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International Competitions Eireann SCIENCE ry Assessment very erent UNSW Global 1. Lura measures the length ofa stg using @centinete rer ics cotumn onthe grap represents the iength of he ekg? 6 | i } 8, 5 2 | oe” @” O° 2 Wehear sound when energy is transfered rom the souce of he sound to cur ers. Loudness Is measured Indocbets (28) “The able shows the loudness offre sounds. [Sound owdness (a) whisper 7 [renarops co ‘busy road 20 hair dryer 80 Tock concert 120) fie oscar 140 Sounds with enaes greater than 10 dB can cause hearing damage Ifyou hea them Sor more than sSminutes Wich of he folowing sounds could caus hearing damage? (®) —vocuum cleaner (8) busy road (0) harder saaninarercoee 2 ° rock concert 3. The photogran shows ear What the approxi ongth (mom) of the lard rom X10 ¥? wa ® 1 © 2 o 4 ‘This graph shows what percentage ofthe mess of some fits made up of water, 100 Water content () oranges apples watermelons grapes srawbertes bananas Feut \Wst conclusion canbe rai fram his graph? (A) Apples conan a higher percentage of water than he other fut (©) Oranges cara a higher percantage cf water than svambotos, (C)_Watemmeions and eraubaries cantante sme percentage of wale. (0) Grapes and apples contain tne lowest percentage 0! wate of thes fu For quostions 5 and 6 use the information below. ‘The gram shows some peas next toa lr marke in oantmatres an miirates ‘5. Whats the approxinat ameter (in milletes) af one pea? wos 7 © 0 o % ©. Whats the best way of gt a more sccurte estimate of the average ameter of poas? (8) moacure only the emeooth peas (B) _moasure ho vo peas one ata time (C) __mnasure five peas alned up the same way (©) measure 40 peas ined up a Inthe gram 7. The photographs stow a plant a ts Towering. The potogranhs sre NOT shown inte oder in which they were tae, wos © 3 sepiesanecoun 4 For questions 6 and 9 use the information below. Cetin substances make some people sneeze orto. These people have an alge react to these substan. Ky aye elge ror ol cap Sey wh lero legis a ot ha nes cause hr alerg actions ‘The pe graph shows hor ruts key Bi cow hie co hai ores nat | Bi cathair Wi poten WE cir procucts Hi pou cust ‘nich substance was the most common cause of allergic reactions? (&) dog aie (®) poten (©) dsirypreducts (0) house dust. ‘The cual number of people whe have an allergic reaction to cow har may be much higher than the suey What is the most ely reason for this diference? (8) Cowrnairis vr sor. {@) Popo ung cts rrety came into contact with oom hai (C)_itisharato tt ithe reaction Is causes by he cow har x another aubetancs, (©) Tests foratericreactons to cow nar are not ae acuran as ey ae for other eubstances, “Tim wanted to tet hop of somo so. He mixed ho sol ith warn ats ube and added fe oops of Incas rom his pH testing kt He matched te onour produce inthe ost against the chat spied vt te pl eolour chart (test te ane range yllow groan |_waterwinpHindcae | & a] sol sample song acid strong base ne 5 8 TB Wat the approximate pH wae of T's coll ample? wm 4s @ 65 © 86 © 105 wn 3 ‘11. Sarah saw this dagram aan experiment ina sence book. —f par towel @ ele |___ beans (a ‘he decided o cay out tbe experinenthersl, (®) Do beans gerninat fester in groups of eight? (B) How much ware needed fer beans to garminate? (C) Does paper towel fect tho geminaton of beans? (0) Doss ie ype of water aoc the gorminaton of beans? shoe Which of ese questions wil Sarah be abo to answer from te results of her experiment? 12, Thedagram shows what sme animale eat Ta is | a ate ‘sterpiar beetle lant ‘crease In camber fog (8) fom © Tart | fre lass are eaten by Dis ‘Adlassue fate al othe bri this food wob. Which fhe folowing aial populons i most kay to boot 1D) sider seoetomnecenn 6 19, _Scintts ue emo inthe stroke of sult determine how closely ferent animals ae rlaed “The dagram shows the stu of four ferent animals, sen fom above. OOO ‘wmich wo animals are most osely ried? (rims 1 ard 8) srimals 1 ana (©) amas 22003, (©) srimals2enad For questions 14 and 15 use the information below. SSnowbearders rub wax onthe bottom ofthe seowboards lo protect thom an to improve their perfomance ine crystals can damage a snowboard by seratchng it Oxygen nthe sow can cause rut frm in the “The gra shows the lemperture range in which each wax was design to be used “4. Which typeof wax shouldbe used whan the snow temperature is 10°C? Snow temperature (*) A) cold wax ony (8) warm wax only {6} etter universe wax or cold wax (0) etter universal wax oe warm wa. 15, Which satomentisconect? (A) The waxas tobe softer than the noire absor he oxygen frm he ai (@) _Thewaxtasto be softer than the snow absorscatces frm the snow. (©) Thewaxhae obo hador tan the snowboard to prooct the enowboar om us (0) Tho wax has oe harder than the snowboard protect the snowoar from sosthas 7 sone saarncoo 16. Wendy measured the mass of laste jug containing water. The mass of on ite (of waters ‘ne hlogram (k). st 4 3 2 “The gram shows the mass of he jug including he wator it containos 1 ‘Whats the soproxmate mass ofthe jg (ha)? 