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Would You Like Me To Build

You A Custom Marketing

Blueprint, For Free?

Example of typical blueprint.

From The Desk Of Frank Kern

La Jolla, Ca. 

April, 2015

Dear Friend,

As you you know, an automated system that converts leads

into sales predictably, consistently, and profitably is the holy
grail of Internet Marketing.

But there's a problem.

Two, actually.
Here they are.

First, these types of systems are incredibly complex to build.

Second you can't help but wonder ...

Will It Really Work For

Your Business?
And if you're asking yourself that question right now, it means
you're smart.

And I'll tell you something most "marketing people" won't:

There's no such thing as a "one size fits all" marketing


Here's why: Your business really is different.

You have your own unique message, your own unique market
you're going after, your own unique price points, and your own
unique way of selling.

So anybody that tries to blindly tell you that "this is gonna

work great!" without taking the time to really understand
exactly how your business works is either just trying to
make a sale or blindly naive.
And that’s why we’re going to review your business and
give you a custom marketing blueprint, free.

Here's Why I’m Doing This.

It’s simple.

I know that a certain percentage of people we do this for will

want me to build their marketing systems for them.

But rather than try to convince you of how great that would be,
I figured I'd just demonstrate that I can help you by …actually
helping you.

For free.

Here's How We'll Do It.

I've set aside some time to have my office personally review

your business, your offer, and your current sales process
(or your plans for selling a future offer).

Next, we'll work with you to determine your sales goals, how
many leads you want to get, and what you want your lifetime
revenue per client to be.

After that it’s time to get to work.

Based on what you tell us …

We'll Give You A Custom
"Blueprint" Of A Complete
Series Of Integrated Campaigns
Specifically For Your Business,

And I believe that once we do this for you, one of these three
things will happen:

1.The first possibility is you love the blueprint, you

immediately see the power and the potential it has for
your business, and you decide you want to build the system

If that's the case, great! I'm happy we could help and I wish
you the best of luck.

2. The second possibility is that you don’t like the blueprint

and you think your time was wasted. This has literally never
happened before …but if it does, I’ll immediately send you
$200.00 to compensate you for wasting your time.

3. The third possibility is you love the blueprint and you'll

want my office to actually build out the entire system for
And if that's the case, we'll get to work immediately.

Here's What Happens When We

Decide To Work Together
First, we take the very blueprint we gave you …and actually
build the complete campaign for you, based on that very

We do all the “tech stuff” like setting up your opt in forms,

your autoresponders, your follow up sequences, your upset
sequences, and your order forms.

We build everything in Infusionsoft, and in the event you don't

have an Infusionsoft account, we'll set one up for you (and
we'll even cover the installation fee for you as well.)

Then we build your web pages for you.

This includes your opt in pages, your video pages, your sales
pages, your upset pages …everything.

Next, we tie it all together so it just works.

Finally, we populate the entire campaign with sales copy

templates based on the very same copy I use personally in
my own campaigns.

This means that all you have to do is edit my “swipe files”

to be relevant to your offers, and you’re ready to go.
But that’s just the beginning.

Once that's set up, we then build and install seven "building
block" campaigns for you.

And by the way, we really do this for you. We don’t tell you
how to do it or bog you down with “info” …this is turn-key.

Here Are The "Building Block"

Campaigns I’m Creating For You
First of all, these are tested campaigns that are (literally) the
exact same campaign structures I personally use in my
business, and they're the same campaigns I build and deploy
for private clients.

And you're not just getting the campaigns.

They each come pre-populated with my email swipe

file ...with each message based on the specific copy I've
personally written in my own business for maximum power.

This way, all you have to change is the messaging so it's

relevant to your business and you're done. (No guessing what
to say and how to say it!)

The first campaign I want to show you is …

The Auto-Launcher

This is campaign I send all “new” traffic to in most of my ads.

You can use it as a "front end" to build a hot list and turn
new leads into customers, you can also use it as a "next
step" campaign for prospects who just completed a different
campaign and need a new offer, and you can use it as a "back
end" campaign to deploy to new customers after they buy
one product, and are ready to be presented with an upsell

When you initially speak with our office, we'll help you
determine where to use this in your overall marketing
blueprint, and once you deploy it, you’ll see why it’s my “go to”
first-step in my system.

Next, let's talk about ...

