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Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines LABORATORY 1

Name: Jerlen P. Lorana Date Performed: Nov.

27, 2019
Experiment No. 1
Course& Yr: BSCHE-5 Due Date: Dec. 3, 2019
Reynolds (Laminar and
Turbulent Flow)
Date Submitted: Dec. 6,

I. Objective/s
The objectives of this experiment is to determine the laminar, turbulent flow of a
fluid in a pipe and the condition under which these type of flow occurs, to prove that the
Reynolds number is Dimensionless and, to draw and identify the different parts of
Reynolds Apparatus.

II. Theory
Osborne Reynolds was born in Belfast on August 23, 1842, into a clerical family
with a strong mathematical background. He investigated the laws of flow of water
through pipes and established the concept of "critical velocity". In a classic piece of
research, he made an early determination of the absolute mechanical equivalent of heat
irrespective of temperature and following investigations into lubricants he formulated the
theory of thin-film lubrication, which he presented in a classic paper to the Royal Society
in 1886. Reynolds' paper is the foundation of all subsequent theory on film-lubricated
bearings, and made possible the development of modern thrust bearings, without which
marine advances such as the large battleship or the transatlantic liner would not have
been practicable.

Some of his works in turbulence and vortex formation predicted the importance of
cavitation, which is the formation of a vapor cavity in a region of low pressure between a
liquid and a rapidly moving surface such as a ship's propeller. However, these works of
him did not present practical engineering problem until the development of the steam
turbine twenty years later.

His investigations into condensation, and heat transfer in gases and between solids
and liquids, resulted in radical changes in the design of boilers and condensers, while his
work on centrifugal pumps and turbines anticipated the development of the Parsons type
of multistage turbine. Yet for all his contributions to practical engineering science,
Reynolds probably never received nothing for any of his inventions which were
commercially developed and exploited by others.

The Reynolds ( Re ) number is a quantity which engineers use to estimate if a fluid

flow is laminar or turbulent. This is important, because increased mixing and shearing
occur in turbulent flow. This results in increased viscous losses which affects the
efficiency of hydraulic machines. A good example of laminar and turbulent flow is the
rising smoke from a cigarette. The smoke initially travels in smooth, straight lines
(laminar flow) then starts to “wave” back and forth (transition flow) and finally seems to
randomly mix (turbulent flow). These ranges are discussed below.

RANGE 1: Laminar Flow (see diagram below) Generally, a fluid flow is laminar from Re
= 0 to some critical value at which transition flow begins.

RANGE 2: Transition Flow (see diagram below) Flows in this range may fluctuate
between laminar and turbulent flow. The fluid flow is on the verge of becoming turbulent.

RANGE 3: Turbulent Flow (see diagram below) The fluid flow has become unstable. In
turbulent flow, there is increased mixing that results in viscous losses which are generally
much higher than in those in laminar flow.

NOTE: The Re at which turbulent flow begins depends on the geometry of the fluid flow.
The value is different for pipe flow and external flow (i.e. over/outside and object). Since
we are studying fluid flow in hydraulic systems, WE WILL CONSIDER ONLY

Streamlines In Laminar, Transition, and Turbulent Flow Regimes In Pipe Flow:

Pipe Flow Conditions
For water flowing in pipe or circular conduits, L is the diameter of the pipe. For
Reynolds number less than 2100, the pipe flow will be laminar. For Reynolds number
from 2100 to 4000 the pipe flow will be considered a transitional flow. Turbulent occur
when Reynolds number is above 4000. The viscosity of the fluid also determines the
characteristic of the flow becoming laminar or turbulent. Fluid with higher viscosity is
easier to achieve a turbulent flow condition. The viscosity of fluid is also dependent on
the temperature.

Laminar flow denoted a steady flow condition where all streamlines follow parallel
paths, there being no interaction (mixing) between shear planes. Under this condition the
dye observed will remain as a solid, straight and easily identifiable component of flow.

Transitional Flow is a mixture of laminar and turbulent flow with turbulence in the
center of the pipe, and laminar flow near the edges. Each of these flows behaves in
different manners in terms of their frictional energy loss while flowing, and have different
equations that predict their behavior.

Turbulent Flow denotes an unsteady flow condition where streamlines interact

causing shear plane collapse and mixing of the fluid. In this condition the dye observed
will become disperse in the water and mix with the water. The observed dye will not be
identifiable at this point.

III. Materials/Apparatus
A. Materials

B. Apparatus
Graduated Cylinder
Water Source
Reynolds Apparatus

IV. Procedure
 Position the Reynolds Apparatus on a fixed surface, ensuring that the area is
vibration free. Any vibration would affect the flow regime.
 Connect the water source to the head tank by a tube. Insert the injector inside the
head tank. Open the faucet, fill the head tank with water. Make sure that the flow
visualization pipe is properly filled.
 After the water level reaches a sufficient amount, adjust the flow control valve so
that a slight overflow rate is produced.
 Add the dye to the injector until it is about 2/3 full. Lower the injector until the tip of
the needle is immersed in the visualization tube.
 Adjust the flow control valve to reach a slow trickle outflow until a slow flow with
clear dye indication is achieved.
 Observe the flow pattern. To get the flow rate, put two tapes with a certain distance
from each other.
 Measure the distance of the tape with a ruler. Slightly shake the injector to release an
amount of dye visible to the naked eye then time the movement of the dye when it
passes through the first tape until the last tape. While doing so, the volume of the
water flowing from the flow control valve must be measured by the graduated
 Take pictures or make hand sketches if necessary. Increase the flow by opening the
flow control valve and repeat the experiment to visualize transitional flow and then,
at the highest flow rates, turbulent flow.

V. Diagram
(see attached page)

VI. Data and Results

Diameter of the Pipe =
Distance = 21.8 cm

trial Time Velocity Re trial Time Velocity Re
(sec) (m/s) (sec) (m/s)
1 3.16 0.06899 3310.2 1 9.65 0.0226 1084.4
2 2.48 0.08790 4217.5 2 12.75 0.0171 820.5
3 1.75 0.12457 5977 3 18.32 0.0119 570.97

VII. Computations

Trial Velocity Reynold’s Number

Trial Velocity Reynold’s Number

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