06 @) 20 abo 28 ©) 30 17. Light tavels in staight ines. This dsgram shows what happens when ary of ight hits @ mor. Incoming ay reflected ry i size of angle i | ron of mor back of ior A pariscope enables you to look over ferces or obstacles. A madelperiseope canbe bul using two mors inside a ibe. sepermonencoen 8 48. 20. Jonny bought abot of fut ules concentrate, The instucons sa that ehe should mic par concentrate to pone water, ‘She wanted to make one cone of it vee ich cortainrshaws he correct amount of concen hat he enoul ue, efere ling ote mark wih « ® © Co) UU For questions 19 and 20 use the information below. ‘This gop shows the average daly wind speed in an area aera parc ot 30 days, ‘Average dally wind speed z0 ee Ens a Ie tod 42345 G7 O 1OT A299 14 1598 FT 9010.20.94 22 03895 262728 2930 Day {What was the highest average diy wind speed in Kiometes perhour (km), nthe ay period? w 38 om © 2 o 7 “The wind speeds are given in we diferent units, Klometes per hou and knots. ‘Approximately what spead,nklomees per nou, equal tone knot? w 15 @ © 0 o 6 ° sreciesomanceun 21, When vinagr i mized wit baking soda, bubbles of gas form. The gos can be rapped na balloon, Lina ba a fask and a balon which had ttl mines of 2509 ‘She put 15 g of baking soda and 5 g of vinagar into th lack end caved the mouth of the Bask with the balon before any gas could escape ‘Busles stare forming in the atk andthe balloon expanded \Whon the bubbing topped Line weighed the ask wt Ue baleen sit ctacned wiht eting any gas escape baloon| What shouldbe the total mass? 2509 (3069 (©) 3209 (0) morethan 320.6 ove ‘osx _— vinegar baking soda 22, Leaves tat have ust been pckes om healthy plans conta water, Mer alata pled ot a plan, ses water and cries up. Water cannot escape rom ef sursce that has bean cated wh tease top sutace oto surtace Ber cared out an investigation using four sitar leaves taken fom the same heathy lant. Ho covered some sirtaces of ho 25 with ross: + Lear Hat ofits op surtace + Leat2-at ofits botiom sutace + Lear3-at oft top and bation suracas + Leat no grease on ether eutace, Wich questions Bert tying to answer wit his investigation? (8) Does gosse enter ala! through stop surface? (8) Fromvicn sutace coos 2 lease more wat? (6) How quickly dows a at wit no grease ont dy Us? (©) _Dolefgeraves love mor water then sal eaves? 28, Some students wor studying Hicton. They setup the apparatus below to test how the suriace and angle ot @ Slope ates the movement of a Block of weed lock of wood a mass used to pull | tieck at weed t up stope In cach al, the students charged the angle ofthe slope ancfor the sucace, and aqusod the size ofthe mass Unt the lock a wood just star to mave up the slope, “The abl shows tho surface and ange ofthe slaps in each [rat Surface ‘Angle [rough caer o [8 [rouphcamet | aor © _| smoot poled wood | 40" | smectn palished wood | 0 Which ial quired tho largest mass ta pl he blk of wood up the slope? won @ e @ ec © © 24 Mary found fou ferent eclpes (FQ, Rand 8) for making ss, The abo gives the ngredionts and oven temperature foreach recipe. Plain | Brown | Coconut | Golden syrul oom. Mes | | ih | tein) |faneony | Mme a 1 Lt 2 175 | R 1% 7 | % 2 10 | Cs pay 2 175 Mary made biscuits ving each of to recipes and compare har esis. She tasted each biscuit and ‘concluded thal using more brown sugar mado the biscltsfrmer ane ence. Wich bouts lod br to thi coneision? cut om ecpes Penta © Pande ©) aenar (©) Gans 1" moses hen coun 200) 1000 1200 7400) 16:00 78:00) 20:00 ‘Which graph corey shows te data An recorded? “ ° f ie ; BH a i H | ‘ern “meCo) 26. Bon hast bos contring sugar plone o ere concentrators, The spay eoneeaons are 510, 15% and 20% The supayeoneg Ben knows te folowing: 1+ tthe 4 contains the highest concentration + tosttube + doesnot have he lvest concentration + testtubo2 contains greater eugar concentration than et ube 1. ‘Which test tube contin the 15% sugar sluton? wot 2 Os o 4 science 12 27. ‘Tee photograph shows s iver’ view tough he Font windscreen at a partcularpent uring a joumey ‘The map below shows the erver'oure rom (A) (0) ‘Athi pin jong the Journey auld the iver so the view shown inthe photograph? 