The Automated Webinar System

This is one of my most powerful campaign structures of all


You can use it to generate new leads and turn them into

…plus you can use it as a back end campaign to upsell

existing customers or as a "bolt on" campaign to attach to part
of a dynamic marketing sequence. (I'll prescribe exactly how
to use it when we give you your blueprint.)
I've deployed the Automated Webinar system for all kinds of
clients across multiple markets with great success.

As a quick example, I helped a client deploy this campaign to

sell actual investment property (actual real estate, not "how
to" information) and the first campaign resulted in eight
properties being sold ...all from "cold" facebook traffic.

I helped another client in Financial Services use this

campaign to recruit insurance agents who sell over $6 million
dollars per year, each, in insurance products.

We drove traffic to the campaign using a magazine ad.

And of course this campaign works like gangbusters to sell

"soft" products like coaching, consulting, and info-products.

But what's different about what you're getting is this is no

ordinary automated webinar system.

It’s comes complete with Indoctrination sequences, Objection

Handling sequences, Liquidator Offer, and a Countdown
Sequence …all of which I personally invented …all of which
increase conversion dramatically …and all of which you
won’t find anywhere else!

But that’s not all I’m setting up for you.

You’re also getting …

The Original Four Day Cash

This campaign is legendary and is used exclusively for

generating fast sales in a short period by deploying the
campaign to an existing list.

I've seen it used all kinds of markets from pet products to

software to (seriously) ice machine parts.

Often, when I'm working with a new client who has an existing
list, one of the first things I do for him is to create and deploy a
Four Day Cash Machine campaign because it can produce
almost instant sales.

Next, you’re getting …

The Survey Siphon

This is an immensely powerful campaign that can be used to
generate a new list and turn them into customers quickly,
plus you can use it as back-end sequence to upsell existing
(or new) customers and subscribers.

What makes this so effective is that it never really "counts" as

a pitch.

Instead, it creates massive engagement and goodwill by

getting your subscribers to tell you what they want ...and
then allowing you to give it to them! …almost like you
read their minds!

What's more is it's designed to sell up to three different

products (excluding 1-click upsells) ...from the same

If you add in the upsells (which we're happy to do for you),

you can sell as many as seven different products from the
same campaign.

It's truly revolutionary and unlike anything you've ever seen


Not only does it create goodwill and bring in sales, it also

causes people to tell you exactly what new products they
want you to create and sell to them!

…All on autopilot.

But we won’t stop there. You’re also getting …

The Goodwill Campaign

What's unique about this campaign is the psychology behind


It's the main campaign structure I use at the beginning of

marketing systems that are designed to sell high end
services like consulting, coaching, or other types of
professional services.

You can use it as a "front end" to build a list and convert

them into paying clients and you can use it as a "buffer"
between marketing sequences to sell ancillary products.

Plus, you can use it to promote affiliate offers as well. (This is

the structure I've used to consistently earn six figures
from low key, no-pressure, hype-free affiliate promotions
over and over again.)

Next, you’re getting …

The Four Day Cash
Machine 2.0

This is a true cutting edge campaign.

It can be used as a "front end" to build a new list and turn

them into customers, plus you can use it as a "bolt on"
campaign at the end of an existing marketing sequence to
boost revenue and create extra “found” sales.

It's built to not only create sales (quickly), but it's also
designed to do so in a way that constantly provides value to
prospects and builds goodwill ...regardless of whether or not
they purchase.

This way, you can "bolt on" another campaign to this

sequence to deploy to non-buyers, and they'll still be
receptive to your marketing because of the goodwill and
"good karma" this campaign creates.

Plus, it uses real (but automated) scarcity to set a deadline for

the offer you use it with ...and that causes an increase in
The Invisible Offer

This campaign truly is my secret weapon.

It’s probably the most powerful and stealthy sequence I've

ever created.

The first thing that sets this apart is the way it's deployed.

See, the campaigns I build for you all come with behavioral
tracking, which means that you'll know exactly how much
of your content each person in your database actually

And that lets you know who your hottest prospects are.

So what this campaign does is it identifies people who are

"on the fence" ...meaning they've seen your videos, they've
read your articles, they've attended your webinars ...whatever
it may be ...but they still haven't bought.

And what it does next is it simulates an actual email

conversation between the prospect and you ...finding out if
they're interested in buying, offering them a special reason to
buy now, and closing the sale.

Then it gets almost psychic.

See, the system can then place them in any particular

sequence you want ...or it can turn them over to you (or a
sales person) so you can close them on the phone, by email,
or by Skype.

And it does all of this automatically …based on their


I first stumbled on this when I learned about Dean Jackon's

legendary "9 Word Email" technique and decided to build
an automated system to deploy it.

