Correlation Between The Ratio and The Effectiveness of A Liquid Hand Soap 1

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University of San Jose - Recoletos







I. Goals and Objectives
The experiment shall explain the effects of varying ratios of ingredients in the
effectiveness of a liquid hand soap. The results of the experiment shall or can be utilized
in the development of the liquid hand soap industry since the experiment’s results can be
utilized as the bases of a liquid hand soap manufacturer on how to make their product
better or more effective. In addition, the results can also be used as a bases for consumers
on how to pick the right liquid hand soap that can both effectively clean and moisturized
their hands. On the other hand, the researchers, through this experiment, can also teach
consumers on how to make a liquid hand soap in their homes that is as effective as the
company-manufactured liquid hand soap by giving them the right ratio and proportion of
ingredients and the procedures. The given ratio of ingredients in making the liquid hand
soap will be explained thoroughly by the researchers in the Theory and Significance part
in order for the readers of this paper to be guided and knowledgeable about the effects of
the liquid hand soap to them or in other words, what would happen to their hands if they
would use the liquid hand soap.
Objectives of the experiment design are as follows:
The experimental shall investigate the effects of varying ratios of ingredients the
effectiveness of liquid hand soap in the following aspects:
 Smell or aroma
 Bubbliness
 Effectiveness in cleaning
 Smooth-like feelings of the skin

II. Theory and Significance

In this experiment, the theory that will explain the outcome of this study is called
the theory of Saponification. According to Anne Helmenstein (2019), Saponification is the
process where triglycerides (oils) react with sodium of potassium hydroxide which is one
of the ingredients for castile soap to produce glycerol and a fatty acid called “soap” (A.
Helmenstein, 2019). The production of glycerol is essential for the liquid hand soap since
the amount of glycerol produced will define the amount of bubbles created by the soap
and how it kills bacteria due to glycerol’s antimicrobacterial and antiviral properties.
Through the usage of the theory of saponification, the researchers can determine that the
combination of triglycerides and potassium hydroxide will produce glycerol. Thus, ratio of
between triglycerides and potassium hydroxide will surely affect the produced product’s
smell or aroma bubbliness, effectiveness in cleaning, and smooth-like feelings of the skin.
The experiment utilizes the materials namely: castile soap, olive oil and lemon
essential oil, in making the liquid hand soap due to different motives. The researchers use
castile soap as the soap based because of four main reasons. First, castile soap contains
oleuropein, a compound with potent anti-bacterial effects (eraorganics, n.d.) meaning, it
can actually cleanse and protects the hands from bacteria without using toxic chemicals
(eraorganics, n.d.). Second, it is safe for sensitive skins because it is created from organic
materials which extends the range or the number of people who can use the liquid hand
soap. Third, castile soap can smoothen a dry skin since it is created from plant oils which
is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and these fatty acids can replenish the water level
within the epidermis resulting in a softer and glowing skin (eraorganics, n.d.). Lastly,
castile soap is easy to use and a great ingredient when combined with other ingredients
such as water and different essential oils creating a very effective cleaning and
moisturizing product (Jin, 2019).
On the other hand, olive oil is utilized in the experiment because of three main
reasons. First, olive oils are rich in monounsaturated fatty acid, just like castile soap
(HealthLine, n.d.). Second, olive oil contains antioxidants because it contains vitamin E
(HealthLine, n.d.) which can prevent premature aging and can also protect skin against
UV rays. Lastly, olive oil is also anti-bacterial and can treat bacterial infections in the skin
(HealthLine, n.d.). The last material that is utilized in the experiment is the lemon essential
oil. The researchers used lemon essential oil because it is detoxifying and astringent.
Lemon essential oil’s antiseptic properties greatly help in clearing skin (Mightynest, n.d.).
In addition, lemon essential oil has a strong lemon smell that can make skin smell very
good and fresh.
The researchers decided to use castile soap, olive oil and lemon essential oil in
making the liquid hand soap because of its good properties that is beneficial to a person’s
skin when applied. Combining these materials for making a liquid hand soap will surely
make a person’s hands safe, clean and at the same time moisturized due to the
ingredient’s composition of different vitamins and minerals.

III. Variables Identification

 Dependent Variables
 Scent or smell of the liquid hand soap
 Bubbliness of the liquid hand soap
 Effectiveness in cleaning
 Smooth-like feelings of the skin

 Independent Variables
 Amount of castile soap applied
 Amount of lemon essential oil applied

 Controlled Variables
 The hand that will be used (it should not be allergic to oils)
 The amount of dirt applied to the hand
 Temperature of water used in washing the hand
 Amount of soap applied in washing the hand

IV. Methodology
a. Materials
i. 1 ½ cup Castile soap (soap-base)
ii. 2 tbsp. Olive oil
iii. 1 bottle Lemon essential oil

b. Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment

i. 2 Tablespoon
ii. 2 Containers with pump lid (soap dispenser)
iii. 2 sets Measuring cups

c. Laboratory Procedures
1. Gather all the materials, laboratory apparatus and equipments needed for
the experiment.
2. Label the liquid containers.
3. Measure and pour a ½ cup of water in the container A and container B.
4. Measure and add ½ cup of castile soap to the container A. On the other
hand, measure and all 1 cup of castile soap to the container B. Gently swirl
both containers to combine the water and the castile soap without activating
too many bubbles.
5. Measure and add 1 tbsp. of olive oil in the container A and container B.
6. Put 20 drops of lemon essential oil in the container A. On the other hand,
Put 40 drops of lemon essential oil on the container B.
7. Swirl both containers again to combine all the ingredients.

V. Experimental Set-up

 Set up 1: ½ cup of water, ½ cup of castile soap, 1 tbsp. of olive oil, 20 drops of
lemon essential oil
 Set up 2: ½ cup of water, 1 cup of castile soap, 1 tbsp. of olive oil, 40 drops of
lemon essential oil

VI. Data Sheet

Scent Bubbliness Cleaning Effect Smooth-like fee

Container A
Container B

Experimental Design
½ cup of
castile soap 1 cup of
1tbsp. olive castile soap
oil 1tbsp. olive
20 drops of oil
lemon 40 drops of
essential oil lemon
essential oil

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