the
machine, human beings are subject to “wear and tear”, and body after danger has passed.

GEC 1: Understanding the Self
Joseph Cezar Murillo Galedo
After the amygdala sends a distress signal, the hypothalamus You can solve the problem if you know what is the problem.
activates the sympathetic nervous system that sends signals Confront what you feel. Express.
to the adrenal glands.
Find someone who listens and is accepting. You do not need
The adrenal glands are responsible for the release of the advice. You need to be heard.
hormone epinephrine otherwise known as adrenaline. Find a good listener.

When epinephrine circulates the body, this results to faster Maintain your normal routine as much as possible.
heart beats, more blood pushing to organs, pulse rate and Take control of what is happening by doing what you usually
blood pressure increase. do. This will take you mind off the stress.

Techniques to counter chronic stress: Allow plenty of time for a task.

1. Relaxation response Good quality things take time. You cannot focus and
Activities such as abdominal breathing, meditation, and concentrate if you have time pressure. Do not procrastinate.
2. Physical Activity Take good care of yourself:
Exercise does not only regulate breathing but also relaxes 1. Get enough rest and sleep. Sleep at least six hours but not
tense muscles. more that nine hours. Sleep helps the body heal and recover.
3. Social Support
Having people around that support you helps you get through 2. Eat regularly and make healthy choices. Do not skip
stressful times. breakfast. Eat healthy and nutritious food that will maintain
the body’s energy level. Avoid cigarettes and alcoholic drinks.
Cultural Dimension of Stress Coping
3. Know your limits and when you need to let go. Some
Race, culture, and religion are just some of the factors that problems are beyond your control, let them be. Stop fixing the
affect our stress. unfixable. “It is what it is, I just need to accept it.” Journaling
can help you move on.
In Western countries, stress may come from racial
discrimination. 4. Identify or create a nurturing place in your home. Twenty
minutes of in your “safe space” can greatly relieve your
Gender can also be a source of stress if the culture you stress. Music and nature sounds also help.
belong to is not open to the diversity and fluidity of gender.
5. Practice relaxation or meditation. This will help your body
If you belong to a religious family, stress may come from slow down and release stress. Take a mental vacation.
forcing yourself to be conservative and passive.
6. Escape for a while through meditation, reading a book,
In the Philippines, social issues, traffic, corruption, and fake watching a movie, or taking a short trip.
news are examples of stressors. Self-compassion Therapy

In a typical Filipino setting, eldest children bear the burden of Be good to yourself. Do not put down yourself because you
being breadwinners. have failed. Recognize your imperfections.

In the Philippines, relatives and neighbors can be sources of We cannot always get what we want. We cannot always be
stress. who we want to be. Suffering arises when we cannot face
In terms of coping, forms may be faith or religion, family,
friends, personal, and surroundings. Self-compassion recognizes that life challenges and failure a
part of being human, and we all share this reality. You are not
Self-care Therapy alone in this battle called LIFE.

Stop, breathe, and tell yourself: “This is hard and I will get Self-compassion phrases:
through this one step at a time. This is a moment of suffering
Take time to process the problem and solve it one step at a Suffering is a part of life
time. May I be kind to myself
May I give myself the compassion I need
Acknowledge to yourself what you are feeling. All feelings are
normal so accept what ever you are feeling. This is a moment of suffering

GEC 1: Understanding the Self
Joseph Cezar Murillo Galedo
This opens out mind to the pain of reality. Acceptance is the May I give myself the compassion I need
first step. You DESERVE self-love and self-compassion. Huwag
ipagkait sa sarili ang pagmamahal.
Suffering is a part of life
EVERYONE experiences this. Do not think that you are alone Self-compassion is not only looking at the brighter side of
in this battle. things, but it is the recognition of suffering but being kind to
May I be kind to myself
Respond with self-kindness and not with self-criticism Less stress is more care. Self-love and self-compassion are
vital for a healthy lifestyle.


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