In my initial test, I sold just under $90,000.00 worth of seats to

a workshop ...with no sales letter, no videos, no human
interaction ...just email.

Then I decided to perfect it and make it more powerful, make

it dynamic and based on the prospects' behavior, and make it

To make a long story short, it worked.

Right now, this campaign is my "go to" system for closing

high-ticket sales and for increasing the performance of
every single campaign.
And when we talk, my office will explain exactly when you
should deploy it based on what you're selling and how your
business is currently set up.

These Seven "Building Block"

Campaigns Are Just The
Remember when I told you there's no such thing as a "one
size fits all" marketing funnel?

Well, there's not.

That's why there's no way I'd give you these seven

campaigns and send you on your way.

The fact is, your business is unique and your marketing

processes should be unique too.

That's why ...

We Combine These Campaigns

To Create A Unique "Master"
And it's designed specifically for you, and is unique for your

You'll have automated marketing systems for every situation.

If they opt in but don't consume your content, you'll have a

unique sequence automatically deployed to get them to re-
engage (and buy!)

If they don't buy from the first campaign, you'll have an

automated sequence designed to sell them another

If they watch all your videos but still don't buy, you'll have the
invisible offer.

If you need a quick cash surge, you’re got the Four Day Cash

And if you need another one, you’ve got the Four Day Cash
Machine 2.0!

Plus, once they've bought, you'll have automated back-end

sequences, upsells, and more.

Literally can deploy a marketing sequence for every

imaginable scenario ...automatically ...using what we build
for you.

When we talk, we’ll give you a breakdown of what this

Master Campaign will look like for free.
That way you can actually see for yourself what it can do for
your business.Here’s a screenshot of what one looks like:
Pretty cool, huh?

But it’s about to get 500 times cooler because …

We Also Build And Install

Custom Website Templates For
You ...For Every Campaign!
We build (and install) templates for your opt-in pages, your
webinar registration pages, your video sales letter pages, your
launch pages, your content pages ...everything.

But we don't stop there.

We also integrate everything with Infusuionsoft and "plug

it all in" for every campaign ...for you.

There are over 30 web pages we build and install for you in
total, and they're all template-based on the web pages I
personally have used (and tested for conversion) in my
own campaigns!

When we work together, we're literally doing 99% of the

"work" for you all you have to do is tweak the copy on
your web page templates, add your own content, and BOOM!
You're off to the races.
And remember - every campaign comes with my email swipe
files BUILT IN FOR YOU so all you have to do is tweak each
message you want and press "go".

Everything else is done for you.

All the opt in forms are built and integrated for you, all the
templates are built, pre-installed, integrated, and "plugged in"
to each campaign for you, and everything is set up and ready
to go.

All you need to do is add your own content and make it

relevant to your business.

And We Even Help You Do That,

Here's how that works:

Once we've created and installed all your building block

campaigns, created your web-pages, integrated everything,
and plugged all your pages into each campaign for you, it's
time to meet in person.

That's why we give you a very, very limited clients-only

"Implementation Bootcamp" where we work with you to
perfect your blueprint and tweak your copy.
See, by the time you arrive, we've already built all your
systems so you never have to deal with all the super techy

All that's left is to show you how to "drive" everything, make

sure your "Master Campaign" is exactly how you want it, and
then tweak the copy so everything is relevant to your

And I Do That With You

See, each workshop is very, very small by design.

I built the program this way so I could personally get in a

room with you and help you brainstorm ways to tweak my
swipe file to be relevant to your business.

Only a handful of people are allowed so we're sure to have

plenty of time to get you up and running.

This way, I can literally look over your shoulder and help
you tweak your email copy, your web page
copy ...anything you need.

It's the next best thing to being a private client (but you don't
have the six figure bill!).
It Keeps Getting Better
Just because we build everything for you and personally help
you with your copy doesn't mean we're finished.

Far from it!

After we meet, we'll still work together because every month,

you'll get on a LIVE call with my office where we go over
exactly how to use everything and answer any questions
you have.

This way, you can rest easy knowing we've got your back
every step of the way.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering …

Here's How Much It Costs 

If You Decide You Want Us To
Implement Your Free Blueprint
For You.
In the event we decide to work together after your initial free
consult, we'll immediately start building everything I described

The total cost for everything - the fully customized campaign

based on your personal blueprint, the seven "building block
campaigns" built and installed for you, the setup of your
Infusionsoft account, your 30+ web pages built, installed, and
integrated for you, plus the live meeting and the monthly LIVE
calls is just three payments of $5,860.

