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24 th N o vem ber
Nelson Central School
2 010 Week l y N e ws l ett er
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te 10 Dec – Summit Club tramp to Mt Arthur
Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and Term 4 finishes Thursday 16 December
family of Nelson Central School.
Public Holidays During Term Time
Children’s Writing Queen's Birthday - 7 June (Monday)
R14 have chosen to practise their writing about arguments Labour Day - 25 October (Monday)
by focussing on the subject of fireworks
Terms and dates for 2011
DANGEROUS FIREWORKS: Term 1 starts Monday 7 February
Term 2 finishes Friday 15 April
I think all fireworks should be banned. Term 2 starts Monday 2 May
Term 2 finishes Friday 15 July
I think this because some people are scared of fireworks. Term 3 starts Monday 1 August
The sound might scare them or even how big the fireworks Term 3 finishes Friday 7 October
are. The noise scares animals so they might run away. Term 4 starts Tuesday 25 October
Term 4 finishes Tuesday 20 December
The smoke from the fireworks is bad for the environment
so it could poke a big hole in the ozone layer. Public Holidays during Term Time
Queen’s Birthday 6 June (Monday)
Some people are not sensible with the fireworks. Some
animals get killed because of this. Things could get Dr Paul Potaka
destroyed. People could get burnt and fires could start. PRINCIPAL

I still think fireworks could be fun if silly people weren’t

silly with fireworks. Matur e University Stud ent available
for part-time wor k now! Odd jobs,
That is why I think fireworks should be banned. cleaning, babysitting etc. Phone Holly
Lydia R14
546 6627 or 02731 21008.
FUN FIREWORKS: The office has for sale at a cost of $5.00 large, black,
lined bags. The bags were designed for Nelson
I think that fireworks should not be banned. Central School’s 125th reunion and have our logo and
reunion details on the front. These bags are great for
I think this because fireworks are really fun to watch. They swimming / library / gym etc. Grab yourself a bargain -
are really exciting. these are great bags!!!!
Families get to spend some time together when fireworks Nelson Central
are on. People also get to have fireworks for other
occasions like New Year. Social Skill
Sometimes fireworks can scare animals away but “It is Important to be Honest”
fireworks are still fun if people aren’t silly with them.

I reckon everyone should be allowed fireworks.

Riley, R14

Term events
29 Nov – 3 Dec Room 7 Camp to Golden Bay
Our weekly newslett er is kindly
1 Dec Nelson Intermediate Road Show sponsored by –
7 Dec BOT meeting
9 Dec Whanau Day Out
7 0 N il e St r e et , N e lson – Ph on e 0 3 5 4 8 4 9 7 2 – Fa x 0 3 5 4 8 4 4 8 3 – E ma il st a ff@ n el son cen t ra l.sch o ol.n z
Principa l: tumuaki @t Sec reta ry: secret ary @nel so ncent ral.scho BO T Cha irma n: D avid Jo hnston W ebsite: www.nelsonce nt ral .sc
The Grampian Trio Mary Juliet and Lisa
On Monday many classes were lucky enough to be treated to a performance by this wonderful trio.
The following is a review by Jenna (Year 4 Room 3)
I think it was really great music.
I used to play the violin and I thought Juliet was really cool and her fingers practically flew across the strings.
I really liked the deep sounds of the cello and the pianist’s fingers went all over the place to produce wonderful
It was brilliant.

A&P Show Entries

Kahikatea syndicate participated in the A & P
show community event on Friday by making
competition entries. I was impressed by the
imagination and independence they showed.
Year 0-3 Sand Saucer
Aria.S (R5) 2nd
Year 0-3 Fruit and Vegetable Creation
Aria.S 1st
Eva.P (R3) 2nd
Connor.M (R4) 6th equal
Jacob.P (R6) 6th equal
Year 4-6 Sand Saucer
Wills.S (R5) 6th equal
Year 4-6 Fruit and Vegetable Creation
Logan.C (R3) 4th
Carleigh.H (R3) 5th
Most Imaginative Rosette
Zoe.F (R5) for her fruit and vegetable
Well done everyone ! Jo (R3)