28. Ary ell produess a voiage, This can be massired using a velit nen dry cos are joined, the tal vote depends onthe numberof alls and how they ate connect “Te ogra show fee ways that dy calls may be connect andthe numberof vos produced In cacncaee, Wat il be the ean on te vteeter vos)? wos © 4b © 6 0) 7h 3 makes remo For questions 29 and 30 use the information bolow. ‘The abe ists infoaton abeut four substances fund in athe chicken stock inking choclate sugar, coces, nik olds, mak extract peanut bute eanuts, canola al euge, al ooemis yess oxtack eal, mol ena, colouring Joc used some fst as shown to dtingulsh between th four eubtencee XY and Z 5 ees it | (Caen) 0 yee contin sat? came sean Wand] no ooout ys oh secure w Cine] 23. Which of he fatowing i substance YP (A) chicken stock (8) dining chocolate (©) peanut biter (0) vegeta 80. We use our sunses when wo make observations \Wich ofthe senses was NOT nesded ote ubstanees W, x, and 2 sper? (®) sight (©) boating (©) taste (0) teen — seiaanarc0ee 4 For quostlons 31 and 32 use the information below. Joe cared out an investigation to so whether he material of which gloves are mace aects now much ‘aloctey absor. He measured the mass f each pao gloves before placing tem ins contains of ‘so He messured the mass ofeach pai of ves agin afr taking them out ofthe sow. Paw Paiex Pay Pale ich ofthe fooling i Joe havo to change i hls investigation? (A) the materia ofthe gloves {@) the amount of sno in te containers (©) the tomperatre ot ne snow Ine containers (©) tholongt of tme ie loves were nthe snow ‘The abo hows the resus of Joe's investigation. Joe realised that he had made a mitake dng the investigation ‘With whieh pair of gloves dil Joe make the mistake, and what's most kel to have mad him aware of is rmstke? a [the mass ofthe gaves ci not change ® mass ofthe gloves was oo great. © the as ofthe gloves deorensed fo ths mass ofthe gloves changed toa much 15 secieramane ce! 88, ‘Shanta conscered cockosches a post. She rend on a webste thal cockroaches preler parca tenveormenalconvons of temperature, malture and lah ‘She se up eight onironments to investgat which canons atract the grestst numberof cockroaches. | we ‘ool dry ht coal iy dark x ‘2001 molt dark warm deyignt [_Y___| warmest dark [warm moist ight | To make 3 tst, whet condos dif Shanta need ose for environments X and? CN font ay | va gt (8) cool ‘ram — | roast | — aight (6) | ees —| mat — | wet] ta (©) [coor] wesst | gnt | “warm | ay | —k He wantod to find out which aeroplane will de the furthest, ‘The rsuts or whch pai of eroplanes wi provide a atest of how te feed winglets Stet the distance an aeroplane wi le Pea ® cadR Gangs Rand g 35. The groh shows the change inthe numberof bactraivng ona soe of eae bread over a giv tne 3 ‘] i i ta 3 i “Time (cays) ‘On which daye was the number of bacteria that ie greater han the numberof bacteria that forme? dats ©) danas (0) dayso-12 ©) deta sb tah 16 26. 2. ‘Awedge la simple machine thats used to chr log of woos 32 the deection of afore can be used fo spt ‘The wedge I ven into the weodby iting wit a hareer. $09 of wood node Key I force diving wedge Dire: ing wood mich of fotowing shows the drctn ofthe force ving he wedge an he dct ofthe force eliting the wons? [Fore arving wedge | Fore pttng wood | oe | eS | oe | en Acta agrem shows how an eleccal eit joined fogother Standard eye dograms to represent elactical component reused n cout lecricalcurent wl ow ony when a cetie loed,Lighgkbes wit low ani alactcal erent sowing, ‘The diagrams show four circuit iagrams. In which creat wou only on ghglabs glow? ® w hh ik eS Key Ii ester, er open ein Joe dosed ewten | © taoiove ‘The table shows tee sels of gears. In each st, tho frst goer makes 30 tums per minute nthe recon shown, Fer each se ef gears, th able shows the craton of rtaton and speed of ation othe lst ger, Direction of rotation | Speed of rotation ‘stgear ast goar 0 tums per minute | wstgear _lastgoar fst gear st gear 20 tuns per minute = [ef 7 “This ciagrem shows another se of gear. The fret gost makes 0 tums pr minut inthe dreton shown, 2 frst gear For this at of gears, what ar the srecton and the spaed of atton of the as gear? lastgaar | Direction of rotation i ‘Speed of rotation [os] y tan port ° Ty a © oO umecerninn | o am "| etme For questions 39 and 40 use the information below. ‘Sixchlken competed i 8 400 mete) race, The dlagrams show the postion of ach chi a to tere ines (and, ding the rae. ‘300 mark | Position of runners (m) after 60 seconds (t) How many metres i te chin Lane 2 run betwosn tie ta tine :? «0 ® % (© 100 ©) 2 “The speed af a moving person or objects ven bythe equation ‘At wnat speed (i metes or second) dd th chil in Lane trun between me and te 7 ws 0 oo 6 o « 2012 Science - Student Response Analysis ‘essieeser eet min ep el eee qn etn page yar tse (Aa ho eee ere — a a a oe — 3 [swat pst ia pe ge gg

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