Yes, that is a great price.

I'm deliberately keeping it very, very affordable because I

know that once you have this, you'll be a customer for life.

(The majority of my business has always come from repeat


Anyway - as you can imagine, there is a HUGE DEMAND for

this type of service, and at the great price I just mentioned, I'll
hit my capacity very quickly.

So if you're interested,

Here's What To Do Next

First, let us give you a "taste" of what it's like to work

together ...for free.

And if you like that, then we can talk about accepting you as a

The way it works is simple.

To schedule your initial Blueprint session with my office, I'll
need to collect a $100 "real person deposit".

Don't worry, I'm not "in it" for your deposit, and it's
refundable under every circumstance known to man.

I'm just collecting it as a way to keep time-wasters at bay and

you can have it back after we talk.

And if you think we wasted your time, I’ll give you double
the deposit back.

I don't want your $100. (I think you get the point).


Here's What Happens After That

Next, you'll be taken to a quick little questionnaire that helps

us get prepared to help you when we talk.

Don't worry, it's nothing intrusive or complex.

Just a little info on how your business works (or how you want
it to work), what you're selling, etc.

This info helps us start working on blueprint ideas before we

talk so as soon as we're on the phone, we can hit the
ground running and make progress immediately.
Then We Schedule A Time To Go
Over Your Business And Create
Your Blueprint, FREE.

My office will call you and get you scheduled as soon as

possible, typically no more than a day or two from when we
first hear from you.

Don't worry, you're not going to hear from telemarketers or

slick sales people or anything like that.

Chances are, you're already my customer you know I

don't use "outsourced" people.

My entire business is run by a handful of people in a small

little office three miles from my house.

Our entire focus is to give you the best custom marketing

plan, for free, and let that experience speak for itself.

If you want to become a client after that, great. And if not, no


Oh, and speaking of the blueprint,

Here's What Happens
When We Talk!
You'll probably talk to me, personally, or my head of
development (who's desk is about 12 feet from mine.)

There are two things we do on the call:

First, we shut up and listen.

We find out exactly how your business works (or how you
want it to work).

What you're selling (or plan to sell), what your price points
are, what your upsells and cross sells are, and everything
else you want to tell us.

Then we find out what you want to do.

What your sales goals are, how many leads and subscribers
you want to generate each month, what you want your
average sale to be worth from the get-go, what you want your
upsells to be, and so forth.

Basically, we're getting a snapshot of where you are and

where you want to be.

Next we start to build the plan to get you there.

And that's where the Blueprint process comes in.

The way that works is we'll "prescribe" a marketing process

and map it out for you ...based on your current business
model and your goals.

This is very, very important.

Like I've said a few times already - there's no such thing as

a "one size fits all" marketing funnel and anyone who
tells you otherwise is delusional.

That's why we create a custom blueprint based on your

specific business model and sales process ...and based on
your specific goals.

Next: Using Your Free Blueprint

There are two ways you can use the free plans we give you.

First, you can build the system yourself or hire someone else
to do it. If that's your decision, I'm happy we could help and
we'll wish you the best of luck.

Your other choice is to have us build it for you.

If that's your decision, we'll create all the campaigns and web
pages I mentioned above with you in person to help
you with your copy, and provide you with ongoing support ...all
for just three monthly payments of $5860.
But whatever you decide, please know there will be no
pressure to become a client.

Chances are you're a customer already so you're probably

familiar with my "let the results speak for themselves"
approach to business.

Here's The "Catch"

You've Been Looking For
It's simple.

We can't (and won't) talk to just anyone.

In order to invest our time and energy into providing you with
a custom marketing plan, you need to meet some strict (but
reasonable) criteria.

Here it is:

1.You can't sell "get rich quick" products, porn, or any

other "shady" stuff that I don't want to associate with.

Nor will I work with anyone who shares customer data with
high pressure "phone rooms" to sell overpriced "coaching"
programs, opportunities, or anything similar.
We only work with "clean" businesses and refuse to help
anyone harm consumers in any way.

2.You've got to actually have a business.

This isn’t for beginners.

You actually need to have an existing business …otherwise

there’s no point in building all of this.

That's it!

As long as you're legitimate and have an actual business, I'd

be delighted to help you ...for free.

And if you get value out of the help I provide and want to
become a client, that's great.

Ready to get started?


Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to
meeting you in person soon.


Frank Kern

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