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UNIT| Casi @ Match the words with the definitions. There is one extra definition. @® Look at the picture. Identify andwrite. ~ ‘a, Three living components: pee bb, Three non-living components: c. Two examples of flora: 4. Two examples of fauna: _ e Nd Sz ey 5 Dodo pi ts ng =O @ circle the odd one out. a, trees: climate soil sunlight _ = b. lake forest river ocean 2 aquarium —deseri_ 200 eee ie gerne ee d. grassland tundra —_fatrn tropical rainforest, e. stream pond weean iver, ee @ choose the correct wards to complete the sentences. a. A savannah / tite tundra ig the coldest ecosystem on Earth.. b. The tundra’ grasslands don’t 4 doesn’yhave trees, ‘Coniferous forests are located in warm / cole reas of the world. dd. Oak, beech and maple trees are found in Mediterranean / temperate deciduous forests @. Deserts are very hot f cold at night . Temperate grasslands / deserts / rainforests are the driest places on Earttr © match the ecosystems with the descriptions. a, shoreline } { 1. still water without waves b, stream } { 2. salt water ‘pond } f 3. where sea and land meet d. wetlands } f 4, where freshwater covers soil ¢. ocean } fs. flowing water ‘© Look at these things and say why each one is good or bad for the environment. a. Zoos. by $0 TO ee a . Cutting down forests e Foden eee renee reas 4. habitat 7 = 6. all kinds of animals “7. 2 plant that loses its leaves in autumn @ook atthe picture. identityandyrite. —« a. Three living components: ie pics — bb. Three non-living components: 2 10 ai ne . Two examples of flora iO) tree mass se rer Sa Y d. Two examples of fauna: 2). ot ze mesa wild 5 @ cic te oddone ox,” —-_ = dimate —soile, sunlight A2 +\n, ce Don bie Gay a con Bel tne tess ace aout 4 aquarium, een) 700 pak All She cnete OE of b Cicigg ) Ay 4. grassland tundra (farm, er e. stream, pond ) fiver, eta, Be 1 ae a ® choose the correct to Sa ees a. A savannah 5 the coli ecosystem on.Earth. b. Theta) grasslands eee have tees. ) Coniferous forests are located in 2A. teword A dd. Oak, beech and maple trees are found in Mediterranean / temperate deciduous forests. or 2 = . Deserts are vely hot @ >t night 4. Temperate grasslands (deserts / rainforests are the driest pla © atch the ecosystems with the descriptions. a sorine } % 1 slater tout woes 7 [avetints — }5¢ wetlands 4. where freshwater covers soil | e. ocean a = hy 5. flowing water a. @© ook at these things and say why each one is good or bad for \ t gets the environment. a ee Api b. Soil oun ib — bed Becaye Les can't oon bell = . Cutting down forests OCU Us f £ 2 beosce i, lie Becanie we need oxygen thet plats make a 19) if ‘ Natural Sdence Primary 5 « Downloadable and printable © Ediciones Blingdes, SL

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