Christmas and January Holiday Programme

Highlights during our summer programmes include an Amazing Race, soap making, snorkelling,
gymnastics, Child Vs Wild day, mountain biking, raft making and a Christmas Carnival and disco.
For more info, please download a schedule from our website or contact us on:

0800 LEG KID - - 027 335 6904

WINZ subsidy (if you qualify for full subsidy) covers the whole daily fee.
Nelson Central School Community Group
When: THIS Thursday, 25th November @ 7pm
Where: School staffroom
Drinks and nibbles and your chance to make the school a better
place. Come along and find out more...obligation free!
Hira School 2010 Inter-school 6 aside Football Championships, Saxton Field Stoke
Two more photos from the Inter-school soccer last week.

Nelson Weet-Bix Tryathlon

School’s Race Brief
When 9am Sunday, 6th March, 2011
Where Tahunanui Beach Reserve
The event is open to all kids between the ages of 7 – 15 years old. Kids can enter as either:
o Individual
o Team (Swim, Bike, Run can be done by separate individuals)
Pricing Structure
There are different entry fees depending on how many people in your family are taking part, whether you're joining
forces with a couple of friends and when you enter.
Individuals: $37
Team Entry: $35 per child
School Group Entry: $35 per person.
How To Enter
1. In a School Group OR 2. Individually
School Group Entry
Obtain and entry form from the sports notice board located in the hallway between room 2 and 3. Complete and hand in
to Sheryll in the school office along with your payment.
If we enter more than 15 children in the event we will receive:
♦ Free Breakfast at the event, Complimentary school group photo, Be in the draw to win $500 worth
of sports gear for our school, Race packs couriered free of charge.
Individual Entry
Students can enter online at Call Customer Services Team on 09 531 5080 (Mon to Thurs 9am-
5pm, Friday 9am to 12pm)
Kiwi Cricket Draw for Sat 27 Nov Hardball Cricket Report
Central played Wai mea Girls Intermedia te.
Please note Ba tting first Wai mea mad e 62.
# tea ms can be regraded at any ti me It was very plea sing to see tha t Central held all their
# tea ms can be entered a t any ti me catc hes.
Top bowler was Thoma s Z (R1) with 2 wickets for 1 run.
Fifth Round Da te: 27 Nov 2010 Central made 158 which is the highest score they have
Ground Tea m Tea m made.
INCREDIBALL GRADE Top batters were Nick C (R1) 50 no , Thoma s Z 36 no,
3 Central Stars v Birchwood Black Caps Kyle C (R7) 15 no and Max H (R7) 13 no..

Hardball Cricket Draws for Sa turday 27th November BlueBerry IT Kid s Maha na Mile
Sat urday 27t h November
Golden Edge Pri mary A Grade. Children aged 5-15 y ears
Henley United v Central Sch a t Mai tai Ground. 1 mile o ffroad course t hrough viney ards at
Woollast on Est ates.
Ent er online at www.runma
Golden Edge Pri mary B Grade.
Central St Josephs v Mapua Sc h a t Victory Sq No 2.
Opening of Nelson Hockey and Softball Pavilion
Sunday 28th November 2010

11.00am - 12noon:“Have a Go” at

Softball and Hockey
12.30pm - 12.50pm: Official Opening
1.20pm - 1.50pm: TDC/NCC v Sponsors hockey
2.10pm - 2.40pm: TDC/NCC v Sponsors
softball game
1.00pm – 6.00pm: Refreshments and Socialising
We invite everyone to come along and enjoy the

Nelson Yacht Club Learn To Sail Classes

Nelson Yacht Club is running learn to sail classes.
This is a week long course designed to teach kids the
basics of sailing. Several Courses run during the
School Holidays. Boats and lifejackets are provided by
the club.
For further information check the school
sports notice board located in the
hallway between rooms 2 and 3 or
contact Nelson Yacht Club Phone; 548
7501, e mai: lnyc , website:

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